• yesterday
18+ BeGambleAware.org
00:00:00Right then, folks, I'm back! Back for a bash, I suppose, but I'm back from being away for
00:00:10the last fucking, I don't know, God knows how long. I went on the 26th, and I'm now
00:00:14recording this on the 7th of March at 23, so it's supposed to be some Friday slotting
00:00:20for you, but I might not finish it, edit it, upload it, process it in time, but that's
00:00:25what it's aimed for. If I don't get it done in time, it'll be a rare Saturday video. I'm
00:00:30at one of the usual places, the one with the letters. I'm going to start with just under
00:00:343K. There's going to be quite a few new releases, I would imagine, since I last played. I haven't
00:00:39played any games whatsoever, apart from the odd Vampy session whilst away for over a week.
00:00:46So I'm going to jump in and start on something crazy, probably. Well, no, not crazy, just
00:00:51one of these new ones, I suppose. I'll see you over there. Right, I'm going to start
00:00:56with one of the new releases. It's Strength of Hercules. I think it's a Haxor game, yeah.
00:01:01Okay, we're going to try this. I fucked up on the recording screen boundary shit, so
00:01:07I had to start again there, really, but that was a bit of faff, but you won't have noticed.
00:01:12Strength is my legacy in this bonus choice tier. You may choose between Labours of Loving.
00:01:18Lovely Labours of Loving, that's just a better version of that, isn't it? We've established
00:01:23that, so let's have a bash. Yeah, I didn't think that I'd be able to make a video today,
00:01:31to be honest. Right, let's look at this super variant of the Labours bonus. More wild rotor
00:01:35grids. Coin multipliers have larger values. Right, well, you don't automatically go for
00:01:42the gold one, but we'll try both. Yeah, because I had the dentist yesterday slicing the gums
00:01:49and revealing these fucking stupid titanium screws and putting some silly little thing
00:01:53on top of them so they stick out, and then stitching it all back up, so I thought I'd
00:01:57be wrecking today, but it's not so bad. I kind of wish that I didn't bother the whole
00:02:04dentist journey now. Apart from what they call the social teeth, you know, the ones
00:02:09that you can actually see when you talk, but they were done ages ago. I started this
00:02:14process in January last year. It's fucking March of the next year and I'm still doing
00:02:19it, you know, because in my infinite wisdom I thought it was a good idea to saw out the
00:02:25back teeth as well. It turned out I needed seven titanium screws, which I didn't plan
00:02:32for, really. £2,900 each, those fuckers, you know. £68.52, by the way, what a load
00:02:38of shit. But yeah, you know, the front ones, they look great, natural, nice and white.
00:02:45Not stupidly white, not turkey white, but they're like a natural smile, look like actual
00:02:49normal teeth. They're not all one level, you know, that kind of thing. I mean, that looks
00:02:53good on some people, but not everybody. But then all the back stuff is where the real
00:02:59fucking pain is coming. And the lengthy process, because when they put a screw in, or three
00:03:04at once, you then have to wait three months until your bone's healed around the fuckers.
00:03:09Then you go back and they go, oh yeah, give you another month. Cheers. Right, has this
00:03:16totally won nothing so far? Seems like a fun game, doesn't it? But I mean, I'm getting
00:03:23there. I've got one more appointment in two weeks' time for some final moulds to go on
00:03:29top of the screws, and then that's it. So, of course, I'll be happy when it's all finished,
00:03:35but fuck me, if I knew that it was going to take that long, I wouldn't have bothered.
00:03:41Can I have that 25x, please? Cheers. Do I actually get it? Probably not. How do you
00:03:45get them, then? What am I missing? Well, I've got one spin left and it says total win nought
00:03:57so far. Is it just going to give me all of them down there? And even if it does, it's
00:04:04not amazing, is it? That's it, 119x. So it's actually nowhere near what I fucking paid
00:04:19for it, then, is it? 140x to 80x? Right, okay, I'll do it again and I'll go for the first
00:04:26one because I was just gabbing when that was playing out so I didn't really take any notice
00:04:31of what was going on. I've just come back from Fort Aventura with a mate of mine and
00:04:39we drank 130 pints while we were out there. That's quite a lot, and we had two days off
00:04:44because we died twice. No, we only died once. We got rained off on one of the days because
00:04:50I'm sure you've seen in the news the fucking torrential downpours that have been going
00:04:54on there. Yeah, we got caught in that one day. That was about it, really. Yeah, it was
00:05:02challenge 150 so we attempted 150 pints but with two days off, you can't really do it!
00:05:09Safe to say it's no beer zone from now until God knows when. Right, that's a bit of shit
00:05:17and boring, that one, isn't it? Shall I do one more? That'll be the last one, then. Yeah,
00:05:24I don't intend to drink for a while now. It's a fitness drive, all the walking's back and
00:05:28all that shit, you know. Healthy food. Lettuce. That's it. You can have this lettuce if you
00:05:35want, mate. Cheers! It's actually quite tasty food to start with. You know, after about
00:05:42four days I'm sure I'll want a big dirty whopper, but there you go. Fucking hell. Why have I
00:05:49said that? Sat here with my pint glass full of kiwi and lime flavoured water. The joy!
00:05:58It's actually quite tasty. Which is amazing for me to say about water. Right, can you
00:06:10do something mega? Can you throw down like a 50x or something? It's not loads to ask.
00:06:21So these skull squares are blockers, then, are they? No good. No, that'll be it, then.
00:06:36Oh, alright. An extra 5x. No, not really a fan. Once again, nowhere near the purchase
00:06:44price, £151.20. I think I'll go and find myself a different new release and have a
00:06:48bash on that. I'll see you over there. Right, I can't remember if I've played this dead
00:06:53dead or deader. Have I? Is it going to load? Who knows? Still having a bit of trouble with
00:06:59the old no limits, aren't I? Hello? Yeah, they've done that thing with the new release
00:07:05page where they introduce a new provider and then suddenly all of their games are new releases.
00:07:10You know, even though they're not new. So that kind of fucks up the new release page.
00:07:15Let me pause you while I refresh the fuck out of this.
00:07:19Right, well it seems to have a little bit more life. Dead, dead or deader. Of course,
00:07:25on this one, the one with the letters, it shows in dollars, doesn't it? Which
00:07:28really pisses me off, but there you go. I don't think I've played this.
00:07:37No limit, so what does that do, then? Because that seems fucking expensive as fuck.
00:07:44So these are bonuses and these are just, well, one spinners, are they?
00:07:50Shall we see? £159.80 for potentially what is one spin?
00:07:57Let's have a look.
00:08:02Yeah, it's just one spin, isn't it? That's it. Oh my god. Cheers, mate.
00:08:08Oh, you spin again. So it's not one spin.
00:08:18So I imagine they can land again, then, can they?
00:08:24Oh, yeah, they can. It's not matched anything, though, has it?
00:08:28Oh, you shithead. Match something, because x32 on the front is surely going to be a win.
00:08:33Ah, that's huge, surely. Oh my god, you shot me.
00:08:46Nice. Well, that worked out well, but I fear I got massively lucky.
00:08:52Oh, you dropped me biggin'. And then they've all died. £593.55 off the
00:08:59technically what would have been one spin, though.
00:09:02All right, well, let's go and have a look at the old bonus.
00:09:05So we can go on a bit of a higher stake. £239.20. Oh no, that's the best one, isn't it?
00:09:14Oh, random amounts. It's going to have to be that, then.
00:09:22I just had a, like, brain fart, and I was looking at the balance,
00:09:25thinking why is it three and a half grand, and then I fucking remembered it's dollars, isn't it?
00:09:29Dipshits. Right, what have you got for me? 12 deader spins.
00:09:40Would you imagine that you need to land those three? No, it's about wild, all right, then.
00:09:46Oh, you can land the nudger. Do you stay, or do you go?
00:09:52Right, you stay if you get hung, clearly.
00:09:54Are you staying again? No. Bye.
00:10:03Yeah, look at the balance. The balance pleases me massively.
00:10:0832, 32, 32. You don't see that often. Oh, don't kill him. Don't kill him. Oh, you killed him.
00:10:17It's on $14. What did it cost? $300, and there's one spin left.
00:10:30I need another one next to you, mate.
00:10:37An extra 71. Don't die, dare you. Oh, fuckface. And that's it, that's your lot.
00:10:44That was a bit brutal, wasn't it? There you go, one more of those.
00:10:48No, I'm going to do one more of those, uh, that.
00:10:55But not any more expensive than that, because it could just give you fuck all.
00:10:59And a nice nudge ability there. I'll just hang them all.
00:11:0451.84 to start with. No, don't drop them all.
00:11:08Good. As long as it holds onto one, you're all right, aren't you?
00:11:13Oh, and then it gives you a shit win and drops him. Oh my god, it did.
00:11:1752.14, right, that's also quite enough of that. Onwards.
00:11:23Right, let's try and go, well, let's try and go and try. Yeah, let's go and try.
00:11:27Why is it doing this again? Wait there. Right, can you just load? Cheers.
00:11:33Right, let's go and try the fucking banana game. That's what I was trying to say.
00:11:38Oh, it's nearly three o'clock, I've got to ring the fucking doctors.
00:11:43About my knee that just doesn't work anymore. It's been like two months of hell.
00:11:49But I had an x-ray just over a week ago, so I have to ring and
00:11:52listen to them saying, no, there's fuck all wrong with it.
00:11:55It's you, being a girl. You can't say that. I didn't mean that, did I?
00:12:00I don't know what you're talking about. Go bananas. Five times three.
00:12:08Yeah, that's okay, round about £62.80. Oh, no, it wasn't.
00:12:14Right, I want more bananas and more importantly, the go bananas fucking square, please.
00:12:22There's two more bananas. Right, land the go bananas square for a decent amount of bananas
00:12:26and we might have some money. Oh, I dare you now. Four spins, it's not going to land there
00:12:31with that many on, surely. Nice £78 on its own. Come on, land it.
00:12:37Yeah, oh, you fuck, I thought you were it. You dirty bastard.
00:12:43Oh, nice, that's a weird fucked up line. Go bananas square.
00:12:49Just do it once. Shame about those multipliers.
00:12:54Still £42 though, still a profit. The square, hit it.
00:12:58Come on, stop being mean.
00:13:03No, nice, nice. I've got jammy with the placement there.
00:13:06It's not to be seen anywhere though, is it? What a twat.
00:13:10Because it just would never have stopped throwing bananas and because of that line,
00:13:13it would have been huge. £485.64 though, I will take it.
00:13:20It's exactly three o'clock, so I'm going to have to pause you and phone the doc.
00:13:24Wow, so that's quite unbelievable. So I just called.
00:13:28You can probably see by the time reference up there, it only took eight minutes,
00:13:31which is actually quite good for getting through to your doctor and asking, isn't it?
00:13:35Well, I say doctor, whoever the receptionist is, but
00:13:38off she went to check the results of the x-ray. Normal, no action required,
00:13:43which was funnily enough what they said about the blood tests a couple of weeks earlier,
00:13:46but the knee is still swollen as fuck, doesn't work and I can't walk.
00:13:50So what do you do now? I said, what do you do now then?
00:13:54What's the next step? Do you know what she said? Do you know what her words were?
00:13:59I don't know. Thanks. Thanks so much.
00:14:09Never mind then. So, I don't know. What do I do now?
00:14:12What do I do now? Cut it off?
00:14:17It has improved over the last, like, 72 hours, but it still hurts like fuck.
00:14:24There you go. It's probably all right at the moment because of how many painkillers
00:14:28I'm taking from your fucking face. That's why it's all right, isn't it?
00:14:35Oh, come on, give us a... Oh, 75x wasted. Give us a fucking banana square, you bastard.
00:14:43Oh, you horrible fuck. I do quite like this game, though. 66 quid. Exactly, we'll go again.
00:14:51We will go again.
00:14:57You just need to get lucky and get a minimum of six bananas
00:15:00and have it still fucking go banana squaring on you.
00:15:07Come on, banana.
00:15:09And I've actually got some bananas downstairs for my breakfast now. I'm having a sliced banana.
00:15:15Fuck me. I've gone super healthy, I tell you.
00:15:21Can I have a go banana square anywhere?
00:15:25I've got five duct-taped bananas now. Come on, hit me with it.
00:15:30Hey, there you go. A decent number. Six. Fuck off.
00:15:35Throw some 5x's. It didn't really connect, though, did it?
00:15:39That's actually quite a few amounts, though.
00:15:42183.48. Two spins to get another go bananas.
00:15:47Come on, give me one more.
00:15:51Yes. Five. Yeah! That's a fuck ton of bananas.
00:15:57Throw some 5x's. There we go.
00:16:00There we go. Money. Oh, hello.
00:16:04See, I told you this game was great. Great game, never in doubt.
00:16:097-7-1 on the last spin. Fuck me.
00:16:12962.76. It was definitely worth having another couple on that, wasn't it?
00:16:18Look at that beaut.
00:16:19And we are indeed in the three thousands now. £3,283, no less.
00:16:26Which I like. We'll do one for the road. It'll be really shit.
00:16:30And show how the game is normally. I'm sure.
00:16:34Seriously, what the fuck do I do now, there? That so pissed me off.
00:16:40That's why I literally never go to the doctors about anything,
00:16:44because every time I do go, they just go,
00:16:47It's fine. It's not fine or it won't be.
00:16:52Crazy shit.
00:16:54I suppose, look on the positive side, it can't be anything arthritic or anything like that,
00:16:58can it? Or it's just shown on the x-ray. Or did they just guess?
00:17:02Can't find your x-ray, mate, but yeah, it's fine. I'll just go with, yeah, it's fine.
00:17:09That's a severe lack of bananas. £5.28. Is you having a laugh?
00:17:14Final spin. At least we've got to go bananas. We need a six there.
00:17:18I'll take a five. Surely that pop...
00:17:20I was going to say that popcorn's going to be good, but you fucking covered it all.
00:17:25Turd. I told you it was going to be turd.
00:17:28£79.68, and that is the one that we'll run away with. I'll see you on the next game.
00:17:34Yeah, I know. I played this in the last one, but I like it.
00:17:36Why the fuck is every single game not working first time?
00:17:39When I press it, every single game it's done it to.
00:17:43And I can't refresh it with you there, because it shows the fucking name of the place,
00:17:46and I don't want to do that.
00:17:48It's that Marlin Masters, you know, the fishing one. I quite like it.
00:17:51So I'm going to load it, refresh it, and I'll bring you fucking back.
00:17:55There you go. Second time's a charm.
00:17:59For some fucked up reason.
00:18:01Right then. Come on, let's have a mad one off you.
00:18:04It's definitely got potential to do a mad one, but it never quite gets there for me.
00:18:14It's always for the best.
00:18:16It's always very quiet on the old fisherman, isn't it?
00:18:19Sometimes only one in the whole bonus, sometimes fucking none.
00:18:33There you go, we've got one.
00:18:35There's a few alright amounts there, actually.
00:18:39£48. In the grand scheme of things, it's quite a nice win at times, too.
00:18:45But you need to do a few in a row now.
00:18:49Ah, where were you for the £120?
00:18:56£50. £52 is not cutting it.
00:19:05It's just going to pop up once again in the whole bonus, isn't it?
00:19:07£52. Didn't even pop out on the last spin.
00:19:19£93. Popped out once.
00:19:22Loves it. He loves a one poppet.
00:19:29We try again.
00:19:32Can't click.
00:19:33How about an early one?
00:19:43You know, I've got fucking so many stitches in my mouth, they're just pissing me off.
00:19:47You can't leave them alone, it's impossible.
00:19:51£12. There you go, he's popped out.
00:19:53There's nine to go.
00:19:55That's around about where he popped out last time.
00:19:58£70 though.
00:20:00How about straight away again now?
00:20:03Sometimes it pops out fucking four on the same screen, just for a laugh.
00:20:08Just to go, look what I could do if I wanted.
00:20:12Are you going to do that today?
00:20:14Are you going to do that next spin?
00:20:19All right, four left.
00:20:22I'll just take one more show in.
00:20:28The game has clearly got other ideas.
00:20:31Fuck me, one again.
00:20:34£78.36. Down goes the balance.
00:20:49I want one before it says £12.
00:20:55I meant buy £12 really.
00:21:08He's popped out at times three for £18 off two fish, which is very good.
00:21:14But you need to pop out some more times though, fucking once.
00:21:23You're not gone either, are you?
00:21:25You're not gone either, are you?
00:21:27Three to go, come on.
00:21:28Stop being a dick licker all your life.
00:21:37Unbelievable, one again.
00:21:41He's popped out three times in 45 spins.
00:21:45Seems fair.
00:21:52Off the hook.
00:21:55Oh my god, he's out early and there's three sixes and a 480.
00:22:02Jesus Christ, calm down.
00:22:0545.60 with plenty of spins to go to see him at least once more.
00:22:10Come on, I want to see him three more times.
00:22:17Come on, show the world that you can actually land more than once per bonus.
00:22:21So easy, hello there.
00:22:23Got a little cheeky £7.20 there as well.
00:22:29Up to the fucking dizzy heights of £86.
00:22:34Seven spins to get two more.
00:22:37I'll be amazed, quite frankly.
00:22:41A little tiny bit of money there, and there, and there.
00:22:47Come on, give us a dude.
00:22:50Give me a chance, give me a slow spin.
00:22:56What about a doubler on the last?
00:22:57How about fuck off and die?
00:23:00£114.96 and that's enough of that, that's absolutely twatted me, £2.50.
00:23:06Right, let's go and have a go of Lucky's Wild Pub.
00:23:09Apparently this is a new one.
00:23:11Oh, it just looks gash, doesn't it?
00:23:14Doesn't it?
00:23:15I don't like games that have got all this.
00:23:17I don't like games that have got all this guff above there.
00:23:20It just affects the game so massively.
00:23:24Triple pot feature for two tonne, we'll have it.
00:23:40Two real sets of random upgrades, four spins each reset.
00:23:47Oh, it looks yawn.
00:23:50It does look yawn, doesn't it?
00:23:53But it's a new game, I'm giving it a go so you can all see it
00:23:55and see how crap it is and not have to waste your own wonger.
00:24:00What did they do then?
00:24:02Double or something.
00:24:02Oh, I have to press it every time.
00:24:04Can't you just spin on your own?
00:24:09Right, why are they changing?
00:24:12Fuck me, landed quite a few things there, didn't it?
00:24:17It was 200 quid though, can you land a big one?
00:24:26Well, that 20 quid's alright.
00:24:27So every time it lands it goes back to four but it has to land on either side.
00:24:33You like that?
00:24:34300 quid!
00:24:37You better pay me that, that's all I'm saying.
00:24:39Because it doesn't say anywhere that I'm actually getting all these, does it?
00:24:43You think that I am?
00:24:48Right, why do they randomly multiply by two?
00:24:50Randomly multiply that one by two, how about it?
00:24:54Oh, they don't, it just adds two quid.
00:24:59Now we're going for a full grid over here.
00:25:03I need a lander here!
00:25:06You're dead.
00:25:10Right, three spins to go.
00:25:12Oh my word.
00:25:17Well, if I've won, if I get all those I've won because of that 300, haven't I?
00:25:25How do you get these?
00:25:28Are they scrolling past as words?
00:25:33Do you have a word in there?
00:25:38See, that doubled them.
00:25:41Oh, dare you!
00:25:42Oh my god, it added six quid, you fuckface.
00:25:46Final spin!
00:25:51Right, so we are getting it all then.
00:25:58That'll be the one and only time I play that game.
00:26:01I'll have a 100% victory percentage win, count on it!
00:26:05424.80, thanks for coming, goodbye, ta-ra.
00:26:11Right, we're going to tie the toad in,
00:26:13and I'm remembering to refresh them
00:26:16so that I don't have to bring you back and you see a blank screen.
00:26:19So every single game has done it so far, so fuck knows what's going on with that.
00:26:24But it's very much annoying.
00:26:33Fucking stupid x-ray.
00:26:35It's all pissed me off, can you tell?
00:26:39At least it gave me four dots there.
00:26:43It's all right, it's a star, isn't it?
00:26:4733.60, let's have a few more dragons, shall we?
00:26:51Don't really need that one.
00:26:58Okay, dragon and a purple.
00:27:02At least it didn't wild me.
00:27:04Got any purple bags?
00:27:05You've got two, right, that one there!
00:27:09That one.
00:27:10You dirtbag.
00:27:12Was that a 15 down there, was it?
00:27:14120 quid, six spins to go.
00:27:19I was just about to say more than one dot, you bastard.
00:27:23Oh, we've got a purple again, nice.
00:27:28It's nice all over the place.
00:27:31Bags, bags, bags, bags.
00:27:33Oh, fuck me, multiply that!
00:27:37Oh, next door, but it's all fucking nice anyway.
00:27:41346x, 415.23 to go.
00:27:47Are you gonna bag me on the last spin?
00:27:49No, you aren't, but I don't care.
00:27:51573.24, gonna smash and grab that one.
00:27:56Balance is back above three grand, it's very up and down this one, isn't it?
00:28:00Well, let's go for a bit of chocolate rocket, is it called that?
00:28:03Yeah, chocolate rocket, thought it was.
00:28:06But we know we need nice early action towards the left-hand side, and more than one little rocket.
00:28:14So you need quite a lot then, don't you?
00:28:17Oh, give it a bash!
00:28:20Give it a bash!
00:28:23Come on, down here.
00:28:25Two and three down here, bing bing.
00:28:2824p, bing bing.
00:28:32All right.
00:28:34An extra 24p, then.
00:28:44Oh my god, what the fuck are you doing?
00:28:47That's too late as well.
00:28:48It's in a nice position, but it's far too late.
00:28:55What the fuck?
00:29:01Wow, 23.76.
00:29:02Let's try that again.
00:29:04Real one, two, three, that's where we want them.
00:29:07One, two, three, four, five, fuck it, yeah.
00:29:10Never going to happen.
00:29:13But just early, how about early?
00:29:16That's now, game.
00:29:22Shite again.
00:29:29I was going to say, that's got to be a low one.
00:29:31I was going to say, that's got to be a line.
00:29:35Three spins to go, no rockets.
00:29:37Absolutely shite, though, isn't it?
00:29:43Oh, fuck me.
00:29:47£35.76 in total.
00:29:49It's all right, I only cost £240.
00:29:52Don't mind me, we'll have one more go.
00:30:00Ah, that's more like it.
00:30:06I dare you to give me one on two now, though,
00:30:08because that's going to be difficult to connect to, isn't it?
00:30:11That is nice and early.
00:30:12Put one here, I dare you.
00:30:14One or two, and we've...
00:30:16Oh, you're not low enough, but that's still going to be good.
00:30:20I can't believe it's done that.
00:30:22Yes, this is going to be good, maybe.
00:30:26£213, eight spins to go.
00:30:32Just put one on two, lower down.
00:30:35I dare you.
00:30:35Or just start me off on a two multiplier instead of a one.
00:30:40Shit symbol C, that is, but it's still way over a one, or is it?
00:30:44It is, oh my god.
00:30:46Seven spins to go with a middle three.
00:30:49We are cooking.
00:30:51Come on, I dare you to put one of those.
00:30:52You're on that reel already, but put it down here.
00:30:57See, even that's a one-er.
00:30:59£97.20, right, six to go.
00:31:04I fucking dare you to put one on reel one.
00:31:08It can start with a better multiplier, can't it?
00:31:11I like making that up.
00:31:13Another £93.
00:31:15So we're going back over 3k considerably with these spins.
00:31:21Can you stick a premium symbol on the front, though?
00:31:23It'd be nice.
00:31:25That's the worst one that we've had, £75.60.
00:31:28I don't think it could get any worse than that.
00:31:32Oh, it might be about to.
00:31:36Are you coming to play?
00:31:37No, not quite.
00:31:40No, it still wasn't worse.
00:31:43£740.00 with three to go.
00:31:46Give me something other than a fucking times one.
00:31:50I know you're capable.
00:31:55Oh, you prick.
00:32:01Nice symbol, though.
00:32:03A shame there wasn't one on the end.
00:32:06No, it wasn't good, was it?
00:32:07Oh, yeah, it was.
00:32:09£162.00 final spin.
00:32:12Good symbol.
00:32:14Oh, good multipliers, though.
00:32:17There you go.
00:32:18See, you can do it.
00:32:20Get it, Glicker!
00:32:21That's a hit and a half off that little game there.
00:32:26Gotta be happy there.
00:32:30That is definitely a run the fuck away, isn't it?
00:32:33Happy fucking days.
00:32:36Again, I've been around three and a half, haven't I, already?
00:32:38Or was that dollars?
00:32:39Gotta remember now.
00:32:41Just a quick one at this stage of the video.
00:32:43If you've got any big wins, backinemo.com, get them uploaded, please.
00:32:46I'd like to see what you're achieving.
00:32:48It gives me an idea of what to have a pop on as well.
00:32:51Yeah, get them uploaded.
00:32:52Give Dave something to do.
00:32:54I've got a casino tab as well.
00:32:56You can see where I've played and where I've played in the past.
00:32:58If you use that page, you support me as a channel, so I'm massively thankful for that.
00:33:02I've got a forum.
00:33:03You can do whatever the fuck you like on there, as long as you're nice and not a dickhead.
00:33:07You can even be a dickhead on there, because sometimes, well, you can post it, can't you?
00:33:11Then Dave will go,
00:33:13Ah, that's a bit dickish, that, and then just remove it.
00:33:16Best off not being a dickhead, really.
00:33:18As I always say, just a site visit.
00:33:20Plenty of support.
00:33:21So if you've got a moment of boredom, backinemo.com, and have a little look around.
00:33:25Cheers, folks.
00:33:26I'll see you on the next one.
00:33:27Oh my god, that one worked first press.
00:33:30For some reason, that fucking rocket one reminds me of this one.
00:33:33I don't know why.
00:33:35So let's have a little bash on wildies.
00:33:38See if we can do anything better than three scatters to start with.
00:33:43No, of course you can't.
00:33:45I'm asking you shall not receive.
00:33:56So we begin with the scatters.
00:34:00Right, I'd like one straight away on this very spin.
00:34:03Nope, you bastard.
00:34:05Seven quid.
00:34:07There you go.
00:34:07You couldn't have given me two there.
00:34:11You were feeling generous.
00:34:15Okay, that's unfortunate.
00:34:28Final spin.
00:34:29It gave me one, not two.
00:34:3132 quid.
00:34:34That's because the balance was 32, 32, 32 at one point in this video, isn't it?
00:34:39Shit house.
00:34:42That's three again.
00:34:45Come on, straight out with two scatters.
00:34:58Definitely not the most positive start in the world.
00:35:02Scatters have died.
00:35:05Final spin, not one single scatter.
00:35:08And then it gave me two and said you only needed one in the remaining fucking five spins.
00:35:13You egghead.
00:35:1518 quid.
00:35:16Do me a favour.
00:35:20Oh, you want space and everything, you fuckface.
00:35:31We have scatter numero uno.
00:35:36And that's about it.
00:35:39Okay, up to the dizzy heights of £17.50.
00:35:43Can we just land this scatter this time, please?
00:35:49We're down to the final spin again.
00:35:57£30.50 and the roller coaster continues.
00:35:59We're about to dip back under 3k.
00:36:02Fuck me.
00:36:03It's like the resistance point, isn't it?
00:36:07Oh, it's nearly time for whatever the fuck that game's called.
00:36:09You know, the one that I play every single fucking day.
00:36:13You can't win on what it's called.
00:36:16Now, jewel at dawn.
00:36:17That's the bad boy.
00:36:21Make sure you fast forward that one.
00:36:25Right, two spins to get one scatter and a bit more than 31 quid.
00:36:36All right, so back to three spins.
00:36:39Two biscuits.
00:36:40But scatters is what we need and a fucking win.
00:36:46Yeah, that's it.
00:36:46You put them in the abyss.
00:36:48Wow, that's amazing.
00:36:50You can fuck off, game.
00:36:52I am running the fuck away.
00:36:55Right, let's go and have some fucking jewel at dawn.
00:36:58I'll mix it up as I have been doing recently.
00:37:00I'll have a couple on either side.
00:37:04Because I do believe that it's probably only this side that does the vibe.
00:37:10Unless when it does the five, it disappears all the revolver things anyway,
00:37:14because it's five, isn't it?
00:37:17So I don't really know.
00:37:21I'd like something better than nothing, though, please.
00:37:32This doesn't look too clever, does it?
00:37:34Is this even going to be a win?
00:37:36Oh, it was a little tiny one.
00:37:40How about three outlaws in the middle, I imagine?
00:37:44You could have one, he said.
00:37:47It was a 10x multiplier.
00:37:48That was quite nice, actually.
00:37:49£130.00 or something.
00:37:52Final spin.
00:37:55Put some wilds on the front for those there.
00:37:57Oh, why did you reveal a fucking 2x?
00:38:01You stinge.
00:38:02We nearly got there.
00:38:06It was only £200.00 that side, wasn't it?
00:38:08Well, let's go the other side now.
00:38:13We all know what we want to see here.
00:38:15We all know what we're not going to see ever in the history of space and time, though.
00:38:24Oh, I'm so fucking hungry.
00:38:30£28.80 was unexpected at that point.
00:38:42£39.12 so far.
00:38:43I was going to say, need an outlaw.
00:38:45So, only two.
00:38:48Four spins to get another one.
00:38:52And then you said, Unreal 2.
00:38:55Fuck off.
00:39:01Didn't even let me through the fucking first zone.
00:39:04There goes the balance again.
00:39:06See you.
00:39:08Okay, nice.
00:39:16That's early enough.
00:39:19How about revealing a 200?
00:39:22When assessing it on 10p, I had the 200 multiplier a few times.
00:39:25It didn't go bonkers bonkers, though, because it was on fucking 10p.
00:39:29You dirty one-bullet bastard.
00:39:32Is there a point in that?
00:39:34I want the next one to have three, then.
00:39:37If the next one even appears.
00:39:40Come on, now.
00:39:41Guaranteed to have two, innit?
00:39:43Just to go, huh.
00:39:46Eww, no.
00:39:49Nice £30, I suppose.
00:39:51Two spins to get me through this zone.
00:39:53Are you gonna do it?
00:39:58Oh, you fuck.
00:40:00What, are you really?
00:40:03Come on, now.
00:40:06Come on, now.
00:40:16Surely one of them has got to do something.
00:40:20Yeah, there's your three bullets.
00:40:22Where were you before?
00:40:23That's nice.
00:40:23£92.40 for the wheels.
00:40:25Good old 7x.
00:40:28Right, good.
00:40:29Three more.
00:40:30You shithouse.
00:40:33Straight in with another outlaw, please.
00:40:35£150 so far.
00:40:40Not one.
00:40:43Five would have been great, wouldn't it?
00:40:46Notice I didn't ask for six.
00:40:52How about a win from this little section of joy?
00:40:58Only just.
00:40:59Not the two.
00:41:01Not the two.
00:41:03Okay, didn't give me the two either time.
00:41:05£32.40 extra.
00:41:07Back to seven spins.
00:41:08Five bullets needed.
00:41:11Needed to see it early, though.
00:41:13Early for three.
00:41:14Come on, you can do it.
00:41:17Clearly, no, you can't.
00:41:22Seven spins of absolutely dick all.
00:41:26I've been completed.
00:41:29That's just grim, isn't it?
00:41:31That's enough of that for today.
00:41:35Let's go and try the pizza boy again.
00:41:37Pepe's Pepperoni Pizza Plaza.
00:41:40Yes, what a lovely name.
00:41:43£153.20 and 30 spins.
00:41:45Last time I had a bash.
00:41:48Of course, he makes the noise on this one if he's anywhere on the pizza,
00:41:52which is a bit annoying sometimes.
00:41:56We've got four scatters.
00:41:58What's he saying there?
00:41:5815, is it?
00:42:01Come on, it's about time the balance went north towards...
00:42:04Oh, more golden delivery.
00:42:07And a boot.
00:42:08Yeah, it's about time the balance went more north back towards 3k, isn't it?
00:42:13Yeah, keep the roller coaster going around.
00:42:15Right, come on, more golden giblets.
00:42:17I want to see one of them.
00:42:20If you get a golden scooter anywhere, it collects everything.
00:42:25Which is nice, isn't it?
00:42:29And apparently there's more of them.
00:42:31Oh, f***ing hell.
00:42:35You f***er, was he gold?
00:42:37Where is he?
00:42:38I can't even see where the f*** he was.
00:42:42Oh my god, you're taking the piss.
00:42:45Stop making a noise everywhere.
00:42:46You're making my eyes go funny.
00:42:49That's out of your boss eyes.
00:42:52Right, £89.60 so far.
00:42:54Eight spins to get two more.
00:42:56You f***ing arsehole.
00:42:58Be gold, there's more of you.
00:42:59Be gold, there's more of you.
00:43:03Come on, give me a gold one.
00:43:10Well, you know, just one in the f***ing lit zone.
00:43:15Doesn't matter, it's just for a tenner.
00:43:16I've got four spins to get one more dude.
00:43:20Come on, dude me properly right in here.
00:43:24There you go, like that.
00:43:26See, that's another £90.
00:43:28Nearly doubled the bonus and we got takeaways.
00:43:32Retriggers going on everywhere.
00:43:33What the f***?
00:43:36What's in this water?
00:43:39Can I see a golden?
00:43:40Come on.
00:43:42You don't have to have loads of chillies everywhere.
00:43:44I just want the golden.
00:43:47Right, we're times two now.
00:43:49Oh, he's in f***ing view and all.
00:43:51Look at him go.
00:43:52Extra £116.
00:43:55I don't mind if I do.
00:43:58Do it again.
00:44:04You'd think that when it tells you there's more goldens,
00:44:06that he'd pop out once, wouldn't you?
00:44:09Otherwise, what's the point in golden life?
00:44:12£100 missed.
00:44:17I think we're just spinning to death here.
00:44:20Oh, you're not golden, are you?
00:44:23Where was he?
00:44:24Where was he?
00:44:25He wasn't even there!
00:44:28Final spin.
00:44:31Oh, my rot.
00:44:33£306.40, it'll do.
00:44:36I'm just going to say that and run away because...
00:44:39Not amazing, is it?
00:44:41I hate that.
00:44:42Can you just stop?
00:44:44Can you just stop?
00:44:45Can you just...
00:44:46I've got to f***ing press it to stop it.
00:44:48Nearly was a bonus.
00:44:49F*** me.
00:44:50Didn't cost me anything.
00:44:53I don't really know why I play this one as much as I do,
00:44:55but I weirdly like it.
00:45:00On the rare occasion.
00:45:02It goes a bit nuts, doesn't it?
00:45:03But usually, the amounts are a bit shit.
00:45:10And I still haven't worked out why.
00:45:11Sometimes it gives you the multiplier thing
00:45:13and other times it doesn't bother.
00:45:19No, that's not a great start.
00:45:20Can I have a win, please?
00:45:23Oh, my god.
00:45:25Oh, my god, really, though?
00:45:29Well, thank f*** for that.
00:45:30That was required, wasn't it?
00:45:37Do it again!
00:45:40So 3-2-2-1-1 is a bit shit.
00:45:44Oh, we got a question mark, though.
00:45:45Oh, you could have been better than six, though, couldn't you?
00:45:49Again, why didn't it give me any, like, multiplier shits?
00:45:53It was a lot better than it was looking, let's be honest.
00:45:57It looks like it was going to be bobbins, didn't it?
00:46:00Let's try him again.
00:46:01Let's give him another chance.
00:46:07What do you say?
00:46:11Okay, we begin.
00:46:16Ah, where were you on the front there?
00:46:18Oh, my god, we've got an early hat for f***ing 1-dot-1-dot-1-dot.
00:46:23Not even a win.
00:46:29This is looking awful.
00:46:31Needed that there.
00:46:36Right, well, I need a win on this last spin here.
00:46:38That was 48-quid, but give me a win here.
00:46:41Oh, you f***ing arsehole.
00:46:42You should change to a thing.
00:46:44You should change to a thing.
00:46:45You should change to a thing.
00:46:47You should change to a thing.
00:46:54Wow, 25-20 on the last spin.
00:46:56Jesus Christ.
00:46:58All right, wait there.
00:47:01Right, I just had to nip downstairs for a moment.
00:47:03So, all right, let's go again.
00:47:06You've got to be better than that.
00:47:12You can do a good one.
00:47:13You are allowed.
00:47:17Oh, my god, you don't often see that.
00:47:23I want some wins, though, you knobhead.
00:47:28I don't know what's the first one.
00:47:33Yeah, cheers.
00:47:34Cheers for the pointlessness.
00:47:37Okay, there's another one, but f*** me.
00:47:40Get a move on.
00:47:47Absolutely sh**tly shocking again.
00:47:49Oh, that made it a little tiny bit better.
00:47:52So, we've got 3-4-3-1.
00:47:55Here comes your hat.
00:47:57Oh, it gave a win as well.
00:47:58Oh, my Christ, it's broke.
00:48:02Just some good amounts.
00:48:04There's not one single good amount.
00:48:08Are we getting some multipliers?
00:48:12I wonder if you...
00:48:13No, so I was going to say,
00:48:15I wonder if you only get the multipliers
00:48:16if it gets to the fourth reel,
00:48:17but obviously, no, you don't,
00:48:18because, well, it didn't do it.
00:48:21Nice 237 quid on the last spin, though.
00:48:25Let's run the f*** away with that,
00:48:27because it's dog sh**.
00:48:30Right, we're going spudding,
00:48:31but we're going original spudding.
00:48:36Royal potato numero uno.
00:48:40Because one day, I tell thee, one day...
00:48:42Oh, it didn't do the little thing in the middle
00:48:44to say yeah again.
00:48:45Has it changed?
00:48:50It did used to do that, didn't it?
00:48:51When I pressed yes there,
00:48:52it made me press yes there in a little time.
00:48:56That's what it did.
00:49:02Balance is suffering a little bit.
00:49:08Okay, you've started me with the green.
00:49:09We'll accept it.
00:49:15Oh, you could have straight blued me there as well.
00:49:23Now it's the fourth spin.
00:49:24At least we've got it, though.
00:49:29£9.60 so far.
00:49:32Right, let's start with a good win.
00:49:34Oh, f*** me.
00:49:35There was possibilities everywhere,
00:49:36then, for all of them.
00:49:37You knobbered again!
00:49:46That's redonkulous.
00:49:51We've got the orange.
00:49:55Oh, come on.
00:50:00Final spin.
00:50:00We're not getting both, are we?
00:50:02No, we're not getting either.
00:50:03F*** me, £12.
00:50:06Don't hurt yourself.
00:50:12Yeah, it definitely used to make me go in the middle
00:50:13and press it again,
00:50:15which I'd never quite understood,
00:50:16but they've definitely changed it then, haven't they?
00:50:22It's always suspicious.
00:50:34Yeah, we don't need f***ing Mr Potato Head yet, do we?
00:50:38Who's there?
00:50:41Tash Man, as they call him.
00:50:43All right, all right.
00:50:45One spin earlier this time.
00:50:46Right, can I get off to a bit of a better start?
00:50:48I can, because I can have the orange straight away.
00:50:51Could have easily had the blue as well.
00:50:53Got the blue now.
00:50:55Right, straight in with the green.
00:50:58Oh my god, it's listening to me.
00:51:02That's up to £51.40.
00:51:05Plenty of spins to get through this one, if you ask me.
00:51:08There's one of them.
00:51:10Right, I want a Tash Man.
00:51:12There's the blue and the orange.
00:51:14Right, okay, purple and Tash Man required.
00:51:16What do you reckon?
00:51:18Oh, it was a possibility down here.
00:51:23No, I want to see the f***ing purple,
00:51:25because the purple's always a dickhead.
00:51:27Oh, you f***ing horrible twats.
00:51:33Not happening, is it?
00:51:35Oh, it's not going to either.
00:51:36Three spins to go.
00:51:39So many spins to get through that.
00:51:43I didn't even give me one of them.
00:51:45Final spin.
00:51:46Oh, you gave me the purple right at the end, like a twat.
00:51:52Ah, I can't believe I didn't manage the Tash Man.
00:51:57It was actually a win, wasn't it?
00:51:59Because, well, the bonus buys are less than that.
00:52:01That's how you decide that it is a win.
00:52:05£186.20, what a twat.
00:52:09Yes, yes, come on, that's the spirit.
00:52:12Balance has seen better days.
00:52:18Come on, I want to go all the way up there again.
00:52:20Box of three something.
00:52:26Do, do, do, do, do, do.
00:52:31Okay, yeah, all right, take it.
00:52:34I'll take it.
00:52:35Two spins this time for level one.
00:52:48We have the orange.
00:52:50If the blue was just there, we'd have the blue as well, wouldn't we?
00:52:54But it wasn't, it made me wait an extra spin.
00:52:56Ah, yeah, there's the Tash Man that you fucking needed.
00:53:01Right, hit me with the Tash Man straight away this time.
00:53:05I've got the blue.
00:53:06I want to see the purple out early too.
00:53:08Yeah, good.
00:53:10Come on, Tash Man me.
00:53:13Fucking fuck off with your purple, I've got it already.
00:53:17I've got the blue too and the purple piss off.
00:53:20There's the orange down there.
00:53:22Five spins to get the green and the fucking Tash Head.
00:53:27Behave now.
00:53:28It's a profit again though.
00:53:30Fucking hell, it's peppering this purple, isn't it?
00:53:34Are you going to give me just one of them again?
00:53:40Final spin again.
00:53:41That's so unlucky, it gave me the fucking green right at the end.
00:53:44The Tash Man's done me again.
00:53:46Shit house.
00:53:49One absolute twat.
00:53:51Little profit again, £225.60.
00:53:54But you need to get through that one, don't you?
00:53:56The money expansion, we all know this.
00:53:59One foot road.
00:54:01Why can't I fast forward anymore?
00:54:05This one's going to be like a dog shit six pounder in it or something.
00:54:11I don't know what you're saying, what's going on?
00:54:26Okay, not two, but I'll have three spins to get through the first level.
00:54:35I'd have rathered the orange, don't you think?
00:54:38Oh, sneaky little orange bastard down there.
00:54:42Green, please, now, straight away.
00:54:44Oh, fucking hell.
00:54:49Yeah, it did look like it was going to give me it, didn't it?
00:54:53Right, £41.20.
00:54:569,000 spins to get.
00:54:57Well dicked in this level again.
00:55:00You've got to give me Tash Man this time, surely.
00:55:04Please don't dick me with the Tash Man again.
00:55:07There's the blue.
00:55:08Three to go.
00:55:09Green, purple, and, well, that guy.
00:55:12Yeah, you're in our bed.
00:55:15Hey, there he is.
00:55:17So we're definitely not getting one of these two, then.
00:55:22Come on, give me a chance.
00:55:25Give me a chance.
00:55:31No way.
00:55:34£69.60, I'm going to run away with that.
00:55:38I tried.
00:55:39I failed.
00:55:42Let's me all balance that.
00:55:442, 1, 3, 7.
00:55:47Right, let's go with a bit of Phoenix Jewel Reels.
00:55:50It's all right, this one, sometimes.
00:55:54Gives you the blue thing and gives you the resurrection and it's all good, isn't it?
00:55:58We shall see.
00:56:01I think I got three last time and it was decent.
00:56:04I'm not gambling because nine times out of ten, it gives you less than you want.
00:56:08Okay, that's good.
00:56:10I'll take the five for an extra spin.
00:56:13I want the five red now, though.
00:56:15Yeah, that's going to be all right, isn't it?
00:56:20That's a very decent start.
00:56:21£140, pretty much.
00:56:25Okay, just the greens.
00:56:26I'll have the blue for a resurrection.
00:56:30Go on, then, let's have two.
00:56:34You're not going to give me the nine, are you?
00:56:46Five spins to go.
00:56:46Come on, let's have two together again.
00:56:4810x for nothing.
00:56:58Either of those, really.
00:57:00Extra 43 quid takes me through 200.
00:57:03Three spins to get myself into profit.
00:57:05Come on, BS, BS, BS.
00:57:07Spun me to death, I swear to that.
00:57:14Oh, it nearly got there, didn't it?
00:57:17220, 260.
00:57:19Pretty sure it was 241.
00:57:20Yeah, we'll have another go.
00:57:29Let's gamble this time.
00:57:30Fucking boff.
00:57:34Bastard, it was 10 anyway.
00:57:35Started with a five, I thought it was going to be good.
00:57:38Cheers, pals.
00:57:42Now we've got the resurrection.
00:57:48Don't normally do that.
00:57:59This is poor.
00:58:10I needed another one, really.
00:58:11The 15 would be all right for down here.
00:58:15Any good?
00:58:17Not really.
00:58:20Two spins left.
00:58:23Yeah, that was terrible.
00:58:2457, 12.
00:58:25Third time lucky.
00:58:32Can it do five?
00:58:33Who knows?
00:58:34Probably not.
00:58:35Shall I gamble again?
00:58:36It's going to be six, isn't it?
00:58:40Oh, give me 10 again.
00:58:41It doesn't reveal what you could have had, so it just knows what it's giving, doesn't it?
00:58:46Oh, the six, please.
00:58:47We're spinning again.
00:58:49And I'll have the 25.
00:58:51You dirtbag.
00:58:53Oh, the 25 would have been golden there with that, dude.
00:58:56You dirtbag.
00:58:58That's horrible, isn't it?
00:58:58249, 60.
00:59:00It's a profit off the first spin.
00:59:06It's quite powerful when it puts two next to each other.
00:59:09How about three, then?
00:59:11Let's have you go off your tits.
00:59:14Oh, hello.
00:59:16Oh, it just did some zoom shit, didn't it?
00:59:18Tell me it did.
00:59:19But it did that last time, and it wasn't a big deal.
00:59:23But that dude there, that's huge.
00:59:27Fuck me.
00:59:28That's massive, though.
00:59:31Look at that watch boff.
00:59:35That is a sweet win, considering there's eight spins to go.
00:59:39What the fuck?
00:59:41Do we know what it's going to be?
00:59:43Could you add it?
00:59:44Shall I press it?
00:59:45Yeah, I'm going to press it.
00:59:47604, 80, and we're spinning again.
00:59:50Okay, keep us going, keep us going.
00:59:53And we are still spinning.
00:59:57Come on, fucking two.
01:00:01The five, the five.
01:00:05Well, it had to end at some point, didn't it?
01:00:07That's 807.
01:00:08Oh, hello.
01:00:09That's all right, too.
01:00:10871, 20.
01:00:13Seven spins to go.
01:00:14The five, please.
01:00:16We're spinning again, anyway.
01:00:18We're spinning again, anyway, there.
01:00:22Yeah, that's an extra fucking 70 quid or something, isn't it?
01:00:2574, 76.
01:00:27We're going through a bag, I tell you.
01:00:32Six to go.
01:00:36I'll take the 6x off you.
01:00:42Come on, one more biggun.
01:00:45Oh, the eggs are nice.
01:00:50Have the eggs made a line?
01:00:52No, they didn't make a line, bastard.
01:00:55That's taking me through the bag, though.
01:00:57And we're resurrecting.
01:01:01Yeah, I'll definitely take that.
01:01:04Right, final spin.
01:01:06No win on the final spin, but I'm going to take that and run away.
01:01:091,010, 52.
01:01:11Where did I finish?
01:01:12Probably somewhere near 3k.
01:01:142,708 quid.
01:01:16That was fucking up, down, up, down, up, down, wasn't it?
01:01:18Right, I've got to finish there just so I can try and save it,
01:01:21upload it, process it and all that shit and try and get it up for 6 o'clock Friday night.
01:01:25If I managed it, well done me.
01:01:29Cheers for watching.
01:01:29Much appreciated, folks.
01:01:31And I'll be back with a video on Sunday for you.
01:01:33Catch you later.
