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Results prior to this episode:
+3,792 + $33 WIN 🙂 last episode
= +$3,825 YTD

YTD Side bet totals:
Vegas Matt -$400
EJ +$4,400
WBG -$550
W2Jesus $-2,050

Poofesure +$200
Coach Z -$1,000
Big Mike -$300
Annie L -$300

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00:00Today legends of the deep we're doing something a little different. We're gonna sell bonuses to each other
00:05So I'm gonna get a bonus
00:06Hopefully a lot of them and then I'm gonna sell them to these fools and I'm gonna get a good price
00:10And hopefully I won't sell one cheap and then I end up getting like 20 grand and have a complete disaster
00:15So let's win. I want to take money from my friends legends of the deep. I
00:21Remember playing this not too long ago. Yeah, we got to figure out what the other bonuses do the Nissan Altima bonus
00:26Yeah, so 50 bucks to spend five thousand minutes
00:30So we're selling bonuses. Yeah, we have Kevin with us too today. So we're gonna
00:34All bid for the bonuses from you. All right
00:39Can I bid you can reject and then oh, I see what you're saying, yeah
00:48And I said he's keeping it friendly it's gonna be interesting when the
00:52Ultima and
00:54Nautilus bonuses since we've not seen them. I don't really know. I'm setting the starting bid at 125 bets
01:03And by the way, I like WBG complaining about maybe Kevin bidding too much when WBG is famous for overtime
01:11You know, maybe I'm just trying to
01:15Manipulate the market here now trying to corner the market so we've got to see what the Nautilus bonus does
01:25A lot of noise, I think if we all assume is the mansion bonus, right?
01:29It's it seems so. So what is this a 5,000 image? That's right
01:35All the shells are open, which is the perceived progression on this game. Yeah, I
01:42Wonder if they get any higher than that
01:46The buying bonuses from each other thing is a lot
01:50Simpler on like dragon cash because you get a big school you have an idea that you're gonna get more for big numbers
01:56Could we play dragon cash? We could also play dragon cash. I love that game
02:01I'm with you in mind if we did that, would you mind Vegas map? No, I'd like that
02:08It'll be interesting on this one because nobody really knows what a Nautilus is right somebody can get wrecked or get really lucky. Yeah
02:15Well, let's get a bonus
02:17How about that?
02:19Didn't we get the mini the thousand on mini a couple of times last time we played this
02:23Yeah, we did and it was on the wood to not even the gold. Yeah, I
02:29Take a h6
02:47Should have been to to to
02:51This isn't going as swimmingly as I had hoped here we go
02:58Ten ten sea jokes from you today and see jokes. Yeah
03:03How many crabs jokes can I make? Yeah, you could probably make a hundred of those
03:08But they're all kind of the same. Yeah
03:10You don't hear a lot about crabs anymore, I think they may be cured it I'm not sure
03:16Or maybe that was more of a college thing
03:22I think it's probably a good thing that you're not hearing much about crabs anymore. Yeah, that's true
03:32The crab has arrived so you want ten, let me see what I can do
03:43We're not horsing around or is there something there
03:49In the right direction that was not good EJ. Hey, I mean I give WBG a hard time
03:53Here's what's usually over the bar you just set there
04:00So would it complicate things if we had a side but on which I don't think so
04:09Propose something
04:12Why don't I take the Leviathan and you give me three to two what about hats or shell bonus
04:23What about we get something? I I will take either side of that. Yeah, I think it's fair
04:28I will let you brag. I think the show's a little more likely than the hats
04:32I'll take the head
04:34What do you think? I think I like hats. I like
04:37I'm feeling hats. I will you guys bet how about a hot old but a hundred against you
04:42I gotta get out of hawk on the way down for the year. All right. Yeah, so you have shells we have hats
04:48Vegas mats down 3200
04:51Yeah, it's kind of a sando so far it was good last time
04:55Speaking of grounds. Have you ever known anybody who calls a crayon a crown?
04:59Crayon Crayon Crayon, I say crayon crayons crayons
05:06People say I've heard crayons people say crayons are weird
05:11What's weird about crayons? It's weird. It's crayons
05:15That's what I say crayon. Everybody knows it. What's your favorite color? Crayon? I
05:20Don't think I've ever
05:22Oh, hey
05:25Hi, wait, don't push anything
05:28Synthetic fiber to me. Can I start the bidding? Go ahead. I'll bid
05:321,300. All right
05:34No, is it just a free for all or do we go in some kind of order for all?
05:401,500 Kevin no be it. Oh, what the heck
05:53I'm out. I'm out. Are you selling it 1,700?
05:59Sure fire it in there to give me a good one. All right, you know, I need 1,900 get the side bet money back, too
06:10Come on hats. Oh, sorry. Good story Brown. Good talk. Excellent. Oh, you're wrecked
06:17Oh, no, he's not
06:21Come on free trigger. Hmm. Oh
06:26I got the red trigger. That's right gold to oh, oh, that was that was crabby. I was rooting for a goal for you
06:33There. Thank you, buddy
06:35Three pack on three. Oh
06:39Lot of candidates and this current moment time you're not gonna get completely wrecked. Oh, you're a really good shape
06:48Can I buy it back?
06:54Yeah, this is interesting
06:57Love to get minor balls dollars is so the math is easy
07:01Come on, Zeus hook it up. Is that Neptune?
07:05Beside decided I think God of the sea
07:11Not very nice and
07:14We need something here
07:22Got there winner, so you're owed 590 love it
07:30Not there by your side bed money back 590 winner lunch money nice work
07:38Grocery money 20 grocery dollars
07:42Thank you, Spanky
07:47All right, well I screwed that deal now you really got to stick somebody 590
07:56Yeah, I think for the actual results like for the recorded results it should be what the result of machine is the
08:03Shenanigans the shenanigans doesn't matter. Yeah. Yeah, okay
08:07Yeah, yeah, okay, I
08:09Mean you guys will exchange the money, but as far as the
08:14result of this
08:15Endeavor, I like that
08:17Yeah, cuz it's the result from the machine and the rest is just a side better triple noise
08:22Do you want to run that side bit back? Sure. All right, I'm in WBG. I am also
08:31Give me the Nautilus. There's a lot of curiosity around the Nautilus here
08:35People want to know what it does. It's because not a lot of us have seen it. Oh
08:40Boy a lot of us that was very quick. Is that two?
08:44That's three including I'll see what I can do. Okay
08:50Nautilus get that thing a workout
09:05Come on Nautilus
09:06I'm just super curious about
09:09What do we decide his name is which guy is not Poseidon Poseidon? Yeah, you know what his favorite food is
09:16clams casino
09:18Hey now
09:19Clams casino is a dude. Yes. Hey, wait a poor pair of clams
09:25What is it clams casino, is it like like breadcrumbs and I don't know
09:30And that were you you like clams I don't eat many clams
09:34I'm not a big clam. I don't like things that have grit in them
09:38You can tell us you don't have to clam up. I
09:43Don't like grit either but I do like grits. Yeah, I like grits. I just don't like oysters and clams
09:51I always hate it when people order the seafood tower one more. Yes, idiot
09:56All right, I'll open the bidding at 1600. Let's get paid our side bit money here. We know he's got we can bid
10:051600 yeah
10:0817 1700 1750 Wow
10:141800 Bob
10:17Gavin 1850
10:20I'm gonna pass. I'm gonna pass
10:23I'm gonna pass. I'm gonna pass. It's all yours
10:29Kevin how about 1900?
10:34I could do whatever I want. I'm in charge of this operation. All right, 1850. I'll give it to Kevin's. I like him
10:44Come on Kevin
10:47All right
10:49Rooting for you, buddy
10:56Got some targets three candidates early. Oh, I'm in real trouble
11:07I would a complete disaster
11:12Giving away money
11:19Kevin is don't feel like a major or something big coming. Oh, that would be hilarious
11:24The grand can you imagine? Oh my land job couldn't happen to a nicer guy
11:35We said a secondary resale market now
11:40This is really good, there's gonna be a lot
11:42You think yeah. Oh, yeah four grand. What do you pay 1850?
11:59Big numbers girl minor in there
12:121550 1555
12:23Which you kept in that biggest man, it's a complete disaster
12:26I'd like to welcome you to what would have been French Street had you not sold your bonuses
12:30Yeah idiot on that brief intermission. I paid the debts
12:35Yeah, we running it back gentlemen. Sure good
12:39Yeah, I can do that so Matt, you know, I noticed after selling both of those bonuses for below what they paid
12:46You kind of seem a bit salty. Yeah, I don't like it. Yeah, that's one
12:51That is uh, I'm not calling that an ocean related Joe salt. I know yes, okay, but
13:00We're stretching it in here
13:03Now I like it
13:06All right, well the judges of rule
13:12Try to get the Leviathan or the anomalous how about the Ultima take that
13:25I'd like to win a hundred and thirty four thousand on the grand personally. I hope I buy that bonus. I hope I buy it, too
13:32I ain't selling anymore
13:38Watch we'll get like a complete Sando and I don't sell it should be grand insurance
13:45When he gets half the grand or something if you get it or there should just be maybe a cap
13:51Like you can buy the bonus, but it has a cap
13:54I mean that kind of lowers the bid, right?
13:5940,000, okay
14:03If it was 40,000, I'd be okay with it. Yeah 40 Vegas Matt you can buy bonuses with a $40,000 aggregate
14:09Okay. Yeah, that's the aggregate. All right, that's a rule then. Yeah, all right
14:15So the grand is kind of out of the picture. I mean if you get it, you'll still make a hundred thousand
14:20Even if you sold the bus
14:25What I'm on the side, but I believe it's a full screen of blue seahorses Wow
14:32Has anybody ever gotten that before?
14:34675 I wouldn't get too excited. It's nine ways. She got pretty excited about it
14:43We'd like for the crab or the octopus or somebody to arrive a
14:48Very hilarious scenario is he refuses to sell the next one?
14:5322,000 no, I'm keeping it and it pays you get like all straws
15:03I feel like that's kind of inevitable if he does refuse to sell I
15:09Want the Ultima
15:29Did we get those at all last time those big wind my eyes
15:33We didn't get a full screen of blue seahorses, but it didn't do the big wind thing on us and it wasn't a full screen
15:46I'm ready for one of these shells to come in here. Yeah, they're do
16:01Crab crawling around Oh
16:13Come on red
16:19The Red Sea, oh there you go
16:24Isn't there also a Dead Sea? Yes, I'd see no sure. Yeah
16:32All right, here we go here we don't go Oh
16:35Yes, crap
16:43You're down ten bucks on the day now
16:57Well, this one probably would have gone for close to 2,000 so let's see how you would have done
17:08Be happy if you win over 3,500 then you get most of your money back. That'd be good one more Oh
17:20Come on
17:24Oh boy, come on idiot the one I don't
17:32Have of course you can go no other way
17:45Complete disaster
17:53At least you paid in the handbag, sorry buddy what a knucklehead
18:05Interesting luck has arrived on the smallest bonus
18:09All right, well other than losing all the side bets we're winning you're breaking even yeah
18:16It was 590 and
18:191550 right? I
18:21Made a very shrewd investment of bonus and I'm still managed to be down for the day
18:25By the way, one more time gentlemen, absolutely good. All right a great bet
18:30And it helps me things along I've located the WPG's question of the day from YouTube comments Oh fantastic, hopefully
18:37Fantastic. Wow, you sound so
18:40Thrilled. No, I'm I mean we need it. We got to get a good bonus. Everybody can answer this question good even Kevin
18:46Is it a really easy question or what?
18:50Being from Texas, it'll be interesting to hear his answer. Oh, yeah. All right
18:54I think you'll understand why I say that here in a minute
18:57What's the biggest state in the nation
19:00Alaska Alaska LH
19:036740 would like to know
19:04Which do you guys prefer and there's a series of questions clams or mussels shrimps or prawns crab or lobster?
19:13Squid or octopus legit question. He says so Kevin being from Texas. I don't know if you eat a lot of seafood there or not
19:21I think I'd go shrimp all the way
19:26What's the difference is laughter better bigger crab squid or octopus
19:33Squid squid and clams or mussels
19:43Wasn't sure I didn't know I go to Vegas a lot. Oh, that's true. Yeah, you get the seafood towers, right?
19:47I didn't know if there's a lot of you know
19:53Right ads yeah
19:55WBG doesn't like any of them because none of you I don't eat seafood. I have eaten. I have eaten all of that though at one point
20:02So, I mean I could answer based on what my prior preference you don't eat anything with a face that's correct the clams don't have a face
20:12I would say crab
20:16And then squid because that's calamari, right? Yeah. Yeah. I don't like I don't like octopus or the in the
20:22expression of Kelly Pickler
20:26And then I would go clams or mussels
20:31I mean neither but clams you ever get my oysters. We get steam mussels at the sushi green mussels
20:44Crab is the best of all those. Oh, no way Ultima
20:49No way, it never fails. It never fails. Give me that 200 back
20:56Wait, okay, what do you guys what do you guys offer? I'll bid
21:035,300 that's too rich for me Wow
21:09You know what I just I'm feeling frisky 5,400 I don't want to get this wrecked
21:25$6,000 holy mackerel
21:286,000 is my final bid you bid 61. It's yours
21:32Well, I mean I guess that means I could I can bid 6,000 50, right
21:37Yeah, but then you might not get it he might say no, maybe I'm a liar
21:41All right, 6100. It's all yours. Good luck. And do you want to take it?
21:46I've got the $40,000 cap
21:50Do you really want it WBG? I want it
21:53Well, yeah, I mean you're the probably the only one that I could be EJ lost like three grand on I feel bad you on the
22:00Other hand are so lucky. You'll probably win
22:03And if you lose you won't care. I don't think it makes for better television if I sell it to you
22:09So as long as I have a $40,000 cap
22:136,100 sold the WBG. Let's go. All right. Wow. This is exciting. We got the Nissan
22:22Oh, they're all gold hats
22:30Oh, what's that? Oh, that's a Sando. No. All right. He gives it to you
22:36This is like 15,000 I'm gonna feel like such an idiot. I'm gonna feel like a complete idiot
22:48That's okay good. Oh, he's gonna wrap like one or two more
22:54Old I see minor I'm rooting for you WBG see what happens
23:05Oh you got rekt I did oh
23:10Congratulations, but very shrewd sale on your part
23:146,100 so you lost
23:1661-14 just call it 31-14. Oh, wow
23:20You know what? I feel bad. So let's just make it 3100
23:27I appreciate that. Oh, that's a disaster
23:32So that is the mansion boats, yeah, but we forgot that the golds aren't as big as they are
23:40I think that you ran pretty bad there though. Even like you didn't get a thousand dollar ball. It's like
23:46Hold on to your hat
23:48Feels like it Nautilus still or you wanted to go fire it at something else. Uh, I
23:55Don't know maybe a floor. All right, and then we can do dragon cash maybe where it's a little bit more
24:01predictable, all right
24:03Also, the Nautilus would be interesting
24:07Let's see if the machines hot
24:10so LH
24:11Please send a screenshot of your question to info at vegasmat.com and we will send you a gift card to the vegasmat.com
24:17Merch store. Thank you for the question
24:20So I think lobsters like one of the most overrated foods ever
24:24But crab is such a pain in the ass to eat
24:27I only like lump crab like the lump crab cocktail and it's very good
24:33And then oysters and clams I could live without either of those
24:38Shrimp versus prawns prawns, of course are better than shrimp and who wants some shrimp a little shrimp
24:43Except for like Forrest Gump. And then what was the other one? That was that would it?
24:47Did you answer the muscles part? I don't like either of those our prawns the bigger one. Yeah. Oh, I like the smaller one
24:54Yeah, the big ones kind of gross me out. I get a huge bite of the muscly prawn
25:03They gotta be vain
25:05You don't want anyone don't want shrimp poop
25:10Maybe somebody does. Yeah, you know takes all kinds
25:15Well, we went past the 8,000 I said 7,500 floor
25:21All right, all right
25:247,500 of
25:265,000 and you're winning a little bit now. I think an extra thousand. Oh
25:32We've been doing a lot of autumn moon lately
25:35It just works out that way. I mean, it's the machine that nobody's on. I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad
25:40I know they're doing an expansion of this high limit
25:42I bet you they're gonna put more of these machines and they are always busy. They're gonna get the cranium guy. I hope so
25:47I'll be cranium guy
25:51Now WBG, how are you feeling do you feel like you're gonna get more aggressive on the bonuses to try to get it?
25:58I'm just gonna stick with my strategy. That's what I do. I have a plan
26:01Yeah, he very rarely tilts out I'm wondering though if the the moons in this game that are going to affect the tides
26:10That was better
26:14Still salty the judges ruled against me on the last one
26:18Salty you're alone on that island. We'll count it
26:27Maybe $2 to nom was a better shout. I don't know
26:30We always went on 75
26:37We don't all right, so the effective image is still $5,000, correct
26:46Come on
26:50Be a weird situation if we get like a small school with the major
26:55What do you bid?
26:56125 I think I like it. I
27:00Think 125 is good on this
27:03What makes you think that I don't I just think it are you afraid that we're over betting it
27:08Not yet. You can't over bet the million machine. Yeah, it's 2,500 is the max
27:14Come on you should do one $2,500. Yeah
27:19Oh, it sounds like a lot of fun think about it. We got a lot of one idiot almost 20 times as much
27:33Come on 125, let's get a massive guys bonus sell it for way more
27:42All right, it's a little much on that
27:44All right, it's a little much on that I think we I think we net one on it though didn't we I think so
27:55Well, no we came over here with 7,500 right but we lost on it we just got it yeah
28:03Wasn't even paying attention that time we were watching that lady play dragon cash
28:08And she hit like a big bonus on 50 up to bet to 250 hit another huge bonus and then she started betting
28:142,500 and she ran it from ice. She ran a thousand to like $90,000. Yeah, that was so nuts
28:20That is not how that normally goes
28:26And we know someone who hit the million-dollar grand accidentally by like 2,500 that can happen
28:41That's a lot it's a lot of money it's hard to accidentally bet 2,500
28:47That was the claim right, of course
28:50Do I know this person? Yes
28:58I mean, I'll believe names. No, it wasn't that person. No, it was
29:19I'm rooting for the moves
29:26Yeah, I forgot all right
29:291,300 1,500 1,600. Well, what is the grand cap down? It's a $40,000 max. Okay max payout. Yeah
29:4218 I pass pass 19
29:51I'm out. All right. It's up to you big man. You want to sell it for 2,000?
29:55Let's give WBG a chance to get his money back. I like it. I'm rooting for you WBG thousand
30:00Let's go. I want a good autumn moon bonus for you shine on autumn moon
30:05All right. Okay. All right. Okay. Oh, yeah, that's good. That's massive guys
30:09Oh, this is $2 to nominate WG CD, haha, it's free rolling. Oh, man, he's doing good balls. Oh
30:21Balls balls. Oh
30:24Oh massive, oh good still really gonna get most of your money back here
30:47So you made how much I have no idea what did I bid 2,000, okay
30:52$2,700 you got most of the day. We did one accidental spin off
30:57And we took a little break Oh
31:00But WBG, I'm happy for you. You're minus 400 and that must be like a big win, right?
31:06And we're about even on the side that we're on the
31:09You're down like 1600 on those. Oh, that's not about even because you lost two grand to those guys and you want 400 WBG
31:21But you're up five grand on this so I'm bigger winning fire hundred and twenty fives in there get a bonus that'd be good
31:35Autumn moon is a very fun version of dragon cash. Yeah, it's one of the most fun one of the funnest
31:44How do you value this
31:47The last one
31:49The last one was for a 50 80 80. Yeah, I don't want to take the big swing 80 X on this 3,500
32:10Let's see Kevin win some money 4,100
32:14What do you do 43
32:22That's what if it was a hundred is the bed
32:26And don't forget there's 250 already on the board I'm gonna pass all right
32:33Good luck Kevin. I well
32:354,400 to bid I ain't selling it. All right, that's telling it. Oh, it's gonna be a Sandow
32:41No bonus in a bonus
32:44written for you
32:45That was never gonna sell it. It'll offer them 30 grand under 25. There's too much potential. It's too huge. Oh
32:52wild idiots
32:56You didn't waste it that was a bad idiot see like you wasted it though
33:06While wild
33:09Complete disaster
33:12Oh what a Sandow god, I'm an idiot
33:16It could go no other way
33:19Alright, that's enough of that disaster
33:24Well, you didn't win mm, it just feels like you lost you know, I lost
33:29I lost
33:32Guys, I hate losing you won. You won money. No, I don't
33:38How I look at it
33:40And I I gotta say that's actually right in a sense
33:43He paid 4,500 or whatever Kevin offered for that bonus because he could have sold it. I actually grew with him complete disaster
33:51That was just come
33:56It could go no other way though, the good news is Kevin didn't lose that's good. That's good news
34:08Thank you
34:19Let's go $100 best. Come on. Oh
34:27Wow that sweat for the major
34:30We should have gotten that ah
34:32Idiot it is kind of funnier that we didn't though and Matt does not look like a genius. We're not selling. Yeah, right
34:39I don't like it
34:44What are those things called moon cakes, yes, sir. Ah, don't they have an egg in them I think so
34:51An egg in the middle or they're baked with a I think it's a
34:54Like a New Year's
34:57Tradition Chinese New Year, I believe yeah, I like an egg yolk in the middle. I think okay
35:06Come on
35:09High water mark, what's the high water mark?
35:1411 or 12
35:15The high water mark is all the fun. We had on that last bonus
35:19High water mark is the friends we made along the way that kind of thing. Yes. Oh, oh
35:33Come on yes Wow interesting very interesting medium school
35:4124 25 50 4,000 2,700 so far
35:464,000 Wow
35:50How much is up there already 4,700
36:00I'll do 4,200. I'm gonna pass 4,500 Wow
36:10All right, all right w2 4,500 is that it are you out EJ
36:22Haven't bought one yet. I'll bid 46
36:25Looking at me like don't get again. Oh, you can bid again. You're welcome to if you think it's good
36:29Let the baby have his bottle. No, I don't want to put any more. I'm just being a jerk
36:354,600 you might you're gonna get wrecked
36:39All right, 4,600, you know go come on $1,500 ball. Oh, no. Okay. Yeah, I think you got a good deal
36:47Let's see. Oh
36:55You got a good deal, what do you say 4,600? Yeah. All right. I think I'm okay. I'm not gonna try adding it up
37:10Fired in there. Nothing would be better than a million. Yeah
37:16Yeah, what would you do with your 40,000, how did I do I don't know I think you're close to break-even
37:26I tried to elbow everyone out by jumping a couple hundred, you know, oh you lost a little
37:33tonight no
37:36Lost 25 bucks. Wow. That was a good sale boy. I said a good line on this
37:41That's lucky 25 bucks
37:49All right, so
37:52You're doing pretty well so far here. Yeah, that's $75 is always a good denom. It's a good bet a little couple backup spins on that
38:00Even though I don't believe in them. I was gonna say now all of a sudden
38:03Heat check one time we should play maybe like a low-limit
38:11Actually, no, we don't we don't even need to play low-limit
38:13We should try to leave the balls bonus on every screen of the denom
38:19Every denom just leave evidence behind. Yeah
38:23I'm gonna try to leave the balls bonus on every screen of the denom
38:27I'm gonna try to leave the balls bonus on every screen of the denom
38:30Just leave evidence behind yeah
38:34I've seen people do that. We can do it on the the hundred K because the $2 the min bets a hundred and it went
38:41But like this one the minimum 250 like you could lose a lot trying to get a hold and spin
38:50Oh, we should definitely do that, that'd be fun
38:59Come on baby, and then we can set up a time-lapse camera to watch and see if people decide not to play it
39:09Like people eagerly go over to the machine like oh somebody just got a bonus. I'm not doing it
39:13Well, let me look at another denom. Oh wait. There's a bonus there, too. Yeah
39:18This machine is clearly spent. Oh idiot. Oh, you're betting 100. Yeah
39:27Come on
39:33Oh, yes, all right interesting. I'm staying away from this one
39:391,800 so far
39:44Because the thousand is an outlier it's 120 500 26
39:53Three thousand thirty one thirty two
40:0334 35
40:07Strategic with the with your bed
40:14I'm out. I like this one. Let me think 37 now
40:19But I have a lot to jump back in if I change my mind, all right, you know what I'll go 38
40:2639 Oh
40:29Firing it in there, Texas money coming in
40:32Bidding out us local, Nevada people Kevin. I wish you the best of luck 39 is the bid 39
40:40Yeah, I'll take 39
40:43All right, let's go throw him a minor a
40:46Mini would be good
40:50It's weird, I'm kind of like I don't know I don't want
40:55What a bad person you don't want it to be huge necessarily is that you're saying I don't know I don't
41:01I don't know what I want. How much is it so far three five seven nine ten eleven thirteen twenty three twenty five so far
41:16I haven't got wrecked
41:21Now it's he's even right
41:2335 right now. Yeah, what do you bet 3,900? Yeah, so you're almost even
41:28That's pretty fair. Good luck. Oh 38
41:32Wow big ball big ball big ball make it a winner
41:35Come on
41:37two shots Oh
41:41Fire one in come on
41:46On the money
41:49All right million. I don't care cuz I get the rest after 40,000. Let's go
41:53Get the million
41:55Wow, we totally nailed the line
42:00Kind of crazy how good we are that is that we get right in there
42:10Yeah, yes, we all left that one
42:16Should we leave this on the screen? Yeah for sure $2.00 to numb
42:223,900 what are the odds of that?
42:30All right, we got a really fired in there now
42:34Well now 125 and just two of them will still be up five grand
42:41Wow interesting again
42:471,500 1625
42:511625 so far. Yeah, 3,400. I
42:57Just want I just want to be able to bid 3,200
43:1138 $4,000
43:1941 42 Wow, what are we thinking? Oh the might are you guys calculating the minor in this and the mini at 5,000?
43:26I'm not prepared to divulge my
43:28Analytics just yet. All right
43:33Box me out 45 is a scary number, right?
43:36Why don't we just like team up not for Vegas Matt 46, so we'll chop it
43:41Why not? Just go ahead with the 45 that I already been you've been 44. Oh, did I?
43:47Step 4,400 biggest map. Ah, that's only like 40 bets
43:57How about five grand
44:05Think it's all good. So you just can say yes or no, if you don't want 44, I
44:09Say no. Come on. Hope you win a lot of money. I have a feeling there's a mini coming at least
44:22Passed how much 4,400 I passed 4,400. Am I a bad person if I'm rooting for
44:30Doing the
44:34All right, come on mini, although if it's like 40,000 I'll feel a little bad but not really
44:41You're looking like pretty good. I've sanded it up again
44:48Complete idiot get it. I'm the worst
44:54I get attached to the hundred and twenty-five balls
45:00What is that barely over to a little better
45:12All right, we leave that on the screen, all right, what do we have so what screens do we have left?
45:17So what I lose 1,600 on that idiot
45:22So wait, let's go through the denom's
45:25Uh, well you got your twos and your fives are already done you got your ones twos are there's are there
45:32fives are there
45:40Well 75 is a lucky bet on that oh, I thought I had a first spin Johnson
45:51Session by the way, this is fun
45:54Yeah, and you're quietly winning
45:56$13,000. Well, I've lost
45:594,000 on side bets. I think no
46:01What did we call it? Is it opportunity cost? Yeah
46:05But the lesson of economics is that an opportunity cost is just as real as a real cost
46:11Let's bump it up
46:14Oh good now we can't buy them. Is there 125? Yeah, it's emotionally attached
46:22Come on
46:24By the way, I feel like the limit should be 800 bats not a strict 40,000 you 250s this couple
46:35Oh 250
46:38You gotta fire it in there, you know, ah triple noiser
46:48Maybe try a couple on the $25.00. You know, let's try it. It's gold ten lines. So be big
47:00Oh, oh, oh, oh boy one more
47:08Well, all right, let's go back to realistic I just pissed away four grand idiot
47:15At least it wasn't a $4,000
47:18Yeah, it was a $4,000
47:20Yeah, it was a $4,000
47:22Yeah, it was a $4,000
47:24Yeah, it was a $4,000
47:26Yeah, it was a $4,000
47:28At least it wasn't a winner
47:31All right. Oh no
47:37Why wasn't that on 250
47:40All right, 75 1,500
47:4622 why are you closing your eyes? Are you doing math? I'm doing math. That's like not even like 30 bets
47:52The bidding's going hot buddy. You're good
47:5725 26
48:0127 28 29 30. I don't I don't want to get this wrecked
48:09I'm out
48:11I think 3,100 is good. This could be a sando or it could be really good. So I'll give it to you for 3,100
48:17Let's see if I screw up again. I hope you do 3,100 sold
48:20I hope you win a lot of money WBG. False. It has to be. Oh idiot. Oh
48:29What a disaster
48:31Oh my oh my
48:33Well, that's also bad
48:36How much is it?
48:38Oh, yeah, that's really funny. What a waste
48:47How much do you bet? 31
48:52Oh balls balls balls. I really was bluffing
48:58So you want to cancel it?
49:05That sucks, sorry about that
49:10That was pretty ambitious betting. Oh
49:13I think there's a pretty wide range of outcomes on that. Exactly. I don't think you were like way out of line with that bet or anything
49:20It was a hair high I thought but nothing too crazy. A lot of times you're gonna lose like that
49:26But then there's the occasional time where you're gonna get
49:29Yeah, we get the old median and mode discussions
49:35Where does the mean fit into that? Right in the middle
49:38It's kind of a lose-lose for you Matt. You feel genuinely bad when someone pays $3,000 for a $1,200 bonus
49:44And you feel equally bad when someone pays $3,000 for an $8,000 bonus
49:50That's typical. I'm Larry David
49:57All right, what do you guys think? You want to book it? I think I'm gonna book it. I think I'm gonna book it
50:03All right, what do you guys think? You want to book it? I think I need to go do it
50:07Book a $5,000. A $10,000 win?
50:12I can take that as a no
50:16I like this game
50:18Really? Yeah
50:21$9,000 win, $14,000 floor
50:25But I'd like to see WBG do a get even or get even worse
50:28What do I owe?
50:30$2032? Yeah
50:40Come on, let's go
50:44Give us one more big balls bonus to bet on here
50:48Oh, we can't change that
50:53I mean you can
50:55I mean you can
50:59Or we'd ruin our leaving it on the screen program
51:07Two rabbits, $12
51:11Come on
51:15Came way off the high water mark here
51:21All right, I quit
51:23All right, WBG is gonna do a $2032 hand to Blackjack
51:28I kind of want to get in on this
51:30I might go in for $400 of it
51:32I don't know why I came in with $400, but I just like to have some action
51:35You okay with that? Absolutely
51:37Riding along, $2432 hand coming up
51:40All right, WBG, are you gonna do the honors?
51:42Fire it in there
51:43Matt can do it
51:44All right, Matt
51:46There we go, $2442
51:48Wait, let's get it. I don't want any bentness
51:53Could affect the outcome
51:56All right, let's see it
51:57Ready? Here we go
52:00Eight up
52:01Let's go way over here
52:02Let's see one
52:03All right
52:05Oh, wait, that's not Baccarat
52:07A natural eight
52:08Oh, a natural seven
52:10All right, I'll stay
52:12Any pair
52:16Oh, we lost
52:17We did
52:18That's not good
52:19They've decided to do it again
52:21WBG betting $4,000
52:23Vegas Matt betting $800
52:25W2 snuck in with a $200
52:28I just wanted to get it to the max, $5,000
52:30$5,000 is our max here on Blackjack
52:32So let's win
52:34Let's win it, why not?
52:36One time
52:38Oh, boy
52:39Oh, nice
52:41We're good
52:42Flip it
52:43Flip it
52:44Seven, eight
52:45She doesn't have it
52:49We won
52:51I love it when a plan comes together
52:53Just keep going, we'll get it
52:55Let it ride
52:56All right, that was a lot of shenanigans
52:58and a lot of fun
52:59and a really good session
53:00on the world's best game, Dragon Link
53:04I don't even know what to say
53:05I think it was a $9,000 winner
53:08The shenanigans about evened out
53:10Kevin was the big winner
53:12WBG and I and W2 won a little money on the Blackjack
53:16Thank goodness we won that last hand
53:17That would have been kind of a downer
53:18to lose $7,000 at the end
53:20on a little get even or get even worse
53:22or whatever
53:23So, all in all, a wonderful day
53:25I'm calling it
53:27Is my hair messed up?
53:28I was in the spa earlier
53:29Looks good
53:30Yeah, I went to the spa
53:31Got a massage, it was amazing
53:33I'm sure you don't care about that
53:37I'm very tired
53:38All right then, well
53:40So, spa day, a winning day
53:42One for the record books
53:43A lot of selling bonuses, a lot of fun
53:46I think tomorrow we'll do something similar again
53:50I mean, I'm not saying necessarily buy these bonuses again
53:52But I bet you $3 we'll be gambling
53:54Hope to see you there
