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⇣ You Can Also Find Me Here ⇣
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⇣ You Can Also Find Me Here ⇣
00:00For some reason you guys comment the weirdest ideas for me to do.
00:03So weird in fact that I most of the time try to ignore them.
00:07However there's one video that you guys want me to do and have been persistent about it for months
00:12and I've tried my best to ignore it but now every single video I say it is the top comment
00:16and that is for you guys requesting me to turn the hyperpigmentation meme into a house on Vlogsburg.
00:22I don't know why yous want me to suffer so bad but apparently yous do.
00:26So today I'm turning the hyperpigmentation meme into a house.
00:30Let's get started.
00:30This is ridiculous.
00:31I don't even know how I'm gonna do this.
00:33Now if you actually touch grass and don't know what the hyperpigmentation meme
00:36pretty much this girl draws a beautiful portrait of her mother
00:40and this is the portrait and apparently it's going viral.
00:43People have turned it into cakes, tea chains, pasta, t-shirts, tattoos, emojis.
00:49So I guess it's only fitting that I end the curse by turning it into a house.
00:53Okay first things first we need to figure out the shape of this house
00:57because uh duh it's a really weird looking shape.
01:00See it's not building it that I'm worried about it's more so decorating it.
01:04Like how am I meant to decorate this nose?
01:07Okay so it looks like she's got a very long looking chin.
01:11I meant a very beautiful looking chin of course duh.
01:14And then I'd say her lips are about her lips are about here.
01:18I'd say her nose is kind of in the shape of that.
01:21Next up's her forehead.
01:23Damn girl's forehead's bigger than mine.
01:25Okay and I think that's like a good shape.
01:27I mean I think that looks pretty accurate.
01:29Now we have to obviously make sure these lips are properly done.
01:34So I'd say this is kind of the shape of the lips
01:36because obviously we have to turn these into rooms.
01:39And then of course we have the beautiful eyeball which again we have to turn into an eye.
01:44So I'm just gonna place a circle here.
01:46This is looking like a pelican.
01:48Okay last but not least is her beautiful ponytail.
01:51It's really giving Ariana Grande with that hair ponytail.
01:55Like Ariana Grande, Ariana Grande is that you?
02:00My only concern is I don't know how I'm gonna turn this into a house
02:03because the rooms are very small.
02:06Like what's even gonna be placed in here?
02:08The hallway?
02:09Who knows?
02:10And because I want this as accurate as the meme as possible
02:13we're also even gonna include her nose piercing that she added.
02:16So I'd say that goes right there.
02:18Let me just put a pole in the middle of the room.
02:19I wonder what that can be.
02:21Okay the colors are pretty simple.
02:25I guess we just make this house white.
02:27Okay I just transformed this entire house white.
02:30Now we just have to add the roof.
02:32The roof is really gonna make or break this house.
02:34I'm gonna use the roof to try and color in this house.
02:38So it fits the meme I guess.
02:40Guys you know what I nearly forgot?
02:43Oh my god I can't believe I nearly forgot that.
02:45Dude I nearly forgot her eyeball and the little spot here.
02:49Wait is that where the hyperpigmentation meme came about?
02:52Because she thought this was hyperpigmentation?
02:55I don't know y'all.
02:56This meme makes no sense to me.
02:58This is how you guys know that I love you
03:00because there is no way that I would ever think of coming up with this idea.
03:05This makes me think though.
03:06I wonder how many times my mom has looked at a drawing I done as a kid
03:10and just laughed and just got rid of it.
03:11I really hope none of my friends join my game right now
03:14because I'm gonna have a really hard time explaining what I'm doing.
03:17Alright y'all we're one step closer to being done.
03:20However it's not looking like the meme right now.
03:22It currently looks like I just poured paint on the floor.
03:25So I'm gonna go ahead with some standard square beams
03:28and kind of outline this beautiful painting.
03:30I'm even gonna make sure we get that ombre effect just like the meme.
03:34This reminds me I had ombre hair during middle school
03:38and when I say ombre hair I literally meant pink and blonde.
03:42Like my blonde hair blended in with the pink.
03:44I don't know what I was thinking okay.
03:46I literally look like Pinkie from My Little Pony and not in a good way.
03:50I remember I went to school like that too and everyone was like
03:52what the hell are you doing?
03:53I'm like this is the new me.
03:54The new me lasted two weeks.
03:56Alright moment of truth.
03:57Are you guys ready?
03:58Oh my god.
04:02Why do yous do this to me?
04:03Okay this is our beautiful house I guess.
04:06This is the layout that I have to work with.
04:09This is great.
04:10Now it is time to decorate the inside I guess and turn this into a beautiful house.
04:14Okay I didn't even know where to start.
04:16The first order of business is where the entry area is going to be.
04:20I think here this is the only reasonable explanation for this long room.
04:24I'm thinking we can have just a long entry area here.
04:27Except Miss Girl's ponytail stops us right here.
04:30So we're gonna have to put an opening so we can actually get into the other part of the room.
04:33This is definitely one of like the top three stupidest ideas I've ever done on my channel.
04:38And today we're counting down our picks for the top 10 stupidest people.
04:42I'ma be for real.
04:43I don't think you guys can come up with a weirder idea than this.
04:46I think you guys have reached your peak.
04:48Okay so I've placed some openings in this really tight hallway.
04:51Because it's literally the only way I can think that this is gonna work.
04:54For the floors we're definitely not gonna add planks.
04:57Because planks go all crisscrossy when we add them in small places like this.
05:01So I was thinking what if we just had concrete?
05:03What interior design style do I even do for this house?
05:06I was thinking modern but that's like so boring.
05:09I think the only way to make a house like this work.
05:12Is if we add a tree in the middle of the eyeball.
05:14And maybe we make this like a tropical house.
05:18I've been watching White Lotus lately.
05:19So I'm kind of obsessed with tropical interiors.
05:22So you know what that's what we're gonna do.
05:24We are going to do a tropical house.
05:26Which means I should probably change the floor to something a little bit more fitting.
05:30I will be back.
05:30A few moments later.
05:32Okay I've painted it to the best of my abilities.
05:35The first thing I want to work on is the eyeball.
05:38Okay it's not gonna be an eyeball.
05:40Spoiler alert.
05:41It's gonna be a little garden inside our house.
05:44I think that would look really cute.
05:45Especially for going with a Japanese theme.
05:47So we can make it all misty and add a fog machine.
05:49Because the windows are all bunched together like this.
05:52We're not gonna have a lot of natural light.
05:54So I thought you know what when in doubt add a tree in the middle of your house.
05:58Okay last but not least we add a tree in the middle.
06:00And then I guess just spam windows around the entire thing.
06:04Okay why do I now officially want a tree in the middle of my house?
06:07That weirdly looks so cool.
06:09Okay next order of business is this weird obnoxious looking hallway.
06:14Like what does one even put here?
06:16I definitely want to add lots of windows.
06:18Because we're not gonna have a lot of natural light otherwise.
06:21Because we're not having much furniture in the hallway.
06:23Because it's so thin.
06:25I'm gonna make sure at least the windows look good.
06:27Because I mean hey if my windows look good.
06:29Then at least everyone will forget the fact that this house is literally the shape of the hyperpigmentation meme.
06:35We can't place furniture in here because it's way too small.
06:38Literally the only thing we could fit is a carpet.
06:40And I guess this bit's a little bit spacious.
06:43So maybe we can fit a console table and a chair.
06:45Decorating the inside of this house is giving me an aneurysm.
06:49I've never struggled so much in my life.
06:51I mean it is a tropical house so maybe we can add a few plants.
06:55So because this house is so small I need to make sure the lighting isn't too bright.
06:59Because whenever you have small rooms like this the less lighting the better.
07:03Okay I think our hallway is done.
07:05If we add any more furniture I'm afraid we are going to have to jump over chairs.
07:10So we're gonna leave this like that.
07:12And just fix up the lighting in the second hallway so it's not as dark.
07:15All right that's not too bad.
07:17I've made a rule that we can't add extra walls when doing challenges like this.
07:21So if I have an awkward space let's say right here.
07:25I will usually just add a bookshelf right here and fill in the space.
07:30Why are you crying?
07:32Okay so next up's this awkward space right here.
07:36I have no idea what to put in here.
07:38But before anything we need to add some more windows.
07:41Oh and then to spice it up maybe we can have the dining room right here.
07:45I feel like that makes perfect sense.
07:47Because I don't think this space is big enough to be the living room.
07:50And it's way too small to be the kitchen.
07:53So I think dining area is the way to go.
07:55I feel like this house needs some water.
07:56Did I forget that Bloxburg has fountains?
07:59Yes, yes I did.
08:00When I went on TikTok to actually have a look at this meme.
08:03The amount of videos you guys have tagged me in.
08:06They are actually so funny.
08:07So please keep making videos so I can just repost them.
08:10I don't use TikTok much but the times I do use TikTok.
08:13I like to stalk the videos that you guys tag me in.
08:18You know what?
08:19I gotta say this dining area so far is looking better than I expected.
08:23So I'm gonna leave the dining room like this.
08:26And move on to the next part of this house.
08:28Which is this weird looking section here.
08:32I don't know what it is but apparently there's a pole in this room.
08:35This is meant to be the nose piercing.
08:37But you know what?
08:38We're not having a pole in this house.
08:39It's the wrong video, okay?
08:41We're gonna make this the kitchen.
08:42I want to make this kitchen White Lotus themed.
08:45Apparently the White Lotus is actually based in every single Four Seasons resort.
08:50So if this hyperpigmentation house doesn't look like a Four Seasons hotel by the end of this video.
08:55I'm gonna sue myself.
08:56This is without a doubt the weirdest shaped kitchen I have ever done in my life.
09:00I need to sneak a little window in here.
09:02Otherwise it's gonna be pitch black.
09:03We need to make this kitchen look more tropical.
09:06So I'm thinking some hanging vines here and there.
09:08Nothing screams tropical like a spider crawling down into your food from these plants.
09:13Okay, why does this spice cabinet actually look good?
09:15When you place it inside a regular cabinet.
09:18Like is it just me or does that look kind of cool?
09:20Okay, I'm just gonna add a few little knickknacks.
09:22And then I think our kitchen is all complete.
09:26But knowing me, I'm probably missing something.
09:27Okay, now for the living room.
09:29I think the living room is gonna go right here.
09:32This is like the perfect spot to put it.
09:34See, now typically I would put a fireplace.
09:37But because this is a tropical house, not many tropical houses have fireplaces.
09:41So I'm just gonna cover in the fireplace with a basic shape.
09:44Because I want this to be a TV stand.
09:46At the same time, I really like the shape of the fireplace.
09:49So we're gonna keep the fireplace except we're gonna make it a TV stand instead.
09:53And bada-bing bada-boom, we have our own TV stand.
09:56And now for the rest of the living room.
09:58The shape of this living room is so confusing.
10:01All I'm gonna say is it's definitely not gonna be a big living room.
10:04But you know what?
10:05That's fine.
10:05Who cares?
10:06The living room is the least of my worries.
10:09I'm more worried about the fact that I have to decorate whatever the hell this is.
10:13Okay, I think our living room's complete.
10:16Okay, next order of business is this awkward space right here.
10:20So we've got two rooms remaining, which is the bathroom and the bedroom.
10:24So I think the best space for this right here is the bedroom.
10:28You know what makes this worse?
10:30The fact that this bedroom has no windows.
10:33This is gonna be the most depressing bedroom in bedroom history.
10:36Okay, well I'm gonna try my best to make it work with the space that we've got.
10:40I mean, the bed alone is gonna take up most of the space in this bedroom.
10:44I'm just gonna use a tiny single bed.
10:47You know what this bedroom's kind of looking like?
10:49A massage place.
10:50This looks like a place you go and get a massage.
10:53Bedroom, however, very questionable.
10:55The bedside tables, we're gonna have to use these tiny little ones.
10:58And we're only gonna add one lamp because this space is so tiny.
11:02This bedroom is currently giving me resort vibes.
11:05And just a little friendly reminder if you forgot,
11:08this is what the outside of the house looks like.
11:11So now the last room in this house is, of course, the bathroom.
11:15Considering most of the house looks pretty normal,
11:17I'm gonna make this bathroom very on theme with the whole hyperpigmentation meme.
11:21I mean, everything is going to be either white or black.
11:24Okay, so I'm gonna finish the bathroom off camera
11:27and then I shall show you the finished result.
11:29All right, y'all, our beautiful hyperpigmentation meme house is complete.
11:34This is what she looks like from the outside.
11:37It's now time to have a look at the inside.
11:38So as we come through this door, we are in the very, very tight hallway,
11:43aka Miss Girl's ponytail.
11:45I'm not even kidding.
11:46We are currently walking through her ponytail.
11:49And then over to the right here, we have the dining room.
11:53This is my personal favorite spot of the house.
11:56I mean, who wouldn't want to stare at a fat tree while eating their dinner?
11:59Oops, an empty decal.
12:00Ignore that.
12:01Don't know what that was doing there.
12:02Anyway, this is our living room.
12:04You know, very, very on brand.
12:06We're currently watching some beautiful cinema at the moment.
12:10And then over here, we have our kitchen.
12:12You know what?
12:13It's an awkward space to add a kitchen, but it works.
12:16And then if we make our way down here, we have our bedroom.
12:20Very, very beautiful bedroom.
12:21It does not look like a bedroom.
12:23It currently looks like I am about to get a massage in Thailand,
12:27but that's besides the point.
12:29And then the last bedroom we have is the bathroom.
12:31This is personally my favorite room of the house.
12:34I think it's very beautiful.
12:35And you guys wish you could build as good as this, honestly.
12:38So yeah, this is without a doubt the weirdest video I have ever done.
12:43But I hope you enjoyed today's video, and I will see you in the next one.