• anteayer
roblox won't like this video
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0:00 Roblox Players Are Upset
1:01 Blue Roblox Logo Update
2:14 Developer Products Update
3:15 New Roblox Star Code
4:56 Roblox Ages 16+ Update
6:34 KreekCraft Crashes Out

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00:00My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined now if you don't know what i'm talking about roblox announced the next event
00:07Well, they didn't actually announce it
00:08You see it got completely leaked and it's the hunt sank it edition and a lot of people including myself are pretty
00:15Disappointed at this news not gonna lie
00:18I kind of sat in the bathtub and cried a little bit whenever I heard this and today we're gonna talk all about this
00:23Including the 100 games that are going to be in this roblox event. Oh
00:30Man, I am I i'm like beyond disappointed at this point like I feel like the dad, you know
00:36That's just constantly disappointed in their kid because they just keep failing and failing and failing at soccer practice
00:43Like i'm just sitting here and it's just like uh, why roblox? Why?
00:47Why are you doing this to me roblox? Why why are you doing this to us roblox?
00:51Why why why why why but we also have a lot of other roblox news today
00:56Like for example me possibly getting kicked out of the roblox star program like what so let's go ahead and hop into this
01:02Kicking things off. I'm sure you guys know about this. You guys saw it
01:05I made a short talking about it. I've made a stream talking about it roblox changed their logo
01:10It's blue now
01:11The roblox logo is blue and um, it kind of looks like discord
01:15Rtc tweeted and said the roblox logo has changed on the google play store for some users and it's interesting because if I go on
01:22Like my phone the roblox logo still looks like a normal roblox logo
01:25Like it's not blue, but some people like zach blocks here
01:28Their logo is now blue so it looks like roblox is slowly rolling this out. And I mean, I guess it makes sense
01:33I mean, it wasn't that long ago that roblox made like every button on the website blue
01:38Like the play button is blue now, too
01:40So, I mean, I I guess somebody at roblox really likes blue now
01:43A lot of people are kind of upset about this. They always are whenever roblox changes their logo people are never happy personally
01:49I mean, it's just a logo who cares but personally I do think they should have went back with the red
01:54Like if we look at all the roblox logos over the years
01:58It's pretty much always been red and I think it just looks way better with the red
02:02I don't know why they made it blue like it kind of just looks like the discord logo now
02:06I'm gonna be i'm gonna be honest with you
02:07Like if you put them side by side, like that's almost even the same color blue. Anyway, it's not that big of a deal
02:14Let's move on roblox announced that they're going to start allowing creators to sell developer products on the game store page
02:20Now what exactly does this mean because this is actually kind of a big deal
02:24So if we look at the article that roblox posted here, we can actually see in this example
02:28I find it so funny that roblox used an ai game as their example with their with their old roblox logo up there
02:36But anyway, normally if you go to the store page on a roblox game, you can actually buy the game pass, right?
02:42But now you're actually going to be able to buy all the dev products too
02:46And the best example of this is probably like blocks fruits
02:49So if we go into blocks fruits and we go to the store, you know, you can see here
02:53Here's all the game passes, right?
02:54But this isn't everything you can buy in the game
02:56Like for example, if we go into the shop and blocks fruits here
02:59You can buy the dragon fruit 5000 robux. I can click that and I can now purchase the dragon fruit
03:04So basically what roblox is doing is they're taking this here and they're putting it on the store page
03:10So you're going to be able to buy all of that extra stuff right here on the store page
03:15Now i've also had a few people recently ask me about this here creek craft
03:18You might have explained this in one of your live streams
03:20But why isn't your star code working and here it is right here real creek invalid code now
03:25If you don't know whenever you go to buy robux on roblox, like let's say you're going to buy ten dollars worth of robux
03:31There's actually a little option here and it's on mobile too. I think it's even on console
03:35You can type in somebody's star code. Like for example, I can type in dennis click add and now however much money
03:42I buy on roblox five percent of that is going to go to dennis
03:45Like for example, if I was buying a hundred dollars worth of robux dennis would get five dollars
03:50It doesn't cost you any more money. It's just instead of roblox getting a hundred percent of the purchase
03:55They only get 95 and then us creators get five percent, right? Does that make sense?
03:59Oh, well
03:59Anyway, recently people have noticed that if you type in uh type in real creek here, you'll notice that um, it is
04:06Invalid look at that right there. It's not working. And well, unfortunately, it's because I have gotten kicked out of the star program
04:13that's right roblox kicked me out of the star program guys because
04:17Unfortunately, they do not like having bald people star program
04:21I know this is disappointing news to you all but um
04:24I just I just have to be open and honest with now i'm just joking
04:26The real reason is because my star code is now just creek. That's all it is
04:30So anytime you want to you know support me whenever you're buying robux
04:33You just type in creek and i'll get five percent of the purchase
04:36The reason why it was real creek to begin with is because a long time ago whenever roblox came out with star codes
04:41Creek was considered a bad word and it would get tagged every time you tried to type it in
04:46But I guess roblox no longer considers creek a bad word
04:49And now anytime you're buying roblox, you can make sure that you're using a star code creek
04:54There it is just like that super simple now, I also want to talk about this right here
04:58Let me follow this person back. They tweeted and said I wonder why roblox is now
05:0216 plus and here's a picture of roblox on the app store and we can see right here. It actually says 16 plus
05:08Let's go ahead and just zoom in and scroll over we can see it says right there usk age is 16 plus usk is germany
05:15So in order to download the app in germany, you now have to be 16 plus now
05:19Why is roblox rated 16 plus in germany?
05:22Well, I found this article here and it says roblox receives a brand new 16 plus age rating
05:28And i'm not gonna read the entire article here
05:30I know you guys don't like reading so i'm not gonna bore you with that
05:32But essentially here is why right here
05:35It says roblox was upgraded from a 12 plus to a 16 plus rating
05:39The reason for this is that roblox contains depictions of violence and that the platform offers content for different age groups
05:46And also increased purchase incentives other risk includes chats and in-game purchases of random objects
05:54Aka gambling mechanics now, of course what it's talking about here is, you know simulator games
05:59Like if you go to pet simulator really almost any game on roblox that has loot boxes, you know
06:04You buy the egg and it gives you a random pet. Yeah, technically that's gambling
06:07And so now because of that roblox is rated 16 plus in germany now
06:13I don't think this means you have to be 16 to download the app. Correct me if i'm wrong
06:19If you're in germany, let me know down in the comment section. Maybe you just can't play anymore if you're under 16
06:24I I don't know i'm pretty sure this is kind of just like one of those things where it's like hey parents watch out
06:29This app is 16 plus now, you know what I mean?
06:31Like but you can probably still play it. Let me know but now the moment you've all been waiting for
06:35Let's talk about this right here the hunt second edition
06:38Yeah, so the next roblox event got leaked and it is confirmed this is 100 confirmed it is the hunt second
06:46edition that is that is the next roblox event and here's the list of
06:50100 games that are going to be in the event and you know to be fair
06:54There's some good games in here. Like we got you know, we got doors in here
06:57We got a jailbreak in here, but you know, there's also some not so great games
07:01i'm not going to call anybody out and well, anyway, this news came out and
07:06um, you can see that a lot of people are
07:09Kind of upset i'm gonna jump off of this tweet here went a little bit viral
07:14Um, you can see here's the 2018 egg hunt. Everyone's super happy and here's the hunt second edition
07:20Yeah, you know i'm not even mad at this point. I'm just like
07:25Disappointed like i'm to the point where I just like don't care anymore
07:28Like if we take a look at the events that came out last year, we had the first hunt event
07:32Which you know, it was all right
07:34It was the first event back in like years and I mean for what it was it was okay
07:38And then roblox came out with the classic and again, you know, it was all right. I had some fun with it
07:44I didn't even finish it though
07:45because some of the games in there made me want to rip my hair out and then we had the games event which if i'm
07:50Going to be honest besides the fact that my team won that it it was it was kind of garbage
07:54No, I I didn't really like it. Then we had the hot event which um was probably the worst event
07:59The roblox has ever done in the past like 10 years like it was it was bad
08:03And then we had the winter spotlight event, which most people probably didn't even know it was a thing
08:07But it was all right, I guess and now it's 2025
08:11It's almost easter easter is in like what a month and a half. Everyone's like roblox bring back egg hunt
08:16Come on, this is it bring back the egg hunt. You'll make us happy. We've been asking for it for five years, man
08:22It's been five years five years five years
08:26We have been asking for an egg hunt man and roblox is like no, sorry
08:30The best we can do is uh, the hunt, uh second edition. That's that's the best we can do and I don't get it
08:35I don't I don't I don't I don't get it chat
08:37I don't understand doing an egg hunt is literally like the easiest layup ever
08:42It's so like like roblox if you want some free brownie points with the community. Oh my god, just make an egg hunt
08:49I've been complaining about this for five six like like seven years now, but it's like dude
08:55I am not about to spend another 24 hours playing a hundred different roblox games
09:02Actually, I should know it's not just 100 roblox games. There's two quests in each game
09:08Each game will have two quests. So there's actually 200 things that you have to do in this event
09:15And it's like oh my god, dude, like oh
09:20And this guy here brings up a good point, right?
09:22It's not just that the events suck or that, you know, some of the games on them suck or anything
09:26It's also the lack of prizes you play a hundred games for five prizes. Like dude, I am not about to spend
09:334872 however many hours doing all this for five items man
09:39Like back when egg hunts were a thing chat. Look at this. Look at this right here. Look at this right here
09:43Here's some of the items that you would get in the previous like egg hunts. Look at this
09:47Look at look at all these cool items. You can wear on your avatar like all these cool eggs. This is awesome
09:51This is so cool
09:52You used to get like 50 plus items every event and it was awesome
09:55and now you get like you get five you get five items like it's not even worth doing and like I just
10:01Like the thing that's so frustrating is I so many other people have given so much feedback to roblox
10:08It's like hey, look you did this last year. It was all right. Here's how to improve it, right?
10:14Like first off hundred games too many games
10:17Secondly some of the games on this list like they do not need to be in the event like they have
10:23I don't want to flame anybody, but some of the games just suck
10:27Okay, and you know what?
10:28I'm gonna flame people like for example in the ultimate football game
10:32You literally had to just sit here in the game afk for an hour that that was it. Sorry, not an hour
10:38It's like it's like 30 to 40 minutes like dude
10:40I don't want to just sit in a game for 30 to 40 minutes doing nothing
10:44That's not fun also like I have no idea how to play football
10:47So like me just playing the game for 30 to 40 minutes is the most boring thing of all time
10:52Why would I want to do this?
10:54Like it's like some of the games are great, right?
10:56Some of the games on here are great arsenal does a fantastic job each time
11:00And then there's games like blade ball on here and blade ball took me like three hours to do last time
11:06It was just three hours of me playing the game doing the same thing over and over and over and over and over
11:13And it's like like I don't understand man. It's like we give all this feedback to roblox
11:18We're like, hey, don't do this do this. Hey, don't do this do this and
11:23Nothing is changing chat. Like nothing is changing. It's the same. It's the same thing
11:27it's the same thing man, we give all this feedback and like nothing is changing and it's just
11:34Frustrating because it's like I want these events to be good man. I want them to be good, but
11:40But they're not literally if you go and look at the feedback for the hunt first edition almost everyone was like hey hundred games
11:48That's too many cut it down
11:50What do they do now?
11:51Well now you have a hundred games, but you also have two quests to do in each game. It's like oh my god
11:58They did more it's like they're doing the opposite of what we said to do
12:03I think the biggest problem is like the event doesn't feel like an event. It feels like a checklist
12:09It feels like a chores to-do list like here's all the games you gotta do to get five items
12:15Like good luck. You got a week to do it. It's like oh I did this game check on to the next
12:20Oh check on to the next check on like it's like
12:23Man, i'm just i'm so frustrated chas like now look there is a chance that we could be wrong about this
12:30Maybe this is an egg hunt right and I will gladly eat my words if this event comes out and it's an egg hunt
12:36And there's eggs then great. I will make a video apologizing to roblox. I will fly to david bazooki's house
12:42I will kiss his feet. I'll kiss his toes right like look I will I will 100 apologize
12:47All right, i'll take it all back. All right. I was wrong roblox was right
12:50I'll never doubt you were getting roblox, but like i'm i'm looking at this and it's just the same thing
12:55That was last year man. It's the same thing. It's the same thing. It's the exact same thing, man
13:01Oh my god last year I did like a 24 hour live stream for this and like
13:08I'm gonna be honest. I like if this thing comes out and it's just the same thing with the same problems
13:14I'm, not doing it. Like i'm like i'm just over at this point, dude
13:17Like it just feels like somebody at roblox just does not care dude. It's just like here y'all wanted events back here
13:24Have this slop
13:26It's like this. Oh, man, dude, i'm just i'm so disappointed
13:31I was so hoping it was gonna be an egg hunt man. Like it's like just do it. Just bring back egg hunt just
13:39Why won't they do it?
13:42Why won't they do it? It's the easiest thing man. It's the easiest easiest thing. It's easiest thing. Oh my god
13:48Like just do it. Just do it. Just do it. I'm losing my mind
13:52Just do it and for anyone at roblox that is watching this thinking. Oh my god creek is going crazy
13:59Like what is he even talking about go play this game go play this game right here play this play this game right here
14:04The great yoke tells play this game. This is a 2018 egg hunt. Okay. This is a 2018 play this game
14:09All right
14:10If you play this game, you will understand everything i'm saying
14:13All right, just play this in fact if I were if I ever worked at roblox
14:17I would make everybody that's gonna work on the events at roblox play this game
14:21This is the greatest event game of all time on roblox like play this game. This is it. This is what we want
14:27This right here. All right. I want I want to make it crystal clear. All right, like no doubt crystal clear
14:33Okay, this is what we want. This is right here. This is right here
14:36This is what we want this this this right here. See this roblox. You see this. This is what we want
14:40Okay, i'll zoom in i'll zoom in you see this you see this this right here this this is what we want roblox
14:45This is what we want right here. All right this i'll zoom in a little bit more. I can't zoom in anymore, but this
14:51I'm losing my mind
14:55Maybe it'll be good. I don't know man. Like I just
14:59Oh my god. Oh, this is such I don't know man. Like i'm