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00:00All right, boys and girls.
00:01It is that time of the week where we go ahead and make
00:03a full guide video on this week's update, which of course
00:06this week is Mariana's Veil being our next major content
00:10So go ahead and get comfortable because we have a lot to
00:13go over.
00:13This is going to be a pretty lengthy one.
00:15So let's waste no more time and get started right over
00:18here at Roslyn Bay to the right hand side of the lighthouse.
00:22You are going to find Dr.
00:24Go ahead and talk to him where the entire process to Mariana's
00:28Veil will begin.
00:28After speaking to Dr.
00:29Glimmerfin, you will be given the brand new tool being the
00:32mining drill.
00:33This is the tool that you're going to need in order to collect
00:35all five of the parts that you need in order to build the
00:38brand new submarine.
00:39Once you've collected your drill, just make your way over
00:41here to the actual Bay area where you're going to find all
00:44of these individual ores, rocks, whatever you want to call
00:47them, all around the outside of the Bay as well as inside
00:50in the water.
00:51This process is extremely simple.
00:53You pull out your drill, you walk up to the rock and you
00:55click multiple times until you completely destroy the rock
00:59in which case you will then have a 5% chance to get your
01:02hands on one of the five pieces.
01:05Do this over and over again until you have all five pieces
01:08where you will then travel back to Dr.
01:10Glimmerfin and basically just hold every single one of the
01:13parts while you're standing here.
01:14You'll have a prompt that will pop up that lets you put the
01:16parts in one by one after you've gotten all five in talk to
01:20Glimmerfin again where you will see this cutscene that I am
01:23playing on the screen for you right now that basically just
01:26pulls out a laser from the lighthouse shoots it into the
01:28middle and then Mariana's Veil magically opens up at this
01:32point. A lot of people are more than likely going to be here.
01:34So you have two options.
01:35You can go ahead and either hopefully get lucky and your
01:37submarine will spawn right here.
01:39Or if you have the game pass, you can pretty much just go
01:41anywhere open up your boat menu and scroll all the way to
01:44the bottom.
01:45The very last boat on your list should be the submarine.
01:48Just go ahead and click it.
01:49It'll spawn in and then it's pretty straightforward.
01:51Use the little ladders on the side open up the hatch jump
01:54inside you can close the hatch if you want to it isn't exactly
01:58necessary and then get to the front of the submarine and you
02:01are now ready to go as you can see on the left hand side in
02:04order to go down you press Q to go up you press E the submarine
02:08has full capabilities of going all over the entire map for
02:13the most part.
02:13So this is going to be a vehicle that's available for you even
02:16outside of Mariana's Veil, but at this point you're going to
02:18be making your way into Mariana's Veil, which if you guys
02:21watch the trailer, you'll probably notice that I was dodging
02:24a lot of these seaweeds that was during the early testing and
02:26now it is no longer necessary.
02:28You can pretty much go right through all of them.
02:30So it is just a straight passageway down as we make our way
02:34over to the first area.
02:35I'm going to go ahead and give you guys a full breakdown on
02:37how this is going to work in total.
02:39Mariana's Veil has five different levels in order to progress
02:42through every single one of the levels.
02:43You need to complete the previous level.
02:45So for example right now, we're on our way to level one.
02:48We have to complete the entire quest that's available here
02:51by collecting all of the individual parts that we need in
02:53order to create the next Glimmerfin suit. Level one and level
02:57two are by far the easiest ones with level three being one
03:01of the more trickier ones.
03:02Obviously, we're getting a little ahead of ourselves and
03:04we'll get to that point in just a little bit right now.
03:07We're pulling up to our first location being the volcanic
03:10vents. In your case when you get here, this at the very bottom
03:14is going to be completely blocked off with a black circle.
03:18The reason for this is because the way that the level system
03:20works, it's basically like an elevator.
03:22This is the shaft here in the middle, which you will travel
03:24all the way down between level one all the way to level four.
03:28Our first stop is going to be here.
03:30So let's pretend that that is completely closed and we're
03:33getting to level one for the very first time. As you're
03:35traveling through here, be careful for these lava shooting
03:38things. They will do damage to you.
03:39So just be aware of that for the most part.
03:42This first level is fairly easy and you'll make it to our
03:45first stop in literally just a couple of seconds.
03:47Do not get used to that because it gets progressively worse
03:50as we approach level three. Now that you've arrived at the
03:53first campsite, there is a couple of things to go over.
03:55First off, if you want to spawn in your submarine, you have
03:58a ship right over here that is focused primarily on just
04:01submarines. To the left hand side, you will find the lava
04:04rocks and to the right hand side, you will find our first
04:07camp. If you notice, I've already completed this, but in
04:10your case, you will need to find one lava crystal, one
04:13inferno hide, one blisterback blenny, and one inferno
04:17iguana fish. For the lava crystal, it's pretty straightforward.
04:20I'm sure you can already assume that you will need to use
04:22your drill on these rocks over here until you finally get
04:26that lava crystal. Shouldn't really take too long to be honest.
04:29This is probably the easier process. The other three things
04:32are what's going to be a little bit of a challenge and you
04:34will need to travel quite the ways. My top suggestion for
04:37you here is to make sure that you go ahead and activate
04:39the innkeeper that way you don't have to keep coming down
04:41here. And plus there is a teleporter that takes you straight
04:44up to Rosalich, so it'll make it very very easy and quick.
04:47Now in order to get our hands on the two fish as well as
04:50the inferno skin, we're going to need to travel down this
04:52extremely long passage cave, whatever it is that you want
04:56to call this thing. And my biggest suggestion is probably
04:58going to be to get your hands on an advanced glider.
05:00If you haven't already, it'll make it a lot easier to sort
05:03of bypass all of these little obby areas because there is
05:06quite a few of them, but for the most part, it really isn't
05:08all that difficult. If there was a part that's actually
05:11somewhat of a challenge because it can catch you a little
05:14bit off guard, it's pretty much this area right here where
05:16you can accidentally get hit by this lava here.
05:19So just wait it out for a second and then you'll be able
05:21to pass it with no problem. After that point right there,
05:23you will arrive to the room that you need to be in. In here
05:26you will be able to fish inside of the lava with any of
05:29your rods, to my knowledge. In whatever event, there is
05:32a rod here in the center called the volcanic rod.
05:35It's valued at 300,000 and the stats for this currently
05:38are 30% lure speed, 90% luck, 0.1 control, 15%
05:43resilience with a max kg of infinite. As for what the passive
05:47on this rod is, it is a 20% chance for a 5x mutation,
05:51which I'm going to be honest, I don't exactly remember
05:53off the top of my head what that mutation is called, but
05:55the value of it is 5x. As I mentioned before, to get the
05:58three things that you're looking for, all you want to do
06:00is just go ahead and fish here. You'll be able to get
06:03your hands on both of the fish that you're looking for
06:05as well as the inferno hide. Something to keep in mind
06:07about the inferno hide is that it is considered a common
06:10inside of this area. You can go into the bestiary, go
06:12to the volcanic vents, and you'll be able to see it
06:14right here. So it might be kind of beneficial to go ahead
06:16and put on something like garbage bait or something
06:18like that. A little impossible in the testing right now
06:21just because it's a 160x luck and people just keep
06:24popping auroras. Either way, once you've done that,
06:26it's pretty straightforward. You come back over here,
06:28pull out every individual piece, use it on the middle
06:31podium, and at the very end of it all, you will unlock
06:34the glimmer fin suit as well as the upgrade of heat
06:37towards your submarine. Your submarine is going to
06:40change from a gray color to a red color. This now
06:42means that you can go ahead and put on your glimmer
06:44fins to level one and hop into your submarine and
06:47travel backwards so that that way you can move on
06:49to level two. For this is extremely simple. I already
06:52explained to you guys before we even got here. We're
06:54just heading back to the elevator shaft area where
06:56now the black platform will not be there and you can
06:59instead continue going down. Alright, so we've arrived
07:02now to challenger's deep which is a level two. This
07:05one is the exact same as level one for the most part.
07:09Things don't really start changing up until you get
07:11to level three. So don't be fooled whatsoever by level
07:14one and level two. It is fairly easy to complete these
07:17two, but I promise you after this it starts to become
07:21quite challenging. Now again, the concept here very
07:24very simple just a little bit of a slight difference
07:26because you are going to need your glimmer fin suit
07:28level one in order to upgrade it to level two. So over
07:31here on the left hand side, you have the crafting area
07:34as you can see the resources here are going to be one
07:36ice crystal one cryo skin one polar prowler and your
07:40level one suit crystal can be obtained obviously from
07:43right over here the suit you already have in your
07:45inventory. Make sure that you guys hit the innkeeper
07:48over here just to be on the safe side and then travel
07:51down through this until you make it to the very end.
07:53Once you arrive to the end. This is basically where
07:55you're going to be fishing to get your prowler as well
07:58as to get your hide aside from that if we also go ahead
08:01and turn the camera to the right hand side over here.
08:03This is where you will find the challengers rod for
08:062.5 million stats on this bad boy are 80% lure speed
08:11110% luck 0.2 control 30% resilient with an infinite
08:17max kg as for the passive on it.
08:19It is a plus 20% progress speed when the fish is within
08:23the white bar. So kind of a pretty interesting little
08:26passive ability on it. Just like I mentioned before
08:28you're going to hold every single one of the individual
08:30items in the middle pedestal until you basically go
08:33ahead and turn them all in which will unlock level 2
08:35of the glimmer Finn suit as well as the ice upgrade
08:38now is when things start to get really interesting
08:41because you need to make your way over to level 3 this
08:44whole experience can either be really fun or super
08:46tedious. My best suggestion for you is to strap in
08:50because it is going to be a very very long journey
08:53level 3 is by far the longest journey, but for the most
08:56part fairly simple once we leave from here.
08:59We of course once again continue to go downwards
09:02unlike every single one of the other journeys for
09:04like level 1 and level 2.
09:06This one is going to have to require you to basically
09:08go through a bunch of anglers.
09:10The problem with this is that if you're caught by the
09:12anglers, you are pretty much sent back to the beginning
09:15either way.
09:16We still have a good solid like two or three minute
09:18journey before we actually even get to the anglers.
09:20So I guess I'll just put you guys past the misery here
09:23and we'll be right back as soon as we reach the anglers.
09:26All right chat.
09:26I'm not gonna lie to you.
09:27It is very easy to actually get lost here.
09:30But once you reach this Dory right here, you have now
09:32pretty much made it to the angler part.
09:35So once you see this little archway just go ahead and
09:38slow down for a second.
09:39Wait right here.
09:40You're going to see an angler fish go ahead and pass
09:43right in front of you and that's going to give you an
09:45idea on which way you need to go.
09:48So you got to go over here to the right hand side.
09:50Make sure that that white cone from the angler does not
09:53touch you.
09:53There's another one right there.
09:54We're going to go left as soon as he passes and then
09:57we got another one that's going to be coming here in
09:59a second more than likely in the opposite direction.
10:02So there he comes right there.
10:03We're going to go ahead and let him pass and then we're
10:06going straight up here.
10:08Wait a second.
10:09Make sure that you keep an eye out for this guy.
10:10He just actually went ahead and pass.
10:12So we're going to go this way go down and oh, oh, oh,
10:15oh, oh, be careful.
10:16There's still one more and he's actually on his way right
10:19now. Both of them are I don't know if I'm going to get
10:21hit here.
10:22All right.
10:22No, it looks like we're pretty good.
10:24So this should be the final one.
10:26You just go ahead and make your way through this doorway
10:29right here and oh wait.
10:30No still one more but as you can see for the most part
10:33it's fairly easy as long as you're, you know, sort of
10:35careful after that one that you have now made it through
10:38and it is pretty much a straight shot all the way until
10:40you get to the final area.
10:42It is going to be another probably like two or three minute
10:45drive though.
10:46Like I mentioned before it only just gets worse from this
10:49All right, and there we go.
10:50We have finally made it to the final area.
10:53We just go ahead and pull up here.
10:55And as I mentioned to you guys before this one is going
10:57to be a little bit different.
10:58If you notice all the way at the end over there, it says
11:00feed to take Lantern up here on the left hand side is
11:04basically what we're going to be looking for for this to
11:06move on to level 4.
11:08We need one abyssal bearded sea devil one void glow ghost
11:13fish one anglers Lantern as well as your level 2 suit.
11:17If you watch the trailer yesterday, then you probably saw
11:20the anglerfish that are swimming around here.
11:22Their preferred food is either Kraken's or orcas at first.
11:26This is probably going to be fairly easy to do because
11:28there's going to be a lot of people more than likely here.
11:30So it's going to make your life a little bit easier.
11:32But if like in my case, there's no one here then you kind
11:35of have to do this all by yourself meaning that you're going
11:37to need at the very least three or four orcas or Kraken's
11:41whichever one you want.
11:43It's also extremely important to go ahead and make this
11:45your innkeeper because you will more than likely get taken
11:47out here quite a few times.
11:49Either way your goal here is to pretty much put all of
11:52these fish to sleep.
11:53So that way you can grab the Lantern safely go ahead and
11:56pull out your orca or whatever it is that you're planning
11:58to feed it jump into the water and they will instantly
12:01start to swim towards you at this point.
12:03You're going to have to kind of swim away from them, but
12:06also feed them very quickly as soon as you feed them.
12:08They will go into hibernation mode.
12:10So right there they are sleeping.
12:12You have a few seconds to go ahead and and as I was in
12:15the process of doing that the servers restarted, but as
12:17I was saying you basically want to go ahead and feed them
12:20to make sure that they fall asleep the moment that they
12:22fall asleep is when you'll be able to go ahead and finally
12:25grab the Lantern from the front of their face.
12:28That is what you need to avoid.
12:30They are going to attack you every single time that you
12:33feed one it'll fall asleep and drown all the way to the
12:36bottom of this little pond Lake.
12:38Whatever it is.
12:39You want to call this when they fall asleep.
12:41They're only asleep for five minutes.
12:43So you pretty much have five minutes to put them all to
12:45sleep. So that way you can go ahead and grab the anglers
12:49Lantern, which is what I have right here in my hand as
12:52for the other two fish that are here.
12:53It's really simple.
12:54You just fish in this Lake right here and you'll be able
12:57to obtain them from inside of there.
12:58So that part isn't really too complicated.
13:00The part that's complicated is getting that angler Lantern
13:03not just like the other area.
13:04You're going to place everything on the pedestal or the
13:06podium one by one.
13:08You'll see every single time that you play something it
13:10gets checked off on the top until the final one where you
13:13finally get all of your upgrades.
13:15Now, we're officially ready to move on to level 4, which
13:18is technically the final area because level 5 is a little
13:22bit different than pretty much every single one of the
13:24other ones as far as like how you gain access to it, but
13:27I'm sure you guessed it.
13:28We now have to make our way all the way back to the elevator
13:32part so that that way we can keep going down to level 4.
13:36So we'll be back in just a minute.
13:38All right, so we officially made it back and now we are
13:40traveling down to level 4 nothing really too crazy to tell
13:44you guys about this one besides the fact that it's just
13:48a really long journey from level 3 moving forward.
13:52It really just involves a lot of traveling and a lot of
13:55maneuvering around and just pretty much not getting lost.
13:58I think out of all of them level 3 is probably the most
14:01difficult one, but if we run into any obstacle here, I'll
14:03go ahead and jump back into the footage here for the most
14:06part right now.
14:07We're heading to level 4 and I'll be back as soon as we
14:09arrive and just like that we have now officially arrived
14:12to the calm zone as I mentioned before this area is completely
14:18different to anything else in here for the most part.
14:21It's exactly what it stands for.
14:24It's literally just a calm zone.
14:26And when you arrive here, you're probably going to notice
14:29that there really isn't much for you to do here.
14:31I mean you can fish there's obviously a bestiary but besides
14:35that there is no sort of like objective to do if you reach
14:39all the way to the back over here in the corner, you're
14:41going to notice this cave with sort of like spikes around
14:44it that is where we want to go in order to move on to level
14:475, but there is a bit of a catch in order to actually unlock
14:52level 5 for starters inside of level 4.
14:54You want to make sure that you don't touch the water.
14:57If you touch the water, even though this is called the calm
15:00zone, there is absolutely nothing calm about it.
15:02And at least at the current moment when I'm playing it will
15:05instantly take you out on top of that as far as I'm aware.
15:09There is no innkeeper inside of the calm zone.
15:11Now, let me go ahead and show you guys what's back here.
15:13If we just sort of use a glider to avoid hitting the water
15:16you're going to travel through this little area here and
15:18then you will come up to this side right here at a very very
15:23very far distance.
15:24You're going to be able to see four different statues.
15:27The reason for this is because behind that door that we're
15:30about to see there is the first and only puzzle for this
15:34update in order to reach level 5.
15:36Now before I actually put you guys through the misery of
15:38doing this entire obby.
15:40I want to make it very clear from this point moving forward.
15:43You will need three of the brand new exotics in the game.
15:47The first exotic that you're going to need is a level one
15:49which is called the magma Leviathan.
15:52You probably saw this in the trailer, but this is what it
15:54looks like right here.
15:55This is a hundred percent necessary in order for you to move
15:57on to level 5.
15:58The second one that you're going to need is the frozen Leviathan
16:02which is this one that I am holding in my hand.
16:04I'm sure you already guessed it, but you will find this in
16:07level 2 being the challengers deep.
16:09And now of course the final one is going to be found in level
16:133 called the crowned angler.
16:16I know I mentioned that these were exotics, but I actually
16:18just looked at them right now and they're actually considered
16:21So all three of these are going to be secrets meaning that
16:23they're going to be very very difficult to obtain either way.
16:27Let's assume that you've gone ahead and got in one of every
16:29single one of them.
16:30Now you need to go ahead and do the obby.
16:33I don't actually think that the obby can be bypassed with
16:35a glider.
16:36Yeah, you can.
16:37Oh, this makes it so much easier.
16:38Wait a minute.
16:39You can literally just use a glider across it.
16:41That was so easy.
16:42Anyways, once you've gone ahead and pass that you might remember
16:45this room from the trailer.
16:46If you saw it, this is the door that will go ahead and unlock
16:50level 5 behind this door.
16:52You will find the first ever boss fight in fish.
16:56So let's go ahead and use our crowned angler right over here.
16:59We're going to grab our magma Leviathan place it over here.
17:03And finally our frozen Leviathan right over here.
17:06Now you've gone ahead and unlocked what most would think is
17:10the final layer being level 5, but it's actually not over because
17:15there is a level 6 that I previously mentioned to you guys
17:19required a puzzle in order to go ahead and gain access to I
17:23would also like to point out that here is another one of the
17:26brand new rods.
17:26It is called the ethereal prism rod for 15 million cash.
17:32That's on this are 95% lure speed 195% luck 0.25 control
17:40with a 40% resilience and a infinite max kg the passive on this
17:46also has a 50% chance to give a mutation that has an AX cell
17:52So this rod is kind of insane either way moving on if we go
17:56ahead and use a glider to right over here where you guys can
17:59see all of these different statues.
18:01This is the puzzle that I've been talking to you guys about
18:04for level 6.
18:06This is basically a chess puzzle and the way you complete it
18:08is actually quite simple, which if you notice in the background
18:11I've already gone ahead and completed it.
18:12The goal here is to pretty much turn all of them into the green
18:16color that they currently are you have one minute to get all
18:19of them to green and to do that you just stand behind them
18:22and keep pushing him over and over again until they turn green
18:25then you just move on to the next one and rinse and repeat
18:28all the way until you get to the end actually a super easy
18:31puzzle that can pretty much be done in every single platform.
18:34Once you've gone ahead and done that this door will open right
18:37here which unlocks the veil of the forsaken just go ahead
18:40and jump inside of here.
18:42And as soon as you arrive for the very first time you will
18:44have to take part in the first boss fight ever added to fish
18:49on the screen and I'm going to show you clips of me actually
18:51doing this during the live stream.
18:53It's actually super simple.
18:54Basically you want to go ahead and travel around the entire
18:58map collecting individual parts for a crossbow in total.
19:01There is three parts and you sort of want to do this as quick
19:04as possible while also not standing around too long because
19:08unfortunately Scylla will be shooting sort of like these
19:10different orbs at you and the orbs if they hit you will do
19:14a lot of damage.
19:15If you're hit with three of them, you're pretty much a goner
19:18once you've collected all three parts.
19:19You want to just travel right back to pretty much like the
19:22main entrance where you sort of came in through and right
19:24You're going to see the sort of highlighted silhouette of
19:27the crossbow where you have to build it pull out every part
19:30individually put them in one by one and then a cutscene will
19:33begin where you go ahead and defeat Scylla during the live
19:36We were able to go ahead and catch it.
19:37It is considered a secret and the preferred bait is shark
19:41Unfortunately, this works very similar to like a Megalodon.
19:44So while you can fish at any time inside of this pool right
19:47here, normally you'll be catching Veil of the Forsaken fish
19:51when this pops up that says there has been a Scylla spotted
19:54in the Veil of the Forsaken be the first and only to catch
19:57it and you see this now you're actually able to get it to
20:01give you guys a better look at this.
20:02It is a negative 95% to go ahead and catch this.
20:06So it isn't going to be easy.
20:08But if you are using the rod that's located inside of here,
20:11which cost 1 million, it sort of makes it a little bit easier
20:15the longer you keep the bar inside of the white bar the easier
20:18it is to catch Scylla the resilience starts to decrease and
20:21it also has that slash ability during my live stream.
20:24I tried to catch it with a dev rod and I failed miserably.
20:28I definitely feel like I have better odds even though I am
20:30sort of yapping right now to catch it now that I have this
20:33one. So let's do that really quickly and I'm going to show
20:35you guys what the cutscene looks like.
20:36All right, there we go.
20:37It's actually a night and day difference to catch this using
20:40that rod.
20:41So yeah, this is the cutscene right here.
20:43It's actually really really cool looking for some reason.
20:46He's coming out of like really really far away.
20:50But yeah, pretty cool little cutscene right there.
20:53You notice in the chat.
20:54It is completely in kind of like this teal color and it says
20:57Scylla hunt carbon Meister has caught the Scylla and if we
21:00look at our inventory, it's a little bit smaller than the
21:02one that I caught the first time but there it is right there.
21:05I would like to point out that every single one of the secrets
21:08including the three that you need in order to get in here
21:10all have their own custom cutscenes.
21:12So if you're interested, I want to see that let me know in
21:14the comment section and that pretty much now does it for this
21:17entire full guide.
21:18I hope that you guys went ahead and enjoyed it and that it
21:20helps you out.
21:21If you did make sure to drop a like subscribe to the channel.
21:23We do these every single update as well as stream for every
21:26single one of the updates.
21:28So you don't want to miss out make sure to subscribe.
21:30Thank you guys for 400,000 subscribers.
21:33Absolutely insane.
21:34That's going to do it for this video.
21:35Like always I will see you guys in the next one.
21:38Take care.
