• anteayer
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Musicbed SyncID:

#PWR #CodePWR #EpicPartner
00:00This is ZigZag, one of the world's best GeoGuessr players.
00:03But can he guess where we are while blind?
00:07I see a shop that says LIRAZ.
00:09L-I-R-A-Z, next to it is guess.
00:11The phone number is 5064-775.
00:14Can we tell what side of the road we're driving on?
00:16We are driving on the right side of the road.
00:21Do we see anything on the number plates?
00:22The whole plate is yellow, but there is a little hint of blue on the left side.
00:25Is it flat or like hilly?
00:28It is completely flat.
00:29We are in a city.
00:30Is it more of a dry climate or more of a green climate?
00:33I mean, there is trees, but it looks a bit more dry than green, yeah.
00:37Now I'm thinking it's Israel.
00:39I think we should go for that. Let's go Israel.
00:40Israel? Okay.
00:41Guess near Tel Aviv.
00:43Okay, let me go to Israel.
00:45Where's Israel?
00:47Do you know where the Mediterranean Sea is?
00:49Like underneath Italy?
00:50Like that big ocean under Italy?
00:53Yeah, yeah, yeah.
00:54So all the way to the right of it when you hit the Middle East.
00:57Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
00:59Good job, good job, good job.
01:01Hey, I got it, I got it.
01:02Okay, I'm at Israel.
01:03All right, where did you want me to get near?
01:05Yeah, Tel Aviv, which is like the biggest city.
01:07Tel Aviv, yeah.
01:08Oh, yeah.
01:09Okay, got it, got it.
01:09Okay, here we go.
01:10I'm about to guess Tel Aviv in Israel.
01:13Oh my God.
01:15Yo, it was.
