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➡️ THUMBNAILS BY: https://www.instagram.com/jchessnoob/
00:00Ladies and gentlemen, welcome back to the How to Lose at Chess playlist here on the
00:07Gotham Chess YouTube channel.
00:09For those of you that have been watching for a long time, you know that in this playlist,
00:13brave users, brave viewers, brave subscribers send me their games, sometimes they're great,
00:18but more often than not, they are questionable.
00:22But we still can learn many things while laughing at the pain that is chess.
00:27We are not laughing at the people who submit these games, rather we are laughing at ourselves
00:32and why we even dare to try to learn and how to be better at this game in the first place.
00:37And today's video is a special one, because today's game is sent by an Italian named Emanuele.
00:46Very very brave individual.
00:48Also today we hit 6 million subscribers on this channel, which is really special.
00:52And I just want to say thank you to each and every one of you that is a subscriber, a bunch
00:55of people are subscribed but no longer keep up with chess.
00:59Many of you are still not subscribed, but that's totally okay.
01:02I think more than anything, what's impressive is this chess channel has 3.3 billion views,
01:08which means a large amount of people have gotten into chess.
01:12So that is very special.
01:13And shoutout to all of you.
01:16And to celebrate, I request that you check out my Instagram page.
01:21Not selling you anything, just check out the Gotham Chess Instagram page, been posting
01:24a lot of fun content on there, a lot of cool memes, gonna try to diversify some of the
01:28content that I'm posting all over the place.
01:29So yeah, that's my humble request at 6 million subscribers.
01:35But on that note, let's jump into this game.
01:43As always, the brave individuals that send in their games are given honorary Grandmaster
01:48titles, both of them.
01:50Of course they are not Grandmasters.
01:52You can combine their Elo and then add another 1,000 to the mix and they would still not
01:55be 1,000s.
01:56The title, you know, at 1,100, I'm rounding up a little bit.
02:01Let's check out this game.
02:02But first let's sip some coffee because we're gonna need it.
02:06So Anton begins the game with E4.
02:12Our protagonist, Emanuele, probably, started the game like a true Gotham prodigy with the
02:20Karo-Khan defense.
02:22Very reliable opening, very good opening.
02:24I still play it Tuesday.
02:26Of course I've been dabbling in Sicilians as well and Scandinavians but this is my one
02:31true love in terms of chess openings.
02:33D4, d5.
02:35And Anton, principled, plays e5.
02:37This is the best move, in my opinion, against the Karo-Khan, at high level especially.
02:41It restricts Black's play and it doesn't allow Black natural development with Nf6.
02:46Now here Black has two approaches.
02:48The most common way at master level is to play Bf5, followed by e6, followed by c5.
02:54The way I like to play and the way I actually think is better for most intermediate and
02:58advanced players is to play the immediate move, c5.
03:02This was not the move played in the game.
03:05Instead Emanuele played Bf5.
03:07Now in the How to Lose a Chess playlist, you know, I've got games as low as 1 and 200 elo
03:12and in those games, you know, queens are being blundered on the fourth move.
03:16But I actually like covering games at 1,000 and 1,100 because you can learn some things.
03:20But you will also laugh so hard, you might pee your pants.
03:23So that's kind of the goal.
03:25So Bf5.
03:26Now White has many, many, many approaches here.
03:29In general, all of them involve some form of development, some form of, you know, positional
03:35One of the worst moves that White can play here, not because it's a huge blunder, but
03:39because it doesn't pose any danger to Black whatsoever, is Bd3.
03:44This move gives Black the opportunity to trade their piece, which might not have a
03:51lot of space, and it also facilitates Black's plan, which is to play e6 and c5 on the very
03:57next move.
03:58After you play Bc5, you will put the knight on c6, you'll put the queen on b6, putting
04:03more pressure on White's center, and this knight will obviously not go to the f6 square
04:06because these people are rated at 1,060, but instead will go to the f5 square, or will
04:10sometimes go to the g6 square, and from both of those squares, you put pressure on White's
04:17You're getting a little Carl Kahn masterclass at the 1,100 level.
04:19So this is excellent play so far, perfect play from Emanuele, you know, I cannot complain
04:25It's a very common way also for an amateur to play with White, just kind of trying to,
04:29you know, control the center.
04:30There's no need to rush into this capture because you don't really do anything, you
04:34know, White will just very easily get development.
04:38So yeah, I mean, he doesn't.
04:39He plays knight c6.
04:40At this point, I cannot criticize anything that either player, frankly, is doing.
04:44Now here, if I leave you in this position, I say make a move for White.
04:48I really don't care what level you are, but if you're playing White here, and I ask you
04:54White to move, and you say castle, you win.
04:58You win the quiz.
05:00Like of course you should castle.
05:01Now if you start thinking, you start going, well, bishop g5, it attacks the queen, yeah,
05:06you know, I can give you partial credit if you say, I don't know, queen b5 attacks a
05:10pawn, like, clearly you have an aggressive mindset, right?
05:13You have a mindset where you're like, well, you know, I can make these moves and they
05:16create threats and whatever, yeah, but castling is the best move.
05:19Now a move that I can't wrap my head around is the move knight to g5.
05:25I'm not going to lie.
05:28I have no damn clue what that move is doing.
05:31Now I looked at it at first, and I was like, is White trying to play knight takes h7?
05:38Now if you stop at this and say the rook cannot take because of the queen, I can kind
05:45of see that.
05:46I can see your point.
05:48But what was the idea after pawn to h6?
05:51Was there an idea?
05:52Because you know what White's best move here is?
05:54Going back to f3.
05:56If your move, if your best move is going back to where you came from, that's not, your plan
06:03is not good.
06:04Folks, you can't just do stuff like this.
06:06There is a saying in chess, which I created on this channel right now.
06:11You cannot go to battle with one pony.
06:15It's not going to work.
06:16One horse is not going to take down a brick wall.
06:20You can try.
06:21It could be the, it could be a horse you fed with tons of American, uh, you know, genetically
06:26modified hay to make the horse really beefy.
06:29All right.
06:30FDA unapproved, but it's still not going to work.
06:33You can't go to battle with one horse.
06:36It's just not possible.
06:38I don't love Black's next move.
06:40I queen b6.
06:41Basically, Emmanuelle is, is treating the horse like a, like a crazy guy on the New
06:45York city subway.
06:46There's yelling kind of in the corner, lighting sticks on fire.
06:48You just kind of don't pay attention.
06:50You know what I'm saying?
06:51You just kind of, you kind of hope that you get to the next stop and you can just get
06:55We're just going to leave the knight over here.
06:56We're just, we're not going to, but it's not really creating any threat.
06:59And right away, you know, we have an attack over here.
07:01Now Anton here is just extremely crude.
07:04I mean, this is really what this is.
07:06Look at, I mean, this is, this is rocket science out here.
07:10This is, this is like, you know, when, when, when a PhD student is, is trying to yap about
07:16something or other, you know, this is like so sophisticated.
07:23It's idiotic.
07:24I mean, knight there and queen there and trying to cut like, this is not a Rubik's cube.
07:29You can't just go twist, twist, turn and solve the damn thing.
07:34It just doesn't work like that.
07:35Now, if this was a true low ELO game, the game would proceed with pawn to H6 and white
07:41would win, but it's not, it's a good, it's a game between good players and the knight
07:45goes out to H6.
07:46Beautiful coordination.
07:48Normally the knight is poorly placed on the edge of the board, right?
07:52Poorly placed knight.
07:53But in this case, you actually just defend checkmate and white doesn't have any more
07:58Like white can't really exploit that.
08:03Yeah, but Emanuela is like, well, free pawn, right?
08:08I mean, that's, that's the whole point.
08:09And now, by the way, I might, I might actually win both of these.
08:13I might win both of these pawns because why not?
08:16White takes back.
08:17Cause that's what you do.
08:18If you're a thousand, you're like, well, he took my, I got to take, I mean, I have no
08:22other choice.
08:24White could have played a million other moves, but okay.
08:26You take.
08:27Now this is a very difficult one.
08:30What is better to take this pawn with?
08:32Do you take with the queen because you keep attacking pawns or do you take with the knight
08:35because your opponent's a moron who's going to blunder a queen, right?
08:40Most people here would take with the knight because the queen is hanging.
08:44Emanuela is a cultured Italian.
08:47All right.
08:48Like, you're not going to rush in with the knight.
08:51There's no, there's no point to rush.
08:52You just take with the queen.
08:54Queen's there.
08:55Queen's going to take this.
08:56You're going to develop the bishop.
08:57You're going to castle.
08:58You're going to put your knight right here.
08:59Active block the queen.
09:00Kick out this knight.
09:01Like, the thing about chess is you don't, you don't need to just go crazy, right?
09:04You don't, you can just relax.
09:07It's a long process.
09:09I like this move by white, knight c3.
09:12I like it.
09:13Now, here's an interesting concept.
09:17Do you take this pawn?
09:21I got news for you.
09:22I'd probably take the pawn.
09:23I'd probably play this.
09:25As it turns out, it's a very bad move by accident.
09:27That's tough to understand.
09:29The best move for black is to play bishop b7, to castle, and then, and only then, pick
09:37this pawn up.
09:39That's hard to understand.
09:41And it's what the computer says.
09:43You know, most of us see that this pawn is hanging.
09:45You don't see any immediate danger to your position, so you're like, well, I take.
09:52Now, white's queen is hanging, so white goes here.
09:56Because white sees a fork, right?
10:00That's what white sees.
10:01You kind of try to set it up.
10:03Move makes sense.
10:04The other thing is, when you take the pawn on e5, it's like you unclog white's arteries,
10:10White now gets a lot of play down the center line, which they didn't really have before,
10:15and you're not going to get any time.
10:17You can no longer play bishop b7, because either queen b5 or even knight to b5 poses
10:22a serious problem, because of the attack on the queen, because of the fork, and because
10:26of the continued attack on the knight.
10:28So all of a sudden, Emanuele stumbles into a position where, bro's just busted up.
10:34I mean, he's really struggling here.
10:36You ask me to make a move here with black, I probably play a6, but suddenly after rook
10:40d1, you just cannot defend your knight.
10:42So oops.
10:44So Emanuele plays bishop c5.
10:47Bishop c5 is an admirable move.
10:48I mean, it's a terrible move, but it's an admirable move.
10:52And as you can see from the position, it was not easy to play a move.
10:55The best move for black was to retreat the knight.
10:57It's not so simple.
10:59Bishop c5.
11:00Now white can play rook d1, white can play knight b5, white can play bishop e3, and he
11:04plays knight b5.
11:05And now black is in a lot of trouble, because black's queen is hanging, black's fork is
11:10hanging, and black's knight is hanging.
11:13At this point, the best move for black is to play queen c4, simply giving up the knight,
11:19like this.
11:20And then when you win the knight back, here comes queen g7, and you get bulldozed.
11:23So what do you do?
11:24Well, you castle.
11:25You don't take the knight, you simply lose a knight, but you run your king to safety.
11:30Obviously, that's not going to happen.
11:32But at the very minimum, we need to defend against the fork.
11:36Well, luckily for us, Emanuele...
11:38Sorry, we need to defend against the fork, and we need to defend against the attack on
11:41the queen.
11:42Emanuele, however, lives his life in ignorance, and is like, huh, what an idiot.
11:50This guy thought he was going to fork me.
11:53What a clown.
11:54I'm not letting him fork me.
12:02Now I would like to draw the attention here that Emanuele spent four seconds blundering
12:07his queen here, out of an allotted nine minutes and six seconds.
12:13He had 546 seconds.
12:19He spent 4.3 seconds castling.
12:25Now you're down a queen.
12:27Now at this level, you should convert this position with no problems.
12:31Fun fact.
12:32Now to win a position like this, where you have a queen, but it's not so obvious, you
12:36immediately start trading the pieces.
12:39You don't even think.
12:40You just knight back to f3.
12:42You don't even think about it.
12:45Because you're going to take the knight, and then you're going to trade this.
12:46You just remove pieces from the opponent's defenses.
12:50Okay, what does white do?
12:51Rook d1.
12:52I love that move.
12:53Love that move.
12:54Now Emanuele's busted up, but clutch move, knight to f5.
12:57Now white has a very nice move here.
12:59White can sacrifice the rook, you take, and then you get the knight.
13:03You got to do that.
13:04Two pieces off the board, and two pieces for a rook is a good deal.
13:09What a monster.
13:10That's what I'm talking about.
13:13Emanuele backs up, hoping that the opponent also doesn't know that knights can attack
13:18But the queen goes in, and this is just bad news.
13:19Now at this point, what you do with black, right?
13:21We know what to do with white.
13:22What you do with black, you look for backfiring possibilities.
13:25You look for possibilities on the king.
13:26You look for cheap tricks on the king.
13:29You try to keep everything protected.
13:31It's going to be really hard.
13:33And you look for maybe pawns, like pass-pawn counterplay.
13:36A decent move here would probably be just to advance this pawn.
13:40Or rook b8.
13:41Knight a5 is a bad move.
13:43Knight a5 is a bad move because you have three pieces remaining, and you just gave one away.
13:50I don't know why you did that.
13:52That's going to be counterproductive to not losing this game, right?
13:57Again, knight a5, you're hanging a pawn, and you have an ingrown toenail, so you chop off
14:05the toe.
14:07I don't know why.
14:08You could have just fixed the nail.
14:09I don't know why.
14:13Queen goes to c3.
14:14Again, and if you're playing with white, what do you do?
14:17At this point, you can trade the rooks, probably.
14:19But at this point in the game, you probably need to go on an attack.
14:22You have an overwhelming material advantage.
14:24You have to go try to deliver checkmate.
14:27Also what you should do in this position, make sure to protect your king.
14:31Don't blunder back rank checkmate.
14:34So you should be able to explain how you're going to play this position for win.
14:38Rook c8.
14:39Good move.
14:40Queen h3.
14:41Great move.
14:42At this point, you know, in positions like this, you can always look for sacrifices.
14:47It's always there, you know?
14:50And then, you know, king h8, you can sacrifice everything because you have such an overwhelming
14:55positional advantage.
14:56You get to a position like this, you know, you pick up a bunch of pawns, like, you're
15:00going to win the game.
15:01Black has absolutely no way to create counterplay here unless you blunder back rank checkmate,
15:04which is why you play pawn to h3.
15:06So this is a very easy and clinical conversion.
15:08Okay, the knight goes back to f3, fine.
15:10Rook goes to c2.
15:11Yeah, bishop takes h6.
15:12You play this move in two seconds, you don't even think about it.
15:15Okay, knight d4, fine.
15:18Okay, one thing you should not do is that.
15:23Like, I don't, like, the horse should not just stumble across the board absentmindedly.
15:30Rook c8.
15:31And actually, white is dangerously close to blundering the game, meaning, you know, the
15:37bishop is protected twice.
15:40But if it wasn't, if this was the position, you lose.
15:42Rook c1.
15:43So, you know, you need to be careful.
15:45Queen g3 is the move that white chooses here, which I don't love.
15:48I don't hate it.
15:50Obviously you are setting up some stuff over here, which, to Emanuele's credit, gets noticed.
15:55I would get the bishop out, I would create a lift.
15:59Yeah, that was good technique.
16:02Now the game is over.
16:03Now white will absolutely never lose.
16:05And that sucks.
16:07But we know that this is the How to Lose a Chess playlist, and we know that these videos
16:10should be watched until the conclusion for a plot twist that absolutely nobody saw coming.
16:16By the way, can I just say, black has not even spent 2 minutes, but played 27 moves.
16:20If you want to do something where you last only 3 minutes, chess may not be the solution.
16:27Or play 3 minute blitz, because there you have your standard allotted time.
16:32Knight goes back to d2.
16:34This is a terrible move, because it simply blunders a bishop.
16:37And this is what I was saying earlier, this is how close white was, like, white could
16:41have moved this bishop at any point.
16:43I don't know why white hated this bishop so much.
16:45The only benefit to this, is that now, black only has a rook.
16:51Black will absolutely, and I really mean absolutely, never save this game now.
16:56Rook c2.
16:58And if I'm playing with white, again, I'm going to get my queen in there, I'm going
17:00to put my knight on f3, and we just go for the king.
17:04At this point, you hunt down the pawns.
17:09Okay, white here just starts having a full mental breakdown, because that's just a free
17:15Now it's queen versus rook.
17:17Now it's at least getting a little bit complicated, but the benefit is, you're just going to take
17:22the pawn on b6.
17:24I guess this was white's plan, because white was like, I don't want those pieces.
17:27You know, some people also get a little bit carried away, but okay, fantastic.
17:30You've now lost a bishop and a knight, and you are still completely winning.
17:33Fine, queen b6.
17:35Threatening several things.
17:36Number one, the pawn.
17:38Number two, that's literally checkmate.
17:41Well, Emanuele, our protagonist, sees that there is a checkmate threatened, sees that
17:50there is a pawn hanging, and decides that the best way to deal with that is to blunder
17:53a rook.
17:58Everybody knows that when the opponent has too many good-looking choices, like eating
18:04at a very nice Italian restaurant.
18:07Do you get the carbonara?
18:09Do you get the bolognese?
18:12Do you get the amatriciana?
18:15Do you get the tiramisu?
18:17You know?
18:18What do you get?
18:19You get the ragu?
18:20What are you looking for?
18:21Are you looking for pasta?
18:22Are we getting some meatballs?
18:24I mean, you know, Aperol Spritz?
18:28I don't know.
18:29Hugo Spritz, which is what I learned is also a very popular drink my last trip to Italy.
18:33You get too many good options.
18:37Everything is losing.
18:38You can also win this rook in two moves.
18:41You can give a check, and give another check, and win the rook like that.
18:46Every single move is winning here.
18:49The most unbelievable thing about this position is that here, white plays queen takes pawn
19:01in 1.4 seconds.
19:05To not even pause here, 1.4 seconds.
19:11I might put this in my second book.
19:13I'm writing a second book, by the way.
19:15How to Win a Chess 2.
19:16It's going to be about intermediate and early advanced improvement.
19:18To spend one second in this position is, I mean, they must have been throwing you out
19:24of a public toilet.
19:25Like, you must have been pooping, and playing this game, and they were shutting it out,
19:28and you had to.
19:30This is crazy.
19:33But it gets even worse, because Emanuele takes another pawn.
19:37I mean, what are you going to do?
19:38You just, you have no other move.
19:41And now, white spends six seconds here, and instead of giving a mate, again, white finds
19:52a far more complicated check, backwards diagonal attack, and queen takes b2.
20:03Now, here's a little nasty trick.
20:08If you're ever playing a blitz or a bullet game, and you're low on time, one very tricky
20:14move in this position is rook b4.
20:20Your opponent is going to pre-move queen takes rook, because they see you're in check, and
20:25you have to go here.
20:27And they might pre-move this.
20:29Just a little fun fact.
20:30A little two cents, a little wisdom with Gotham.
20:33Especially in bullet, that would work.
20:36But you have to be really nice with timing it.
20:39That doesn't happen, though.
20:40So the game is over.
20:42Okay, well, as we know, it's how to lose at chess.
20:46Oh my god.
20:47I mean, Emanuele, at least defend, like, you got five pawns, dude.
20:51You get it.
20:52Oh my god.
20:53He loses all, I mean, he's just losing all the pawns.
20:56But we know it's how to lose at chess.
20:57We know that there was another plot twist coming.
21:00All right, Gotham, show us the stalemate.
21:02Oh, maybe there won't be a stalemate.
21:07But even, I mean, you could both queen.
21:13It doesn't even, it's two queens versus one.
21:15I mean, you're going to lose, right?
21:16It's not going to work.
21:19You give a check, sack the queen.
21:21You give a check, sack the queen for the, you still promote.
21:23You give queen d6, queen a1, queen h5, queen e4 check, queen e6 check, queen f4 check,
21:29queen e2 check.
21:31Everything is winning.
21:36Everything is winning.
21:39You know what's not winning?
21:42You know what not only is not winning, but is the only move that loses the game?
21:50In this position, white had 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17,
22:1018, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 34 legal moves.
22:25One of them loses the game.
22:28A bunch of them draw.
22:3090% of them win.
22:37White went here.
22:45White stopped the pawn from promoting.
22:48It just promoted on a different square.
22:51And the craziest part is, now white cannot queen.
22:56So the pawn went to a7, Emanuele went here, Emanuele went here, because winning the pawn
23:03by checking would have been too crude.
23:07And on the 46th move of the game, white resigned, and black won.
