• anteayer
congrats to Kenzie for hitting 1 million subscribers and also to lily for having such a successful launch with her pink palm puff pjs. I am so glad I got to experience this and can't wait to make more memories with all my new friends!! I hope you guys enjoy my LA vlog!
follow me on my instagram and TikTok which are both : @iampresleefaith
#vlog #LA


00:00Hey guys! So we made it to the airport. We got some food. I don't know where my dad is. He's somewhere back there.
00:12I don't want to film because I feel like people are going to be like, who would she do it? But it's okay.
00:18So yeah, we are on our way to LA.
00:30Anyways, she's...
00:44You're done.
00:45Oh, you're done.
00:53And maybe when I'm out.
00:59Are you excited?
01:00I'm so pumped.
01:03Can you please come over here so it's not weird that I'm just filming myself?
01:07Anyways, so basically I left my Amika Dye Shampoo Pro bottle in my carry-on.
01:13And she's mad at me.
01:15She's mad at me.
01:18Don't even.
01:19You just felt like an idiot.
01:20Don't even.
01:21And you felt embarrassed.
01:22Admit it.
01:23Admit it.
01:25Hey guys, so I'm on my plane.
01:27You can follow me on TikTok, but I will start vlogging whenever I land.
01:31So yeah.
01:32Okay guys, we have officially made it to LA.
01:38She said, we're going to the bathroom at the baggage claim.
01:43Yeah, no one listens to me and Bailey because evidently we're stupid.
01:47Are we renting a car tonight?
01:49Can we just do that tomorrow?
01:52I'm stupid.
01:56Hey guys, good morning.
01:59Last night, our hotel literally sold our room, so we had to go to another hotel, me and my sister.
02:07So, we are currently there right now.
02:12But I have brunch at 11am and it's 8.07am right now.
02:22So, we're going back to our parents' hotel, so now I can get ready.
02:27And yeah.
02:29Hey guys, so I'm in Embree's room.
02:34I'm here with Vivian.
02:36Wait, why is the camera on?
02:38Oh, why is it zoomed in?
02:41Guess who's also in our room?
02:45Get out of here.
02:46Aiden, get out of here.
02:47Come here, girl.
02:48Aiden, I'm going to open the door on you.
02:49Who's here?
02:50It's Presley.
02:51Wait, vlog.
02:56Hey guys, so we are almost to brunch.
02:59We're like 10 minutes away.
03:02Say hi, mom.
03:04Hey guys, we made it to the restaurant.
03:07Paul and Vivian are up there.
03:10And then Paul's mom and my mom are back there.
03:12And it's a view.
03:14It's so cute in here.
03:20Hey guys, I'm here with Paul.
03:21Yes, bro.
03:22So we are at, I don't know what it's called, like Kittles or something.
03:25That's where we're at.
03:27It's very fancy.
03:30What are you going to get?
03:32I don't even know.
03:33There's a menu.
03:34You have to order off the menu.
03:35Avocado toast looks good.
03:37Oh, say hi to my vlog, guys.
03:42I'll let the parents do that.
03:43Oh, say hi to my vlog.
03:44What's up, guys?
03:47Hey guys, we just got done with brunch.
03:50We were filming TikToks and stuff.
03:52But I think we're going to go to Air One before we go get ready for the party.
03:58Air One.
03:59I will vlog if we go try it.
04:01Hey guys.
04:03We're going to go to Air One.
04:04Yeah, we're going to Air One.
04:05Yeah, we're 12 minutes away.
04:06OK, OK.
04:07Yeah, we're leaving.
04:08Hey guys.
04:10So we are in Air One.
04:13But yeah, we're about to get a smoothie.
04:18Mom, I want the.
04:19Wait, is that guy?
04:21Get us in the vlog.
04:23Hold the camera.
04:32My dad.
04:33Hi, guys.
04:34So we made it to the party.
04:35It's actually so pretty here.
04:45Oh, hello.
04:46This is my vlog for YouTube.
04:48We are at the party.
04:50It's great.
04:51It's amazing.
04:52It's amazing.
04:53It's amazing.
04:58All right.
04:59It's internet.
05:00Where are we at?
05:01We're at Kenzie's One Million Party right now.
05:03I'm here with Brennan.
05:05Brennan, what's good?
05:06And I'm here with.
05:12What was she going to get?
05:17A lot of views would be making made right now.
05:23Hey, guys.
05:24So we are about to leave the party.
05:29I want some fruits.
05:31You want some fruits?
05:32I want fruits.
05:35Anyways, we are about to leave from Sleepover.
05:39Stay tuned for that.
05:41Hey, guys.
05:42We just made it to the Airbnb.
05:44Lola and her mom took us.
05:46It's cold and I'm ready to be inside.
05:49But yeah.
05:51Guys, we're all out for us.
05:54This house, gorgeous, mind you.
05:58Oh, say hi to my vlog.
06:01It is so gorgeous in here.
06:04Say hi to my vlog.
06:05How's it going?
06:06This is Lily's dad.
06:07But it's so pretty in here.
06:10Oh, my gosh.
06:12Look at that.
06:16Oh, my gosh.
06:18I love being a girl.
06:20Oh, you're joking.
06:30Oh, my gosh.
06:31I want to live here.
06:32I want to live here.
06:34There's more down here.
06:35Let's go this way.
06:36Oh, my gosh.
06:37Guys, I'm going to be in a hurry.
06:38I'm going to take a nap.
06:39So fucking cute.
06:41Oh, my gosh.
06:42Let's go back.
06:43Let's go back.
06:44Lily, I love you.
06:45It is so pretty in here.
06:47Oh, my gosh.
06:49Guys, this house is insane.
06:51Oh, I just thought there was someone coming at me.
06:53But it's a mirror.
06:54Don't worry.
06:58There's this room.
07:00Oh, it's okay.
07:02What the fuck is that?
07:05I'm pregnant.
07:07I think we just cut all that one.
07:09Hey, guys.
07:10So maybe we should just start like a content house.
07:17A kitchen?
07:18Okay, guys.
07:19This house is insane.
07:20Say hi to my vlog.
07:22Hey, vlog.
07:23Lily looking so freaking shmack-shay.
07:27This is the current hair situation.
07:34Hey, guys.
07:35Yes, we are vlogging.
07:36Hey, vlog.
07:37We're back with Lily.
07:38You should have brought sour keys.
07:39I know.
07:41See, I know because she's Canadian.
07:42They're so good.
07:43They don't have sour keys in America.
07:44You're lying.
07:45I'm being so real.
07:46Hey, guys.
07:47We just ate pizza.
07:49And that pizza was life-changing.
07:51I think it's just because I'm hungry, but it was life-changing.
07:55Say hi to my vlog.
07:56Hey, vlog.
07:57I love you, vlog.
07:58Blah, blah, blah.
07:59We're so excited.
08:01So freaking cute.
08:02And look how good she looks.
08:04Oh, my goodness.
08:06Don't get my toes.
08:09They're camera shy.
08:16We're just kind of filming, you know.
08:18Yeah, you know.
08:19All this stuff.
08:20Here's everyone right here, but yeah.
08:23Hopefully, we go to bed soon because I'm actually now tired.
08:26I'm so tired.
08:27I've been tired.
08:28I literally almost fell asleep in the car.
08:29All the way here.
08:31Hey, guys.
08:32So, I'm officially ready for bed because I'm so tired.
08:37Everybody's in the corner.
08:39But me and her are sharing bed, you know.
08:42You know.
08:43Because she let me use the bed.
08:45You know.
08:48So, I'll film whenever I wake up in the morning.
08:52So, yeah.
08:56Hey, guys.
08:57We are just waiting for merch to be ready.
09:01It's going to be ready at 11.
09:04It's 10.47.
09:07So, yeah.
09:10We are going to eat lunch now.
09:13I'm so excited because last time they gave us snacks and they were so good.
09:16I know.
09:17Anyways, look at all the girls.
09:21So cute and so pretty.
09:23I love all of them.
09:25Oh, my God.
09:27Look at how cute.
09:35It's officially time to eat and I'm actually so happy because I'm hungry.
09:40We're going down to eat now.
09:44It's actually so cute.
09:46How do I open these doors?
09:49What happened to my Coke?
09:52That means they threw it away.
09:55Because I had a Coke that I stole from the mini fridge and it's now gone.
09:59Anyways, look at how cute.
10:03We're about to leave the house, which I'm kind of sad because...
10:06I'm very sad because all these girls are so sweet.
10:08I love them all.
10:09But, you know, we probably will see each other again soon.
10:12Yes, hope so.
10:14Guys, is this top giving balloon or is it giving...
10:18Oh, not the shorts.
10:20I think it's cute.
10:22She's cute.
10:23Hey, guys.
10:24So, I think we're about to leave.
10:26And I really don't want to.
10:27Few left.
10:29I know.
10:30But, yeah, it's been so fun.
10:31It's actually so fun here.
10:33And I'm coming again, okay?
10:35Yeah, no.
10:36Yeah, I'm actually going to move in with you.
10:38Yeah, you're going to be the third roommate.
10:40Hey, guys.
10:41So, we're just now leaving the house.
10:44I don't want to leave, but it's okay.
10:46It's totally so nice.
10:47I'm with my dad and my mom.
10:48And I think we're going to go back to the hotel.
10:50Oh, and Emory.
10:51And then probably go shopping because...
10:53We need to spend money.
10:57We made it back to the hotel.
10:59And then just made it too.
11:02You guys like my fit?
11:09What up, vlog?
11:10What up?
11:13So, we're about to go shopping.
11:19But, yeah.
11:20Show my outfit.
11:24Can we get a turn?
11:38Main character right here.
11:40That's when I take the camera from you.
11:42Oh, is this going to get copyrighted?
11:45Hey, guys.
11:46We made it to The Grove.
11:48We are about to go shopping.
11:53We're meeting Adriana Lima's daughter, which is Valentina Lima.
11:57And we're also meeting Piper.
11:58I feel like I already said that, but it's fine.
12:01We made it to The Grove.
12:02We're in front of Drake's store right now.
12:04AKA, the love of my life.
12:06He just doesn't know that yet.
12:07We're with everyone.
12:08What up?
12:09Yeah, guys.
12:10She just caught me off guard.
12:15Okay, guys.
12:16So, I just got back to the hotel.
12:20We went to The Grove.
12:21We met a bunch of people.
12:22It was so fun.
12:24But, we started shopping and we went into Etiquette.
12:29Something like that.
12:30The pink store.
12:31I don't know.
12:32But, someone stole my sister's phone and pickpocketed her.
12:37So, my sister is currently at AT&T trying to get a new phone.
12:41But, I'm at the hotel with my mom and Jafia.
12:44And then, Paul and the rest of them, they went to In-N-Out and got us food.
12:47So, yes.
12:48Because I'm so hungry.
12:49I haven't eaten all day.
12:50I feel like I just had brunch.
12:53And that was it.
12:54But, I am so hungry.
12:55So, I'm going to eat that.
12:57And then, I think we might go to the hot tub.
12:59I don't know.
13:01But, this is Jafia's last.
13:02She's leaving at 10 p.m.
13:04And her flight is at 1.
13:05So, yeah.
13:08But, I don't leave until tomorrow at 6.
13:11So, I got an early morning.
13:12I might film.
13:13I don't know.
13:15My lip liner is making me real mad.
13:17But, you.
13:20Hey, guys.
13:21I'm here with Jafia.
13:22We're in the lobby waiting for everyone to come and bring the food.
13:25Because I'm a little...
13:26We're like tweaking.
13:27We are so freaking hungry.
13:30Everybody needs to come with our In-N-Out.
13:31I'm so hungry.
13:32I know.
13:33I'm so hungry.
13:34But, I'm about to eat Jafia.
13:40But, yeah.
13:41I put on my pants from Addicted.
13:44And I'm currently clearing out my phone storage.
13:46Because I have no storage.
13:48But, yeah.
13:53Hey, guys.
14:01Oh, wait.
14:02Are you ready?
14:03Hold on.
14:05It's recording.
14:06Oh, wow.
14:08Shake hands.
14:14I need to do my lip liner.
14:15I just like the camera.
14:32We have a battle.
14:33We're like, fighting.
14:34I don't have a gun.
14:36Yes, I did.
14:38We go back to being friends.
14:41We got the food.
14:42Somebody else has.
14:45Hey, guys.
14:46I got a hamburger for room.
14:47Are you Rikere?
14:48I'm Rikere.
14:50Are you the car?
14:52I don't want to do that.
14:54Are you a character?
14:56I'm a character.
15:02I'm gonna troll.
15:04You're so awkward.
15:06Hey guys, we're about to go in the hot tub.
15:08We're like...
15:10Uh oh.
15:12God, Amber and she's just...
15:14Wait, I have to go to the therapy.
15:16Wait, are you on the therapy?
15:18I'm on the first floor.
15:24I'm in the elevator alone.
15:26But yeah.
15:28We're gonna go in the hot tub, so I'm gonna get my swimsuit.
15:30I'm gonna put that on, and then we're gonna be in the hot tub.
15:32So, yeah.
15:34Go, Brennan.
15:36I'm scared.
15:38Don't kick the wall.
15:40Just kick the...
15:42I can't do it.
15:44I'll show you.
15:48Wait, I can do a handstand.
15:50Wait, all handstands?
15:52You can't do it, right?
15:54She cannot do it.
15:56Push-up challenge.
15:58First one.
16:00Oh my goodness.
16:04That was a cartwheel.
16:06Watch this.
16:08Wait, you guys want to see me grind?
16:10I can grind really good, though.
16:14Someone get me out of here.
16:20You go.
16:24Yeah, do it. It's so easy.
16:26I'm scared.
16:28Oh, oh.
16:30Do it.
16:32I can do a handstand.
16:34Oh, yeah.
16:36Do it.
16:38Do it.
16:40What are you filming?
16:42Don't worry.
16:44It doesn't look different.
16:46I forgot.
16:52Somebody do a handstand with me.
17:003, 2, 1.
17:06We're going to a race.
17:08Wait, I need to grab myself.
17:12Winner, get out.
17:14Yeah, who's?
17:16Okay, bye.
17:18Are you a president?
17:20No, I'm not.
17:22No, I'm not.
17:26Lay off.
