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Wildcat - @wildcat
Terroriser - @Terroriser
Nogla - @DaithiDeNogla
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Pasta - @PastaReacts

Please Ignore or flag spam, negative, or hateful comments. We're here to have a good time. Thanks everyone, and enjoy :]
00:00You can always add a little blue if it gets too bright, and dull it right down.
00:10Because, you know, if you've painted with us before, we don't make mistakes.
00:14We have happy accidents.
00:15This is so ugly, shut up dude!
00:20Sometimes you just gotta work with anything that happens here, and when you get over that
00:23fear of making a mistake, then it becomes fun.
00:28This is the stupidest thing ever.
00:36Why are you named Pan, Brian?
00:40That's my gender now.
00:42That's not a gender, that's a sexuality.
00:43Come on bro, get with the fucking times.
00:45You're gonna get me.
00:46You bigot.
00:47Unless, of course, that person's gender is kitchenware.
00:51Maybe their gender is kitchenware, I don't know.
00:53Their pronouns are pot, pan.
00:57Now your name is Rainbow.
00:58What the fuck are you?
00:59Oh, because gay rainbow, got it.
01:01What is it?
01:02Because my name is Pan right here?
01:03I don't know, just make your fuck, yeah, I don't know.
01:04Is it just, is it making up names for you?
01:07Yeah, I'll do Mozilla.
01:09There, yeah, you're fine again.
01:15I'm ready to scribble.
01:16Here we go.
01:17Ah, okay.
01:20Do we have a custom word list or no?
01:22Uh, not to your knowledge.
01:24I can't remember the shape of this place.
01:29That's America.
01:37Ohio is closed, pasta.
01:39Keep going.
01:40Oh, I don't know how to spell that.
01:41Wait, what is a J in it?
01:44What's in between there?
01:46What's in between there?
01:49Some teeth sometimes.
01:52Oh, fuck.
01:59I mean, that was a good guess.
02:01Okay, that one is worse.
02:02Oh, no, dude.
02:11Forget about yin and yang, dude.
02:12It's BJ.
02:14Why does this look like me, bro?
02:16Is this Whiskers?
02:17Whiskers is a great guess, by the way.
02:24Are you serious?
02:25I said Whiskers.
02:27The cat food.
02:28I said the cat food.
02:31In Ireland, there's cat food called Whiskers.
02:36What am I?
02:37I don't know what to do with this, bro.
02:38What the fuck?
02:39I don't know what I'm...
02:40I forget.
02:41I can't draw.
02:42That's definitely a problem.
02:44Oh, I got it.
02:51You wouldn't have an issue.
02:52Is that a...
02:55What is he doing?
02:57Don't make me do something I'll regret.
03:00Is he dabbing?
03:07He's on a barbecue.
03:08He's cooking.
03:15Building up some...
03:16Building up some shit.
03:17Shrimp on the barbie.
03:19This is what it looks like when you go to the gynecologist.
03:23Oh, my God.
03:27I was like, that joke don't make sense.
03:29And I saw the claw.
03:32Not barbecue.
03:35What is this?
03:36This is a toilet, dude.
03:38What the fuck is that?
03:43Toilet on a tripod.
03:45What the fuck is that, man?
03:47Poor, poor, poor tripod toilet.
03:50He literally drew shit in it.
03:52This is elephant.
03:54No, it's not.
03:55That would have been really...
03:57Okay, wait.
04:01Can I spell it?
04:06Ooh, harmonica's a great guess.
04:07Who's drawing?
04:12The master.
04:13How did Brian get it?
04:15I just exposed myself.
04:19No, Brian.
04:20I don't know if you wanted to guess that fast.
04:22Oh, no.
04:28I'm just assuming what you guessed.
04:30I'm so ashamed.
04:31I'm so ashamed.
04:33Listen, everyone.
04:34I haven't seen Linnea in a long time, okay?
04:40Oh, my God.
04:43Oh, my God.
04:44Oh, my God.
04:45I gotta be honest with you.
04:46I gotta be honest with you.
04:47I need notes for fucking pussies.
04:49I'm lonely.
04:50Real men leave everything in their browser history.
04:52I have nothing to hide.
04:55Oh, it's two words.
04:57Two words.
04:58And gone.
04:59Nine and four.
05:04I don't know.
05:07It has to be...
05:09That's a great guess.
05:10I know the four letter.
05:11The four letter's obvious.
05:12What the fuck is that?
05:14It's a big green guy.
05:15It's a big tree.
05:16It's like a monster.
05:20What the hell is this?
05:21That's Nogla.
05:24All right.
05:25All right.
05:26What the hell?
05:29Oh, my God.
05:30I get it.
05:32I get it.
05:33Some satellite Wi-Fi thing.
05:35It's a callback.
05:36It's a callback.
05:37Do you remember?
05:38I don't know what it is.
05:39Shut up.
05:40I don't know what it is.
05:42Scanning for retards.
05:43You know, like that.
05:44There's a clip where you're like a satellite.
05:46Is it just satellite dish?
05:48Satellite Wi-Fi.
05:56Oh, this is Maven.
05:58Oh, yes.
05:59He just has this.
06:01He has this lip style.
06:04Shut the fuck up.
06:08And then I struggle after that.
06:09I'm just like, all right.
06:10I think this is the first time I've ever received a wheelchair, bro.
06:13He draws like Picasso with, like, show.
06:17But cheeks.
06:27You pooping?
06:31Give me a laugh.
06:33Give me a laugh.
06:37He's leveling you.
06:41Oh, my God.
06:42Please don't be this.
06:43Oh, my God.
06:45Wait, what?
06:48Oh, my God.
06:51I've never struggled so hard in my life.
06:53So what is Homer?
06:54What is he?
06:55What is he?
06:58Gender is male.
07:00And then he's pointing at a hole.
07:01Put it together.
07:03Oh, my God.
07:09That's pretty good.
07:10Yeah, it's a man.
07:12I don't know what it was.
07:13A big anus.
07:15It's called a manhole.
07:19No, I'm not nice.
07:21Oh, I don't know.
07:23It turns out it's Canada.
07:25Oh, my God.
07:31Dude, am I retarded?
07:33Yeah, that's Colonel Jewish.
07:36It's my favorite Jewish superhero.
07:40God damn it.
07:42I could do this all day.
07:44You don't remember Colonel Israel in Endgame?
07:50I can't move my life.
07:52When he defeated private Palestine.
07:57I remember.
07:58Private Palestine.
07:59I remember now.
08:00That's good.
08:02That's what honed it in for me.
08:05Nobody's going to fucking get this.
08:08We never get yours.
08:09All right, hold on.
08:10Hold on.
08:11Let's go all the way back.
08:14You're going to get it.
08:16Son of a bitch.
08:27What the fuck is this?
08:29Minecraft block.
08:31I don't know what that is, man.
08:32Dude, what are you doing?
08:38What is that?
08:39What is that?
08:43It's obvious, is it not?
08:45Minus B plus whatever.
08:47Is that a Wii controller on fire?
08:53That's so stupid.
08:54Oh, my God.
08:57This is a shitty word to pick.
08:58This is elephant.
09:00Oh, that's many letters.
09:02Fuck elephants.
09:03Eight hours.
09:04Forget that.
09:05This is Simpson.
09:06This is Simpson.
09:07Oh, my God.
09:09Oh, no.
09:13This is so ugly.
09:15Shut the fuck up.
09:16That's nice.
09:17It's nice.
09:18So ugly.
09:20They look like Siamese twins or something.
09:24Like conjoined twins.
09:25Oh, there's some sort of drink.
09:30You got it, dude.
09:31I love this.
09:32This is the stupidest thing ever.
09:36I hate you so much.
09:37Oh, my God.
09:41Oh, my God.
09:42How did you guys get that so quick?
09:44I don't know.
09:49Thanks for playing.
09:52I did a lot better this time than I did last time.
09:54All right.
09:55You ready?
09:56You ready for a little intermission?
09:57Ready for a little intermission?
10:00What do you mean?
10:02Special round.
10:03Oh, yeah.
10:04Custom words.
10:05Go on.
10:06Go on.
10:08Take that.
10:09It's an intermission.
10:10Here we go.
10:11You'll get it.
10:12Custom words only.
10:15Oh, shit.
10:16Fuck off, Evan.
10:19You going to pick it or no?
10:20Here we go, boys.
10:21Here we go.
10:22I hate this.
10:23Dude, there's a way to do it.
10:24Since, you know, you know the theme, right?
10:25So you just have to.
10:26Watch Bob play terrorism.
10:29I know which one you're on to here.
10:30Oh, my God.
10:31If I nail this, I'm going to be so proud.
10:32Is it basketball over?
10:33Is it benzodiazepines?
10:34Great guess.
10:35Oh, my God.
10:36Oh, my God.
10:37Oh, my God.
10:38Oh, my God.
10:39Oh, my God.
10:40Oh, my God.
10:41Oh, my God.
10:42Oh, my God.
10:43Oh, my God.
10:44Oh, my God.
10:45Oh, my God.
10:46Oh, my God.
10:47Oh, my God.
10:48Oh, my God.
10:52This is spongeball 233.
10:54So one is sponge.
10:59I get it.
11:00So I don't know.
11:03Why the thing is different than I remembered it.
11:07All right, guys.
11:08All right, guys.
11:10All right.
11:11So it's singular.
11:12Not not at the end of the last word.
11:13We lose the S.
11:16I involve a basketball short.
11:20That was good. That was good. You guys are really close
11:26Oval basketball shorts
11:29Whoops, I know I hate this. I hate this. He's a little bit more understandable than the last time
11:36No, they're harder because because I used up all the shapes last time
11:41Brian Square
11:43Is it sponge Brian Square shit shorts
11:54Diamond I feel like it's diamond
11:57Poop shorts is good. Oh
12:00Cowboy, are those cowboy pants? Oh
12:03Those look like cowboy pants
12:08You're going too much into detail and what the fuck you hands why are you going into so much detail down there?
12:25Lake you don't know the way you don't know the name Blake
12:28Lake god damn it. What the fuck I hate this
12:32Just pick the word you pick the words, why are you complaining?
12:37He's happy
12:39sponge tooth
12:40Yeah, try and really help us here Tyler. I'm shut up. It sounds like it looks like a bin of some cylinder
12:47Is that correct? We just grunt once for yes grunt twice for no
12:56Middle is cylinder my soup can
13:02Sponge sponge wiener sponge box cylinder apron. It's a dress you moron. Yeah, I
13:10Hate it. Evan knows these
13:16Sponge sponge wiener. Okay, you're all there except it's not it's not sponge buck
13:22It's what he's doing. It's what he's doing
13:39But just by itself sponge
13:50Haven't knows the sponge waiter triangle dolphin like it needs to be colored in
14:21Is terrible
14:23Okay, one second
14:25He's I gotta fix it
14:28And he's got a little red
14:30sponged you
14:31And he's taking your order
14:33nice Evan nice
14:43Wearing socks
14:46What the fuck is a rhombus
14:51It's a it's a four-sided
14:56Square rectangle. Yeah square. Ooh sponge sponge Bob
15:01Don't know
15:03Dumbbell, yeah sponge Bob dumbbell hexagon shit pants plane. What's the plane doing? No, but hexagon
15:12Octagon and pentagon old sponge
15:19Pentagon underwear had the gun. Oh, I like it Brian. I understand
15:24Is that wiener bones jock sponge jock?
15:28They're not gonna get it, but that's pretty smart the way you did it bikini
15:35How'd you guys not know what he's like a baby bottle upside down speedo, it's a speedo
15:42Guns, there you go. Oh, they all haven't got it. Good job. But what's the guy's name sponge? Where's he?
15:50Where is he going
15:58Okay, my name's
16:01I'm not there yet. Yeah, your name is hilarious. What's what's my name?
16:07Hilarious very terrorizer. Okay me says hilarious. Really? Are you trying to be hilarious? No, it does
16:14This is hilarious for me. Yes
16:16Lure left. Well, whatever. Well Brian is hilarious. So let's leave it. It's all exclusive footage for me to have
16:32Can be having nightmares
16:36Pyramids don't call her a man. Yeah color, man
16:40Man, fuck this. Ah, I mean, I don't think he's religious. Ah
16:48Okay, is he's tie red or blue was a blue or color ties Homer's tie
16:53I don't know
16:54But why do I feel like it says nothing to do with the actual word? It's gonna be sausage
16:58She's gonna draw a fork or a sausage. Yeah
17:04What the fuck
17:08No, what wrinkle fuck is this? Oh
17:15That's the douglas right there Frank, okay, is it wrinkle?
17:20Yes light skin
17:37My god, bro is
17:41He's a genie the thing is like you see like oh nearly said it out loud
17:48Myself that time
17:50Brian great Ron. Damn it
17:54You're kind of
17:57Quick sand
18:03With sand
18:05No, Sean Netflix squid sand I like you did this earlier. I don't know
18:11Come resist Larry, could you just
18:15What the hell
18:20Is that supposed to be
18:29Laughing at my drawing so I see that that'll fix it right there
18:36Everything's fine
18:46Some striped it's some striped
18:53Yeah, here it is, this is the piece the
18:55Animal it it's a striped animal of some yet. I should have got this. I watch this
19:03But I'm good few times I
19:07Apparently that's
19:16Was this this is car for spark be a light heat clip
19:29This is such I'm gonna mix it up a bit dude, we're gonna make a bit dark
19:35I'm trying to really really nice warmer. Oh
19:41All right in 20 minutes, you'll draw the answer. So let's just keep guessing give us more. Yeah
19:53Already drew it forgot that I forgot to finish it up here though. I've already drawn it
19:58So calm is close calm is close calm is close. I already drew it. I don't know why you guys haven't figured it out
20:04It's close. That's what I said, bitch. Oh
20:09Shit, I should probably point at it
20:13There we go
