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@BasicallyIDoWrk @Terroriser @DaithiDeNogla @VanossGaming @PastaReacts
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Music from:
Kevin MacLeod: http://incompetech.com/
I am a part owner of Glitch Energy Drink
No one reads this far into the description...what are you doing snooping around...
Glitch Energy: https://glitchenergy.co/wildcat
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@BasicallyIDoWrk @Terroriser @DaithiDeNogla @VanossGaming @PastaReacts
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Music from:
Kevin MacLeod: http://incompetech.com/
I am a part owner of Glitch Energy Drink
No one reads this far into the description...what are you doing snooping around...
00:00:07Got this
00:00:47Yeah, whatever black man is fine
00:01:24Just did one session with myself like an hour and a half and we died a lot
00:01:27I'm what else did you do in that session?
00:01:52Didn't call you one. I just said it I didn't say you were or call you one
00:01:55I just said the word and by the way, you are crazy black Marceau
00:02:08You are crazy black you're not just black
00:02:43Told you
00:03:07Got the card
00:03:13Here we go, here's fan Marcel one sec
00:03:47Man is working overtime. No, no
00:03:53Here mr. Bad guy got some lunch for you
00:04:39It's like sons of the forest
00:04:46Where's the trolley where's the trolley where's the car
00:05:32Okay, okay
00:05:37How's your guy
00:05:39Comes out in a dirt. Okay. All right you sports Marcel
00:05:43We saw that little duck and dodge on the guy. So you just cry
00:05:53I'm buying
00:06:07You go die
00:06:14Purple this is flammable. Oh
00:06:20I need some help. No, no, what's propane?
00:06:27Understand what you mean I got this
00:06:31Did that someone did that I'm blaming the white guy can tie over this little weasel laugh
00:06:44All right, all right, all right master
00:06:52Just drink and you're getting over a hungover
00:07:03Oh shit, yo, she go she gonna die
00:07:14God do need to go in there
00:07:40But it didn't work
00:07:43First I'll stay away from me. Okay
00:08:19Nice we got free money. Let's go Marcel. Oh
00:09:07Had one health I forgot I only had one health and I'm out there trying to help this dumb
00:09:43We're shooting at him is he shooting at him or is he shooting at the car?
00:09:51Like oh, what do I do now?
00:09:55Okay, when he's here when he's here shut up don't in
00:10:02We can't turn anything in let's break it let's break shit then let's break shit
00:10:24How did I
00:10:42Do the hallway of death
00:11:14I'm killing Brian. Oh, I'm trying to fucking whoa
00:11:44Oh, he died I win suck my balls back to square one
00:12:14Did you you leave the car you can see
00:12:20You know, they're stuck yeah, you're stuck they're stuck they're stuck you gonna do don't move the car don't move the car
00:12:26It's only not leaving the cart. There wasn't a bad idea, huh?
00:12:32Yeah, we can just get more stuff
00:12:40He was right don't move the cart
00:13:14Don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know
00:13:26It works in the movies
00:13:33We're back what was what was Marcel singing I got a pocket for my sunshine Oh
00:13:44We're sharing Oh
00:14:10Beat that woman with a pan on with during women's month get fucked
00:14:19Domestic abuse style
00:14:32Me you possess little demon put her in there put her in the car bro get in there
00:14:42She's getting real piss
00:15:08Typical woman pick her up against her will she freaks out
00:15:14If you stop struggling it won't
00:16:22Was past this you
00:16:37We were bodies got hit
00:16:56We nailed it
00:16:59I'm fine. I'm fine. I'm fine
00:17:02Back shot. I don't want your back. I don't want your back shots. Oh, yeah, dude
00:17:21Was more of like a bourgeoisie
00:17:25Passes they got that working-class redneck vibes
00:17:30This is gonna blow the top let's blow this bitch up
00:17:38Monkey monkey
00:17:42There's something in that room there is something okay, I'm gonna drive
00:17:48You're gonna die you are gonna
00:17:52Didn't give you back shots to do this dumb shit your dad. He's dead as soon as you well. I'm wasting your back shots now
00:18:04Wait, wait, wait, what is that? Oh
00:18:24All right, go get the car get the car I'm gonna go get it. Hey keep my cigar box
00:18:28Okay, hold the door. I will hold the door
00:18:37Got it. Nice. We have enough money. Let's just go
00:18:47You can't get up here you stupid bitch
00:18:49But ugly-ass bitch
00:19:01Doing great Marcel take that back
00:19:27Good job pasta, welcome back
00:19:31Thank you, you did so much to bring us back daughter we watch
00:19:34Poppy big box. We have enough money by far. Let's just I mean, I guess we'll send this to Ukraine
00:19:42Box to Ukraine they need it
00:19:46Who cares
00:19:50Push me Brian push me
00:20:10You're gonna die you're gonna die what do you mean I'm gonna die I'm chilling
00:20:19Don't look at it
00:20:24He's right the other room if we want to get him for 25 HP, I'll give him back shots he likes that anyway
00:20:30Oh, yeah. Hey, I'll get you like this
00:20:34Marcel says co-workers. Yeah. Thanks co-worker. Oh, I'm a friend. Come on. You know, it's funny. It got a lot of you
00:20:42Yeah, yeah, but I heard a lot of hearts
00:20:45A bunch of hurtful shit about me all the time. Yeah. Yeah, whatever black man is fine
00:20:53Marcel's only three-fifths of a friend
00:21:03Someone goes someone opening the boosty
00:21:14Violently killed while doing this
00:21:22Sounds like absolute dog shit. Well, I'm just my own work one sec. Yeah
00:21:34Yeah, I'm not Brian doesn't breath just watch this shit to work oh like this
00:21:45Just like that just like that right just like that exactly I was referring to
00:21:57Why are you laughing you shouldn't evolve you should not be
00:22:00I can't
00:22:05If it's funny, it's funny
00:22:10That's so insensitive, that's so it's what happened
00:22:18She's a racist
00:22:21The green cop in a green cup. There ain't no green cup right here you
00:22:30Look dumb now
00:22:44I don't know how this video's gonna have to be edited. This video's a nightmare. I've never seen as many n-words in my life
00:22:55It's okay, I got a big potion big boy we are
00:23:00Okay, 45k, that's insane
00:23:11Okay, okay, so we can take the potion
00:23:22Because it'll turn it into a fat stack of cash
00:23:35My god
00:23:42It's too much stuff I'm done. I'm leaving
00:23:54It's a frog Oh, what have you guys done?
00:23:59It's fucking over dude
00:24:29Oh my god, we had 50k in that card, it's
00:24:59Guys guys, it's it's be reasonable be reasonable. Okay, we are gonna be reasonable trying to kill us. You're a detriment to our team. We must murder
00:25:47Okay, okay boys already already right off the rip 6,000 come on, okay, let's go
00:26:00Do you look four of us walking together woman doing nothing? There we go. Just pointing it out guys
00:26:15Go put it back. Go put it back. Okay. Oh
00:26:19Whoa, I have slowed down time
00:26:24Guys I'm in slow motion
00:26:29I'm in slow motion
00:27:18Got another
00:27:35You're gonna get it broken it's not gonna work it's not gonna work what that will work
00:27:54Give a fat stack of cash now 11k already. We only need a few items. Oh, we can do the second extraction easy-peasy
00:28:10Are you ready to reap what you really that's what a repo you really put you
00:28:47Guys guys guys guys guys guys what the big ass black motherfucker with the gravity attacks over there
00:29:04Very dangerous level one. I'm not gonna lie. Watch out hunter buttons laptop. Come through. Nice
00:29:12Get the footage
00:29:14The hard drive because I bumped into you
00:29:22Just take this back to spawn business for the bad guys
00:29:30Come back you stupid cowards we got so much money bro. Who cares you broke it?
00:29:36We need more money
00:29:41We did it now, let's leave he back to the trunk
00:29:46I'm full health. I'm full health. That's very good
00:29:51First round then close the door and fucking close the door
00:30:16Bet they're talking about friendship
00:30:29No, it's not even being creative
00:31:08He did catch he did
00:31:25Was playing playing what one more this one more one more
00:31:48Forgot there was stairs there. Oh my gosh Marcel killed it yikers. Oh god
00:32:00She didn't duck I didn't duck either
00:32:05I love a now. He's dead. He died
00:32:36Get the jump dude get the jump to
00:32:47Thank you Tyler you spawn hiling
00:32:56You spawn like this
00:32:57My heart goes out to you and just like that. We're back. Are you wait? You haven't made it past this level
00:33:06Three no, we haven't made a pass level three. Are we on level three PC gaming rig?
00:33:31You oh you're dead that's right suck it and die mother
00:33:35Wait, what is happening to me?
00:33:42Yes, yes you are going to die
00:33:56Oh my god, oh my god
00:34:16Kill one
00:34:29It's my first time seeing him
00:34:31Yeah, they're they're horrible there's oh there's two of them they sneak up on you one's weak oh no, but oh
00:34:40My god, you go. Oh, oh, oh, oh, no
00:34:49He's so silent, he's so silent dude, I've never heard you know this little from him
00:35:11Get my do they get my body
00:35:21Is that an eye or just a light do that mess with me
00:35:26Oh boy, am I gonna be glad to have everyone back?
00:35:33I saw a big shelf guys. Let's say we have to keep keep them out there as long as possible
00:35:45Was sticking out and get destroyed so you see up possibly carrying one
00:36:04Pick up the $8 $8 a little little back shop for you
00:36:09Everyone just needs to be more than one HP. Don't worry. I got her guys
00:36:21We're gonna give you to the alien I'm afraid to say
00:36:28Some weird ritual
00:36:58You must get bullied this is part of the process
00:37:22To feed you to the gods
00:37:24We'll be blessed tenfold for this
00:38:05Have one HP, I'm definitely gonna die
00:38:24By the way guys
00:39:09Have the summer we're going straight
00:39:17How much is this worse no way just
00:39:25On server save this
00:39:34We gotta get back we gotta get back they're gonna be coming you're gonna be coming all the way straight all the way straight all
00:39:40the way straight
00:39:46Follow my voice don't run too much save your energy
00:40:03Fucking gnomes man
00:40:07Follow me
00:40:48Cannot believe we're even this far. It's crazy. Oh nice
00:41:39Have you dog water your dog water
00:42:29Make sure you put it on their vertical
00:42:47Why do we pronounce our THS with an F
00:42:54There's a part in here I can see it on the whole there it is big portion big portion big portion
00:43:09Look at drop the portion you think dumb dude open head man 12 12 12 came on. We just need a few more
00:43:17We don't we're done. We have a little
00:43:25Man where you're going away with our name on your bomb a clock a rascal a team on a bomb
00:43:32mon rise
00:44:18My we've 45k that's crazy money 45k, dude
00:44:25Nice I think guys I think we have enough for the next extraction. Does anyone know where it is?
00:44:31I'm checking out. No, this must get good nuts wants you to go back to the truck like something's coming
00:44:40Don't come down here don't come down skull skeleton skeletal. I thought a skeletal little skeletal guy
00:44:48What do you do?
00:44:51I'll take him for the team
00:45:06There there excellent we're done that's it dude, that was easy
00:45:20Gotta go that would have been no
00:45:25Brian's dead Brian's dead. Nice. He's chillin Brian's fine. They're shitty terrorists ever said
00:45:31It's fine. Nobody's dying. Don't worry. He's dying. I was just at the ship
00:45:35Ever since I was in ever since I was dead
00:45:53He's fine, he's fine
00:45:56I'm going
00:46:11Nice nice
00:46:22You too, oh my god
00:46:25Those little terrorists blew up the big the big the big mama
00:46:29Mama, they're coming boys. They're coming. Oh, we're good. We're good
00:46:36Oh, we've gotten it to level five base ability. Okay. All right pasta needs back shots
00:46:44That's great. I mean just a little bit guys. Let's treat it like it from england get in the line
00:46:49Oh my god
00:46:51I can't wait for my go
00:46:55The later I go the better look how far we are boys
00:46:59Is that aiden ross in the queue? Oh, we got a good dude three. It was like having sex with a ball of cream cheese
00:47:07Wow, it was like a toaster strudel, I love toaster strudels. They're so good
00:47:13Can we stop talking about this dude, shut up you're a fucking coomer and we know it
00:47:18Yo, dick is something that's another no one likes to act like he's not a fucking coomer we know he is
00:47:25I think you just like to think I have
00:47:28I don't want to know. Yeah. Yeah guys. It's not it's not a coomer if it's any type
00:47:35Oh my
00:47:38Fuck I didn't know that was there man. I thought that was a staircase
00:47:43Why did his head just launch 20 feet past me
00:47:48He fell into this hole he fell into this hole and died
00:47:54After calling me a coomer
00:47:59Oh, that ain't right that ain't right but we're fucked
00:48:17Like you could destroy it I thought it was like fucking you can destroy it. What the fuck?
00:48:25Oh, no. Oh, no
00:48:48You are
00:49:01I dropped the card in the hole and now it's broken. We don't have a card anymore
00:49:12He dropped the cart in the hole
00:49:14There's no way
00:49:17Oh, what the fuck what the fuck what the fuck?
00:49:36You dropped the fucking cart in the hole I didn't think I thought it bounced up like your head
00:49:42Plus that just trashed me
00:49:44We're done bro. I've ruined it. I've ruined it. I thought it was just a staircase. I wasn't paying attention
00:49:51There's never been a hole why would you expect one?
00:49:53I just thought yeah, I thought it was a place you could just walk down like a staircase
00:49:57Everyone's just camping
00:50:08Nice brian
00:50:12Marcel marcel's cracking his shit. He's cracking his shit
00:50:22He's trying so hard not to laugh
00:50:30That pasta sound was horrific
00:50:35She is a fucking demonic beast
00:50:39She fell in the hole too
00:50:41Right now i'm
00:50:53Circling my mouth
00:51:04Why did she take an hour to die to them
00:51:12I hate this goddamn game. Fuck y'all
00:51:18That was amazing that was incredible
00:51:25Everything got so serious all of a sudden
00:51:30What is it
00:51:33Oh nice enough. Yeah. Yeah. Did you go?
00:51:37Oh, you're the crickets outside in the grass, it's so pretty real nice real nice. I like that
00:51:51I couldn't I couldn't turn away. I was literally taking my mouse and just dragging it like all the way across my mouth
00:52:07Come on
00:53:00Well, how did that happen i'm so glad it did but how did I have
00:53:04Oh my god
00:53:06Basically, yeah put that in there marcel like you're ever gonna get the money you stupid fuck just go die
00:53:12It's over. Oh, man this whole time. I've been like looking up past the laughs to use a soundboard
00:53:19Like like that
00:53:22This one is good
00:53:30That's a monster like a chihuahua
00:53:34Way that is you that is you there ain't no way and then there's this one
00:53:52Asshole piece of goddamn alien son of a stupid
00:54:06Marcel welcome. Welcome. We've all been dead for a while awaiting you. Okay. All right. Nobody fight me
00:54:17What happens if I hit the barrel it's a fucking barrel
00:54:28Oh my god hitting the barrel was crazy
00:54:33stand back stand back
00:54:41What's that black baseball player hit him battle of the minorities
00:54:52Okay, marcel we get it you're autistic calm down. Yeah
00:55:02Sucking on my ball shack
00:55:18What a monster is that what a monster is that we in your house we in your house what a monster is that
00:55:23Is that where the monsters are where the monsters are where the war is
00:55:31Big box big box of demonic
00:55:36It's a famer now, we gotta be quiet the whole damn time because it's a sniper
00:55:46Oh shit
00:55:53You gotta run you gotta run i'll run my gun
00:55:58Guys, there's a twenty thousand dollar harp and this big box. Can we take this back to the phone?
00:56:03This one I think is a bad idea. No, no, no, we just take it here pick it up together guys
00:56:07Okay, stop smashing. It's already going bad. Just quit being
00:56:16Pick it up you dumb whoever's in front of me pick it up
00:56:20Grab low and pick we're dead. We're gone. It's gone. We're dead. Look out
00:56:40Oh my god, yeah go back it up right back it up back it up
00:56:49I don't know where you see the tech watching this group trying to coordinate to do
00:57:09Is it was worth it 11k in a bag now 11k in a bag we're gonna need basically nothing now
00:57:15There's the heart for 20k we're already done it was worth it
00:57:20Someone careful careful careful, we don't need that. We gotta get the memo stay at the intercontinental
00:57:30The shit is not a rental
00:57:32I always mother
00:57:41Burning sideways use your rotational skills
00:57:47I'm gonna kill myself. I'm gonna kill myself
00:57:53How do you want to rotate right there go away
00:58:02You're right
00:58:21Yes, it's supposed to fly around
00:58:32I think they're dead
00:58:58You are going to die you are
00:59:02Oh, you don't understand
00:59:06You're dead
00:59:08You're dead
00:59:10You're dead. You're dead. You're dead. You're dead
00:59:14You're not that see oh shit. Oh shit. I told you
00:59:27That was crazy racism, how did he do that?
00:59:34Was dead yeah, our black guys
00:59:38Carry this bitch. Do we have any more money? Where's the money? Do we have money?
00:59:43I know where it is. If you want to follow me this way I do. Oh, sorry
00:59:56There you go, oh, thanks I needed that 11
01:00:00You back shots in this white primer we go way back we go way back we're cool as fuck
01:00:07Oh wait, whoa
01:00:12Oh, that's not enough whatever. Oh, yeah, definitely
01:00:18Get some fragments
01:00:24Look at this fucking statue 22 000. How are you you you?
01:00:32Oh my gosh, these bitches are gonna kill me I gotta run let's go
01:00:41Oh, i'm actually gonna die wait, did he die
01:00:47Dude pick it
01:00:52It's fine as long as it's worth
01:00:547 000 by it's not gonna be it's not gonna be
01:00:57Which way do we go? Oh my god, this way. I can't see I can't see. Oh my god. Oh, yeah. I forgot. I forgot I forgot
01:01:05Pick it up. It's stuck. I think we gotta go back. It's not dude. It's not even worth it. It's barely worth it. No, all right
01:01:12No, not bad. I have a shotgun this way this way you're gonna get I know I know I know there's there's a baby
01:01:16There's a baby
01:01:21As long as it's only it's less than seven thousand
01:01:25It's not like he's fucking sneezing over there. Oh my god. Oh shit, dude. This thing's gonna be worth 40
01:01:47What the fuck
01:01:51The ghost the ghost
01:01:54Evan the ghost dragged you away to the farmer to shoot you. Oh that flames or something. What the fuck is that?
01:02:00it's like uh, it's like a
01:02:12It's like a what bitch what are you gonna do?
01:02:16You have to get whacked
01:02:21It's a flamethrower
01:02:25A flamethrower. Oh, oh, yes. Oh my god
01:02:32It's like a it's like a