i miss mandy
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Our Podcast
Martin Instagram
Hamzah Instagram
PO BOX 75326
ON, M4M 1B3
[email protected]
00:00Slushies! We're back, we're playing Fortnite, a good classic.
00:10Okay, dude, seriously, interrupting me in the middle of an intro, bro. Nice, way to steal the spotlight.
00:15I know, I told you to do the intro and then I stole it back from you, that's what I wanted.
00:19It's about, it's like whenever you change this chair when someone comes in and you interrogate them.
00:23But it's okay, because I actually like it when the spotlight's on you and I get to be in the background and just kind of watch you perform.
00:28Oh, man, and only you, only Martin. Can I say your last name now? Because I put it on my chest or whatever.
00:35ExoTatat on my body, yeah, yeah. Martin Tatat on my body.
00:41You're branded, you were branded by me and I was branded by you.
00:44I still have it, do you have it on your body still?
00:46I do, yeah.
00:47I was trying extra hard. Today in the shower, I was like, okay, it's been long enough.
00:54And I was just like scrubbing at it as hard as I could.
00:57I bought a loofah for the first time and just tried to scrub it and yeah.
01:02I thought I, haven't I been telling you to put a loofah on?
01:05Yeah, but I was lying. I never bought one. I just wanted to fit in.
01:08I remember showering at your place very early when I didn't even know you that well.
01:12You're just a stranger on the internet and you said something along the lines of the body wash is the corner on the floor.
01:20Then nothing else, no extra information. And that was new to me.
01:23I did say that, didn't I?
01:26Wait, what just happened to the queue? Oh my gosh.
01:29My Sambas took extra long to load into the game. They're very special shoes.
01:33Dude, you know the Sambas, when they get to Fortnite, that means the trend is over.
01:36Everyone throw out your Sambas.
01:37You were about to buy Sambas and then you saw it in Fortnite?
01:40Everyone's on these new loafers that I'm wearing, these new bananas.
01:43Those are the actual new sneaker trend.
01:45I don't know about that. That kind of looks like those wooden shoes, the clogs, the clogans or something like that.
01:51Oh my gosh, wait, John Cena? Is it John Cena?
01:53Wait, who? There's someone here?
01:56Wait, you don't see this guy right here?
01:58No, where is he?
02:00Wait, you don't see... Wait, he's doing my dance.
02:03Where? Warren, I want to be a part of this.
02:05Dude, we're bonding so hard, man.
02:07Who, where is he?
02:09Oh, you're doing the John Cena joke.
02:12I can't see him.
02:14Dude, okay, I like when you...
02:16It's actually, that meme is so dead, honestly. Here we go.
02:22Ah, you need to finish your dance.
02:24Wait, look at the golden spiral coming out of the earth right beneath us.
02:27Jump now.
02:28Oh my god. Wait, really?
02:29Okay, wait, this is too soon. Wait, are you sure?
02:31Too soon, bro. Too soon.
02:33Dang, and will Fortnite ever fix the lag when you jump out of the freaking thing?
02:38It's only you. We have literally identical computers and internet.
02:41This is insane. I've moved locations. I've set up my own internet, home internet.
02:47Yeah, you used to use Beanfield, and now you're on Bell Fiber Optic.
02:51What could be better than that?
02:54Who uses Beanfield? Comment down below.
02:59True Beanfield users don't know this, actually.
03:01I think we messed up. I think we messed up.
03:02Are you here?
03:06Wait, watch out. There's a guy.
03:08Okay, let's beat him up. Let's beat him up.
03:11Nice, nice, nice, nice.
03:13Let's kill him.
03:14Where'd they go?
03:15Oh, sh...
03:17Nice, got one, got one.
03:22Dude, that's what happens when you work with a team.
03:24Maybe they're watching. Maybe they're watching, Martin.
03:26Okay, yeah, they're...
03:30Oh, yeah, I'm gonna tell them.
03:31Bro, never have they ever seen the weekend emote on them.
03:34Well, actually, this isn't the weekend, though.
03:36Who is this?
03:37You know who this is?
03:38This is actually Abel before he was the weekend as a pizza delivery man.
03:41That's why I have a pizza delivery backpack.
03:43This is what he did before he started using it.
03:45No way!
03:46Did he do cheerleading as well?
03:47Was he one of those pizza guys who spun the box and whatnot?
03:50Uh, he was...
03:51Look, he was a pizza delivery man,
03:53but not to actually deliver the pizza to...
03:55He delivered to certain parties
03:57where he would strip naked and dance.
04:00I've been working on my one-liners.
04:02Show me a one-liner that you came up with.
04:05Ten points for Gryffindor.
04:10That's good.
04:11That's a good one, but...
04:13I can't help but feel it's already been used.
04:16Yeah, I took it from a TV show.
04:20All right, now you're ready for battle.
04:21But I don't have a gun.
04:22Remember that.
04:23Oh, you fight him.
04:25Martin, it's all you.
04:26It's all you.
04:27It's all you.
04:31Oh, man.
04:32This game is really unfair, I'm realizing.
04:34I should have gave you a gun.
04:35I have two guns.
04:40I'm out.
04:41You're doing everything I should have done.
04:43You're being the man I should have been.
04:47Okay, now I'm going to go this way.
04:48No, now I'm going to go this way.
04:49Now I'm going to go up here.
04:51You don't even know what's going on.
04:52Oh, my reboot!
04:53Yes, smart!
04:54Take my reboot.
04:55Take it.
04:56Now get out of there.
04:58Don't look back.
04:59Wait, no, there's a reboot on the left, actually.
05:00Are you sure?
05:01No, no, no, no.
05:02There's a reboot.
05:03I should go there?
05:05I think that guy actually lost his trail.
05:06His snail trail.
05:08Wow, I really thought I wouldn't get out of that.
05:09Wow, I can't believe I'm actually doing this.
05:10This is impressive.
05:11Oh, my God!
05:12Wait, why'd you stop?
05:13Oh, shoot.
05:14That's why.
05:15My spidey senses were tingling.
05:17I knew there was an enemy.
05:18Oh, yes!
05:21How does he bring a knife to a gunfight and wins every time?
05:25I'm, like, actually perplexed.
05:29People said I got cloned.
05:30Would you notice if I got cloned?
05:32Bro, I would notice if you got cloned because the real Hamza wouldn't bring up that you got cloned.
05:41The fake Hamza, I mean.
05:42You are the real Hamza.
05:43Give me a question that only real Hamza can answer.
05:46Okay, fine.
05:47The real Hamza would know what my girlfriend's birthday is.
05:51April 22nd.
05:54Try me.
05:55Oh, my God.
05:57I was talking to your girlfriend about Christmas gifts this morning.
06:01Not Christmas.
06:04Do you have anything you want?
06:05I can have anything I want?
06:06No, I'm just saying, is there anything you want?
06:08Bro, of course there's something I want.
06:10Everyone wants something.
06:12I want to rule the world.
06:16Everybody wants to rule the world.
06:21But if you can't do that, then could I just win a game of Fortnite with you, bro?
06:25That's actually a pretty good gift, but it's hard to guarantee it.
06:29I'm going to do what Elon did and pay someone to rank me up, and then that's how we're going to win.
06:34Elon paid someone to rank him up in this game?
06:36Not this game.
06:37This game, like Diablo or something?
06:38I don't know what it's called.
06:40Bro, he plays Diablo because he is the Diablo.
06:44Depending on the game you play, it tells a lot about a person.
06:47If you play Diablo, you're probably an evil person.
06:49If you play League of Legends, you're probably a legend.
06:52And if you play Fortnite, well.
06:54You probably haven't slept in a Fortnite.
06:57Whoa, that's a good one.
06:58If you play Minecraft, you probably love mining and or crafting.
07:01And if you play Clash of Clans, well, you belong in a clan of people.
07:07And if you play...
07:09Jesus Christ, what is happening, Martin?
07:12Who are these guys?
07:13If you like plants versus zombies, you smoke plants until you turn into a zombie.
07:17I just felt like I was in a Nick A30 skit for a second.
07:22What's this?
07:23Acquire Typhoon Blade!
07:25Wait, this is what we got freaking smoked with last time.
07:27Did you pick it up?
07:28Did you acquire it?
07:29Oh wait, did you need it?
07:30No, no, no, please.
07:31You need it more than me.
07:33Uh, dude.
07:34I think you just missed out on a freaking legendary chest that has an Oni shotgun and Oni shotgun.
07:40I'm Oni one.
07:42Bro, you're gonna Oni a lot of people if you use it.
07:46You don't want it?
07:48No, dude.
07:49It's fine, bro.
07:50Because I have the Typhoon Blade.
07:53Just gotta be careful.
07:54Oh wait.
07:55Oh shoot.
07:56Wait, what?
07:57That's not the storm.
07:58What is this?
07:59That's not the storm.
08:00I placed it.
08:01But you are right.
08:02That was kind of a good thing.
08:03Watch out!
08:04You're not the king.
08:05No, I'm the king.
08:06I wonder if I block him if he's gonna be mad.
08:10Oh, that's gonna make him mad.
08:12That's gonna make him mad.
08:13Don't do that.
08:15Is he gonna go in the portal?
08:16You need something to calm him down.
08:17Oh, Marr, Marr, Marr, Marr, Marr!
08:24Yeah, that was not.
08:25Don't worry, I got you.
08:28Maybe if I use my Typhoon Blade.
08:29Oh my god.
08:30He has so much health.
08:31Way to go.
08:32I'm using my Oni Gun.
08:33I killed the Demon Grunt.
08:34Demon Grunt.
08:35All done.
08:36Slice and dice, bro.
08:37You're doing good.
08:38You're doing good.
08:39Get him.
08:41Holy cow.
08:42I need an epic name.
08:43I need an epic name.
08:44You think of a good nickname for yourself.
08:45I'm gonna call myself Fruit Ninja.
08:46Knocking chairs reveals others nearby.
08:47Fruit Ninja.
08:48Take that.
08:49I'll take the key.
08:50Void Oni.
08:51Void Oni.
08:52Void Oni.
08:53Void Oni.
08:54Void Oni.
08:55Void Oni.
08:56Void Oni.
08:57Void Oni.
08:58Void Oni.
08:59Void Oni.
09:00I'll take the key.
09:01Void Oni mask.
09:02Void Oni mask, bro.
09:03What does it do?
09:08What are you scared, bro?
09:09Yes, bro.
09:10What is that?
09:11It's just a mask.
09:13That guy.
09:16Oh, you were here.
09:18You got the Void Oni mask too, bro.
09:19What does it do?
09:20Can you give me a little filler?
09:21Here, I'm gonna use it.
09:23I need that.
09:24Whatever that is.
09:25Give me a little filler.
09:26Here, I'm going to use it.
09:28I don't need that.
09:29Whatever that is.
09:30Oh, a mask that creates a void tear that
09:33can be teleported to.
09:34Whoa, really?
09:35Go back in time, you're saying?
09:37Wait, watch, watch.
09:38I'll teleport to it.
09:40Oh, whoa.
09:43Whoa, be careful jumping through that window.
09:46What window?
09:47Oh, this one.
09:48I'm agile.
09:49I'm the weekend.
09:50I perform in front of millions of people every single day.
09:52You think I don't have good stamina?
09:54After I'm done with you, it's going
09:55to be more like the weekday, and then
09:57you're going to be a weakling.
09:59Bro, seriously, the weekday?
10:00Don't bring that up.
10:01That's my twin brother.
10:03Wait, do I actually look badass from down there?
10:05Bro, you look, I don't know, man.
10:08I think it's those ankles.
10:09Is that how people perceive me?
10:11Your ankles got better post-fight.
10:13I think you put a lot of weight on them.
10:14I think a lot of it went to my upper half,
10:15and the bottom half just somehow stayed the same.
10:17Your bottom half will always be good.
10:21Bro, seriously, that makes me blush a lot.
10:25Oh, wait, what the hell, Martin?
10:28Be wary.
10:30What the heck is that?
10:32Shot it.
10:33How was your first reaction to shoot this cute little thing?
10:38Look how adorable it is, and you're shooting it.
10:40This is what's wrong with our freaking society.
10:41It's running away from us.
10:42Follow me.
10:43Follow me.
10:44Oh, shoot.
10:46No, no.
10:46You said, yeah, you said follow me.
10:48I do whatever you say.
10:49Oh, man.
10:51All right, I'm glad that you know
10:52that I know that you would jump off a bridge if I told you to.
10:55That's the sign of a good friend.
10:58Am I mumbling?
11:00Look, I've, OK, can I be honest?
11:03Yeah, are you struggling?
11:04I've been googling.
11:05No, I've been googling speech therapy for you.
11:08I know.
11:10I didn't know that, actually.
11:11But don't be scared of it.
11:12You might actually come out of that speaking very well.
11:16This problem is, to me, it feels I'm speaking fine.
11:19But to people around me, it's not.
11:21So I'm going to therapy for others, not myself.
11:24It's just like, how can you be a YouTuber and mumble?
11:27It just doesn't make sense.
11:28Heading into fire?
11:29Maybe mumbling will help me here.
11:31I won't be as hurt.
11:33Oh, shoot.
11:33Whoa, whoa, what are they firing?
11:35What is that stuff?
11:37Do you have a sniper rifle or something?
11:39Yeah, I hit it for 90.
11:41They hit me once.
11:42Got him.
11:4327 down.
11:44Now watch this.
11:45I'm just going to eliminate him.
11:48That's it.
11:48He'll never come back again.
11:51Holy crap, dude.
11:53A big bush bomb.
11:55Launch it.
11:57Maybe it'll summon your mom.
11:59What the heck?
12:00It did exactly what I thought it would do.
12:01It dropped a big bush bomb.
12:05Freaking Kwebbelkop AI.
12:08How is that even good?
12:10Are there naturally occurring big bushes?
12:12I feel like that's just telling your location.
12:15Whoa, whoa.
12:15It's like it feels like a bomb.
12:17Oh my god.
12:18And launch it.
12:19He thinks he can do that.
12:20Well, I'm the king now.
12:22You can throw it?
12:25Got him.
12:26Sliced and diced.
12:28I think I got one of his toes in my mouth.
12:31Sounds like something The Weeknd would say after killing someone.
12:36He doesn't talk much, though, I think.
12:38No, he doesn't.
12:39I think it's teeth.
12:40He got veneers and he's not loving it.
12:42A lot of people who have veneers, they try not to talk as much
12:45because it just shows that you have veneers.
12:46And that's just embarrassing.
12:47People assume you're pompous and self-centered,
12:50but really you just care about yourself.
12:53You know?
12:54Let's make veneers cool in 2025.
12:57Let's make braces cool.
12:58Why not just get braces?
12:59Now, that is something I've been meaning to do.
13:03But I'm worried about that little metal piece
13:04they put in your mouth after.
13:05But dude, NewsflashBuddy, you already had Invisalign,
13:08so why would you do braces?
13:09Braces is a rite of passage of the privilege, I feel like.
13:14And I want to feel what that feels like.
13:17Okay, I never actually thought of it that way.
13:18That actually makes a lot of sense.
13:20It's more of a healing my inner child thing.
13:24And also, you could probably bond more
13:25with people who had braces.
13:27Yeah, or currently have it.
13:28If I see some kid on the street with braces,
13:30I'll have something to talk about.
13:32Dang, if an adult approached me and they had braces
13:34and then you started bonding with me over braces,
13:36I don't know how I'd feel.
13:37I don't know if I should be scared or not.
13:39I see enemies.
13:41Oh, watch this.
13:43Hit him for 180.
13:45I'm going in.
13:46Got one.
13:48Okay, I'm going in.
13:49He's gonna go try to revive his friend.
13:50I'm gonna go in.
13:51He doesn't know I'm here.
13:52Wait, I just crashed.
13:53I just crashed.
13:54Don't worry, don't worry.
13:55I'm here.
13:56You crashed, but you're going crazy.
13:57You're crashed.
13:58But I'm going crazy.
13:59Wait, did it actually crash?
14:01Yeah, my game like froze.
14:03I couldn't move for a second.
14:04It was weird.
14:04Fortnite, fix your game.
14:06Seriously, I almost lost because of you.
14:09Wait, 11 people left.
14:11Hamza, this is the closest we've ever gotten, I think.
14:13Happy birthday, bro.
14:14It's about to come true.
14:16No way.
14:17You've been planning this all along?
14:19I've been planning it.
14:20I've orchestrated it with everyone here.
14:22It's not even a real lobby.
14:23It's just all your friends and family.
14:28That would actually be a great birthday gift
14:30for a little kid who like really wants to win a game.
14:33Yeah, a little kid who has no brains.
14:35What the hell?
14:38No, I'm thinking of like a three-year-old, maybe.
14:40I don't know.
14:40A little kid with, oh, actually, yeah.
14:42That would be so wholesome.
14:43No, they'd be like, oh my God.
14:45Do you remember that one video of that kid
14:46who like ran into the room and he's like,
14:47I won a game of Fortnite.
14:50That was so cute.
14:51Yeah, but if it's you running into your,
14:53like Mandy's room, then it's just not funny anymore.
14:56And I used to do that.
14:57I used to do that.
14:58Well, that's what you're about to do right now
14:59when we kill these next people, all right?
15:01Well, she's all the way in Florida, but I don't know.
15:03Okay, just run to like the living room,
15:05all your pets or something.
15:06I don't know.
15:07I feel like you have no pants on right now.
15:09Okay, dude, seriously?
15:11Is that actually true?
15:13No, there's no way you have pants on.
15:15Mandy's the only person getting you in pants.
15:18Okay, yes.
15:19Maybe I've been losing my mind slowly
15:20now that Mandy's gone.
15:21But look, dude, we're playing Fortnite.
15:23Isn't this awesome?
15:24No, you called me this morning telling me
15:25you watched a whole season of White Lotus.
15:28Like, I don't know if that's normal, you know?
15:30I'm just worried about you.
15:32That normal?
15:33People watch a whole season of something in one sitting?
15:36Look at that, someone's fine.
15:37I don't know.
15:38Maybe when they're having fun.
15:43Get him for 32.
15:47No, please.
15:50Fortnite crash reporter.
15:53Can you come back?
15:54I can't protect you.
15:56It's okay.
15:56Just can you please win?
15:58What's happening to you right now?
16:01I don't know.
16:01My Fortnite crashed and it opened up Reddit.
16:03I don't know how I'm on Reddit now.
16:09Just please make my birthday fun.
16:14Can you hear me?
16:16I'll just stand next to your body
16:17and protect you till the very last drop.
16:20Use it as a shield.
16:21Use me as a shield.
16:25But it's gonna hurt.
16:26I'll just use myself as a shield for you instead.
16:28I'm not there.
16:29It's not gonna hurt me at all, okay?
16:30This is a,
16:31I know it looks like me, but it's not me.
16:33So use it as a shield.
16:34Oh man, you're cutting out too.
16:36It's like you're really dying.
16:38I don't feel so good.
16:44If you don't feel good, we're done, sir.
16:46From the lobby,
16:46do you think I can control the game from the lobby?
16:51Ah, dang.
16:52Okay, I died too.
17:01I didn't even have a chance.
17:03They all have swords.
17:04I should have joined the sword meta.
17:05You know what?
17:06Screw Fortnite.
17:07I have an idea for another game we can play, Martin,
17:09and you might not be down for it,
17:10but when you see it, you might cheer up.
17:13I'm listening.
17:14What's your name?
17:15Okay, Viper.
17:16My name is Viper reporting for duty.
17:21No, dang.
17:25Who's screaming like that?
17:25This guy's got a trampoline.
17:26This guy got a trampoline.
17:28Are you seeing?
17:29Are you hearing the troll?
17:29Got him, got him.
17:30I'm on the roof.
17:31Meet me on the roof.
17:32Meet me on the roof.
17:33Yeah, are you hearing troll alone?
17:34I got a new gun.
17:35I got a new gun.
17:37Holy cow.
17:39Dude, it's tied.
17:40It's tied from my game.
17:40Are you game?
17:41Yeah, yeah, it's tied.
17:43Oh, shoot.
17:44I hope I still have that gun.
17:48We're gonna lose.
17:49No, we're not.
17:50Not on my watch.
17:50We should have met up somewhere.
17:54Dang it, I'm getting shot.
17:55I'm getting shot.
17:56They're coming.
17:56They're ambushing me.
17:57They're ambushing me.
17:58Pumpkin patch.
17:59Pumpkin patch.
18:00Kill 10 enemies.
18:01I got kill 10 enemies achievement.
18:03Oh my God.
18:07No, I won.
18:08I got three stars.
18:10I have one star.
18:10Were we on different teams?
18:11What's the score?
18:1218 to 14.
18:1314 to 18.
18:16Wait, we were on different teams.
18:18I guess so.
18:19I freaking knew it.
18:20I freaking knew.
18:21Wait, were you a cowboy?
18:22Were you killing each other that whole time?
18:23Were you a cowboy or indigenous person?
18:25I was indigenous.
18:28I was a cowboy.
18:29Why did you say that?
18:30I didn't know you would join the cowboys
18:32at a time like this.
18:33Hey, winner, winner, chicken dinner.
18:35Let's do airport 3D crash.
18:37Wait, with everything that's going on?
18:39Well, the airport's crash.
18:41The airport's...
18:43My name is...
18:47I'm Wobegon.
18:49And we're on separate teams.
18:52Ha ha ha ha ha, bro.
18:53This is going to be fun.
18:54I think you can shoot your own teammate.
18:58Oh my God.
18:59I just killed my whole team.
19:01That's it.
19:01I'm going to just wipe out my own team.
19:03You want to join our team?
19:05I'm going to join your team.
19:06Bro, I just killed Squabble.
19:07Squabble up.
19:09Man, this rock music that's just blaring
19:10out of this freaking megaphone.
19:13I just found Squabble.
19:14I'll kill him for you.
19:16Dang it.
19:18How many players are in this game?
19:23I'm on the top of the leaderboard.
19:24I'm on the top of the leaderboard.
19:25I'm going to make your team win.
19:25I'm going to make your team win.
19:27There's something going on on the megaphone.
19:29What are they saying?
19:30Is our flight delayed?
19:31Let me listen.
19:32Hang on.
19:34I can't hear anything except for rock music.
19:35Final boarding call.
19:36Final boarding call.
19:37Final boarding call.
19:40Oh God.
19:41I got to tell my boys.
19:42I'm jumping on some sort of trampoline.
19:43Oh wait.
19:44Martin, are you up there?
19:45Are you at the top?
19:46Come to me.
19:46Come to me.
19:47I'm over here.
19:48No, no, no.
19:49I'm over here.
19:50I'll pass.
19:51Like I'm a guy jumping.
19:51I'm a guy jumping.
19:52Are you over here?
19:54Is that you?
19:55That's me.
19:56That's me.
19:57Come to me.
19:57Come to me.
19:58No, not that way.
19:59Not that way.
20:00Bro, no.
20:01No, tell your team to lay off.
20:02Get off of my friend.
20:03Did you die?
20:05Are they upset?
20:07Down here.
20:08Down here.
20:08One of your team's trying to kill me.
20:09Another guy.
20:10Another guy.
20:11Kill him.
20:12I'll protect you.
20:13That's me.
20:14That's me.
20:15Don't kill me.
20:16It's me.
20:17Dude, I feel like Romeo and Juliet.
20:18Follow me.
20:18We're going to get banned for teaming.
20:19Bro, a modern day love story.
20:22Except it's a winglet and we'll be gone.
20:25Behind, behind.
20:26Your team.
20:33I got him.
20:34I got him.
20:35I got him.
20:35Is that you, Martin?
20:36Yes, yes, yes.
20:37Don't shoot me.
20:38Don't shoot me.
20:39I have the sniper.
20:40Yeah, yeah, yeah.
20:40That's you.
20:41That's you.
20:42That's you.
20:43I'm the sniper guy.
20:44I'm different from the rest.
20:45I am hearing announcements on the-
20:46Are you hearing this?
20:46Listen, we're missing our boarding call.
20:49Well, yeah.
20:49We're missing our boarding call
20:50because your freaking team's trying to eliminate me.
20:53Follow me.
20:54I've helped you enough.
20:54I helped your team gain a score.
20:57Oh, wait.
20:57There's three seconds left.
21:01It's fine.
21:02I had the most kills.
21:0618 kills.
21:07I have to watch an ad just for that.
21:08I protected you while you killed my own teammates.
21:11I gotta disable ad block, though.
21:12I'm a-
21:15Wait, what did you just say?
21:16Leap that out, chat.
21:21Fort Zone Battle Royale?
21:23Battle Royale?
21:25Add my player ID.
21:26It's 264047.
21:29And if you're watching right now,
21:30join me as well.
21:32Wait, hold up.
21:33That's 264047.
21:36Can you say it again?
21:37Just give me one second.
21:43That's 264047.
21:44Wait, I gotta,
21:45there's a chest I got.
21:46Advertising starts in what?
21:49Just give me a countdown.
21:50264047, damn it.
21:55I got you.
21:56I got you.
21:59Predator Pulser.
22:00What is that your name?
22:02I added you.
22:05Oh, we're here.
22:06We're here.
22:06Wait, you're a girl?
22:07Pressing play.
22:08Advertising starts.
22:09Are you getting those like pump fake advertisements?
22:11Oh no, I got a real one.
22:12I got a real one.
22:13I'm cleaning up some sort of squid
22:14and then I get kicked on the beach.
22:16I hit, oh wait, no.
22:17I hit single battle royale.
22:18That's my mistake.
22:21Oh my God.
22:21What the hell?
22:23Martin, there's over 18 games.
22:25Can I play with you or no?
22:26It's not giving me an escape here.
22:28You got it?
22:31All right, pick, make sure you pick the right one this time.
22:32You're the party leader.
22:33That's why I can't play.
22:34You hit it.
22:37Oh, I just got a message.
22:38That's you.
22:40No, stop, stop.
22:41It's loud.
22:55Oh my God.
22:56Oh my God.
22:58Advertising starts in one second.
23:04You need to be level four.
23:07How can we get there as fast as possible?
23:11Okay, stop bro.
23:12Okay, okay, okay.
23:16No, I don't think we'll ever be able to play this.
23:17We need to be level four.
23:18You think we can get there fast or no?
23:20Okay, fine.
23:21Go play single one.
23:22I'll play single one.
23:23See ya.
23:25There's real people in here though.
23:26I can't tell.
23:27Is this real?
23:28I think so.
23:29Their movement seems in...
23:30Oh, I'm in the frenzy storm.
23:32Frenzy storm will appear in 30 seconds.
23:36What the hell?
23:37Their bus is so much shorter in this game.
23:39I just got an ad for like 18 and up stuff.
23:42How do I jump out?
23:44Oh, landed right on top of a chest.
23:50Okay, I got a cola.
23:51Oh my God.
23:54I just jumped out.
23:55The animation's incredible.
23:57Have you gotten a gun yet?
23:58Oh yeah, I did.
23:59I got SMG and I got some sort of animal that I throw
24:03that kind of explodes a little bit.
24:06Got a burger?
24:08A burger?
24:10A burger, it's circulating me.
24:11Frenzy storm is coming on.
24:13Yeah, I gotta move.
24:15Coming on me, say it.
24:17No, no, I didn't.
24:18I just realized what I was saying.
24:20Yeah, I know you did.
24:22I'm collecting all these materials.
24:23I don't know how to build though.
24:25Oh wait, figured it out.
24:27I was quick.
24:28Are your gunshots?
24:29Very, okay.
24:30Well, we're not in the same game,
24:31so when you say that it kind of makes me.
24:38Gotta kill, gotta kill.
24:39You killed someone?
24:42Me too, hopefully soon.
24:43Oh my God.
24:45Dude, they have like gore physics on Fleek.
24:48Maybe they're bots, dude.
24:49Yeah, I never thought of that though.
24:51No, I didn't think of that.
24:52Someone's shooting at me.
24:54Lauren, hang in there, hang in there.
24:57Got him.
25:01Wow, he had a lot of good stuff.
25:03He had a fricking-
25:09Boom, got him.
25:10Modem down.
25:11Oh nice, this guy's stuck in the storm.
25:19This may be the end of the road for me.
25:21Stop, stop, stop, don't say that.
25:23Just kidding, I'm gonna burn him on fire.
25:26Wait, got him.
25:31No, right before I drank the cola, I died.
25:34Wait, what the?
25:37Jesus, so intense for no reason.
25:39You what, mate, you what?
25:41Did you die?
25:42No, how much experience did you get?
25:46Level two?
25:49Just level two.
25:53That's okay.
25:53Level three?
25:56Ooh, the storm is fast though.
26:00Martin, the storm, I forgot about it.
26:02Yeah, you gotta be careful.
26:04You died?
26:04Holy cow.
26:06You got this, you got this.
26:12And money.
26:13Oh, I'm about to watch someone get backstabbed.
26:18What the hell?
26:21You won?
26:22Double kill, double kill.
26:23Oh, nearly though, nearly won.
26:26I'm about to wrap it up here, Martin.
26:28Nice, do it.
26:35They're all hiding like a bunch of cowards.
26:38Martin, I'm almost there, three people left.
26:40We might not be in the same game,
26:41but this is still like parallel play.
26:44It is.
26:45I don't know how good I am at this game.
26:47It is.
26:49I don't know how good it is for the viewers,
26:50but I'm having a blast.
26:52I'm just happy he's not crashing.
26:53Yeah, I know, right?
26:55Bare minimum, the bar is in hell.
26:57Guy on me, dang it.
27:00About to win.
27:01Boom, Martin, I won, I won, I won, I won.
27:05Nice job, nice job.
27:07Really good job.
27:09Play one battle.
27:10I'm gonna watch an action double my-
27:12I'm proud of you, dude, I'm proud of you.
27:13Okay, level one.
27:16Level two, done.
27:19Oh man, I didn't even get level three.
27:21How far did you get?
27:22And you won two?
27:23Yeah, with like 13 kills.
27:25I don't think they programmed it like that.
27:27I think it's probably just every win you get a level.
27:30Or every game.
27:32Okay, maybe if you finish one quick then.
27:34Okay, Fort Zone developers, come on, try to fix that.
27:37You know what Fort Zone,
27:38I think the Fort Zone developers
27:40are Fortnite developers that got fired maybe?
27:42That would be fire.
27:43It's like a chaotic version.
27:45Yeah, it's like, you know what?
27:47Screw it.
27:48And they probably added stuff into Fort Zone
27:49that Fortnite wouldn't let them add in.
27:52Like these little animals,
27:53this drooling animal that I have in my third slot.
27:55Okay, I'm gonna try to end my life immediately.
28:03No fall damage.
28:06No fire damage.
28:07Developers, if you're watching this-
28:09Oh wait, nevermind.
28:13I died, I died.
28:14First one to die.
28:16And let me know.
28:17Let's see if we found a glitch.
28:21No, but it gave me some.
28:23Gave me like 300 points.
28:26I'm gonna just do that like six times.
28:29Okay, you try that strategy.
28:30When you were young, was it hard for you to say strategy?
28:33For me, I always said strategy.
28:35No, I think the hardest word for me was world.
28:39I always said word instead of world.
28:42And the whole word.
28:45I know, wasn't I such a cute little baby?
28:47You were.
28:49Okay, but what about Massachusetts?
28:51Well, you wouldn't have a reason to really say it.
28:53Wait, Massa-two-shits?
28:55Like Massachusetts, Massa-two-shits.
28:58Yeah, I don't really say it.
28:58You can imagine that though, right?
29:00Yeah, something funny I would do though
29:02is I used to tell people when I get older,
29:04I'm gonna move to North America.
29:06And I didn't realize that Canada was in North America.
29:07Okay, you were a cute little kid.
29:09You keep getting cuter the more you describe it.
29:12And but I would say it like this.
29:13When I get older, I'm gonna move to North America.
29:19And everybody says, aw.
29:20Yeah, and everyone said, aw.
29:22And then I'd say, yeah,
29:23it's gonna be the best place in the whole word.
29:26And then they say, who the hell pooped their diaper?
29:29And you said me.
29:31No, and then they're like,
29:32anyways, can you please walk across the stage
29:34and collect your diploma?
29:38I just look for Molotovs to kill myself and then boom.
29:42So you're not even giving yourself a chance.
29:45Have you built yet?
29:46I don't really care about that.
29:49I don't really care about.
29:53I got this, dude.
29:54I got this, come on.
29:56Dude, you can drive, Martin.
30:13Come on.
30:18That was too much.
30:19Don't try to drive Martin.
30:21I'm burning everyone, come on.
30:23Nice, nice, nice, nice, nice, nice.
30:25Come on, two.
30:26Oh wait, one more guy left.
30:28Burn him, burn him, burn him to the ground.
30:32I won!
30:33I won!
30:34I won!
30:37Well done.
30:41Well done.
30:42Okay, I know it's not Fortnite,
30:44but it's pretty damn close.
30:46Don't take it away from yourself.
30:48That's a win.
30:48A win is a win.
30:49I'm like a level three and maybe 10% into level four.
30:52Oh, what?
30:56All right.
30:58Are you level four?
30:59I just ended my life.
31:00Let's see how much it gave me.
31:03Ooh, it's gonna be slow.
31:05Oh my God, how do I unlock this character?
31:08Tell me, I can't see. Fiona.
31:09It's like Fiona from, yeah, from Shrek.
31:13Oh, I love Shrek.
31:14Wish I could see that character.
31:14Maybe it's Shrek, I can't tell.
31:16Oh my God!
31:18They have furries in this game.
31:19You can run with furries in this game.
31:21This is awesome.
31:22That's not, no, that's not.
31:23Oh wait, I see it, Fiona!
31:25Oh, we might be using lobby.
31:26Meet me somewhere quick.
31:29Go to the jungle.
31:30Go to the, ah, damn it.
31:31No, me too, damn it.
31:32My story right there too.
31:34Yeah, drop right away.
31:34Drop right away.
31:37Go to the roundabout, the cul-de-sac.
31:39Go to the cul-de-sac.
31:39Oh my God, there's no way.
31:41Wait, I can't get out of the map.
31:43How do you get out of the map?
31:44F, F, F, oh, oh, I don't know.
31:46Okay, cul-de-sac.
31:47Are you in the cul-de-sac?
31:49I'm on a roof.
31:50I'm on a roof.
31:51I'm on a roof.
31:52Okay, okay, okay.
31:52I see the cul-de-sac.
31:53It's gonna take me a second though.
31:54Just hang tight.
31:55Don't die.
31:56I'm the girl with the pink hair and the booty shorts.
31:59If you see her, don't shoot her.
32:03Girl with the pink booty shorts.
32:05No, pink hair and booty shorts.
32:07Oh, oh.
32:08Focus, please.
32:10Wait, what if I just type in the chat?
32:12Hey, you see that?
32:13I see that, I see it, I see it, I see it.
32:14Ah, wait, I see you!
32:17Or no, I'm not in the middle of the cul-de-sac.
32:18I see you, I see you jumping.
32:20Oh my God.
32:21Do you see me?
32:21Oh my God, yeah.
32:24Bro, good to see you again.
32:26Bro, good to see you too.
32:29Dude, you've changed so much.
32:31I know, I'm different now,
32:33but I'm still the same in a lot of ways.
32:35It's crazy we cheated the system.
32:36Here, come here.
32:38Let me take you on a spin.
32:40Wait, what?
32:41You can't?
32:42You can do that in here?
32:43I got my license.
32:44Can you not get it?
32:45I don't think it lets me.
32:46No, that's okay.
32:47Wait, I'll just sit on top of it.
32:51I've just balanced.
32:53Aw, damn it.
32:55Wait, wait, wait.
32:56Wait, I can't hear you.
32:58Hold up.
32:59Why not?
33:00Whoa, whoa, whoa!
33:01I'll protect you.
33:10Got him.
33:12Dude, whenever you got in that car,
33:14it was just blaring music in my ear.
33:15Don't do that again.
33:17You think we'll get banned?
33:18For what?
33:19For teaming?
33:20Oh yeah, sure.
33:21For having fun with our friends.
33:23Are you kidding me, dude?
33:24This is the most promotion they've ever gotten
33:26for their game.
33:26They're gonna love this.
33:27I think I saw Markiplier play this.
33:29I don't know.
33:30Dude, he's always on everything so early, man.
33:32Leave some for the rest of us, bro.
33:35How do you use those little things percolating around you,
33:37like the ghost items?
33:39The ghost and the burger?
33:43Well, you have a burger.
33:44I have a pogo stick.
33:46I have a ghost and a burger.
33:48So how do you use those?
33:49I'm sure there's a way to use them, you know?
33:52Ah, man, I wish I could tell you, but I don't know.
33:56Oh my God, Martin.
33:58What happened?
34:01Yeah, you figured it out, huh?
34:03Yeah, did you?
34:05Fiona on me, Fiona on me, Fiona on me.
34:08But she's friendly.
34:10Bro, don't try to make friends in the industry.
34:12Where is she?
34:14Wait, she's actually trying to hurt me.
34:16You need to talk.
34:18In the house?
34:19I should have listened to you.
34:20No, she was outside.
34:22I should have listened to you.
34:23I tried to make friends, but there's no friends
34:25in this industry. Why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why?
34:29It's just something I had to experience on my own.
34:31I'm sorry.
34:32What are these rubber duckies?
34:33Oh, that was me.
34:35That was my attempt to be friendly.
34:37Oh, I see.
34:38Honestly, so far, big shout out to the developers.
34:43Yeah, no, they killed it with this one.
34:44There's someone driving a car, there's someone
34:46driving a car.
34:47There's someone driving a car and they're
34:49blaring their music.
34:53Bro, it's you?
34:57Seriously, turn it down, man.
34:59We're in a fricking nice neighborhood.
35:00Sorry, kid.
35:01You and your music, man.
35:02I'm gonna do Donuts.
35:03I love that song, too.
35:04Why is that the only song in the car?
35:07Do you see me, Martin?
35:08I see you.
35:09Wait, this is awesome.
35:10Oh my God.
35:14Wait, Martin, come get it.
35:15Come get it.
35:17Come get your own car.
35:18Let's do Donuts.
35:20Hurry, hurry, a storm's coming.
35:21Grab your own car.
35:22Let's go for a ride.
35:24Okay, it's gonna take you a minute to learn
35:25how to drive, it's so hard.
35:27Oh my God.
35:28You steer with your mouse where you look.
35:32Hell yeah.
35:35This is awesome.
35:40Man, Fast and the Furious Fort Zone.
35:45Welcome to the Fort Zone.
35:50Oh, I'm out of gas, I'm out of gas.
35:55Okay, okay, okay, okay, okay.
35:56The music is insane.
35:57Okay, Martin, follow me.
35:58You gotta hit the ground running.
35:59The storm's coming.
36:01Ooh, bars.
36:02Wait, someone's in the distance.
36:03We missed a chance to freestyle.
36:04Oh shoot.
36:05Another girl, another girl.
36:08Don't mix this up, Martin, please.
36:10She got a different haircut.
36:15Use the rubber ducky.
36:19It kind of helps.
36:20Didn't help me.
36:21You kind of just jump,
36:23and it blasts you where you want to go.
36:24Say rubber ducky, but change the D for a F.
36:27Air drop, air drop, alert, air drop.
36:31Oh shoot, storm.
36:33Are you good?
36:34Are you good?
36:35I'm good, but it hurts a lot in such little time.
36:37So much to explore.
36:3811 people left, 11 people left.
36:39There's a guy glowing, there's a guy glowing yellow,
36:41glowing yellow.
36:43There's someone else too.
36:44Man in a dress.
36:46There's another guy in the distance,
36:47another guy in the distance.
36:48Solar foot, I'm killing solar foot.
36:52They're low, they're low, they're low,
36:53the one you're looking at.
36:54Martin, glower behind you.
36:58Got the glower.
36:59Okay, nice.
37:01Oh, shelter, shelter, we need it.
37:03One more, one more.
37:04One more, that's it?
37:06Is that it?
37:07No, no, no, no, no.
37:08Three more left other than us.
37:10Okay, thank God we're teaming, dude.
37:12Dude, this would be so much harder if we played fair.
37:14I know.
37:15Legendary gun.
37:18No bullets, no bullets though.
37:19Martin, out the window, out the window.
37:21Out the window?
37:23Oh my God, he sees me.
37:24Retro Viper.
37:29My gun is suck.
37:31Got him.
37:32Nice, I got an assist.
37:33There's an airdrop, I gotta see what's in this airdrop.
37:36Okay, I got your six.
37:38Two more people left.
37:45Come here.
37:46Oh, I killed him with the mine!
37:48Is this the last guy?
37:49I don't even know what it did, but I did it.
37:52This is me, this is me, don't shoot me.
37:55There he is, there he is!
37:57Don't let him hurt you.
37:58Crossbot, he's literally a bot, literally, chat.
38:02Wait, I'm gonna use the...
38:05I'm gonna burn him to crisp!
38:06Crisp him.
38:09Come on, final shot!
38:13Hamza, for my birthday, you said that you'd let me win,
38:17Hang on, you're talking crazy.
38:19Wait one second.
38:20You said you'd let me win,
38:21you said you'd let me win for my birthday!
38:28No, dang it.
38:37You dummy!
38:43Oh, man!
39:08Oh my god, this is a real cat fight!
39:11This is a real cat fight!
39:15I'm not done yet, I'm not done!
39:17I'm not done!
39:18Oh yeah?
39:19Oh yeah?
39:20Oh dang, I'm stunned.
39:21Wait, no, seriously.
39:22Oh come on, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
39:24I'm sorry I said your nose looked ugly.
39:25I'm sorry, not enough.
39:27You wanna go outside and enjoy the weather, bro?
39:28Let's go.
39:35Beautiful day outside.
39:37Yeah, I'm excited because it's summer.
39:40You know what summer means.
39:42After you, summer means what?