• last month
00:00Steve Kerr had a point last night, but I also as a fan I can only respond to it
00:07With authenticity and tell you that it doesn't feel good when we continually have to go through this
00:14Here's what I'm saying, and I wonder how this grabs you so here's Steve Kerr
00:19talking about
00:21Whether or not the guys and by the way, they are fully available tonight
00:25Everyone's in Steph's gonna play Jimmy's gonna play Draymond's gonna play
00:29But Anthony Slater asked him if the vets were gonna go tonight last night listen the answer
00:35This was obviously kind of a fatiguing game late to flying the night. I mean can you go with all your veterans?
00:41I don't know. We'll talk to Rick
00:43After so it's a tough back-to-back, and you know that's why that's that's what makes this loss even more
00:50Frustrating is that you know we got a gonna get into Houston at three o'clock
00:55You know whatever it is because you know the NBA and it's infinite wisdom makes us play an 845 game
01:00And they clearly don't care about
01:03You know rest or player health. It's just ratings and all that stuff, so I get it
01:07So everyone's got to do it the whole leagues got to do it, so it is what it is we got to
01:13Strap it up didn't get ready for tomorrow. Yeah, okay, so he's got a point. He has a point
01:18I wouldn't even thinking about that as you and I are doing Warriors live and boom thing tips off at 630
01:23And it was somewhere into the evening that you realize you're like oh god. They're in, Texas
01:28They came in tip-off
01:31Until what 845 yeah local time yeah, what are we doing?
01:36So he has a point, but that's not even what I want to get to tell them staying in, Texas
01:40Understood pretty big state understood. Yeah, yeah, I think they're gonna get to their hotel room about 3 in the morning
01:46Yep all right and tonight's game is that
01:49It's 430 here, so 630 there
01:52Five o'clock here my bad. Yeah, so seven o'clock there, so basically like a regular
01:58It's about 15 and a half hours when you land until you have to play again
02:02Which really means about nine hours until you land till you have to be at the arena to get ready
02:07I'll never act like I know what it's like to be a professional athlete and what it takes to go into those games and then
02:14Get on a plane, and I know that they've got millions of dollars and all of the best treatment and everything
02:20But I'm not gonna sit here and be like oh, you know come on pull your belt on and go to work
02:26Here's what I want to get to though
02:28We as fans, and I wonder if the NBA and I think they are aware of this we are bombarded right now
02:36With I don't want to play
02:39We're bombarded with it
02:41And I just want and wish that the NBA could figure a way out to stop
02:49bombarding the fans
02:51Who love these games?
02:54We look forward to these games. We build our nights in some cases around these games I
03:00Text my sons at three or four o'clock or sometimes even when I'm driving them to school in the morning
03:07Hey, it's a homework done early tonight. We got a game to watch. Let's have dinner. Let's sit down
03:14What's the game together? We love it?
03:16We love it like nothing else get the dog get the dog to curl up on the couch next to you
03:21It's winter it's raining outside. Let's curl up and watch the game together. There's nothing better than that and
03:28It sucks as we get ready for all of that to constantly be
03:33bombarded by
03:35We don't want to play and
03:37That's what it feels like that's what it feels like Joel Embiid and at this constant
03:42I don't know does everyone else's phone do this if you've got underdog
03:47Yeah, or prize picks or whatever you've got on your phone and just every hour every afternoon
03:54Zion's not playing Tyrese Max he's not playing Kawhi's out Anthony Edwards is out
04:00all day all day and
04:03So there's just a messaging issue here
04:06I'm not gonna come at this the way we usually do which is you guys are wimps play
04:12No, I just think there's a messaging problem
04:15there's a PR issue here as a league you are feeding your customers with the
04:21Constant idea of we don't even want to be doing this
04:25It's it stinks man. Yes stinks
04:27It stinks and it is a problem that will never go away because
04:34What are the fixes for NBA players not wanting to play 82 games?
04:38Well, just play less games play fewer games
04:40I won't do that owners won't do that because the owners want to make that money and
04:45Honestly, if you went to every player and said, you know what?
04:48We're gonna go to a 60 game schedule, but you all have to give up one-fourth of your salary
04:53So Steph you're making 56 now, you're making 42 sound good
04:58No, no, absolutely not. And then okay, you don't want to play back-to-backs. All right, guys
05:04We're gonna go from September to May and then the playoffs will last until
05:09Late July and you'll get six weeks off for the summer and we'll start again
05:14No, we like our summer. We don't want that
05:17So you don't want to give up games and you don't want to give up your summer
05:21What do you want you can stretch it out a little bit a little bit
05:25Can you change the calendar a little bit? Like how much are you talking a little bit?
05:28Oh, I'd have to do the math to see you like that players want to do that
05:32So already you have like those guys who had to play till mid-june Father's Day NBA Finals on Father's Day
05:39And then you got to turn back around in
05:43September and show up to camp and already they're like, well boy this offseason was sure short and I get it
05:48it's short, but players don't want to give up their offseason and
05:53owners don't want to give up games and
05:55Players don't want to give up game checks if you made it like, okay
05:59If you don't if you don't play well, then you don't get paid
06:02So the only way you do this is the way they're doing it, which is sorry
06:08You got a back-to-back and either you play or you don't play you still get paid and that's just the way it goes. Yeah
06:16You're listen, I understand I know you understand I understand and
06:20Again, part of it is even just the idea of I'm almost less mad about the fact that it happens
06:26I'm more mad that everybody's talking about it all the time
06:29Like you're not doing a good job of promoting your sport
06:33Like and and and this is just an example
06:36I'm not saying Steve did something wrong last night even again
06:40I think he's got a point and he was just making kind of a snide sarcastic remark. He obviously doesn't like the way the NBA
06:46does it and
06:48That's a fair place to come from. I think at the same time
06:53I just want to speak to the experience as a fan
06:56It stinks to constantly be embarred from an entertainment entity that we don't really want to do this
07:02Like imagine if we took this idea to anything else in the world of entertainment
07:08anything else
07:09Like it wouldn't even make sense Taylor Swift will not be appearing tonight. She's being low-advantage. That's right. She's nice in her place
07:17Tina shift
07:19She's Taylor performed last night, right? So we're not doing back-to-back quick turnaround
07:27Imagine if you did this on Broadway
07:29Like I'm sorry, like I'll be here
07:33We're gonna do the show
07:34But did you realize like what if you started the show at 7 o'clock and you came out and before the show started the star
07:42Actor came out. I just want to let everybody know
07:45But we did a show this afternoon. Also, we did win at 2 o'clock and I'm freaking exhausted
07:52I'll do it cuz y'all paid a lot of money to be here
07:55But I just want you to know that I think that that stinks than the schedule makers should do this differently in for Billy Joel
08:02Willie bones
08:05Uptown girl. Oh boy, Billy. I'll be back tomorrow. We're living in an uptown world. Am I right?
08:13Why does Billy Joel's backup have to be an old smoker crunchy the clown is what it is
08:20This bitch just keeps going
08:25I'm a piano man. I can't play the piano and I'm not really a man
08:28What a
08:32Weird way to do entertainment right like well, you know, can you can your guys perform tomorrow night?
08:39I don't know our parent company's a bunch of dummies
08:45Tune in at 5 to ride out
08:48Just weird. It's weird. It's beyond weird and it's
08:53Offensive is what it is. Well, but yeah, go ahead. I get it
08:57I'm just thinking about the old school and we had Rick Barry on earlier today
09:02With Stiney and goo and you know, he was great
09:04And if you look at Bill Russell, and I'm just thinking about the 60s where Bill played
09:1138 minutes at home against st. Louis and then the next night they were at st. Louis
09:15He played 44 minutes and I'm kind of I'm not positive. It was a bus trip
09:20But if it was a plane, it was probably a prop plane coach, right?
09:24Yeah, if that and he played 44 minutes the next night and then the very next night they played at Detroit and he played
09:3343 minutes and the very next night they were back in Boston
09:37So home at st. Louis at Detroit home to Cincy four straight games. He played every game he played
09:4538 44 43 and 29 and I know it wasn't the same high profile high demand
09:52Blah blah blah, but the dude showed up four straight nights in three different cities to play basketball
09:58Yeah, and that that is it's a good point. I'll also say this one thing that I've learned through the years
10:05Don't don't fight the way new generations do things cuz you'll lose
10:11Like I'm not fighting it. No, I'm just pointing out like no just to go human fat, right?
10:16But but it ain't it ain't coming back. I know that like you're not gonna
10:22I've learned this like when you get to a certain age
10:26you'll walk into a living room and you will see five people in front of a TV with none of them looking at the TV
10:32because they're all looking at their phones and
10:34In some cases they're texting each other and you're like, do you guys have eyes? Can you look up?
10:40Can you look another human being in the eye and have a conversation and they'll be like
10:48And it drives you batty, but that's generational you have to work with that frustration because it ain't going back I get it
10:55So I know what Rick Barry used to do
10:57We could get into a full debate over whether it's fair that it's not that way anymore
11:01But it's not so I understand that players today are players today
11:07whatever the output of energy the
11:11Knows night who knows but the analytics are what the analytics are
11:15I'm more sort of like of the mind of how do you then speak to your customers?
11:21You know, and I think some do it as well as they can
11:25Steph actually is at the top of the list when he load manages on the road
11:30He's sure to go find that crying child and and and sign something and take pictures or whatever
11:36And and at least do the best that you can
11:39But I just I I think it's something for the league to look at there's no one person. I'm pointing that it's the collective
11:45I wonder if they even know that the messaging that the customer gets is that we don't want to be here, right?
11:51And and that's the worst thing that you can do in entertainment
11:55And what is the messaging that the customer is giving back to the league fine?
11:59We don't want to be here either
12:01so if you look at the NBA ratings and I saw a report over the past week where
12:07Luka Donchik and his Lakers debut 2 million viewers
12:12It was one of the highest rated games of the season and you could only draw 2 million viewers in a country of almost
12:19400 million so even your big
12:22splashy Luka in LA debut moment the majority of
12:27People in the country and we're lucky here in the Bay Area
12:30We have a product and ownership a coach a star a group Jimmy
12:35Draymond cominga, whatever we have it's special
12:38But you go to the other 29 markets in this country and Toronto in Canada in the Association and the majority of the fans
12:46It's yawn City
12:48and it's a lot of it mark because of what we're talking about where and put aside the Warriors because I do think that this
12:55Situation is not a good one where yeah, you could have played that game three hours earlier yesterday
13:00And you could have made it so they could have had at least a decent night of travel and sleep
13:05But because the Warriors are marquee you put them late and then you don't really care about the human part of it
13:12But when you have that messaging as a general fan your takeaway is come on guys
13:17Well, all you have to do is dribble dribble shoot like can buddy healed not go one for nine on a short night rest
13:25Right. I would hope well and so honestly for me
13:28The big takeaway is what you're saying like the average person who's working
13:33Probably 40 hours a week and maybe a second job and you're grinding and you're commuting and you're hearing
13:38Millionaires complain about a short night of sleep to go play basketball
13:42I think it's part of why we have a disconnect now among fans and the product. Well, listen, here's here's
13:50What maybe even is the Baker concern?
13:53How many days in a row has somebody walked into this building and asked one another on air or off
14:00Do you feel the buzz of NBA all-star weekend in town? And and what does everybody say each time?
14:07The what exactly with the what if I'm the NBA and this is real hard to say right now
14:13Because we are in sports radio and we are the flagship station of the Golden State Warriors
14:19But I want everybody to look around right now I want the NBA to look at their their flagship
14:27celebration of the sport globally and
14:30Ask themselves this
14:33What is the message that we are sending to our fans
14:38What's the number one story of the day about the NBA All-Star Game?
14:41What do we find out today at about 1 30 this afternoon? No Steph V Sabrina
14:47We don't want to be here
14:52That's what you're telling your fans. I
14:54Know I know Steph rented out splash and I know that there's a big party there
14:59For some reason Mark Grandy is the only human being on planet Earth who got invited. I don't know why good for you
15:06He's gonna report live and on Monday. We can't wait
15:09To Grandy half of the bag. It's called an ultra exclusive
15:15They looked at the whole building and they're like
15:18Him that guy right there. We're gonna want him there need him there. Okay, respectful. Well, Randy is in there. Where's live hashtag?
15:27But what like I don't think they mean to do this, but what's the message that we're getting?
15:35Mac McClung
15:37So wait a minute. Why not you and you and you and you and you what's their message?
15:41We don't want to be there right? We don't want to be there and I'm just telling you man in
15:47Entertainment it can't do it
15:49NFL rules the world right now. And what are those guys do?
15:52They'll complain about the schedule the Chiefs will be like wait a minute
15:56We're playing three games in ten days and one of them's overseas and the NFL is like, yeah, you're like what sucks
16:02But we'll be there with my helmet pads on. Yeah, let's play
16:05I'm telling you man. This is the most dangerous thing
16:08They got going right now is this is this message to the fans that we don't want to do this this weekend features, buddy
16:16Mac and Pat don't miss buddy Mac and Pat
16:23I'm in the rising stars, even though I'm 2080
16:27I'm neither rising nor a star
16:31But those who aren't it's fairly accurate
16:35You're only laughing because we showed you the old SNL videos before the show or you'd have no idea what he was doing
16:41This is doing just another he's not rising. He's not a star. He's Pat
16:49I'm happy for the exposure
16:54That's uncomfortable quite it is yeah