• last month
00:00look at me in the eye. I look at you for 20 hours a week. Well, it's beautiful, isn't it?
00:03Look at me. It's all right. It's all right. Don't play with my yo-yo. I'm not doing this
00:09with warrior basketball. Lucas, I like the dang lines. Let's go. Let's do this. 888-957-9570.
00:17You cannot play with my yo-yo. I'm not doing this. We're not running around going,
00:23oh, Jimmy Bucket. We've got sounders. Jimmy Bucket. We're not going to, oh,
00:28warriors look so much better, look so much better. Oh, they lost one basketball game.
00:31Oh, now they suck. We're not doing this. Sure. Sure. That was very frustrating on a number of
00:37levels. Make a layup, buddy yield. Good Lord. Yeah, let's get into it. And the refs. That was
00:44a very, very... What do you mean, Mark? That was a very wonky night for your fraternity.
00:48Yeah. That's what it was. Well, a couple of calls, a couple of tough ones. And the whistle was leaned
00:54maybe a little bit against the warriors. But when you're going up against a team without
00:59Lively and A.D. and like six other guys, win the game. Win the damn game. That game should
01:06not have been close enough to where the refs, my brother's ancestors, could have possibly
01:13conflated that game and made it so you lost. I understand that. I'm not going to disagree
01:18with you. But again, like sometimes we do this. We don't play these games on paper.
01:24I understand the Warriors should win that game on paper. But a home team had a star
01:30that went crazy. It happens. Like I said, the Wolves lost in their own building to Milwaukee
01:36with no Lillard and no Giannis. Please explain how the hell did the Los Angeles Lakers, as hot
01:43as can be, go lose to Utah by double digits? How the hell they do that? Right. So there was a lot
01:51of this last night in the NBA. And so, look, that's not to be as an excuse for the Warriors.
01:59Like I said, very frustrating loss. But when you watch them, do they still look
02:06better to you, especially in the final five minutes of a basketball game?
02:10They look better to you than they did a week and a half ago. They look better. OK, but not good
02:15enough, apparently. I mean, not good enough to one game. I know it's one game, but we can't go
02:20crazy over two games, which is why I didn't. I didn't. I'm just saying, like we've had three
02:26games, Jimmy Butler and you're two in one. And the one game you lost is the one game you probably
02:31should have won. Like Chicago. Fine. They're not very good. And then you come back last night and
02:36you lose a game that you absolutely should have won. You should have been able to hammer Dallas.
02:41Yes, Kyrie, let them go for 50 and still win the damn game. But you didn't. And you let them hang
02:47around and you had a late flurry and you got close and then you couldn't close it out. Yeah, that's
02:52bad. Well, sure. Bad, frustrating when you're chasing wins and you're chasing the succeed
02:58to go out there and have that happen. And I do think that a lot of it was the way Dallas was
03:04able to comport themselves and, you know, the officials, you get Jason kid, 15 feet on the
03:10floor and no tea and Steve Kerr gets a tea and Kyrie's going bananas for two minutes and he
03:15doesn't get a tea. So I do think a lot of this is speaking to the fans where a lot of fans watch
03:21the game and they think, where's the equity? Like, where is the even enforcement of the rules?
03:28Because I looked at last night and I didn't see that. It's hard. It's hard to watch. Sometimes
03:33it's hard for me to watch as a ref lover. I know it. And I do not think some sort of a fix is in.
03:38I didn't even think that with the Kansas city chiefs, but I tell you what, man, it it's getting
03:44harder and harder to watch. And the only thing I can think of that must be happening is they're
03:48not changing. We are that. That's what I think is going on when it comes to officiating in sports.
03:54I don't think they're changing. I think we are. I think two things are true. We have access to so
04:00many more angles, pieces, information, slowdown, social media. We have all of this access and
04:12we have a lot less patients where we just do like that's actually a fact societally. Like we have a
04:18lot less patients because of the speed of everything that now comes through our feet or
04:24through our brains or our eyes or whatever. And so when we, we do not handle it the same way
04:31in 2025, when we see something that is obviously wrong, obviously wrong. I mean, you remember this
04:39go back, I think, was it a, was his name Jim Joyce? Was that my man who called the Armando
04:45Galarraga Armando Galarraga's perfect game that got ruined by Jim Joyce at first base baseball
04:51fans will remember this Detroit Tigers. And he called somebody safe who was out by a half step
04:58and the world back then was mad about it, but able to process it. We wouldn't be anymore.
05:04Like we'd literally lose it. We would lose it because it feels like we have the technology
05:11to not let that happen. That's how I felt last night with this kickball thing. I don't understand
05:17how that can happen in sports, especially when you stop, you talk, you talk again, you talk to
05:24both coaches. You look around during all that time. You're telling me that nobody in New York
05:29or Secaucus or whatever, nobody can grab just a quick look at that and whisper into somebody's
05:35ear kickball warrior ball. Oh, by the way, Jason kid is upside down at mid court. How about a T
05:42like let's do this. And instead after that whole break,
05:46they all rally together and come out with the worst possible thing that you could have done,
05:51which is give the ball to the wrong team. I can't whistle. I can't handle it anymore. Well,
05:56I used to be able to handle that. I now go, you have the info. It's like that minor Seattle game.
06:02Don't tell me you don't have the view. I can't handle it as a consumer anymore.
06:08When we can literally see in slow motion, the obvious black and white yes or no answer to your
06:15question. And then you come out and do the wrong thing, right? It drives me nuts. Well, and the
06:19thing about the inadvertent whistle, when you have that play where pods throws a pass and the Mavericks
06:27player clearly puts his foot in there and you blow the whistle because you see him kick it.
06:31And that's not inadvertent. Inadvertent would be if he threw a pass and it didn't touch anything
06:37and you accidentally breathe too hard and everyone stops. My bad. That was an inadvertent
06:42whistle. The whistle was adverting. You meant to blow the whistle because you saw him kick the ball.
06:48And that's to where for me, you have a hard time because that play is not reviewable. So you huddle
06:55up and whatever you do, you go through the whole thing. And Jason kids, 15 feet on the floor.
07:00That is an automatic tee. And as a CYO ref, I have a thing where, you know, if a coach comes
07:06out on my floor to argue in a fourth or fifth grade game, that's going to be an automatic.
07:11And, you know, we're going to use it as an educating moment. But Jason kid's been in the
07:15association now for almost 40 years. He knows better. And yet you tee up Steve Kerr earlier
07:21in the game for being vehement, not being that far on the court. So these are the things I think
07:27that lead fans to think that the fix might be. Well, it also led Steve Kerr, I think, to being
07:32sort of annoyingly calm and silent during the subsequent things that happened because he knew
07:38that if he if he got going again, he's going to get kicked off the floor. Right. And therefore
07:44he had to sort of be calm in a time where I didn't really think calm was appropriate.
07:48Like I think coaches should you know, I've said this for years in press conferences,
07:53refs, when you screw up. Yes, I'm sorry. The coach should be able to lay into your butt
08:00in the postgame press conference without getting fined. And that was one of those moments. And
08:04Steve's not going to do it because he's been fined enough dollars already this year. And in the game,
08:10he already had one technical in the hip pocket. So it wasn't going to get kicked out. I understand
08:14all of it. But man, it is it's hard to watch. It's really hard to watch when you have a rooting
08:21interest for a team and you see stuff like this happen and it goes both ways. I don't think the
08:25fix is in or anything like that. It just I don't know, man. It's all it's all moving too quick for
08:31the human eye. And we have the technology to make it right. And for whatever reason,
08:36we've sat down, put blindfolds on like children grabbing a pen and we just stick it on a piece
08:43of paper and decide which things are reviewable or not. Stupidest thing I've ever heard in my
08:48life. Exactly. Kickball is not reviewable. Who the hell decided that? Well, like, why?
08:54And out of bounds is reviewable kickball. Why? Who in the hell sat down and decided that?
09:02And what are you doing? Why? Somebody needs to explain that to us. Like, there's no good
09:08reason for that at all. That's the quickest review in the history of sports. They spent
09:14more time talking it out and trying to get the coaches off the court than it would have taken
09:19them to walk over, look at a video and realize they were wrong. Right. But I just I don't know,
09:24man. And at the same time, I'm looking at the last two minute report that the NBA sends out
09:29after every game. And how many calls do you think they cited as incorrect in the last two minutes
09:36of that game? None. Correct. Zero. Right. Zero calls. And I'm seeing there are eight, nine,
09:4410, 13 plays they reviewed. And according to the NBA, the refs went 13 for 13. And the one
09:50that everybody wants to talk about is the charge on Jimmy Butler where Kyrie. I had no issue with
09:56that. Right. I had no issue. You know, they charge and they've actually listed this as a
10:02correct call. I agree with them. You know, that to me was 50 50. But you look at the totality of the
10:08game and the kickball and everything else. And yeah, we can all look at the refs and I'm wearing
10:13the ref shirt today to try to highlight the fact that, you know, the refs are trying to troll us.
10:18Maybe it also fits me great. And it was cold. It was good on you. It was rainy. So I had to
10:24layer up today. I wouldn't say stripes are slimming. I hate referee. No, I get stripes
10:29on stripes today. So, yeah, you know, abundant life coming up here in about an hour and change.
10:35Looking forward to it. Yeah. As am I. For me, the bigger issue with last night was the issue
10:40they've had all year is you suck at making lamps. Well, sure. Yeah. You can't make a four footer.
10:47No. Any of you. The loss is on the Warriors. Kyrie was great. The Warriors weren't. That's that's my
10:52there's my news story. Yeah. The headline. Yeah. Yeah. Written by Associated Press. Click send.
10:59There you go. There's my game story for last night. It doesn't change the fact that that
11:04the officiating stunk. And I've now learned why they call it the two minute report. I think that's
11:08how long they take putting it together. OK, we're going to take two minutes to look at all of our
11:13calls. Yep. Look good. Look good. Look good. Green check. All right. Send. So forget the two minute
11:18report. And quite frankly, let's put that frustrating part aside. I have a different
11:24question for you and for all of our listeners. And Warriors Live starts in an hour and a half.
11:30OK, there are no guests today, just you. And we've got another knockout spot to give away
11:35and all the fun stuff that we always do. But we would really love to hear from you. And I think
11:39this is a good place to start after a night like last night, 888-957-9570. What are the Warriors
11:46do with Buddy Heald? What are we doing here? This is like I'm sorry, this is a problem.
11:55It's a problem. And I would like to start out by apologizing to every single buddy who has
12:03ever taken in a Sacramento Kings game, who tried to tell us and I was excited as anybody.
12:09I lost a drink bet over this guy because I was so excited with the way he was playing ball
12:14in November. Great. Let's drink. I'm at games screaming buddy buckets. Lovely Christie's like
12:20sit down and stop saying that. It's embarrassing, please. But I was excited by the guy and everyone
12:26who's ever seen a Kings game just sat there. And you know what? Turnabout is fair play. They
12:33looked at me and they went, oh, that's adorable. It's adorable that you think Buddy Heald is
12:39adorable on you. That's your word. It is adorable that you think that Buddy Heald is a winning
12:45basketball player. What's your problem with Buddy? He he made a shot last night. He sure did.
12:50One of nine, one shot. And he was only a minus 21. But you know what? Yeah. Minus 21 in a four
12:59point game. Okay. Yeah. Like, okay, here's the thing. Uh, I don't do this to athletes.
13:06If you miss shots, like you cold streaks, hot streaks. What's your thing? Shoot your shot.
13:12It's all you got. You got. Yeah. But buddy, oh, buddy, you, you need to know how to play basketball.
13:19Are you asking him to not shoot his shot? I'm not asking him to not shoot. I'm asking him to
13:24stop making so many mistakes. I'm asking you to stop throwing bad passes. Yeah. I'm asking you
13:32to have some sort of a clue on what you're doing on the defensive side of the ball.
13:37And I'm asking the warriors to look for ways to get less minutes for Buddy Heald on the court.
13:43What do y'all want to do with Buddy Heald?
13:46I propose Buddy Heald. Let's let somebody else go onto the floor.