• last month
00:00All right, how about jason in oakland? We're talking about jimmy butler. Are you thumbs up thumbs down on the deal jason?
00:06What do you think? Thanks for calling
00:10Uh, good afternoon guys i'm thumbs down tell us why i'm thumbs down i'm both thumbs down
00:19Another thing I want to say we didn't loss pool
00:22We lost play
00:24We lost wiggins
00:26We lost wiseman. We could have draft one of the ball brothers
00:31Now all after all said and done. We got jimmy butler
00:34So what does that says about our our our upper management?
00:40What do you think what does that what does the upper upper management is trash
00:47They gotta be tragic if we didn't lost all those players didn't pay some players now player now kevin
00:53Durant don't want to come here because of draymond green and his antics
00:58You know i'm i'm a warriors fan guys, but it's like I don't even really want to watch the game. I'm not watching the night
01:06Because I feel like yeah, go ahead
01:10I feel like wiggins is way better than uh, jimmy butler and I and another thing I want to say to you guys
01:17If cominga was here and say we were six or seven games over 500
01:22Would have they made that trade? That's what I want to ask you guys if cominga wasn't hurt
01:27And we was like six or seven to eight games over 500 and cominga was averaging around 24 25 a game
01:33And wiggins he's been playing his best basketball in the last two weeks
01:37What is the gm thinking about they made the trade because the lakers made a trade
01:42Dallas made a big trade and warriors feel like they're one of the top franchises
01:46So they had to make a move a splash too. That don't make no sense what they did
01:50I'd rather went into the next season with the same squad we have now
01:58Breathe man breathe. We got to get some other people in here. Yeah, and we'd love to respond to that
02:02You got some passion on this. Yeah, and there's some takes in there that I think have some fairness
02:07There's also some takes in there that I think are a little bit off. It's spicier than your spicy, uh, smash burger
02:13Jason, it sounds to me like you're insinuating that you think jonathan cominga is capable of averaging 24 a night
02:21And would be the lead dog in in having the warriors be the five seed right now
02:27I think that's an erroneous take I don't think we've seen anything like that from jonathan cominga before well
02:32I'll answer his question if he was averaging 24 or 25 a game and they were seven games above 500
02:39No, they would not have made this move
02:41But if I had three heads would I be able to fit on this camera? You'd be a three-headed monster
02:48I mean we have to have three different zoom cameras one for each of your heads
02:52This is one thing and I know I get painted often as this
02:55Oh, he loves like he's always going to be for the vets and he's always going to be a shill for the organization
03:01I feel like there's a lot of people out there and jason
03:03You might be one of them
03:04Who you just love young people no matter what the hell they show you and you decide
03:09That they would be great if somebody would just let them. What do you mean? They lost james wiseman. He can't play
03:16He just got traded again this morning. Do you even know that? Oh, he did. He's on the raptors now
03:20I had no idea and he only has one achilles tendon. So like I like
03:25That sounded mean i'm sorry
03:27Like we gotta stop glorifying this now if you want to say the warriors messed up the pick
03:33Now we can do that. Yeah. Yeah, and they did and the jordan pool thing is so layered
03:38It's it that's so layered to say that he and and clay thompson
03:42They lost clay thompson clay left and he's not even really that great anymore and clay wanted to leave
03:48I think clay wanted to have a chance at a new destination
03:51I do think that there's a couple different things in his call and I appreciate the passion
03:55Absolutely. The one thing if cominga was averaging 25 and they were seven above of course, they don't make this trade because
04:01Kaminga would then essentially be him
04:04And you would be paying him 40 million next year and you'd be a team. That's probably a three or four seed
04:10So you wouldn't be needing to add a piece and all the rest of it
04:14I mean james wiseman was overdrafted and I hope that his achilles gets better and he's able to still have
04:21A career jordan pool happened the way it happened clay wanted to go elsewhere for me. You can't look back
04:27You can only look forward you and I have talked about this in terms of personal things your life my life
04:34Things happen and yeah, they happen and you have to move forward and the warriors now
04:38Well i've chosen to move forward with jimmy butler
04:41Absolutely, but the other side to that is to say
04:44I have a hard time coupling all those things together and then saying the warrior front office is trash
04:50Are there some points to be made for some of those things?
04:53Yes, some of them are also completely out of their hands
04:56You're also talking about two totally different front offices when you rip things that have been going on for five years
05:02The guy who's the general manager now wasn't the general manager when a lot of that stuff started to go down
05:08So I I I think it's hard whether you want to say something positive or negative
05:14To be that much catch-all in the way that you want to approach it over the last five years
05:20If you're frustrated with the situation that they're in and you think that they just made a bad deal
05:26I think there's room for that argument
05:28We'll see we'll see how it plays out for me
05:31They got to a spot where they absolutely had to make a deal. This is not the deal that I would have chosen
05:37It was the only one that happened to be available. Yeah, so I get it
05:42Yeah, I get it. I don't think it's a great deal, but I understand it
05:45I'd like what you said earlier about they had one move to make between now and let's just say the end of the steph curry
05:53Era, which is now two and a half years
05:55And if you thought that this was the best move at the best time that you could make
06:00Then you make it and that's the move that they made and they made this move
06:04And then jimmy butler signs for two years and 120 or so million dollars
06:08And so now you're married to jimmy butler and we don't know if jimmy butler
06:12And steph and draymond will work on the court together. We don't know if it's going to be
06:16A piece that's actually going to elevate the franchise, but they seem to think so
06:21So this is the one that they chose they fired this bullet
06:25They gave up a first round pick and really andrew wiggins and not a lot
06:30Else because dennis schruder was going to be gone and kyle anderson was not a forever warrior and lindy waters
06:36You know you found him out of nowhere and he played his way into a spot where now he's actually a commodity. So
06:44It becomes wiggins for butler and you took a an affordable andrew wiggins and you signed jimmy butler to an astronomical amount
06:52If it doesn't work, then we can criticize. I think 95 7 the game's twitter feed has a has a uh,
06:58Uh a thought right now, um, and it is the question we're asking. It's a simple one
07:04Are you in or out on this deal before we get that answer though from more of our callers and the the line right now
07:09Is 888-957-9570. We'd love to hear from you on this. How would you answer that? Are you in or out on this?
07:15I'm in i'm in. Yeah, i'm in because i'm a warrior fan
07:21And they signed him to an extension and what I told you yesterday
07:24And really all week or all the time that jimmy butler was being thrown out
07:28My thought was i'm not in based on the idea that jimmy would come here
07:34And maybe player opt in or maybe not be here if it was a two-month rental
07:40I'm out the fact that they gave him two years of an extension and they're basically saying
07:46this is what we're going with as a warrior fan and as a fan of this regime and
07:51i've been a fan for a lot longer than joe lacob's even been around but what joe has done with this team and the fact that
07:57This tells me that you're not trading steph
07:59You're probably not trading draymond
08:02And now you've got jimmy
08:03So if it's going to be two and a half years of steph draymond and jimmy and you can try to maneuver around that
08:09I'm in. Yeah, the only way I can answer it. I want to be in. Yeah, but i'm out
08:17Because i'm usually the out guy
08:20What the hell's going on well, but i'm out with the understanding of why they did it
08:24I don't know that there was ever going to be a better option, right?
08:28But if you're asking me do I think that this is a good fit?
08:33Do I think this is a good pairing?
08:36Do I think that steph curry draymond green and jimmy butler are going to extend any sort of run?
08:44I don't see it. I don't see it. And what I do see though
08:48Is I see all kinds of potholes with regard to where this could go next with jimmy butler
08:55He's done it everywhere. He's gone
08:57He's ended up becoming a problem and now he's coming into a culture and this is he's not used to this
09:03He's coming into an established culture. That's not his
09:07I think this has been an underdiscussed thing about this move. Jimmy butler ran miami
09:13And when he went to philadelphia
09:15Joe lmb is off the court enough to where he was like i'm gonna run philadelphia
09:19Then he tried to run minnesota. You don't even get a chance to do that here
09:24You can't come in here and try to own this locker room
09:27You can't like it's not a gettable thing and I I don't know how that's gonna sit with jimmy
09:33I don't know how well he's going to accept that role. I don't know jimmy well enough to even uh,
09:38Speculate on how that will go. I look at a guy who to me
09:42Was most concerned with getting paid and I think the whole thing
09:46Devolved and blew apart in miami. I agree with you because he he was not getting an extension
09:50So now he comes here and you know what jimmy you're paid you're getting 120 over the next two
09:56You're getting the remainder of this year. You're no longer suspended. So now you're going to earn your money
10:01Just go play basketball and if you can't get along on the court with steph and draymond
10:07Then I would be stunned because everything we know about jimmy butler the basketball player is that he is a competitor
10:14He's a closer. He is a great defender. He's ferocious
10:18So I believe now that he's been paid
10:22That he's going to be able to fall in line quote unquote and I don't necessarily think that he needs to
10:27To be the alpha. I think he's done that because I mean there's been a void and yeah, we will say no
10:33I hope listen. Yeah, I hope you're right. I hope you're right. I hope I am too. I want to be in
10:39But right now
10:40Oh, this does not feel like I were where I would have put my chip for the remainder of steph curry's career
10:46Let's go to carlos in mountain view. A lot of people want to weigh in. Let's talk to you
10:50Carlos in mountain view next up on willard and dibs. Hi carlos. Take it away
10:55Yeah, I agree with dibs um thumbs up on this one
10:59Um for the reason that I keep the war is relevant and competitive this year
11:04This team has been steve curry and the players have been
11:07Kind of mediocre had me over season. So I appreciate it ownership and imagine a group that I keep the team relevant
11:13Um, i've been a warrior fan for a while and it hasn't been the case in the 90s and 2000
11:18So this also gives steph curry, uh a window
11:22In his window to get a championship
11:26Yeah carlos. Thanks. I i'm interested in this word relevant
11:30Because I would argue that they're relevant this week because they got involved in the big story of the week
11:36How long does the relevancy last?
11:39And I and i'm not saying like if they don't come out and win his first game
11:43We're going to move on everybody's going to give this a minute. We're going to take a look at it
11:48But as much as people go, oh, jimmy butler is a bigger name than andrew wiggins. That's true
11:53But you're not going to be interested if it doesn't work
11:56It's not going to feel relevant if they keep playing 500 basketball
12:00that's fair, but I do look at you know, the rest of this year is kind of a test case where you're sitting here at
12:06What you're 25 and 25, which means you got 32 left and you've got one tonight. Jimmy butler won't play
12:12So after the break, you'll have 31 games of steph draymond and jimmy butler and you'll get to see
12:17If it works or not and you know
12:20If you can get in the play-in and emerge and get a series or you make it all the way to the playoffs and get
12:25a series
12:26I do think we'll get a greater sense of whether or not
12:29This will work and I also think that over the course of the final 30 plus games of the year
12:34You'll at least get a chance to look at this team and figure out what you might need
12:39Around it and I I still think you need a big and quentin post is tall
12:44But he's he's more of a I mean, he's a true stretch five. He's not a rim protector
12:48He's not an interior force and i'm glad looney stayed. Yeah, like that's great. That's one thing. That's kind of nice
12:55I would say as well. So on the defensive side those things are really important
12:59I don't know if either of them right now. I would predict that neither of them will play on this team next year
13:04Yeah, I I don't know if the warriors are going to have any room to to to sign those guys
13:09Um, unless they're really willing to go flying into the second apron again
13:13Um 8 and 8 9 5 7 9 5 70. How about shark in san leandro? Hey shark. Thanks for the call. What's up?
13:21Absolutely, man, thank you guys for having me on huge fan of you guys
13:27I'm so excited
13:29I'm, just glad we were able to shake some things up. I don't know how you guys feel. I was here
13:34Some pushback, but you got to remember one thing
13:38Steph curry's got a timeline himself and I don't feel like we've been able to sell out for him
13:45I don't feel like we pushed all our chips on the table
13:49for him and this is
13:51Not the best move. I agree with that, but it's a move and we we sitting in the middle of the pack
13:57It's time to make that move
13:59but uh
14:00Appreciate y'all shark. Thank you. Thank you. Yeah, I I like he says he loves it
14:05I say I don't but I actually think the opinions are pretty similar. That's why I say I understand it
14:10At least it's a move. Yeah, they had to make a move. Those things are all true
14:15It's not the perfect move, but I always look whenever people do things. I look at the motivations behind it
14:21Everybody has said this all day
14:23Nobody thinks jimmy butler wants to be here
14:25Jimmy just wants a contract and nobody thinks the warriors are dying to have jimmy butler here. They just need a move
14:33They need a star so those things don't mean that it can't work
14:37But i'd argue they are not the best setting for the start of your big move. It's just kind of an
14:44it's a need out of
14:46um, you know necessity rather than desire I get that it's kind of like when you have a house that you are
14:54Occupying and you can't make rent and so you need to get a roommate
14:57You don't want a roommate, but you've got an extra bedroom and you know somebody who needs a bedroom
15:01and so
15:02You call that person and say hey, I know you need a place to live and I don't really want a roommate
15:07But I need somebody to help me with the rent
15:09Come on in and either they help with the dishes and they help with the laundry or they make a mess and they're a terrible
15:15Roommate you don't really know until it all happens. And so that's kind of this situation
15:20Jimmy butler needed a place to go where he could get paid the warriors needed somebody to come in
15:25And jumpstart this team and get them from this moribund
15:30500 mediocrity
15:32Into a spot where maybe they're better, but at least they're more exciting
15:36So i'm here to see if that if it actually can happen. Let's go to eric in pacifica next up
15:42Hi eric, we appreciate your call
15:45What's good, man
15:47Thanks for having me guys. I don't usually call radio stations, but this one's been weighing on me
15:52you know, i'm just
15:54as underwhelmed
15:56about this train as the next guy, but
15:58After you know listening to the shows today
16:03There it's like
16:05What more did you got what else could we have done?
16:08You guys want to just stick with the same thing?
16:11we've been doing the whole thing has been get step help get step help and it's like
16:16We had to do something, you know, the kd thing fell off
16:21we had to get someone that would move the needle and I don't think that a bi or
16:26A levine would have done that. So
16:29You know, it's it's not the move. We it's not the most glamorous move. We were all looking for but it's like
16:36At this point I just have to trust it, right?
16:40Another thing I want to touch on is right is um
16:43the whole a lot of people are talking down on don levy and i'm i'm not one to defend them, but
16:49it's like
16:51bob myers, he didn't it's not like he got fired, you know, he he
16:56He was leaving a ship that was sinking and I and I think he knew that, you know, it was it was a hard
17:02position for any any gm to jump into and you know, I don't know how anyone could have made this look easy, so
17:11Yeah, thanks man. It's a good phone call
17:13I mean here here's what I would add as i've sat here and and and kind of been skeptical about this deal
17:20Uh, we haven't necessarily compared it to the idea of doing nothing
17:24I do think it's better than nothing. Yeah, it's just not the deal
17:28I hoped that they would make but i'm with eric
17:31I think I would be even more skeptical today if they had done nothing
17:35Yeah, I mean we all wanted it to be kevin durant, but when you couldn't get kevin durant
17:39What did you want them to do?
17:41Like would you rather when the durant thing fell apart? Would you rather have them do nothing or do this?
17:46I mean at that point that's the only thing that's there. So yeah, i'd rather again i'd rather this over nothing
17:53but um
17:54You know
17:55Other opportunities that had been there over the last year or who knows what might have come this summer
18:02Uh, but I also get it the timing is just not there
18:05Steph doesn't have time to wait another year right to see if there's a deal out there
