• last month
00:00numbers are numbers and numbers are numbers. Now back to Will and Vivi on 95.7 The Game.
00:07And these are my numbers. I can't wait to hear your numbers because it got a little
00:12heated on the pre-show text with, you know, your comps and some of the other stuff that
00:18was flying back and forth. I can't wait to hear these numbers. Well, you came in late
00:22with haymakers. And I'm like, dog, I've already laid it all out. You got to. In fact, I tweeted
00:31this at. I don't follow you. So there you go. Too many people don't. Anyway. Seven fifty
00:38one in the morning. I woke up this way. OK, we'll go back to the phones in a sec. Steve
00:46Kerr. Twelve minutes. Twitter. I'm out. Oh, good, because it doesn't even exist. It's
00:51now called X. Whatever. Anyway, grab a pen real quick. I got one. OK, let's go. Everybody
00:59listening. I'm sorry if you're driving, but I'm going to try to do in player A, player
01:03B, player A, player B. Player A can be skewed, but go ahead. Of course it is. These are my
01:09numbers and numbers are numbers unless they're my numbers. Right. Player A. Twenty two and
01:16a half points per game this year. Just go with me. I mean, I'll get there. I need parameters.
01:23They're coming. OK. Player A. Twenty two and a half points per game. Gotcha. Five and a
01:29half rebounds per game. Finally, two point seven assists per game. Seventy five percent
01:37free throw shooter and a high volume. Thirty seven percent from three. That's not a number,
01:45but thirty seven percent from three. You said high volume, high volume. So an HV37 is what
01:51I should write down. Yes. Because you asked me to write this down. Write it down. Twenty
01:55two and a half points per game. Five and a half rebounds per game. Two point seven assists
01:59per game. Seventy five percent from the line. Thirty seven percent from three. High volume.
02:04I know who that is, but go ahead. Player B. Twenty point eight points per game. So
02:11two points less. One point seven. But go ahead. Six point eight rebounds per game. Almost
02:17one and a half more. Two point seven assists per game. Even. Sixty eight percent from the
02:25free throw line. So drop off there. And mid volume. Forty two percent from three. Okay.
02:37You like A or B? Do I like A or B? Uh, I like B. You like B? Yeah, I like B. Why? Well,
02:46I'm a little thrown by your high volume, mid volume because that feels to me a little bit
02:51like if I could have numbers because you're going to hit me with numbers. How many attempts
02:56per game for A? Approximately eight. Eight attempts a game for A? Yes. Okay. And for
03:04B? Uh, approximately five. Okay. All right. Okay. So five is better on fewer attempts.
03:13Eight is worse on more attempts. So really that becomes a wash. If you're shooting thirty
03:17seven percent on eight or forty two percent on five, I think, you know, thirty seven percent
03:23on eight means that's about twelve points. Forty two percent on five is about seven points.
03:31So maybe A is a little bit better. Although the volume of it, I'd have to really get into
03:34the the numerology of it. The math. The points are better. The rebounds are worse. The free
03:40throws are negligible. And you didn't get into the volume of free throws. Is one guy
03:46a high volume free thrower? It's pretty washy. It's pretty washy. Yeah. It's pretty washy.
03:52From a number standpoint, I would lean slightly toward A. Although on this team, B with the
03:59rebounds, you like B with the rebounds. Okay. Are we getting to the point of like, man,
04:05they're very comparable. They're very comparable. All right. Guess what this is. Or who do you
04:11think these these people are? Well, I know player A is. Randy's into this, too. Randy,
04:18you gotta guess. Let's go, everybody. Who do you think this is? Well, I thought that
04:23player A was Andrew Wiggins, but he doesn't he doesn't score at that level. So I'm a little
04:28flummoxed by that. Okay. That's because there's a qualification sensation to all of this.
04:33But go ahead. Per thirty six numbers. I'll get to that. Tell me what you think. Who is
04:42it? It's Wiggins and Kaminga is what it is. Then if you're like, if you're going to purse
04:46thirty six, me. Nope. It is Wiggins and Kaminga. Player A is Andrew Wiggins. Player B is Jonathan
04:52Kaminga. And for both of them, this is their most recent 10 games. Minus their worst game.
04:58Oh, look at you. Yeah. I, I, I like figure skating. Well, you should throw out the high
05:03and the low Olympic diamond. Here's why I did that. I did that for numbers and numbers
05:10are my numbers. And here's why I did that. I did that for a specific reason, not because I'm just
05:13a nice guy and I wanted to erase their worst game. It's because you want to skew it toward
05:18Wiggins. Not at all. Because in his last 10, he's got an absolute turd in the punch bowl.
05:22Both of them do. And both of them were yanked out of a game early that skewed the numbers.
05:28One of them was Wiggins in a bad game against Boston that the Warriors lost by a thousand
05:32points. Kaminga in a game where he got hurt and left in like the second quarter against Memphis.
05:38Well, you could have thrown out the game against Utah where he played 17 minutes and he only had
05:42two points. That's the one that really should have been yanked out because he had 13 before
05:47he got hurt. Yeah. Understood. So you yanked out the Memphis game, but not the Utah game.
05:51I yanked out the weird. I got pulled early game for both of them. Um, so yes, these are not all
05:59encompassing, but my point is this. We throw Wiggins around like he's a ragdoll in trades.
06:08And many of us look at Kaminga as that dog, the future. And I would just argue,
06:14not even that those opinions are wrong, but these are pretty comparable players.
06:19Both of them do a couple things better than what the other one does. I mean, even in this,
06:24this 75% from the free throw line thing for Wiggins, that's undervalued. He's been way better
06:29than that this year. And the 68% for Kaminga, that's overvalued. He's been way worse than that
06:34this year from the free throw line. So we can, Wiggins is 72 for his career, right? But this
06:40year he's really, really good. Like, so anyway, bottom line is we can manipulate this however you
06:48want. And you did, and I did, but in their most recent 10 games, when each of them have been
06:54asked to step forward and be the two, the pretty freaking comparable, but one of them gets tossed
06:59into every trade. And the other one is a future all-star to some people, right? I think that
07:05also my, that's my only point today is not that coming is bad and not that Wiggins is amazing.
07:11Wiggins is undervalued and Kaminga is overvalued based on what they do on the court for the
07:19Warriors. I think they're both undervalued. And I think the reason why Wiggins gets thrown out
07:24in every single trade on trade machine is because of what he makes. And it's because
07:29he is undervalued. And if your team out there looking to trade with the Warriors and you're
07:34looking for a piece to match up with a salary, you're going to look at Draymond Green and think,
07:40well, I don't want him because he doesn't want us Steph's untouchable.
07:44And then you go down the list and next up is Andrew Wiggins. And you look at his salary
07:48and you think, you know what Wiggins is, he's a good player and he's underpaid. And you look
07:53at Kaminga and you think he's a, he's a good player and he's really underpaid, but what's
07:59he going to make in the next deal? So that's why Wiggins is thrown out. It's because he is
08:05out earning his contract. You're not wrong, but I think there's more to it than that. I also think
08:10there's history. There's history of the fans feeling like Andrew Wiggins is underwhelming.
08:16He's underwhelming. He's disappointing. He's not a dog. He's not there when you need them.
08:20All that stuff factors into it. The history of it, um, which this year has been largely
08:25irrelevant. Bob and Reno on weather than Deb, Steve current about five minutes. Hey, Bob, what's up?
08:31Hey, how's it going guys? So looking at this, I'm a big Wiggins fan. I am going to the February
08:3723rd game. That's his birthday. I turned 29, he turned 30. I want to see him go 30 for 30.
08:43I hope he sticks around. I'm thinking about the trade. I haven't really heard the names of like,
08:48you know, let's say GP to Kyle Anderson, buddy healed Dennis Schroeder. Like do those names for
08:55you guys really stand out in a trade that could happen for a Kevin Durant? And then you throw in
09:01maybe a first round pick or two. Here's the thing. I don't want to give up more than two first round
09:06drop picks. Cause I feel like, as you guys said, it's going to be this year and next year. And
09:09that's it. So I'm okay. Giving up a first round pick for next season. But like here's after I
09:14feel like the warriors are going to have to try to get some pieces to rebuild this thing. So I
09:19just want to know what you guys think about adding some of those names out the window.
09:23Yeah, Bob, thanks for the call. Appreciate it. I think I'm with Bob on the whole. I don't want
09:27to do more than two first round picks. It can't be the next two years because you can't trade
09:30them in consecutive years. So it would need to be something like next year and then two more years
09:35later after that. So I think I'm with him on the picks as far as those names he threw in there.
09:40I'd obviously have no problem throwing those names in, but Phoenix might want some juice.
09:44You know what I mean? Like they might want Wiggins. They might want Wiggins and coming in
09:49addition to a couple of picks. Sure, there would need to be filler, but those are not going to be
09:53the centerpieces for the sun. And Schroeder has been thrown out and he can't be traded until
09:57tomorrow and maybe it's midnight tonight. I'm not sure what the actual rules are with that,
10:02but if you're going to make a trade for someone like Kevin Durant, it's going to involve
10:06a big salary, some filler, and some picks. Yep, absolutely. Expiring deals, picks.
