• 2 months ago
We Meet One of Shropshire's First Babies Born on New Years Day in 2025!
00:00Yeah, I'm Leah Williams.
00:02Fantastic, and who do we have here?
00:03It's Nicholas, Heather.
00:05Oh, and when was Nicholas born?
00:07On the, er, yesterday the 1st of January, 2025.
00:11Wow, and what, so what's little one's, er, weight?
00:14Er, 6 pound 5.
00:16Fantastic, and how's things gone?
00:18Yeah, all good. He's, he's doing really well, healthy.
00:22Looked fit to go home today.
00:24Oh, brilliant. And, um, obviously how, when was Nicholas meant to be born?
00:28The 4th of January.
00:30Oh, wow. Was it like having a New Year's, er, baby?
00:33It's different. I'll never forget his birthday.
00:36Absolutely. Oh, bless you.
00:38And, er, he's got an older sibling?
00:41Yeah, he's got a, um, a sister called Scarlett.
00:46She's four.
00:47Is she excited?
00:48Yeah, she is.
00:49Oh, lovely.
00:50Just can't wait for him to come home.
00:51Absolutely. Are you happy to go home today, or?
00:53Yeah, yeah.
00:54Oh, blessed.
00:55He's all, all good. I'm all good, so.
00:57Oh, lovely. A Christmas present?
00:58Yeah, for me.
00:59Oh, blessed. That's lovely.
01:01Well, I hope it all goes well, and I wish you all the best.
01:03Oh, thank you very much.
01:04Well done, you.
