• 3 weeks ago
00:00So we're here at the Morris Building in Shrewsbury and Self-Help Africa, what's Self-Help Africa?
00:06Introduce yourself madam.
00:08So I'm Sophie, I'm the fundraising campaigns officer for Self-Help Africa.
00:13Self-Help Africa help smallholds of farmers in Africa with training and making them self-help themselves
00:21so it's long-term sustainable development.
00:24And we've got a rather special event coming up in Shrewsbury, can you fill us in on what that is?
00:28Yeah, so we've got our Secret Supper event, our Spring Secret Supper.
00:32This event has been running for 10 years and it welcomes you at Tanner's before going to three different restaurants
00:39which are a surprise for three mystery courses.
00:42It's a great idea and Mrs Morris, you represent the Morris family in business.
00:48So you're involved, you're kind of sponsorship of the event, is that right?
00:52Yes, we just really like to support local community events so we know this one is super popular with people
00:58so it's great to be involved.
00:59It sounds like great fun doesn't it? You set off from Tanner's, I mean what a perfect place to kind of oil the cogs.
01:06There's so many great places to eat and drink in Shrewsbury, it's the perfect place for it isn't it really?
01:12Absolutely and it just showcases what great offer we have around the town.
01:16Yeah, exactly.
01:17So great to be involved.
01:18And when is the event then?
01:19It's on the 26th of March, we've got the last few tickets on sale now.
01:23So these can be purchased through our website, South Africa.
01:26Right, so we'll thank you ladies and good luck with the event.
