• last year
Ms. Frizzle's kid sister Fiona takes the wheel at Walkerville Elementary, leading the class on wild adventures packed with science-fueled fun.


00:00You're relaxed and feeling good. Next thing that you know, you're seeing
00:18octopus in the neighborhood. Surfing on a sound wave. Swinging through the stars.
00:30Take a left at your intestine. Take your second right past Mars. I'm the magic school bus.
00:36Navigate a nostril. Climb on the magic school bus. Spank a plant in two. Take that!
00:42I'm the magic school bus. Raft a river of lava. I'm the magic school bus. Such a fine thing to do.
00:50So strap your bones right to the seat. Come on in and don't be shy. Just to make your day complete,
00:57you might get baked into a pie. I'm the magic school bus. Step inside. It's a wild ride. Come on!
01:05Ride on the magic school bus!
01:10Yeah! Whoa! Cool! Wow! Look at that! That's amazing! What's going on? Tim's going on! Watch this!
01:20Awesome! I'm ready! Three, two, one, throw! Whoa! Cool! Yeah! A new record!
01:39How'd you solve that puzzle so fast? And on that?
01:43Practice, Arnold. Just like Joachim does with programming, Ralphie does with baseball, and you do with wearing your face off.
01:50Oh, man. Is that obvious? Tim, you should totally take your act on the road.
01:55Exactly what I was thinking. That's why today we're going to be on Celebrity Super Stumpers,
02:01the TV game show hosted by Nicky Ray?
02:07At least I believe she's the host. I could be wrong, but...
02:13Would you look at that? TV famous puzzler Nicky Ray.
02:20Can you believe Miss Frizzle knows her?
02:24She got us in as a favor.
02:27With Tim as our puzzler captain, there's no way we can lose.
02:32Um, D.A., could I have a minute with you? In private.
02:36Look, Nicky Ray is my puzzler hero, my idol, my role model.
02:42And this is your chance to impress her and join the big leagues!
02:45Unless she, you know, freezes and does his Tim statue bit on national TV.
02:51Don't worry, Tim. You'll crush it!
02:53But what if I don't?
02:55You will.
02:56But what if I don't?
02:57You will.
02:58But what if I don't?
02:59You will!
03:01I just got off the horn with Nicky.
03:04She can't wait to meet all of you.
03:05Plus, she wanted me to tell you the theme of this week's puzzle is...
03:12All right!
03:14But I don't know anything about fossils.
03:16How am I supposed to solve a puzzle about fossils when I don't know anything about fossils?
03:21But Tim, it's only 9.30. Try telling me that at lunchtime.
03:25To the bus?
03:26Oh, I love it when you ask that!
03:37Do your stuff!
03:53Class, welcome to the Triassic period of Earth's history.
03:57That's 225 million years ago.
04:00What's that outside the window?
04:03Or as I like to call it, the land before Tim.
04:06Pangaea? Never heard of it.
04:08Yeah, and where are all of the other continents?
04:11Arnold's right.
04:13All that land is just one big blob.
04:16Where's North America? Africa? Australia?
04:20But what does this have to do with fossils, puzzles, and winning a game show?
04:24You'll see.
04:30Look at all the cool weird animals.
04:32I'm pretty sure that guy's extinct in our time.
04:35Aww, poor adorable extinct guy.
04:38A cute observation, Wanda.
04:40But why not be what you see?
04:44Just watch the last step. It's a doozy.
04:53Tim, don't freak!
04:55But you're some kind of giant lizard.
04:57I'm not freaking about me.
04:59But I am about you.
05:02So what does this have to do with fossils?
05:04Oh, you'll see.
05:07Can I be a dinosaur too?
05:09Not-a-saurus, yet-a-saurus.
05:12Where's Ms. Frizzle going?
05:14You'll see!
05:15BRB in a millennia or two.
05:17But why? Why can't I be a dinosaur?
05:20Because you get to be a dinosaur and more!
05:27Oh no!
05:46Carlos, you're a sea monster!
05:49Hey, Carlos, buddy, pal, I'm your friend, remember?
05:54You're a cymbospondylus, Carlos, or as I like to call him,
05:57sea serpentus maximus really, really scariest.
06:02But what are we? We're so tiny.
06:04And past our best before date.
06:06You are mollusks, Carlos.
06:08And past our best before date.
06:10You are mollusks, called ammonites.
06:12Or as I like to call them, adorbs!
06:14We're impossibly cute.
06:16Ms. Frizzle, this is by far the best thing I've ever turned into!
06:21But as Tim would say, what does all this have to do with fossils?
06:24I have a feeling we'll see.
06:33Mm-hmm, you're right.
06:34We don't have the thousands of years we'd need to do this nature's way.
06:37Better speed things up a little.
06:42Liz, a smidgen of sediment, please.
06:51Um, I'm not sure muck is a good look on me.
06:55When an animal dies, sediment buries it.
06:58The soft tissues are absorbed by the muck,
07:00but the muck's minerals get into your bones, turning them to rock.
07:04So far, so petrifying!
07:06How exactly do we get out of here?
07:08Let's shake things up a bit. Liz?
07:22And another super fast forward.
07:35Guys, I think I know what all this has to do with fossils.
07:41We are fossils!
07:43Ugh! Anyone else feel a little, you know, stiff?
07:47If you need to say it, be it!
07:49This is great! Now we know how fossils are made, from the inside!
07:53I'm just glad the petrification got my good side.
07:58Hey, look! My footprint turned into a fossil, too!
08:02It's called a trace fossil, when the ground around an imprint hardens.
08:05Okay, Miss Frizzle, if Celebrity Super Stumpies is all about how fossils are made,
08:10we're ready to rock it!
08:12Yeah! And if they ask, where do you find them, the answer's right here!
08:16Ah, but what if here isn't here, after all?
08:19What does that mean?
08:21Well, a few things have to happen between where you are now and where you will be.
08:25Curious! Like what?
08:27Let's speed up time and see!
08:41What's that shaking?
08:49Tim, where are you going?
08:58What a stupendous spectacle!
09:00Millions of years passing before our very eyes.
09:03All those tiny changes adding up to something big.
09:06I love my job!
09:09Oh, well, things to do, children to excavate.
09:12Hey, Liz! Should we make like Pangaea and split?
09:34Feels like an earthquake!
09:36Earthquake? Down here? They have those?
09:43I knew I should have stayed home today!
09:50One thing I've learned about fossils is that they can't run!
09:55Whoa! That was crazy!
09:59Looks like the D.A. fossil. Only, where is she?
10:02She should be around here someplace, right?
10:06Unless she's on, say, a different continent?
10:09What? How? It's not like fossils can move by themselves.
10:13True, true.
10:15But what if continents can?
10:19We're actually seeing what happened to the planet over millions of years.
10:23The continents are on the move!
10:26And look where D.A. is now!
10:33That feels better!
10:38Whoa! All aboard the X-ray!
10:47All aboard the Extra Crazy Time Traveling Really Magic School Bus!
10:51Am I glad to see you!
10:57This is incredible! The land is actually moving apart!
11:01Only, why?
11:03I think it's because the continents are floating away on the ocean like big rafts.
11:07A very sound hypothesis, D.A. Let's test it!
11:23The continent's not floating. It's attached to the ocean floor.
11:27There goes my hypothesis.
11:32What was that? Another earthquake?
11:35I don't know, but Arnold and Keisha are out there. Look!
11:46Yeah, only I wouldn't get too happy about it just yet.
11:55Is that brand new ocean floor being made right in front of us?
11:59Cool! I could watch for hours if I wasn't so terrified!
12:02That new floor is formed by convection, Arnold.
12:05Incredibly hot movement within a liquid.
12:08Ms. Frizzle! Let's catch the view from inside!
12:12Good idea!
12:17I figured it out!
12:19As the lava bubbles up between the continents, it pushes them away from each other.
12:24So that's how they move! They get pushed!
12:27Well, that's half the story. Guess who can fill in the rest?
12:30Ralphie and Wanda!
12:37Phew! What's happening?
12:46What's going on down here?
12:48Slop-po is going on, Ralphie.
12:50Ms. Frizzle!
12:51The titanic plate is being pulled down by gravity.
12:54And I'm guessing you're the first ten-year-old to see it!
13:01Thank you!
13:03Thank you!
13:08Ms. Frizzle! What on earth was that?
13:11That, Wanda, was subduction,
13:13which is when one of the Earth's plates slides underneath another.
13:18Okay, so we get why the plates are moving.
13:21They're being either pushed apart or being pulled underneath each other.
13:25But what if the continents crash right into each other?
13:28Jodi might help explain that.
13:41Phew! That's better.
13:43Huh? Ahh!
13:49So that's where mountains come from!
13:53All that molten rock being pushed up to make mountains!
13:58Let's go!
14:05Who knew the land could actually move like that?
14:08Millions of surprises all happening over millions of years!
14:13Although, that was a lot of adventure just to find out about fossils.
14:17Well, you can't learn about fossils without learning about the history of the Earth.
14:20That's just how it is.
14:21That's wild!
14:22The fossils D.A. and Tim are with are now on opposite sides of the planet!
14:27And now to find Carlos.
14:30Over here! You guys are gonna love this!
14:32Some Cymbospondylus fossils, like I was, aren't even in the ocean anymore!
14:37They're in the mountains of Nevada!
14:41And check it out!
14:42The ammonites we were with in the sea, now they're halfway up a mountain!
14:45So, Tim, you ready?
14:47Oh yeah! There's nothing about fossils that we don't know now!
14:51Bring it on, celebrity super-stumpers!
14:57I... I can't believe it!
15:00It's... really her!
15:02Nicky Ray!
15:06You must be Tim!
15:07I, uh...
15:11Uh-oh! He's starstruck! He can't talk!
15:24What was that?
15:26Just a little puzzle.
15:27She was wishing us good luck.
15:31Okay, guys, time to shine!
15:32Good! Cause that's how we roll!
15:35Take your places.
15:36Nicky will introduce everyone, you'll get your puzzle, and when the buzzer goes, you begin!
15:41One question.
15:42What if we solve the puzzle too fast?
15:45Should we slow down for, you know, dramatic effect?
15:49Sounds like you've done your homework.
15:51You must know a lot about maps.
15:53Did she just say maps?
15:56But I don't know anything about maps!
15:58I thought it was going to be about fossils!
16:03Maybe it was code again. Maybe she meant spam!
16:06No better!
16:08They must have changed it at the last minute!
16:10We're... doomed!
16:17Okay, kids, you're on!
16:21Tim! Get over here!
16:22I don't think I can.
16:24Here we go! Places, people!
16:28Come on!
16:32In five, four, three, two...
16:37Welcome, Puzzle Fans!
16:39Tonight, our champions return...
16:43to face our challengers,
16:45the Walkerville Wonderkids!
16:49Go, Wonderkids!
16:52Tonight's puzzle challenge.
16:53Can you create a map of...
16:55Um, Miss Ray?
16:58We thought the puzzle was going to be about fossils.
17:02Ooh, ooh, ooh! But it is!
17:05The fossil of a sea creature on a desert mountain.
17:09Two of the same kind of fossil found half a world apart.
17:12How did it happen?
17:13The wind?
17:17Dinosaur tourists?
17:20Alien yucksters from the planet Pranked?
17:24So, knowing what you know about fossils,
17:27can you make a map of the world?
17:35Okay, kids!
17:50They're gonna crush us.
17:51Or not.
17:53Okay, teams. Ready for a hint?
17:58One found in one place, another found distant.
18:01Where they're found is quite inconsistent.
18:04The mystery of the modern-day fossil
18:06is unlocked by this map.
18:23The champions have a solve!
18:27Let's check in with our judges.
18:28Is our champion's solution correct?
18:33No, no, no! Busted!
18:35Which means the Walkerville Wonderkins have one last chance!
18:41Okay, she said you can find the same kind of fossil
18:43in different parts of the world.
18:45And we know you can find a sea creature fossil
18:47on a mountain or ammonites in a desert.
18:51I got it! The map does explain it all!
18:53If you go far enough, back in time!
18:59Now watch this!
19:03Whoa! Cool!
19:05Woo! Go team! Woo!
19:09It's Pangea!
19:10The world 225 million years ago,
19:12before the continents all split up
19:14and took the fossils with them!
19:24Woo! Go team!
19:26All right, team!
19:28Well played, Wonderkins!
19:31Let's see those winning moves again,
19:33in slow motion.
19:35Over millions of years,
19:36the continents split and drifted apart,
19:38but you can still see how they fit together,
19:40like a puzzle!
19:43Anything's possible!
19:45Anything you'd like to say
19:47about your stunning upset victory?
19:49Uh-oh! She talked at him, not in code!
19:52Can he answer back like a normal person?
19:57Uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh...
20:00Nope! Nope!
20:07Translation! She asked for a picture.
20:09Good idea!
20:10That's what Tim said.
20:25Look at that!
20:26That's amazing!
20:28Oh, yeah!
20:31Whoa! Look at that!
20:33How does he do that?
20:35He's great!
20:40Let's just see how good he really is.
20:42Oh, look, everybody!
20:43It's TV's Nicky Ray!
20:44Hello, Nicky Ray!
20:52Nicky Ray!
20:53Just kidding, buddy.
20:55Uh, what happened to the trophy?
21:03Oh, man! I am so sorry, Tim!
21:05After all we went through to win it,
21:08what's Miss Frizzle gonna say?
21:10It's perfect!
21:11It's what?
21:12I don't get it.
21:14Well, after all, who doesn't love a good puzzle?
21:17Let's do it!
21:18All right!
21:31Hi, I'm looking for the magic school bus.
21:33Is this the magic school bus?
21:35Magic school bus?
21:36Is this the magic school bus?
21:38Hi, I'm looking for the magic school bus.
21:41Magic school bus?
21:42Magic school bus?
21:44Magic school bus?
21:45Is this the magic school bus?
21:47Bonjour, je cherche l'autobus magique.
21:49I'd like to speak to the magic school bus, please.
21:55Oh, this is the life!
21:59Get that, would you, Goldie?
22:01Professor Frizzle, Ph.D. Vising, answers to your curious questions.
22:05Hi, question.
22:06I get that the continents move around,
22:08but there was so much crashing and smashing.
22:10You guys were exaggerating, right?
22:13Well, the collisions are powerful enough to make mountains sink the Earth's crust,
22:17create volcanoes, earthquakes, and move continents.
22:20So, exaggerating, not so much.
22:25But the plates do move super slowly, up to 15 centimeters a year.
22:29That's about half a foot, the same speed as your fingernails grow.
22:34In real life, you wouldn't notice it happening.
22:37So we did use super fast forward to show the movement of the tectonic plates.
22:42Tect-what-ic plates?
22:44Tectonic plates are big chunks of the Earth's crust.
22:48There are eight major plates and a bunch of smaller ones.
22:51They float on gooey magma and move due to convection deep in the Earth.
22:58So, if the continents were all moving millions of years ago, are they still moving now?
23:03You bet!
23:04Scientists can't predict when or how,
23:06but there's a good chance that they will come together to make another supercontinent
23:11in, oh, a couple hundred million years or so.
23:14Wow! I'll watch for it!
23:16Thanks, Professor Fizzle! Bye!
23:20Oh, Marty the Magpie's back.
23:22We'd better straighten up.
23:28They're perfect!
23:30How'd we do that, you're wondering?
23:32I think that's a mystery. Watch for an even bigger one!
24:02Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep!
24:32NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology
25:02NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology