• last year
Ms. Frizzle's kid sister Fiona takes the wheel at Walkerville Elementary, leading the class on wild adventures packed with science-fueled fun.


00:00You're relaxed and feeling good Next thing that you know, you're seeing
00:20Octopus in the neighborhood Surfin' on a sound wave
00:28Swinging through the stars Take a left at your intestine
00:32Take your second right past Mars I'm the magic school bus
00:35Navigate a nostril Climb on the magic school bus
00:39Spank a fainting tooth I'm a magic school bus
00:44Raft a river of lava I'm the magic school bus
00:48Such a fine thing to do So strap your bones right to the seat
00:53Come on in and don't be shy Just to make your day complete
00:57You might get baked into a pie On the magic school bus
01:01Step, step, step inside It's a wild ride
01:04Come on, ride on the magic school bus
01:28You know what? I'm okay with not hearing that again for 50 years.
01:32Is that really how long the time capsule is going to stay buried?
01:35Yep! Thanks to my contribution,
01:38a free program 50-year gizmomatic auto-lock.
01:41What have you guys got?
01:43My Save the Manatee stickers!
01:45My very first bar graph!
01:47My bangle collection!
01:50In the future, some kid's going to open this time capsule
01:53and weep over my fashion sense.
01:56What do you have, Tim?
01:59Well, I was going to draw an extra-special comic book,
02:02but I need ideas. When do they bury the time capsule?
02:05In exactly four hours.
02:08Okay, so I've got four hours to do something amazing.
02:12Well, I'm putting in a comic too. We can share if you want.
02:15See? The Adventures of Weatherman.
02:18It's only the rarest, most amazing tale ever committed to comics.
02:22You mean, the second most amazing?
02:25Weatherman is okay and everything, but there's no better superhero than...
02:28Captain Rockman!
02:31Captain Rockman? More like Captain Snore, if you ask me.
02:35Oh, yeah? Yeah. Says who?
02:38Says me. And the sales of eight zillion copies.
02:41Guys, you just gave me an idea!
02:43I'll draw the battle between Weatherman and Captain Rockman for the time capsule.
02:46It's going to be epic!
02:50Okay. Now, how to begin?
02:54How about with some action?
03:00Rocks versus weather!
03:03It's a story for the ages!
03:06Sounds like you need inspiration. Sounds like you need motivation.
03:10Sounds like you need transportation?
03:13I've got it. You mean...
03:16To the bus, my fifth-grade superhero!
03:24Okay, characters. First, Captain Rockman.
03:28Half man, half rock. All heroes.
03:31And now, Weatherman!
03:36The reigning champion!
03:39Now, what will their powers be?
03:41Everybody knows Weatherman's most potent power is...
03:45I can work with it.
03:48What's Captain Rockman's power, Arnold?
03:51Oh, you'll see.
03:54Here we come!
03:57Whoa! Where are we?
03:59We're in Iceland, one of the best places on Earth to see where rock meets weather.
04:03That's very cool.
04:06Arnold, isn't it a thing of beauty?
04:10I think maybe your glasses need cleaning.
04:13Don't you get it? This is granite, a kind of igneous rock,
04:16formed from the fiery molten magma of the Earth's subsurface,
04:20then pushed up to form this powerful mountain.
04:23So, it's pretty tough stuff.
04:25Are you kidding? Nothing can hurt this.
04:28Especially not... that.
04:31See? Rain all you want.
04:34But nothing's gonna rock this rock.
04:37I wouldn't be so sure, Arnold.
04:39Look at this picture of these mountains, taken, like, 80 years ago.
04:43Weird. It looks all craggy in this picture,
04:46but today it's all smaller and smoother. What's up with that?
04:49I'm up with that. That's what.
04:51That, mortals, is the power of weather.
04:54Pummeling the weakling rock with its weathery power,
04:57producing it to puny, measly pebbles.
05:02Oh, yeah?
05:03Yeah. Says who?
05:05Says me. This is great, you guys.
05:07For the first battle of my new comet,
05:09Weatherman versus Captain Rockman.
05:20Yes, friends, I am Captain Rockman.
05:23Tough, wise, and ancient as Earth itself.
05:26And because I was born of molten stone,
05:29you can call me Captain Igneous Rock.
05:34Whatever you say, Iggy.
05:36Mwahaha! Mwahaha!
05:38You know, Igster, I'm trying to get through there,
05:41and I'm a little tired of you being in the way all the time.
05:44Ha! I dare you to try to pass.
05:46Brain, brain. Oh, yeah?
05:48Yeah. Says who?
05:49Says me.
05:51Then prepare to wear, Captain Rockman,
05:54because I'm going to grind you down.
06:05There we go.
06:06Not even close.
06:08Ready for some gale force winds?
06:20Such beam timbling.
06:22Such meteor powers.
06:24I happen to have another power, too.
06:29A sidekick.
06:30Meet Boy H2O.
06:35Watcher Boy, please.
06:49What can a little wind and a little water
06:51do to such a powerful mountain as I?
06:59Nice touch, Brain and Carlos and his H2O boy,
07:02but I'm not seeing a lot of plot development here.
07:05Keisha, patience.
07:06Great literature requires time and energy,
07:10and imagine the battle raging year after year,
07:13century after century, panel after panel.
07:17Okay, okay, okay.
07:18Page after page after page.
07:24Oh, Tim, Tim.
07:25I can't wait for the part where Boy H2O
07:27fills cracks in the mountains with water.
07:30Is that coming soon?
07:31Good idea.
07:32And every winter the cold freezes it.
07:35The ice expands and crack.
07:37The rock breaks apart and crumbles.
07:41I don't like where this is going.
07:43You wouldn't,
07:44because it's only the best comic book battle ever.
07:47And you lose.
07:55Get this paddleboard horse!
08:00I see you're losing your edge, Captain Rockman.
08:06I'm disintegrating.
08:12Ha, we've totally worn him down, Boy H2O.
08:15Victory to Weatherman!
08:20What an epic story.
08:22Sorry, Arnold, but I'm all done.
08:24I'm with plenty of time before the Walkerville Elementary.
08:27Hurry up and wait a really, really long time.
08:29Time capsule ceremony.
08:31No, no, Tim, not so fast.
08:33The story isn't over yet.
08:34In fact, it's not even close to over.
08:38Back to the drawing board, Tim.
08:39It's time for act two.
08:42Um, Tim, any progress here?
08:45Huh? Right, now.
08:47Um, act two.
08:49Hmm, okay, where does this story go next?
08:52Maybe there's more that happened to the rock
08:54after it disintegrated.
08:56Smashing idea, Jody.
08:58Yeah, what did happen to those pieces
09:00of poor Captain Igneous Rockman?
09:02Hey, who said he won?
09:04Actually, I'm not sure yet.
09:06You know, guys, just because the rock has been broken up
09:09and worn down into a bunch of teeny pieces
09:12doesn't mean it's gone.
09:14But what does happen to Igneous Rock after it's been worn down?
09:17Huh, that's a good question.
09:19Well, there's only one way to find out.
09:21Let's be what you see.
09:43Glad that's over.
09:49Now this rock is really bigger than I am!
09:58How's everyone doing, Clast?
10:00We're OK, I guess.
10:02Oh, sorry, I wasn't talking to you.
10:04I didn't say class. I said Clast, with a T at the end.
10:07Clast? What is that supposed to mean?
10:09According to my research,
10:11Clast is what you call little eroded rock bits in the riverbed,
10:14which is exactly where the bits of Captain Igneous Rocko wound up.
10:17What a way to go.
10:19What did you expect against the all-powerful force of Weatherman?
10:23Now the rock's just a bunch of teeny-tiny no-count pieces.
10:26End of story.
10:28But this is still rock, isn't it?
10:30Only it looks totally different than the Igneous Rock we just saw.
10:34So where did it come from?
10:36Hmm, I guess it's a question for a new comic book panel
10:39where Clast and water become unlikely allies.
10:42The plot thickens.
10:45And so it came to pass.
10:47Boy, H2O switched allegiances
10:50and teamed up with...
10:52Captain Rockman!
10:59Look, Captain Rockman, I feel rotten for eroding you like that.
11:03Let me make it up to you.
11:05But how?
11:09Oh, it's no use.
11:11Thanks for trying.
11:13All I need is some kind of glue to hold you together.
11:19Maybe I can dissolve some minerals from the ground around you
11:22and make something sticky. That should work.
11:24I can rebuild you, Captain Rockman.
11:39Oh, boy, I hope we get to see lots of panels of this.
11:42Go, Tim, go!
11:51Look, guys, I'd love to stick around and gloat,
11:54but I really have to jet stream.
11:56I have a couple ice storms to put together,
11:58plus there's this tropical cyclone I've been meaning to get to.
12:03Gee, weatherman, you're always in such a hurry-cane.
12:06Boy, H2O...
12:08Don't fret now.
12:10We'll check back in a... a thousand years,
12:13or make that a hundred thousand.
12:43Behold, simple weatherman!
12:45I am now Captain Sentimentary Rock!
12:48Sentimentary Rock?
12:50But... but how?
12:52Simple weatherman, slowly layer by layer,
12:55pieces of plasma bonded by none other than boyish H2O's mineralized water.
13:00And now I'm back!
13:02Your victory has been undone!
13:07But weatherman destroyed Captain Rockman Fair and Square!
13:11You're just making this sedimentary stuff up.
13:14Right, everybody? Where'd you all go?
13:16It's sedimentary, my dear Ralphie. Let's go have a look.
13:21Wow, cool, huh?
13:23If you look closely, you can see all the little bits of rock it's made from.
13:27It's just like the little sedimentary rock we found in the riverbed, only huge.
13:31You're kidding, right?
13:33There's no way this huge cliff actually came from that class stuff.
13:36Ah, but it did. Class plus mineralized water.
13:40Plus time, of course. Lots and lots and lots of time.
13:43But rock like Arnold has plenty of patience.
13:46I was waiting for her to say that.
13:48According to my research, sedimentary rock is the most common kind found on the Earth's surface.
13:52It's everywhere!
13:54That's right! Bottom line, do not mess with Captain Rockman!
14:01You know, there's no better feeling than finally finishing a story.
14:05Tim, don't stop now. We want to see how it ends.
14:07But we know how it ends.
14:09Weatherman tried to bring him down, but Captain Sedimentary Rock's here to stay.
14:13I wouldn't be so sure, as my great-uncle Grunt McBruiser used to say,
14:17Grr! May need some more fightin'. Grr!
14:20Yeah, and we agree with Uncle Grunt.
14:23So what's with this three-hero-all-guy comment?
14:26Girls are super too, you know. We want a battle of our own.
14:30Uh, sure. Actually, I was just thinking that...
14:34Temperature sure is getting higher in here.
14:37Atmospheric pressure's rising too.
14:39That reminds me of something.
14:49Where did all that come from?
14:51D.A., I'm sorry, just curious, what does metamorphic mean?
14:54According to my research, it means change.
14:57Like when two pieces of the Earth's crust...
14:59Official science-y name, tectonic plates.
15:01Right! When they squeeze rock together while it's being cooked by the heat of the stuff under the crust.
15:07I love it! Heat and pressure.
15:09If I throw them in there, I could have a major battle.
15:12And three totally cool new superheroes!
15:15If anything could take down Captain Rockman,
15:18it would be the fiery fury of these ferocious forces!
15:35Harnessing the extreme pressure of tectonic plate,
15:38the tectonic duo!
15:44And the scarlet squirt, champion of extreme heat!
16:03Mush with sand heat and pressure for...
16:07How long exactly?
16:09Oh, give them a million years. Or two.
16:32Girl power!
16:33We win!
16:34We rock!
16:35And Captain Rockman doesn't!
16:38We squished and heated him to smithereens!
16:42Okay, I'm a little bit impressed.
16:47Uh, Tim, you can stop drawing now.
16:50The battle's over. We won, remember?
16:53I don't know, Keisha.
16:54Now that I've seen what Captain Rockman can do,
16:56I'm not sure he'd give up so easily.
16:58What do you mean? What does he mean?
17:00Let's just say you can change Rock,
17:02but that's a lot different than defeating it.
17:04Little more wave on the side, ooh, a few more bumps,
17:07and there you have it!
17:10Captain Amorphic Rock!
17:13No way!
17:14I can't believe we lost!
17:16Fine, if you don't believe me, come on.
17:21Feast your eyes on this!
17:24Did tectonic plate pressure and a whole lot of heat
17:27really make this crazy-looking rock happen?
17:29Yep, but don't hate the player, hate the game.
17:32So then you guys haven't defeated Captain Rockman.
17:35All you've done is change him.
17:37And victory is mine again!
17:41And that, my friends, is the end.
17:44But the story's missing one really big thing, Tim.
17:47It is? Like what?
17:49Me! And you're not getting anywhere near!
17:52The Walkerville Elementary, hurry up and wait
17:54a really, really long time, time capsule ceremony,
17:57until I'm in that story too!
18:00Okay, but I have no idea how.
18:04Great, I've got the triple threat,
18:07extreme writer's block, an extreme deadline,
18:09and extreme heat!
18:12Whew, quite the inferno in here, isn't it, Tim?
18:15I'm sweating.
18:17Technically incorrect.
18:18An inferno has really intense heat and flames,
18:21whereas in here it's just really uncomfortable.
18:24Wait, an inferno! Miss Frizzle,
18:27it's totally possible to melt a rock, isn't it?
18:31Um, did she just press what I think she pressed?
18:35Yep, the dreaded, rarely used, extremely worrisome...
18:40Volcano button!
18:55And on your left you'll see fiery, molten magma
18:58squeezing up through fissures in the earth
19:00toward the mouth of a temperamental, explosive volcano.
19:03Wait, did she just say explosive?
19:06I think she did.
19:08Hands and arms inside the bus at all times, kids,
19:10you're gonna lava this ride!
19:22Man, I never get tired of this.
19:25Me neither.
19:27Plus, it gave me an idea.
19:32Prepare to meet your match, Captain Rockman.
19:35It is I, Mighty Inferno!
19:38Scarlet Scorch may have given you a powerful baking,
19:42she didn't take it to the next level,
19:44melting you!
19:53You are no more, Captain Rockman,
19:56or should I say, Glob-molten-ooze!
20:02I didn't see that coming.
20:04This is crazy exciting.
20:06That's Captain Glob-molten-ooze to you,
20:09or, better yet, Captain Magma!
20:13Cool, right?
20:14Yeah, sort of.
20:15No, I mean, that's what I'm doing, cooling.
20:17As I cool off, I form into a new rock
20:19as Captain Igneous Rockman,
20:21the same exact form I started with!
20:25Say it isn't so!
20:27So, at the end of the day,
20:29final victory goes to
20:31the unbeatable, undefeatable,
20:34but really, really changeable
20:36Captain Rockman!
20:43That was good.
20:44Yep, you can change Captain Rockman
20:46over and over and over,
20:48but you just can't beat him!
20:52Look, real volcanic Igneous Rock,
20:54my favorite!
20:57You know, it all kind of makes sense now.
20:59He went from igneous to sedimentary
21:01to metamorphic to magma
21:03and back to Igneous Rock,
21:05so we can start all over again.
21:07We just came full circle.
21:08Yes, or full cycle.
21:10Rock cycle, that is.
21:15Hey, Arn.
21:16You know what I learned on the way back?
21:18I wasn't finished with my story after all.
21:21Oh, no!
21:22Now what's going to happen to me?
21:24The same thing,
21:25breaking down and coming back
21:26over and over again
21:28over millions and billions
21:30and trillions of years.
21:31Every rock has a story,
21:32and it's a never-ending one.
21:35At the end,
21:36I had to put continued on page one.
21:39I told you rocks were awesome!
21:46That should do it.
21:49Finishing touch?
21:50You said it!
22:07Hi, I'm looking for the magic school bus.
22:09Is this the magic school bus?
22:10Magic school bus?
22:11Is this the magic school bus?
22:13Hi, I'm looking for the magic school bus.
22:17Magic school bus?
22:18Magic school bus?
22:20Magic school bus?
22:21Is there still Autobus Magico?
22:22Bonjour, je cherche l'Autobus Magique.
22:25I'd like to speak to the magic school bus, please.
22:29And now, the adventures of Super Frizz.
22:33Along with her trusty sidekick,
22:35the great Goldie,
22:36Super Frizzle is about to...
22:39take your tolls!
22:41Hi, Professor...
22:42I mean, Super Frizz.
22:44I was wondering,
22:45in Tim's comic book,
22:47Captain Igneous Rock was blasted by weather.
22:50But what about other rocks?
22:52Every rock that's on the surface of the Earth
22:54faces weathering and erosion.
22:55Wearing down takes place constantly on all exposed rock,
22:59igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary.
23:01I saw that rocks are made from magma
23:04that explodes from volcanoes as lava.
23:07But what is magma made of?
23:09Rocks are made of mixes of minerals and magmas
23:11like hot mineral soup.
23:13Do all rocks go through the whole cycle?
23:17We use the cycle to keep our story simple.
23:19But even though all rocks started out as igneous,
23:21now each of the three types of rocks
23:23can turn into the other types of rocks.
23:25Okay, last question.
23:27What's your favorite rock?
23:30Well, I do seem to be pretty attached to this one
23:33to find out why you stick around.