• last year
Ms. Frizzle's kid sister Fiona takes the wheel at Walkerville Elementary, leading the class on wild adventures packed with science-fueled fun.


00:00You're relaxed and feeling good, next thing that you know you're seeing.
00:07Octopus in the neighborhood, surfing on a sound wave, swinging through the stars.
00:14Octopus in the neighborhood, surfing on a sound wave, swinging through the stars.
00:30Take a left at your intestine, take your second right past Mars on the magic school bus.
00:37Watch out!
00:41Take that!
00:48Such a fine thing to do!
01:01Step, step, step inside, it's a wild ride!
01:04Come on!
01:06Magic school bus!
01:21Welcome folks to the game of the century!
01:24Yes, it's that time again when Walkerville Elementary hosts the next thrilling, chilling edition of Extreme Hide and Seek!
01:36Warm up is already underway, so get ready for all the action, the adventure,
01:40the trying to squeeze yourself into tiny little places that no sane person would ever try to fit.
01:46Hide and Seek fever, catch it today!
01:51Extreme Hide and Seek is gonna be phenomenal!
01:54I'm so pumped, I can't, I can't!
01:56Finish your sentence?
01:57Ugh, another special event? I still haven't gotten over clown week.
02:03Come on Arnold, how can you not be excited?
02:05Because he's Arnold?
02:07Well, I've been looking forward to this all year!
02:12Dorothy Anne? Since when are you into playground games, DA?
02:17Oh, this is much more than a playground game, Jyoti. This is personal.
02:21It all started during last year's game, when I came up against...
02:25The Seeker!
02:27She's the world's greatest hide and seek player!
02:34Ready or not, here I come!
02:48Behind the curtains, under the lectern, back to the coat closet, boom!
02:51Game over, thanks for playing!
02:59One more, in the recycle bin.
03:01Later skaters!
03:04All of us, down, in 5.3 seconds!
03:08She's a teeny tiny hide and seek machine!
03:11Wow, I can't wait to see if anybody beats her.
03:14Good, because that somebody might be you, plus Tim and Jyoti.
03:19I signed you all up this morning, as a team!
03:21What about you, DA? Aren't you playing?
03:23Well, I was, but Ms. Frizzle gave me a better idea.
03:26Yeah, what?
03:27I thought you'd never ask.
03:31It's me.
03:37Ms. Frizzle, how did you hide like that?
03:40Camouflage, Keisha. It's how some critters hide from other critters that are out to get them.
03:45You mean, like, animal hide and seek?
03:48Right as a right-eyed flounder, Ralphie!
03:50Some animals are practically impossible to find.
03:54Exactly, and that's going to be our secret weapon.
03:57Something about this sounds awfully field trippy.
04:00Yeah, we're going into the field to see how animals hide.
04:03Then we'll send you ideas during the game.
04:05Sounds good!
04:07I have just the thing for this!
04:09But we have to do it fast. The game starts, like, now!
04:12Yay, a field trip!
04:15To the rainforest, kids, where some of the world's greatest hiders usually aren't found.
04:21Bus, do your stuff!
04:28Uh, the forest is pretty thick down there.
04:34Where are we going to park?
04:36Oh, I think we'll be able to squeeze in somewhere.
04:38Bus, engage the shrinker scope!
04:58And we've arrived at our destination.
05:00Remember, everybody, we're parked in the banana lot.
05:05Okay, let's go!
05:09Look, a real-life howler monkey!
05:18Where is it?
05:19Hey, where'd he go?
05:48I think he's trying to peel us!
05:50He thinks we're a b-banana?
05:52Banana? What a way to go.
05:54Worry not, Arnold, we're gonna make like a banana and split!
05:59Now, where's the greeninator on this thing?
06:19I can't believe we were nearly some monkey's dessert.
06:22Shake it off, Arnold. We have work to do.
06:28Guys, do you read me?
06:30Loud and clear, DA. Are you guys in the rainforest?
06:33We are. Now, do you all remember the rules?
06:36Don't get spotted by the seeker.
06:38Do get to home base in the yard.
06:40And don't get tagged when you're running for it.
06:42Perfect. First round is in the classroom.
06:45We'll see what we can find out here before the seeker gets there.
06:48Now let's find some hiders!
06:52Ready or not, rainforest!
06:54Here we come!
07:03Hey, Wanda, look at that.
07:05Yep, nice leaf.
07:07Nice green leaf. Remember how we hid from that monkey?
07:14A frog! Its color matches that leaf perfectly.
07:20Except your disguise only works when you're in front of something green, little guy.
07:29Amazing. I think we've got a colorful place to start.
07:33Let's get back and tell the others.
07:35Got it! Use color to blend in with our backgrounds. Nice.
07:39Ready or not, here I come!
07:59Must've. Perfect!
08:11Chioti! You need to hide! Quick!
08:16I think she's coming!
08:18Uh-oh! Chioti's totally exposed!
08:21Didn't she hear? She's supposed to blend in with her background.
08:28What's she doing?
08:34We're going to lose. Again!
08:37I can't watch!
08:39It's over.
08:41Hang on, D.A. I've got a camouflaging little trick up my sleeve.
09:06No way! I can't believe this!
09:13Just looking at this poster creeps me out.
09:20Just looking at this poster creeps me out.
09:25She's gone.
09:27Whoa, that was close.
09:31I may never eat mustard again.
09:34Wait, where's Chioti?
09:36Oh, you know, hanging out.
09:40Whoa! How did you do that?
09:43A little thing I like to call smart cloth.
09:46They're basic wearable tech with integrated electronics
09:49and embedded digital fibers that can reproduce any background in real time.
09:54Welcome to the future of hide-and-seek, boys.
09:57She's so cool.
09:59Shower, shower.
10:04Man, they owned round one!
10:06But now they have to get down the hall, outside, and all the way to home base.
10:10Won't be easy.
10:12Then it's time to get professional help
10:14from more professional hiders.
10:23Yucatan white-tailed deer.
10:25And look at that.
10:27I don't see any.
10:29The light through the trees totally matches the spots on her back.
10:33I think I'm seeing a pattern here.
10:35A pattern, huh? Like the squares on a checkerboard? Or stripes?
10:39Figures. The one day my stripe jumpsuit is in the laundry.
10:43She's coming! Let's go!
11:05Hey, how you doing?
11:07Better than you. Bye!
11:09Tim's out. One down, two left.
11:11Well, it's not all bad.
11:13Tim can't hide, but he can still help.
11:15Ah, yes. Tim is the master of creative solutions.
11:18Ralphie, the tic-tac-toe game!
11:35Wow, that's uncanny.
11:44Okay, guys, we barely got through round two.
11:46We need more ideas.
11:48Let's get back outside and win this game!
11:57There's a stick in my hair.
11:59Ha! There's a bug in my hair.
12:02It's a stick. It's a bug.
12:04A stick? A bug? A stick? A bug?
12:07Ah! Ah!
12:11It is a stick bug. Cool!
12:13Pretty, too.
12:15It uses everything. The same color as a stick.
12:17And the same shape as a stick.
12:19Impressive. Great idea.
12:21I like it. Let's get back and tell them now.
12:23Hey, wait! Don't leave me with this monster!
12:26It's not going to hurt you, Arnold.
12:28Let's just agree to disagree.
12:34Copy that, D.A.
12:36Stick, color, pattern, and shape.
12:38Let's do it!
12:51What in the...
12:53Ha! This ball has a nose.
12:55Yep. And you just hide your finger in it.
12:58Ew! And also, you're out.
13:01Two down.
13:03At least they're still Ralphie.
13:07Where is he?
13:09It's like he disappeared.
13:17Wow. I'm starting to think we might actually win this thing.
13:21Okay, now we have to get Ralphie to home base without getting tagged.
13:25Guys, we're going to need some ideas here.
13:28Don't worry, Tim. We've got you covered.
13:30There are tons more ideas where those came from. Right, Ms. Rizzle?
13:33That's right, D.A.
13:34You know, there are as many camouflage ideas as there are fish in the sea.
13:39Speaking of which, see where I'm going with this?
13:44Right. Some of the best hiders live in the ocean.
13:47Can we go underwater for more ideas, Ms. Rizzle?
13:49Well, you know, as my great-great-uncle, Admiral Antonio Bumpus Frizz Munchausen McCorklevon,
13:54woo-hoo, the 34th, used to say, why not?
14:03Let's go!
14:23You know, Ralphie, you make an excellent log.
14:25I get that a lot, but we still have to get to home base.
14:29And you know what I can do that logs can't? This!
14:32Hey, be careful, Ralphie!
14:36Okay, what's our next move?
14:39Right there!
14:41Weird. Since when does the ocean floor move on its own?
14:45When it's not the ocean floor, it actually looks like a crab wearing a shell and seaweed suit.
14:50Now that's style!
14:52Yeah, and it's also the same texture as the ocean floor. We have to tell the guys!
14:57Excellent observing, DA. I've got a good feeling about texture.
15:02Now, let's see where things are at.
15:07Ralphie, what are you doing?
15:08He's going to get caught!
15:10Ralphie, she's just around the corner!
15:13Hurry, do something!
15:15I got this!
15:24Huh? What does...
15:25Turn right, now!
15:28Now turn left!
15:34Now freeze!
15:36Found another one!
15:39What is it with these creepy posters?
15:47Ralphie totally looks like a pile of leaves. He's still in!
15:50Time to get more ideas. We need to go deeper!
15:53Prepare to dive!
15:55Whoa, whoa, whoa!
15:56Are you sure? The bus's chance of meeting something oogie down there, meter, is off the map!
16:01What? The bus has one of those?
16:03Yeah, right next to the chance of Arnold totally and completely freaking, meter.
16:13We don't have any choice, you guys! We need more research!
16:16Should we figure out a way to camouflage the bus first, in case we meet something oogie? You know, for Arnold.
16:22We don't have time! Dive!
16:37Um, Miss Frizzle, what has two eyes, shiny skin, and about 800,000 razor-sharp teeth?
16:43Ooh, I love riddles! What has two eyes, shiny skin, and about 800,000 razor-sharp teeth?
16:48Actually, it's not a riddle!
16:57Well, this ought to be interesting!
17:01What's happening?
17:03You know, D.A., maybe going deeper without camouflage wasn't such a good idea.
17:08We're doomed.
17:10Well, you have to admit, it's interesting.
17:19Is it gonna swallow us whole, Miss Frizzle?
17:21Oh, I don't think so, Carlos. If anything, it'll chomp us to bits.
17:25I knew I should have stayed home today.
17:34D.A., we have a problem. The Seeker stopped looking for hiders and is staying close to home base. I can't even get close.
17:41Dorothy Anne? Hello?
17:43Guys? Do you copy?
17:50Sorry, Ralphie! Kind of busy right now!
17:52What should we do? Try to get out before—
18:00What's happening?
18:01Our barracuda is eating on the run!
18:08Where is it taking us?
18:10We stopped!
18:12Is that a lionfish?
18:14Sure looks like one.
18:16It's so pretty!
18:17Yeah, but according to my research, the lionfish is one of the scariest animals on the planet, with its pointy, sharp, venom-filled spines.
18:24You know, I'd love to get through one field trip without hearing the words venom-filled.
18:35Wow! Our barracuda doesn't want to have anything to do with that fish either.
18:38Let's get closer!
18:41Oh, fun!
18:42Here we go, kids!
19:01It's letting us go!
19:06The lionfish scared it away!
19:09Thanks, lionfish!
19:12Hey, we got a repairinator! I wonder what this one does.
19:20It's so beautiful! I could watch it all day!
19:24Me too! In the rearview mirror! Getting smaller!
19:27Ah! Hit the deck!
19:29Hang on! What's happening?
19:32Whoa! It's not a lionfish at all!
19:35An octopus? Pretending to be a lionfish?
19:39Oh, goodness, it's the mimic octopus!
19:42Mimic? As in copying?
19:44So it's actually harmless! But instead of hiding...
19:47It pretends to be something scary! What a great idea!
19:54Now it's hiding most of its body and pretending to be sea snakes!
19:58That is so smart!
20:00Pretending to be something your predator's scared of!
20:02Pretending to be something your predator's scared of...
20:10What is it with these creepy posters?
20:14Stand back! I think Dorothea Anne's got a plan!
20:17I do! The most perfect, sneaky, mimicky plan!
20:21Copy that, Dorothea Anne!
20:23On it, D.A.! Smart cloth at the ready!
20:26It's mimic time!
20:30One kid left! Now where is he?
20:33This ticker's going to find him any second!
20:35Only it won't be your friendly neighborhood, Ralphie!
20:42Ha! There you are! Just where do you think you're going?
20:50Clown! Clown!
20:56Clown! Clown!
21:06Ha-ha! Gets her every time!
21:13You did it, Ralphie! We won!
21:17Great game of extreme hide-and-seek, you guys!
21:20Excellent strategy!
21:22Maybe the best contest in the history of Major League Playground Gaming!
21:26This is just as much your win as mine, Dorothea Anne!
21:29I mean, yeah, I was my usual brilliant, cunning, and genius-y self...
21:34But you had the winning idea, so I'd like to share the trophy with you!
21:38Wow, Ralphie! That means so much to me! I'm touched!
21:41Only... where is it?
21:45Out there. Somewhere. All you have to do is find it!
21:48Out there. Somewhere. All you have to do is find it!
21:51Huh? But be warned...
21:54It's camouflaged!
22:08Hi! I'm looking for the Magic School Bus!
22:10Is this the Magic School Bus?
22:12Magic School Bus?
22:13Is this the Magic School Bus?
22:14Hi! I'm looking for the Magic School Bus!
22:18Magic School Bus?
22:19Magic School Bus?
22:21Magic School Bus?
22:22Is this the Magic School Bus?
22:24Hi! I'm looking for the Magic School Bus!
22:26I'd like to speak to the Magic School Bus, please!
22:34Professor Frizzle, PhD, detecting a question coming my way!
22:38I have some questions about the camouflaged mimicry episode.
22:42Not all animals use camouflaged mimicry, so how do they stay safe?
22:48There are lots of ways animals stay safe.
22:50Some hang out in groups, or have protective shells,
22:53or taste bad, or are poisonous if something tries to eat them.
22:57Others can escape really fast. Some even pretend to be dead.
23:00What about my pet chameleon?
23:02She changes color, but doesn't always match her background.
23:06That's because she isn't changing to match her background.
23:09She's reacting to temperature.
23:11Do all those animals really live near each other?
23:14Like deer, frogs, and mimic octopuses?
23:17We did simplify things to tell our story.
23:19All the land animals in Costa Rica live near each other.
23:22But the mimic octopus is found in oceans on the other side of the world.
23:26What's on the next episode?
23:28Oh, a very special story about something else that changes a lot.
23:32So, what are you waiting for?
23:39Theme music
24:09Theme music
24:39Theme music
25:09Theme music