• 2 days ago
A ladys cellar started flooding after a sink hole opened up in Quarry Bank, but although the hole has been filled for now, her cellar keeps flooding, and she is struggling to get anything done about it.
00:00So I'm back with Lorna here in Corriebank. Your cellar floods every time it rains, doesn't it?
00:07We think that's due to the sinkhole that opened up just on Brickhill Street outside your house.
00:12That's been filled up now but the problem's persisting. We spoke to you back in December about that.
00:17But now, you've been receiving money off 7 Trent, so when's the first time you got money off them?
00:25I can't remember the first time. I had a cheque about a month ago, that's the second cheque.
00:30And just at the bottom of the letter it states that although they're sending me money, they're not agreeing to list their fault.
00:39So they're not taking responsibility?
00:41No. I'm phoning them up and a couple of chaps came and because there was no water in the cellar, they went and that was it.
00:50And they said I've got to wait for the camera and I've been waiting and waiting.
00:53But I keep phoning but nothing's done. There's no communication somewhere.
00:58Yeah, somewhere along the line it's not being passed on or there's no responsibility being taken.
01:06I don't get my words out.
01:07So I came in December and it was literally, that was obviously the weather was bad and you sent me a picture of it flooded up to the top.
01:14Now, sorry just quickly, how much money have you got off 7 Trent altogether? Did you say £150 each time?
01:21£159, but out of those cheques I've had to buy pumps. I've had to buy two pumps, the one didn't work so well to get to drain the water.
01:32You haven't sorted it out yourself?
01:33It has to come right through the house.
01:35And so the worry now is that you've got a gas meter down there and so what's your concern with that now?
01:45The concern is that when we go to check the readings, there's water got into the meter and they're saying it can be dangerous.
01:53But nobody's listening as usual.
01:56And you've spoken to the gas company that they said you've got to pay for your own meter to be replaced.
02:03Unless we get 7 Trent to pay for it, because at the end of the day it's their fault.
02:10And so why do you think that no one's taking responsibility? Who do you think is responsible?
02:18Because there are a few I think.
02:21Well the water company is for clean water, so that's out.
02:26Because it's dirty water what comes out and it smells and there's nuts and whatever in there.
02:32So it's definitely drainage and it's 7 Trent.
02:35And so why do you think they're still not doing anything about it?
02:39I don't know, I keep phoning and I phoned last week and she said she'd send somebody out in 4 hours.
02:47And I said they've done it all, it'll happen again, the same as what they did the last time.
02:52And then I had another phone call back, is it coming out of the toilet, the water?
02:57And I said no, it's the cellar, so somebody's not passing the message on.
03:03I don't know what to say, I don't know, I've just lost the plot with it all.
03:10But somebody's got to do something, because it's really getting bad.
03:15So it's not as easy to see on the camera, but in person you can really see how the road dips here.
03:21Since it's been filled in, it's really dipped.
03:25And we saw a bin lorry go past earlier and we were holding our breaths, because we reckon it's going to happen soon.
03:32So it's really dipped, you can't quite see it on there, but it's really gone under.
03:37Obviously you can see the wear and tear as cars come over, and it doesn't look good, to be honest.
03:42It doesn't look like it's good at all.
03:44The rain, the water runs down on the street, so it floods as well.
03:51That makes a great big swimming pool at the bottom.
03:53Swimming pool at the bottom.
03:55So that is why the water's being pushed back into the cellar, because it's not healthy.
