00:00In the dumpster. Did you throw any of her clothes in the dumpster?
00:04I believe her clothes were by the dumpster, but I didn't throw any of it away.
00:09So somebody placed her clothes near the dumpster?
00:15What did you place near the dumpster?
00:17I put all her stuff. All her shoes, electronics.
00:21All of her shoes. You know, women really like their shoes.
00:25And all of her electronics. What electronics did you put near the dumpster?
00:30It had to have been the router there.
00:33There's no use of the router for me. If you don't pay it that much, it's out of service.
00:38From what I can recall, it was a lot of just like shoes, clothes.
00:42Just bundles of clothes where I put them in bags and I just put them right there so she can pick them up.
00:47Do you recall on what date you did that?
00:50Now your son was living with you at the time.
00:52Correct. It had to have been the day it happened. The day of the incident.
00:56And what date was that?
00:58The 24th.