00:0020-year-old Jasmine Mohammed Bishon and her mother Tresa Mohammed claim Jasmine's ex-boyfriend
00:11Angel Castaneda threw away Jasmine's property.
00:15They also claim Angel filed false charges against Jasmine.
00:18When you go home, you check for the router, okay?
00:21Sounds good.
00:22Now, did there come a time when any of your relatives, your mother, anybody else, come
00:27to the house and take any of your property that was in the house that the defendant gave
00:32Any personal property?
00:33Any cosmetics?
00:35He wouldn't let anyone in.
00:37I want you to describe the evening when the defendant left the house.
00:42Sounds good.
00:43So, that evening, I came back that morning from my witness's house, and I was just talking
00:48to him, you know, about the whole week.
00:50It was just hell.
00:51The whole week, she was just telling me she didn't want my son.
00:53She didn't want me.
00:54Wanted nothing to do with my son.
00:55Didn't love me.
00:56Didn't love my son.
00:57So, as soon as I came back to my place...