• el mes pasado
a week with me: new house updates, changing my life + my new fitness journey begins VLOG

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00:19Do you recall when we were young?
00:21Running from all things at once
00:24Without thinking twice
00:28And I knew we would catch up
00:31And that we would be the ones left behind
00:38The stories I've been told
00:41They never seem to leave my mind
00:46Ooh, and this road that I am on
00:51I gotta stay here for a while
00:53We are just at the end of Paddington in Peru
00:57And I was just saying to Niall, I think this is my fave of all of them.
01:02Don't you just think they're such a good children's film series?
01:06Yeah, Niall loves Paddington. I feel like he reminds me a bit of Bluebell.
01:09It looks like Bluebell in the eyes. It's just so cute.
01:13But yeah, we just thought we'd start our Sunday morning
01:16with a bit of Paddington in Peru because they've finally brought it out on Sky.
01:21So Wyn's been loving it more so me, you've been loving it.
01:27I feel like I love it all the way.
01:30Anyway, good morning. It's Sunday and I thought I would start my vlog
01:35because guys, we've been living in the nuns up in a park.
01:47We've been living in a trench the past week.
01:50A trench?
01:51Literally, an ill trench.
01:54Honestly, felt like...
01:55You didn't last week, did you?
01:57No, but I'm just glad that we're out of it now.
02:01I did want to start my vlog earlier, but we were full on in a trench because Wyn's...
02:06Shut up, Niall.
02:12What? Are you finished?
02:13Niall taught her to get eww at things, didn't you?
02:17Are you finished?
02:18You know what, it's just weird when your baby is ill,
02:21anybody with a baby will probably agree.
02:23And Wyn's had illnesses, but this was like never been that ill
02:28where she's just been just like so ill.
02:31Going back to the Airbnb, she was.
02:34But where she was just falling asleep on us, that's not very Wyn, is it?
02:38Which I liked that part because I got more cuddles than usual.
02:42But she's not like a sleep on you kind of baby anymore.
02:47I had a sleep on you as well at one point.
02:49Yeah, everyone was sleeping on me.
02:51We didn't sleep very nice.
02:54Mummy, I want to sleep on your bosom.
03:01Yeah, it was a full on trench and it's been a long time, hasn't it?
03:05Trench warfare.
03:06Monday, no, Tuesday, I picked her up from nursery.
03:10She had a high temperature and it's just been...
03:14The eyes, they've done so well on the bears.
03:17Yeah, I always wonder, how do they film this?
03:19They film it with nothing there.
03:21It's a bear, look at the bear, they get real bears.
03:25What do you mean?
03:27What do you mean?
03:28I'm saying Wyn's going to believe in Santa till she's 10.
03:31And I was like, no way.
03:33This is a special type of bear that they find in Peru.
03:36Yeah, anyway, morning.
03:38I'm going to vlog the week, but I just thought I'd start today.
03:40I wanted to show a few bits around the house
03:43because we've been doing some homey things really, haven't we?
03:45Yeah, I feel like I've levelled up quite a bit.
03:48He's finally decided to do some DIY after 11 years together.
03:5211 years together.
03:55Don't you think that's mental?
03:57It is mental, yeah.
03:58I've known you 12.
03:59That's one way to put it.
04:02I've been with you for 11, 11 years of us.
04:07And now we've got this little crazy munchkin, half me and half you.
04:12She's shouting at her oats.
04:15Have you got your oatsies?
04:16It's so nice to have anyone who's got a baby who's been ill before.
04:22It's so nice when they come back to their happy selves, isn't it?
04:28We just had such a nice day yesterday.
04:30Let me show you the office, actually.
04:31You've got messy hands.
04:32Hang on, I don't want to come in.
04:34I thought you were going to say.
04:36OK, let me just open this parcel then whilst we wait.
04:40We've got a couple of parcels taken together,
04:41but I really want to open this one, which I won't
04:47mind if I open without him.
04:49But we've got some homey bits.
04:50We're just doing lots of home things now,
04:53because I feel like we stopped over December when Christmas was happening.
04:58I mean, did we do anything in Vlogmas?
05:01I don't think we did.
05:01Just want to jazz up the house a little bit.
05:03So I have been hunting for art, which I did speak about in the last vlog.
05:09No, not the last vlog, because that was a Q&A, the one before that.
05:13Found a few things.
05:14I've got the most gorgeous, gorgeous piece coming,
05:18which I ordered from a girl who does really beautiful coastal sunsets
05:27with lots of flowers.
05:29I spoke to her, and she basically has also
05:32added bluebells, poppies, and daffodils, because poppy, bluey.
05:38And daffodils remind me of my grandma, because they were her favorite flower.
05:42And she was an old Welsh woman, and daffodil is the Welsh flower.
05:46So that should be coming soon, which I'm so excited about.
05:51But as well as the art bits, which we wanted to have around the house,
05:55we are painting areas.
05:57I've got some other new bits from Next, which we will open afterwards.
06:02But first, my new bathroom print.
06:07Nice bum.
06:10I was really tempted to get one that said, have a nice poop.
06:14But I thought, no, that would be a bit too far.
06:16And I didn't know if Niall would agree.
06:18So we went with nice bum instead.
06:20I'll show you where I'm going to put this, because I think it'll be nice.
06:23But we've kind of got a mix of art, and I've got a couple of prints.
06:26I've got a really cool one for the kitchen, which I put up yesterday.
06:29I'll show you in a sec.
06:31Which Niall was kind of like, kind of love it, kind of not sure.
06:37I'll show you why.
06:38But this is going to go in here, where people obviously
06:44come in this bathroom the most when they visit.
06:49And we're going to pop it right there.
06:51I think that looks cool, doesn't it?
06:54Nice bum, mate.
06:56I think it looks good there, doesn't it?
07:00Every single thing I get, he just goes.
07:05I'm contemplating.
07:07I think it might look a bit better, a bit more discreet in the corner.
07:11Length up like that.
07:12That's better.
07:12That's more stylish, Megan.
07:14No, no.
07:14I thought that.
07:15I think, no, length over there.
07:17You can't see it.
07:18What it says.
07:19Stand over there and tell me this doesn't look stylish.
07:23You can't see what it says?
07:24Yes, you can.
07:25It just says nice.
07:26No, it says nice bum.
07:28No, no, no.
07:29Clearly it said, oh.
07:30No, no, no.
07:30Let me see it.
07:32Let me see it before you.
07:34You can't see what it says, can you?
07:36Stephen, you agree.
07:38Some other ones to go around it.
07:40Nice bum.
07:41Nice tits.
07:43You don't get your top off when you go for a week, do you?
07:46Nice cock.
07:48I'll go, oh, cheers.
07:49One that said, have a nice poop.
07:51That's a bit vulgar, isn't it?
07:53I did think that.
07:54This is my other one, guys.
07:56I got them both from Etsy.
07:58Chef was cute, would eat here again.
08:00Don't know about you.
08:02I was saying that at first you were kind of like, I don't know.
08:06I want that in my kitchen.
08:07My hoodie's ridiculously dirty.
08:09I don't know what this is.
08:11Could be snob, could be milk.
08:13Where is she?
08:14She's just putting a washer on the washing machine.
08:17Where's my little cute baby?
08:21I don't think it'll work because it's locked.
08:23Thank God for locks on washing machines
08:26because she would set off many washers a day if she could.
08:39You do your splits, ready?
08:52Shall we put some music on?
08:53Ha, ha, ha.
08:57On daddy's phone?
08:58She points at my phone now and goes, ha, ha, ha.
09:00That's the start of the Kendrick though, isn't it?
09:02Ha, ha, ha.
09:05Ba, ba, ba.
09:07Ba, ba, ba.
09:08Ba, ba, ba.
09:09Ha, ha, ha.
09:10Anyone else's baby's a massive fan of Kendrick
09:13and the largest mine.
09:14Ha, ha, ha.
09:15You're the problem baby.
09:16I love Buzz's.
09:17Ha, ha, ha.
09:18Ha, ha, ha.
09:21We in Target.
09:22I'm a stargazer.
09:23Look out, look out.
09:24Looking for the bomb.
09:25Look out, look out.
09:26Look out, look out.
09:27Look out, look out.
09:28Look out, look out.
09:30I can't even tell how excited I am because I've
09:32got the underwear down with the good joey.
09:34What the fucker?
09:37What the fucker?
09:38Right, Niall has finished the office.
09:42So I think in the last video, I was
09:44painting the beginning of it.
09:47But we've finished.
09:48I think it looks really good.
09:49Niall deliberated over this for freaking days, didn't you?
09:55Just cover it up.
09:56Patch it it.
09:57it's supposed to look patchy though don't you think it looks cool yeah it
10:01looked really cool I don't know if the color is actually fully coming out on
10:05the camera it looks more maybe slightly less green not really but how nice does
10:14it look. I definitely think it needed it. I think it looks really cool and it makes the room just feel a lot a lot more cozy and less
10:34clinical I think when it was all white. Yeah this is the Bauwerk paint which is
10:43amazing in the shade bamboo. Is that what it's called? Bamboo? Yeah. We're going to try another colour. I want to do that in a different room.
10:53Right guys, we're going to do our next haul now. So, do you want to have a look together?
10:59Do you want to help? We can play. It's up to you. I think there might be something in here for you actually. Wow, look at this. We got you a little outfit because I saw it whilst I was looking at home bits.
11:20Trousers. Little check trousers and a little sweater to go with it. Really cute isn't it baby? They're for you. Wow.
11:34Are you going to put it on now? Val I just showed her a new outfit. She pulled it her clothes to put it on.
11:42Oh wow. You smell a bit like poop. Have you pooped yourself again? You've already pooped today. Too many poops in one day.
11:54Great haul this guys. Can you sit this way and then we can both look together. Oh wow, I might need something to open that though.
12:02I actually ordered these for Valentine's Day but I will 100% use them anyway but we obviously didn't do our sit down meal.
12:11I will still use these for sure all the time because they are so cute.
12:19Next has the nicest girly glasses, particularly cocktail glasses. Look at these, they're so cool. Can you see? Wow.
12:33We're definitely keeping them now. Steam them up. Ready, shall we do cheers? Cheers. Good girl. You're so cute.
12:55Look how nice they are. So cute. So yeah, I got them and a couple other bits actually, similar theme.
13:02Shall I put that away just in case it doesn't get smashed? Would that be okay? Last bit. Go on and dab it.
13:13So we have had a big judge of the living area in the kitchen, if that makes sense.
13:21So we had our old sofa from our old house in there, which we've actually changed now.
13:26So this is actually not to do with the sofa but it's to do with the area because I wanted a...
13:34Excuse me, we're trying to do a haul here. Sabotage my baby.
13:43Yeah, this is just a basket for throws because I wanted something that was a bit creaky.
13:51There's a lot of like woody features in that room now and I thought this was really nice.
13:56I need to kind of like puff it out because it's a bit flattened.
14:00Yeah, I just wanted to keep all the blankets in one place and I thought this basket was lovely.
14:05Other things, similar vibe, were these place mats, which I'm definitely going to use all year round or at least until like Christmas time.
14:17I think they're very like spring, summery and they're not... I think they are their Valentine's range maybe.
14:24I don't know, I think they just look quite spring, summery.
14:27And on the same theme, we have these little coasters that are beaded, which I thought were really nice.
14:35So again, kind of Valentine's-y. They've got a little bow in the middle as well, which is so cute.
14:40But kind of Valentine's-y but still will work through spring and summer.
14:44And lastly, I treated myself to a new bath towel, which I know will remain mine.
14:52Niall won't steal. How cute. Love it.
14:56So yeah, that was just a little order I did a few days ago for the house.
15:02Just a few little cute bits.
15:05Honestly, next is one of my faves at the moment.
15:07I actually just did an order last night for Wynne because we are going away for my birthday in about a week.
15:14And she has no summer clothes that fit her because obviously last summer she was, you know, not even one.
15:21And she's a lot bigger now.
15:23So I did order a few bits.
15:26Who's that?
15:28Who's that, Niall?
15:30I can't go like this.
15:32It's 11am. I need to get changed.
15:35I am full on going grey.
15:37I don't know how this suddenly happened or whether it's because I'm darker.
15:42And it's just easier to see them.
15:45I don't know if you can see on the camera.
15:47You probably can't because like there's a lot.
15:49There's not just one.
15:51I feel like they're starting to take over.
15:54And I know we age and that's just life.
15:57But I don't know if I'm quite ready.
15:59I'm 28.
16:01Do I have so many grey hairs?
16:03I'm hoping they've been here a while.
16:07I just wasn't aware when I was blonde.
16:10I also just don't think that this light is, honestly, most evenings.
16:15I pluck a couple out which I know I probably shouldn't do either.
16:19But can you see?
16:21Can you see them?
16:22There are many.
16:23Also my hair very much needs a wash.
16:25But yeah, I was just about to tie it up to go in the gym.
16:33I mean, I think about this quite often.
16:36Whenever I'm like brushing my hair, I see it.
16:39And they like glimmer in the light now.
16:42I don't want to be grey yet, guys.
16:44I don't think there's anything wrong with a grey-haired gal but a 28.
16:51When I look at them in the evening, I think, I don't know, it just makes me quite emotional.
16:56Because I'm like, we're literally getting older.
16:58And it's scary.
17:02I used to be so scared of, like, death.
17:04It used to just be something that really, really freaked me out.
17:08And I just wouldn't talk about it because it would make me really anxious.
17:12Not so much anymore.
17:13Not that, you know.
17:14Sorry, this got morbid very fast.
17:17Not that grey hair means death.
17:19But I think it just really made me realise, like, yeah, I am getting older.
17:22And I think I think about it more now.
17:25Having a child and thinking, like, even though she's only one still, obviously.
17:32I feel like life goes way faster since having a child.
17:36Like, even as an adult in general, the weeks just go really fast.
17:40The months go really fast.
17:41Remember when I was at school, life was quite slow.
17:44And, like, weeks just went really slowly.
17:47But don't they go so much faster when you're an adult?
17:51And it just blows my mind.
17:53Like, we're essentially in March.
17:57I mean, I'm not complaining because January and February aren't my favourite.
18:01But how quick does life go?
18:05And I think having Wyn, I'm like, time's going to fly.
18:10I'm going to be, like, 5 slash 15 before I know it.
18:13And I will be, like, 40.
18:16I'm not ready to be 40.
18:18I mean, I've got a while.
18:20So it's just a, I'm having a 28-year-old crisis.
18:23Anyway, I'm going to get myself in some gym wear and get myself in the gym.
18:29And I'm going to talk to you, I think, about my fitness journey and what I'm doing next.
18:33Because I've had a surge.
18:36I've had a big change-up.
18:38And I'm loving it.
18:39I'm really outing myself today.
18:40But look at the neck-to-face colour.
18:43Not okay.
18:45Need to do some exfoliating tonight.
18:47Sunday evening is always my kind of pamper and reset my beauty self day.
18:54Have a bath, wash my hair because it's greasy.
18:57And scrub off my tan and go again.
19:00So that is what I'm going to do this evening.
19:03Anyway, we are in the gym.
19:05I'm just going to wait for it to warm up a little bit in here because it is chilly.
19:10And Wyn is in bed.
19:12Niall's on a run.
19:14And I thought I would come in and do something.
19:17Because, do you know what?
19:19I never really ever would work out on a Sunday before.
19:24Just because I've always felt like Sunday was that sacred rest, fully be a starfish day.
19:32Watch the TV and just be a slob.
19:35However, like I mentioned just when I was upstairs, I have had a surge.
19:41I've had a surge of motivation.
19:44To be honest with you, I don't know where it's come from.
19:47But I feel like that just happens with fitness and your fitness journey.
19:51And I just wanted to say to anyone that is really, you know, used to really love exercise.
19:58And they're going through a period where they're just really not loving it.
20:01Don't worry too much.
20:03And don't force it because motivation does come and go.
20:07And at the end of the day, what really keeps you going with fitness is just discipline at the end of the day.
20:14When you're, you know, you've been training for a long, long time.
20:17And you know that it's good for you.
20:19You know that your body loves it even if you're not feeling it.
20:23It's the discipline and the consistency that will keep you going.
20:27However, it is always the best when you're really feeling it.
20:30And that just won't always be the case.
20:32And I just wanted to say that because I now realize, because I have had this sudden surge of motivation,
20:39how long I haven't really loved exercise.
20:44I mean, I enjoy it.
20:46I know that afterwards I always feel good.
20:48And that is what's always kept me going.
20:50And, you know, the massive body and life changes I've been through the past few years
20:57with being pregnant and then having a baby has really meant that I can't...
21:02It would have been difficult, even if I wanted to, to have, like, big fitness goals at those points.
21:07My big fitness goal over the past few years has just been just keep going.
21:11It's going to make you feel good. It's going to make you feel stronger.
21:14It's going to help you with aches during pregnancy.
21:16And then postpartum, I just knew, even though I didn't really want to and time was much more limited,
21:22that it had always been part of my life and it always made me feel better.
21:27So that's kind of what kept me going.
21:29But anyway, I'm going to try not to tangent here because I'm already three minutes into talking to you.
21:34But new fitness journey.
21:37I've had a surge. I don't know why.
21:39I don't know what happened.
21:40But last Sunday I was like, I fancy going for a run.
21:44And that is not me.
21:45I just, I'm not one of them.
21:47I'm not a runner.
21:49I went through a phase last summer where I liked it mixed with my weight.
21:53But yeah, it's never, I've never been one of those people that's like, get me out on a run first thing in the morning.
22:0110K. No, thank you.
22:04I wish I was because I feel like it's just a nice thing to do.
22:08It's quite a social form of fitness, but it's just never been me.
22:11But anyway, not that that is what I'm doing now, really.
22:15But I just fancied a run last Sunday.
22:17So I came in, I did a 30 minute run on the treadmill.
22:20So it wasn't outside.
22:21It was raining and it's freezing.
22:24And I find that the hills and stuff because we live quite countryside sort of area.
22:29The hills get me and then I can't do the distance and I get really frustrated.
22:34But I'm sure I will do some more outdoors runs in the summer when I feel like it.
22:39But don't force it if it's not for you.
22:41That's the thing with any kind of exercise.
22:42Just don't force it.
22:43Do the exercise that you actually like to do.
22:47So I've had a research of motivation this past week.
22:50Then after that run, I was like, you know what?
22:53New goal.
22:54Me and Niall have entered the high rocks.
22:56So we've actually done it.
22:58It was on my vision board and it's happening.
23:00So I am going to change my training quite a lot soon.
23:03Probably when we get back from our holiday.
23:05So that will be like a whole new thing that I really want to document.
23:08And just like still do my weightlifting because a lot of it is still included in high rocks.
23:14But I'm going to be doing, you know, you're more sort of not cross.
23:17I guess it's kind of crossfit, but it's not like your sled pulls your wall balls.
23:24There's lots of lunges.
23:25There's burpees, but like moving.
23:28I actually practiced doing some of them the other day.
23:30And when was in the gym and she was crying with laughter at me.
23:34So anyway, I will be doing more of that.
23:37So I really want to document that.
23:39But also I am just really back into my lifting as well.
23:44So my new fitness routine that I am now doing, I'm doing a lot more cardio because I'd like to also have some body goals physically.
23:53I really want to feel a bit leaner.
23:56Definitely don't feel that lean at the moment for me.
23:59So I'm always conscious of saying that because, you know, everybody perceives things differently.
24:06And, you know, just for myself, I really want to get a little bit leaner.
24:13I don't feel massively lean in lots of areas of my body.
24:16I can see it more.
24:17I just want to do more cardio.
24:18I'm also really working on my nutrition, which I want to talk about.
24:21And I'm really working on actually eating things that are going to make my gut feel good.
24:25Because you can eat all of the protein powder in the world.
24:29And high protein is a huge goal of mine.
24:32But I want to do it in a way where I'm doing some of that.
24:35But I'm also really working on, like, my gut and making sure it's not all, like, processed.
24:40Protein powder is pretty processed.
24:42I mean, I still have it sometimes in, like, my overnight oats a little bit.
24:45But, yeah, I'm just trying to actually eat things that are really going to make me feel good.
24:51So I want to document that as well as I go.
24:55And it will be integrated into the vlogs with all the family and life stuff as well.
25:00But also my fitness routine at the moment.
25:02Until I get a little bit more hyeroxy, I have a new routine.
25:06So I am now doing two lower, two upper a week, which is kind of what I always was doing.
25:11But I'm really working on my strength.
25:13So I actually on Monday decided, if you really want to try and, like, get into lifting a little bit heavier on your legs,
25:20I always find pyramid sets on squats is the best place for me to start.
25:25So try it.
25:27I will show you it at some point, although I don't know if I'll do it this week, I mean,
25:30because I did do it last week and it's really intense on your legs.
25:33But that was really good because I hadn't really tested my lifts in a long time.
25:39So that felt really, really good.
25:40Cardio-wise, I have changed things up a lot because I wasn't really doing a lot of it.
25:45So I'm now doing two 5Ks a week and two sprint sessions a week.
25:50So today is a sprint session.
25:52I kind of wanted to do another run, I'm not going to lie.
25:54Do you know why I really am enjoying my runs as well?
25:57I feel like I got into a flow, which I hear a lot about.
26:00And Niall's, like, really into his running, so he always talks about runners high
26:04and just that sort of feeling that runners get, which they love, which can't relate.
26:09But I started to the other day.
26:12And do you know what playlist I've been listening to while I've been running, which has helped so much?
26:17Good music massively helps.
26:19I know that everybody says that, but honestly, you've got to find the playlist.
26:23I have been listening to this gal.
26:26The Rise and Fall of a Midwest Princess by Chapel Rowan.
26:30Don't know if I've said that all wrong.
26:32But listen to that album.
26:34It's so vibey. I love it.
26:36And it really got me into, like, a running flow.
26:38I was like, yeah.
26:39And running on a treadmill can be quite boring, I know.
26:42But I quite enjoyed it.
26:43So anyway, I'm not doing a run today.
26:45I am going to do sprints and still listen to her.
26:48Do you know what?
26:49I avoided sprints for a long time after I gave birth because my pelvic floor is quite weak still.
26:56I hold my hands up.
26:57I didn't do enough pelvic floor strengthening after birth.
27:01I did it for, like, two months probably.
27:04And then I kind of stopped, which is not good.
27:07Not a good idea.
27:08I can sprint now and not wee myself.
27:10So we're OK.
27:12But my stamina and endurance is still nowhere near what it was before I was pregnant.
27:18So sprints are really hard.
27:20I did my first lot the other day.
27:24I thought I was going to die.
27:26And I was like, it's good to get to that level of, like, pushing yourself sometimes.
27:32And I was like, really?
27:34Because I really thought I was going to die.
27:37But it is really good to get that super, super out of breath-ness as long as you're...
27:44I always get really worried that something's going to happen to my heart or something.
27:48I don't know.
27:49Because it's so...
27:50But that's what you're going to get from high rocks, too, isn't it?
27:52But when you get so, like...
27:55But then in a lot of ways, yeah, it's probably really good for your heart and your body.
28:00So anyway, I am going to do 10 minutes of 20 seconds on, 10 seconds off.
28:08Wish me luck.
28:22That was vile.
28:23But look at the sweat.
28:2510 minutes, done.
28:27The plan is to hopefully finish this before Wyn wakes up from her nap.
28:32I've even got myself...
28:34These are the colours that I showed you last time.
28:36I got myself a bigger set because I was just so into it.
28:39Some of my colourings, unreal.
28:42But I just thought, let's put you on a time-lapse to finish this.
28:45Because although a lot of you probably will not care about colouring, it will be satisfying, I promise.
28:50So I'm going to try and finish this.
28:52I've got my little fur bugs by me.
28:54I also was thinking, because I was about to go in the fridge actually,
28:58and have a look for some ingredients for a lunch that I've been making most days.
29:04I'm a creature of habit.
29:06But I used to make this years ago.
29:09And it's one of the easiest, healthiest lunches.
29:12However, I just remembered as well, as not having the ingredients,
29:16that I think we're going to have a family brunch all together when Wyn gets up from her nap today.
29:21Because it's Sunday.
29:22So I will show you that tomorrow.
29:24And get my ingredients for it.
29:26Because it's a really good one.
29:28If you want something to make that is really healthy but really yummy and keeps you full.
29:33So anyway, cue me colouring time-lapse.
29:53Good morning everybody.
29:58I am about to make my morning drink.
30:04And have my morning vits.
30:06And I just thought I'd very quickly, actually you would have seen it in the little montage at the beginning of the vlog.
30:11But I just thought I'll show you what I do.
30:13Because I've got a proper morning ritual.
30:18Which I've never really done to be honest.
30:20And kind of have always wanted to but just never found my routine.
30:25So yeah, I've been doing this now for quite a long time.
30:29And I'm loving it.
30:32So basically what I do is, before my coffee, I will have, sorry I haven't gathered everything.
30:41Also you can probably hear like, kind of elevator music in the background.
30:46It's because Wyn is obsessed with fish at the moment.
30:49So Niall plays this for her quite often.
30:52She just points at all the fish and goes,
30:58With a little whistle, it's so cute.
31:00This is the one that I have, the mango free soul.
31:03It tastes nice.
31:05Wouldn't say it's absolutely beautiful.
31:07But it tastes nice.
31:09And I never thought I'd say that about greens because I think greens are usually disgusting.
31:14But basically I just pop a spoon in with nice, very cold water is the key to make it nice.
31:20Zhuzh it up.
31:22And I wouldn't sip this.
31:24I would drink it relatively quickly.
31:27It's actually really refreshing.
31:28It's not disgusting.
31:30But it's supposed to help with like, your immune system, your energy.
31:35It's got all your vitamins in it.
31:38And as I said, I'm just trying to like, be more healthy.
31:42So it's not like to replace veg or anything in my diet because it has like, so many different bits of veg and ingredients in it.
31:49However, if I can add more in some way, I will do it.
31:54I'm having my hair and energy bits and my multivitamins.
31:58Would love to know, anyone who's into vitamins and little tablets, what do you take?
32:05Should I take anything else?
32:07Because, yeah, I want to, I just, I just want to be good.
32:12And have things that are going to make my body happy, basically.
32:16So I have them with my greens before my coffee.
32:19And then we have the sacred, nicest overnight oats you'll ever taste.
32:28And they keep me full for so long.
32:30But they are so yummy.
32:32And I showed you these already, so I'm not going to go on about them too much.
32:35But they are almond, peanut butter, chocolate, protein, a little bit of protein, overnight oats.
32:44And they just, they taste like a dessert.
32:46They're so good.
32:47Hello, it is now lunchtime.
32:49We've gone from breakfast to lunch.
32:51But I just thought I'd quickly show you the lunch that I was talking about, which is one of my absolute go-tos.
33:00And I kind of stopped making this and I don't know why.
33:02I just sort of forgot about it.
33:03But it's a very easy, healthy, it's a dish that makes you feel really good in yourself afterwards.
33:11I hate meals that make you feel sluggish or bloated.
33:16And that's kind of what I'm avoiding as much as I can at the moment.
33:21And sort of what I mean by what I want to really work on with my nutrition is just making sure I'm eating things that are going to, like my gut's going to like, essentially.
33:31But also is healthy and has that high protein edge for my muscle building.
33:36So this is my Cajun chicken rice kale sriracha mayo.
33:42It is so easy as well because the other great thing about it is it doesn't take a lot of like actual cooking.
33:49So if you need to like do it quickly, but also not spend ages in the kitchen, this is amazing.
33:56So literally what I do is with the chicken, I have very little time right now before I need to rush out.
34:04So I'm trying to talk quick and say what I want to say, but also eat it.
34:08But basically with the chicken, I just pop it in a baking dish, olive oil, Cajun spice, mix that all in and judge it together in the oven.
34:1925 minutes usually. And then I'm just going to steam some kale and I'm going to either have cooked rice, usually microwave rice, just a lot easier.
34:29And sprinkle some sriracha mayo on top at the end.
34:33But so easy, so yummy and really, my body really, really likes it as well, which I really like and it keeps me full.
34:43Guys, do not ask. I don't want to push it along the floor in the hallway because it will be too loud.
34:51The wind is just going down, so.
34:54This is how I'm lifting it.
34:57Okay, so I ordered this coffee table slash pebble.
35:02It's a giant pebble, basically.
35:04But I thought it would be really cool in this room.
35:08We're going to get rid of this one.
35:10I haven't decided what to do.
35:11I might try and sell it or give it away to someone.
35:14With our old sofa, we actually gave it to one of the guys that was working on our house because he really wanted it.
35:20So, yeah.
35:22Also don't know how I'm going to get this out of the box because it is a large stone.
35:27It isn't very movable.
35:28Okay, so this is how we're looking.
35:31So this is our new sofa, which I adore.
35:35I think it is so beautiful.
35:37So we did before have our old sofa from our old house there, which was like the beige-grey L-shaped one.
35:44It was quite a big one as well, which I absolutely loved.
35:47It was so comfy and I never thought we'd get rid of it.
35:50But it just was a little bit too much for the space because it's obviously an open plan, quite social area.
35:58And because we've got the L here, it just felt a bit odd.
36:01It was like symmetry.
36:03And, yeah, we kind of just wanted to add a bit more colour and freshen up the area.
36:08I like the idea of the separate parts as well.
36:11This set that I got from Anthropologie, you can actually get different parts and kind of just lay it out how you like.
36:19So, yeah, I really like it.
36:21I love the colour of it.
36:23It's a nice soft pink terracottery tone.
36:26It's not like bubblegum pink or anything.
36:29So Niall likes it too.
36:31It goes really lovely with this painting as well.
36:34And in our house, we basically have these sort of soft greens and soft pinks mixed in with, like, wooden tones.
36:43And, yeah, that's kind of the vibe of our house, so it's perfect.
36:47We also have this new rug, actually.
36:48I don't know if I ever showed you this, but we got it a long time ago now.
36:52But I wanted to kind of get something that was a bit more high-traffic, hard-wearing, because we had a cream one here before.
36:59And with two dogs and a baby, we can just about manage the sofas not getting destroyed.
37:04But a rug, absolutely not.
37:06So, yeah, that was just a silly decision.
37:09And these kind of, like, jute, sort of very straw-like, hard-wearing rugs are brilliant because they just never look dirty.
37:16And they just last forever.
37:18So, yeah.
37:19And then we have the pebble, which is very much a pebble.
37:23And definitely much too small for the area.
37:27It looks much more like a side table, really, doesn't it?
37:30Which is so nice, but it needs to be double the size.
37:33And to be fair, on William Wood, where I got this, they did have bigger ones.
37:38But I just thought this might work.
37:40But Phoebe and me didn't decide to measure, did I?
37:42So I think we'll have to send her back and get a larger one, I think.
37:48But I like the colour, and I like the stoneness to it.
37:53That's what I was trying to say earlier, is we've got a lot of wood, if you can see.
37:58And Niall was thinking about getting a wooden coffee table.
38:02And I was just like, I think with the rug and all of the wooden tones, it would just get way too much.
38:07And I think we need something bright and light.
38:09So that's why I went for that style.
38:12But just a bit bigger, I think, we need.
38:14The only way to have your tea? Milky.
38:17To the point it almost looks creamy.
38:19I mean, even Bluebell wants it.
38:20She is licking those lips.
38:22Anyway, I've just sat myself down.
38:24And I'm about to watch, I'm about to start watching the Eastenders 40th anniversary week.
38:34And I can't tell you how excited I am for this week.
38:39There is a live episode, there's a one hour special, like every day, there's a special episode this week.
38:45Grant Mitchell's back.
38:47I can't wait.
38:50My predictions are, when this vlog goes up, the week will have just finished.
38:54So it doesn't matter, I won't be spoiling it.
38:56But my predictions are, Sonia and Rhys will die together.
39:01Rhys will die, Rhys will kill her and him together somehow.
39:05And I think it was Kojo who whacked Cindy on the head at Christmas.
39:12And I wonder if I'm right.
39:14I feel like I might be.
39:15Do you know what, I always get predictions right.
39:17Because do you know what else is on tonight?
39:18The Love Island final.
39:19My predictions are, 5th place, Elma and Sammy.
39:264th place, Catherine and Omar.
39:293rd place, Ekin and Curtis.
39:322nd place, Gabby and Casey.
39:331st place, Luca and Grace.
39:35Let's see.
39:36I did that almost, I think I did it right last year, didn't I?
39:39Great TV at the moment, guys.
39:41If you're not on Eastenders, get on it.
39:43Because it is going off.
39:45Anyway, cheers.
39:47Happy Monday Eve.
39:49There's my little TV rundown.
39:51Excuse me.
39:52What's going on here?
39:56You've hand-feeded Delia's breakfast.
40:00You're the bad influence.
40:05Oh, it's quite cute.
40:10One piece at a time.
40:12I know.
40:13I know Basil's jealous.
40:17Oh, there you go, she's giving him one.
40:19Here's mum.
40:20Everyone's wondered where you've been, but I'm in the vlogs.
40:23Here she is.
40:24I'm still here.
40:25It's been a long time, actually.
40:26I know, you've been really busy, though, haven't you?
40:28One thing and another.
40:29I have seen you more recently, though, I think.
40:31I've seen you lots.
40:33But not on the days when you've had the camera.
40:35We've had private family time.
40:39But this is good, too.
40:40Hello, still here.
40:42Still as crazy as ever.
40:44Yeah, still so fun.
40:46Dancing with Winnie earlier.
40:47I know, that was when I thought, where's my camera?
40:50I should have filmed that.
40:51You'll have to do another one.
40:52Poor Winnie was just so overwhelmed.
40:53She couldn't dance.
40:54Yeah, she was watching you dance.
40:56What is she doing?
40:58Shall we dance together, Win?
40:59Is it finished?
41:00She's finished all the dog food.
41:02Shall we dance instead?
41:03Where is her hat?
41:04Oh, no, there's a slobber in that bowl.
41:07I didn't put it on her head.
41:09I didn't do it.
41:10I'll put it on my head instead.
41:20She can't compete with the mood.
41:22It's a very tame Winnie, this.
41:25Right, we're going to have a quick look together
41:29at Baby Wyn's holiday shop that I did on next.
41:35Still got the snowflakes up.
41:36They need to go, they're a bit out of season.
41:40This very cute little swimming costume.
41:42Oh, look at that, Win.
41:45Her face.
41:52I told you she loves looking at clothes.
41:55Oh, she can see her face right now.
42:05It's like the golden trophy, isn't it?
42:10She's performing, aren't you?
42:12She's already performing.
42:13She does this off camera too.
42:15Oh, this is cute.
42:16Win, look at this.
42:18Look at this.
42:20It's got a frog.
42:22A frog towel.
42:33Wow, you can wear that on the beach when you're wet.
42:37I don't reckon you'll like these, but Winnie will.
42:40Oh, not the bloomin' crocs.
42:44They're so ugly.
42:45Yeah, but I think that for babies they're quite comfy.
42:48Are they?
42:49Yeah, look.
42:50Look, Wyn, you've got more shoes.
42:52Eh, shoes.
42:53A little French girl.
42:55She'll do my size.
42:57Look how cute.
42:58Aw, Win.
42:59It's like a little 90s one.
43:00Look at that.
43:02Aw, is that a nice one?
43:04Aw, she gave it a cuddle.
43:06Oh, look at you.
43:08It's a bucket hat.
43:10It's locking again.
43:12We've got it in yellow as well, Wyn.
43:14Oh, I know.
43:15I'll wear the pink and you wear the yellow.
43:17Little sherbets.
43:19We could be twins.
43:25Did she say cheers?
43:26She said cheers, yeah, because we're twinning.
43:28Cheers with a hat.
43:30A hat?
43:34This is really cute.
43:35Look, Wyn.
43:36This is a little evening sweatshirt with these little shorts.
43:40Are we still on the hats?
43:41Is that cute?
43:42Look at the little shorts.
43:43We're still on the hats, because we're too quick.
43:45Good afternoon, everybody.
43:47I don't feel like I've properly caught up with you today, so I thought I'd say hi,
43:52and I am about to do something as well, which I thought would be nice to film,
43:57because it's kind of my first proper go at doing something to slightly prepare for my
44:05high rocks, which really scares me still, but it's going to be fine.
44:09But yeah, I haven't really said hello, so hello.
44:12It has now been a few days since I last filmed the film that I did with my mum this morning.
44:18So my mum came over for a couple of days, because I was in London for two days,
44:24and Niall had a lot of work to do.
44:26Oh, I was not filming my head then.
44:29Niall had a lot of filming to do on those same days.
44:32We usually try and, like, switch between who's doing what, but yeah, this week,
44:38because it's half term as well, and there's no nursery on the two days Wyn goes in,
44:44we called mum for help, which was great, and Wyn absolutely loves it.
44:48It was really nice to have my mum here.
44:50Also, there is the cutest snail on this window.
44:55Oh, look.
44:56I didn't think it was going to focus.
44:58Didn't take my camera to London.
45:00Surprise, surprise.
45:02I love to vlog from home, but to be fair, I had a shoot and an event yesterday,
45:08and those kind of things are actually not very interesting to vlog.
45:12So, and the day before that, I was filming with Women's Health magazine,
45:17and I was actually a guest on a mummy baby podcast.
45:23Again, not things that I can really film because they are being filmed.
45:27So, sorry about that because I know I always film from home.
45:30I hope you don't mind.
45:32I prefer those kind of vlogs anyway, but I will try and, like, bring you to the busier London days
45:37now that I am doing them more with Wyn being at nursery twice a week.
45:42So, anyway.
45:45So, I am just about to do a workout, which is very Hyroxy.
45:50So, I was having a look on TikTok because I think Niall has a coach,
45:53and I think his coach is actually going to sort of plan out some particular sessions for us to do to prep.
46:00But I also wanted to kind of have a little look myself at things that I can start doing
46:05and just slightly starting to adjust my workout routine to prep bits and bobs.
46:12If you don't know what Hyroxy is, by the way,
46:14it's kind of like a CrossFit competition, but kind of not.
46:18It's very, like, there's lots of weightlifting and lots of running,
46:22which is the thing that is not my forte.
46:25So, I'm doing a lot more of that, like I said to you earlier in this vlog,
46:29with my routine of, you know, doing some 5Ks, some sprinting.
46:33I'm already doing that.
46:35But when I was looking on TikTok at, like, Hyrox information,
46:38like tips and tricks and little things that I can do to prep,
46:41they were saying the hardest thing is, like, you're running on jelly legs all the time.
46:45So, that is, like, the difficult part.
46:47Although there are only, like, 1km in between each weighted station,
46:51you're dead from, like, 100 lunges that are weighted as well, sort of thing.
46:56So, anyway, it's, like, really prepping yourself for the running, I think, which is important.
47:01So, today what I'm going to do is 4 stations that apparently are good to replicate some of the weighted stations in Hyrox.
47:09And then I'm also going to do 1K runs as well in, like, a circuit.
47:14I will finish with the little Hyrox session.
47:16In case any of you want to try it, you don't need to be doing a Hyrox either to try it.
47:20It's quite a good little cardio slash weights session that's quite compact, quick and intense.
47:27Definitely have a go at this.
47:28I'll put it in the description box as well so you can screenshot if you want to do it.
47:32But, anyway, I'm going to love you and leave you with the session.
47:35And my next vlog will be a holiday, which is so exciting.
47:40I can't wait.
47:41We're going away for a little birthday trip to a very exciting place.
47:46And I'm going to bring you.
47:48And it's going to be really fun.
47:49I love travel vlogging.
47:51So, I will see you there.
47:54Thank you for watching this vlog.
47:55I hope you guys enjoyed.
47:56And, sorry, it's pretty long and chatty.
47:59But we're getting back into the swing of vlogging.
48:02Don't forget to give it a thumbs up as well because it really, really does help the video get pushed out.
48:06I really appreciate people that do that.
48:08When I say it, I notice quite a difference.
48:10And I've forgotten to say it for a few videos.
48:12So, give it a thumbs up.
48:15It really, really does help.
48:16Thank you so much if you do.
48:17But, anyway, I will see you in my session and then in my next vlog.
48:38Do you hear me?
48:39Play the fucking music.
