• el mes pasado
I made a huge mistake. Make sure you watch the whole video to find out what happens.

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What is Roblox? ROBLOX is an online virtual playground and workshop, where kids of all ages can safely interact, create, have fun, and learn. It’s unique in that practically everything on ROBLOX is designed and constructed by members of the community. ROBLOX is designed for 13 to 18 year olds, but it is open to people of all ages. Each player starts by choosing an avatar and giving it an identity. They can then explore ROBLOX — interacting with others by chatting, playing games, or collaborating on creative projects. Each player is also given their own piece of undeveloped real estate along with a virtual toolbox with which to design and build anything — be it a navigable skyscraper, a working helicopter, a giant pinball machine, a multiplayer “Capture the Flag” game or some other, yet-to-be-dreamed-up creation. There is no cost for this first plot of virtual land. By participating and by building cool stuff, ROBLOX members can earn specialty badges as well as ROBLOX dollars (“Robux”). In turn, they can shop the online catalog to purchase avatar clothing and accessories as well as premium building materials, interactive components, and working mechanisms.

#Roblox #foltyn
00:00Okay guys, so I made a huge mistake, uh, last week I made this video titled I'm sorry and if you didn't see that video
00:07Well, basically, um, you know what? I don't know how to explain it. Let me show you what I said now
00:11It's time for the bad news. Yeah, i'm sorry to say this but this is gonna be the last roblox bedwars video
00:16I post on this channel. I know
00:19So sad, all right
00:20Yeah, so basically I made this video saying sorry because that was gonna be my last bedwars video
00:25But oh my gosh, was that a mistake because you guys got so sad
00:29I'm, not gonna lie. I didn't even think you guys would care
00:32I haven't posted bedwars in so long. I even commented. I didn't realize you guys would get this sad over this
00:38Maybe this won't be my last bedwars video because when I was reading the comments you guys were telling me like you're so sad
00:43Uh, you hate me now and you're unsubscribing
00:47Like what like look at this. I was gonna cry. I kind of hate fulton. Come on, bro
00:53Like it's not that serious. You hate me now
00:55Some of you guys even made sad edits about the whole situation fulton last bedwars video edit and this one's actually sad
01:01I'm, not gonna lie. I watched this before and I even almost dropped a tear like watch this
01:06Also has some good news as well. So the good news is okay
01:11Good news nice
01:14Uh-oh, i'm, sorry to say this but this is gonna be the last roblox bedwars video I post on this channel
01:20Dang, man
01:23Dang that brings back so many memories. Oh my gosh, bro. Oh my gosh
01:29Like this first clip right here. Look how short my hair was. Oh my gosh
01:33Well, i'm actually kind of having a bad hair day right now
01:36But this is a terrible hair day. Oh my gosh. I look like a grandpa but this room right here, bro
01:40This is when I was still living with my mom. Oh my gosh. This is crazy
01:44What the checks commented on this throw my heart. This actually made me so sad man. Wow
01:49I missed the old fulton checks. Be quiet, bro. He's trolling with this. I cried when I saw this edit fulton's a g though
01:58But yeah, i'm not gonna lie. This edit was kind of sad. I'm gonna leave a like on it though
02:02But anyways, you guys get the point. Okay, I made a huge mistake by making that my last bedwars video. So, uh, yeah
02:07I'm, super sorry, but don't worry i'm gonna fix it
02:10So from now on i'm gonna try and start posting a little bit more bedwars on this channel
02:14We're back on bedwars, baby. Yes, sir
02:18Let's do the dance, okay
02:24Bro i'm not gonna lie. It feels good to be back on bedwars right now and since we're back on bedwars
02:28I'm gonna use my og kit. Okay, my baby jade hammer. Oh my gosh
02:32If you've been watching this channel from the beginning, then you know, this was my baby. All right, look at this
02:37I love jade so much, you know, let me actually make it my favorite boom my favorite kit and I have it equipped
02:41All right. Here we go. Our first game back on bedwars. We're gonna hop on solos. Is everyone ready to get destroyed?
02:47All right, fulton's back, baby
02:50Oh my gosh, watch i'm gonna get destroyed now. All right. Wait, how much does a jade hammer cost again? Uh
02:5540 iron. Oh dang. All right. I forgot it was kind of expensive. Oh, let's go. We got this map
03:00This is actually one of my favorite maps because on this map you can pick up gold
03:04I'm, just gonna camp this generator. Give me all the gold bro. This guy's letting me just take the gold. He's not doing anything
03:11Oh, wait, what did he just fall?
03:15Okay, all right that guy's definitely a noob wow, you know i'm gonna buy a stone sword and i'm just gonna go kill him
03:21And take his bed. All right, boom. Oh, wait. Yes. Let's get our jade hammer. Let's go
03:26All right. Does this still work how it used to? Uh, let me try and use it three two one
03:34No way no way
03:40I didn't even go far. Look at this
03:44Oh my gosh jade is no longer my baby jade. I don't love you anymore. I'm, sorry
03:49All right. Uh, okay a treasure chest is five gold. We still don't have enough. Oh, no
03:53Why do they nerf jade hammer? Okay. I'm not gonna lie. It actually used to be overpowered but dang it got nerfed hard
04:00All right. Can I even make this bot?
04:02Okay, I can not bad. All right, let's take that scrumptious bed. Perfect. All right. Uh, let's get some armor
04:08I can't believe we don't have any armor. All right, perfect
04:10By the way guys if you're watching this and you're happy i'm back on bed wars smash that like button and also if you're not subscribed
04:16Hit that subscribe button. All right, join the folter family. We're actually the best family on youtube. Hello. How's it going?
04:24Hello, i'm waving at him
04:26Hey, stop pushing me. We're supposed to be friends sick, buddy. We're not friends sick, buddy
04:30We're not friends. We're not friends. Get out of here. Combo wobble dead. All right, i'm going back to base
04:36Oh my gosh, I have 10 gold. Wait, I can buy two treasure chests. That's perfect
04:39You'll never catch me jade hammer
04:41Okay, maybe you might jade hammer is so bad
04:45Hey, yo diamond guardian. Stop hitting me
04:47All right. Give me your diamonds. Thank you. Hey, yo, who's this guy? Hey back off, buddy
04:53What is he doing? Oh my gosh, he's scaring me he's fortnighting right now he's fortnighting he's building
04:58Back off no, he's taking my bed. No
05:03Oh no
05:04Come here. Come here
05:06Let's go
05:08Can't take my bed. Okay, uh iron armor, bro. It's actually getting intense. I'm not gonna lie. Okay, we got two treasure chests
05:15Open that bad boy open that bad boy. Let's go. Uh open
05:19Open come on. Give me the goods. Give me the goods
05:22Oh, let's go
05:24Seven emeralds. Oh my gosh crossbow, baby. You already know what time it is. Oh master
05:28All right, let me grab that arrow blocks arrow blocks. Perfect. All right, um team generator. Let's get damage in there. Nice
05:35I'm winning this easy, bro. I got the crossbow and my jade hammer actually jade hammers cheeks right now
05:42But I got the crossbow
05:43We missed our first shot. What the heck?
05:46But not that shot, baby. Let's go. All right
05:49Hey get off that emerald. Where are you going, buddy? Where are you going, buddy? Oh, he's trying to build
05:54Come here
05:55Back off, bro. Give me emeralds. I know you got emeralds. Give me some emeralds. You can't run from me
06:06Let's go put them in a coffin baby, let's go bro. We're going crazy. How much emeralds do we have nine emeralds?
06:13That's actually insane nine emeralds is crazy what
06:18Okay, let's uh, uh, all right, we're gonna kill this guy get him out of here
06:23Give me everything you got. Thank you, bro. This guy's got leather armor
06:26Oh, he's good. Oh, is that his base? All right, i'm gonna go back to my base actually
06:32Hey, back it up, buddy
06:34Back it up
06:36Back it up. Wait dead. Oh, wait, I feel bad. He said screenshot. Please sad face. Oh my gosh
06:42All right. Don't worry, bro. I'm gonna give you a screenshot. All right, let's grab we have nine emeralds. Let's grab diamond armor
06:49blocks, uh
06:52Shears arrows blocks arrows blocks a lot of arrows and box
06:57What this guy said? I hate falter now, bro
07:01Hey, yo
07:02Now i'm crying. He just said I hate you in all caps, bro
07:07What no, please don't hate me. He said why you kill me. I'm, sorry. I did not see message
07:13Please don't hate me. All right, we gotta win it for him, bro. I feel bad for killing him
07:17All right, thank you for the diamonds perfect bro i'm still running around with a stone sword what am I doing?
07:22Ah, hey, man, where are you going?
07:25I'm, the boat master get down. See ya
07:28Bro, really thought I was gonna hit my shots. Are you kidding bro?
07:31I always hit my shot. All right. Uh
07:34What do we get? Oh two treasure chests perfect
07:38Oi matey, we've got the treasure
07:41Terrible pirate accent. Sorry
07:44All right, let's open that open that perfect
07:47All right diamonds any emeralds. Let's go. We're actually getting so stacked. Uh tele pearl i'm not gonna lie
07:52We have everything we need. Uh, let's upgrade damage. We just okay iron sword arrows blocks. Perfect
07:57We're good to go. Oh, look at that bed. Look how scrumptious that bed looks
08:01Give me that let's go. Oh, wait. It's a 1v1v1. Okay, perfect
08:05Well, this is my first game back on too and i'm about to catch this dub. Hey die die die. Come here
08:10Come here, buddy. Hey get off me. Stop hitting me, bro
08:13Oh, no, he's trying to teleport pop. Got him. What's up, buddy? What's up, buddy?
08:18Thank you
08:20All right. Um, let me upgrade my armor ball treasure test. I don't know what accent that was. I'm, sorry
08:27Oh my gosh, we actually got so many emeralds from that diamond sword. Yes
08:31Look at us right now. We're so stacked. Wait. Well, what the heck what happened to my mask?
08:35Why did it take my mask off? Wait void is approaching. Wait, there's a void in bedwars now
08:40Wait, how do I not die from it? The void is invading. What the heck? What do I do? What do I do?
08:45It's so dark i'm getting scared
08:48Oh, this guy's diamond armor. Oh, he's kind of scary. This guy's kind of scary
08:57Bop he's not scary anymore. He's so weak. All right, let me take his bed
09:03Sorry, bro, I took your bed I I took it
09:06Get out of here put him in the coffin
09:09All right. Let me take his diamonds
09:11Uh upgrade my team generator guys, if you still haven't like to subscribe like like and subscribe right now
09:16Okay, because i'm about to catch this w where's he at?
09:18Man, where's this guy at? Get out of here. Hey, man, get out of here. Do I hit a trick shot?
09:25Hey, what is he eating did he just gain health hey stop that he's trying to teleport stop that bro, no teleporting around here
09:34He's so weak. He's actually so weak. Uh, wait, where's he going bop?
09:38What are you doing? Oh my gosh, wait trick shot time trick shot time trick shot time
09:46No, bro, hit this shot, please
09:49Let's go, bro. We hit the trick shot, but he didn't die. No way
09:55All right. He's about to die right now though
09:59Oh wait, he still has a bed. I forgot. Hey, come here, buddy. Come here
10:04Kaboom and you're dead. Okay, let's take his bed. No, he has stone on his bed. Are you kidding?
10:13That actually is not good. Oh no, okay
10:16Hurry up, hurry up
10:21All right, sit the bed sit the bed sit the bed nice
10:23I'm, sorry, bro. It's ggs dance for me, please dance dance now
10:29Start dancing. Oh, no, he just jumped off
10:34Let's go. We still got it, baby. Dang, man
10:37I missed bed wars and this guy just said I hate you. I'm unsubbing. Oh my gosh