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Today Omz, Roxy, Crystal, Lily, Kevin and Megan (Crazy Fan Girl) have a PORTAL GUN in Minecraft!
#minecraft #minecraftmod #omz
00:00Our first activity in the sleepover we're gonna be playing show-and-tell and I am going to be going first
00:07Oh, I love this game. What are you gonna show us? I am gonna show you guys my awesome portal gun
00:14Oh, oh my gosh, babe. Is that thing actually real? Yes
00:19It is real crystal check this out the way it works is if I shoot a portal over there
00:24And then another portal over there. Look you could see through the portal
00:32Yeah, look crystal hot what the what's up, babes you can go through it I thought it was just like a mirror
00:37Oh my gosh, that is sick. I'm trying to hop in wait, let me hop in. Yeah, wait, we do make a little staircase
00:44I did not know you were able to oh
00:46brah go through
00:49That's so trippy. Oh my goodness gracious. Wait, I want to try something cool
00:54If I put one up here, hi Kevin, what's up, dude? I then went out here Megan. Can you step?
01:00Okay. Wait, I got to move it a little bit if I do it. Whoa. Whoa
01:05Oh my gosh, make it stop. Wait, let me give it up. Whoa
01:10This is so trippy. Oh my goodness. Oh, that made me want to vomit
01:16Lily, yeah, bro. Your legs were halfway in and halfway out. Oh my gosh. Wait. Oh
01:21Guys look at this
01:23Babes, that looks so cursed for real. What the what it looks like my face is touching my butt
01:29That is gross
01:31Wow, I'm zealous and awesome show-and-tell item. I know right and to break the portals
01:36We just got to break the blocks underneath just like that. Okay, who's next on show-and-tell?
01:41Um girls I say we leave y'all I agree with Lily. What what do you mean leave? We're having a sleepover
01:48Well, babes, um, we want to go and have our own sleepover what why we were having so much fun
01:56Come on, let's go. Yeah. See you later loser. Hey
02:01Why are the girls leaving rocks? Did I say something? No, I think they want to spread streak. It's throw about their crushes
02:08That's what girls do in their sleepovers. Oh, dude, you might be right. We have to sneak up on them
02:15Yep, come on. Let's go see where they're going. And oh, no, which house did they go to? Are you serious right now?
02:23Let's check Megan's house if I oh shoot the portal gun all the way over there and then one right over
02:31Here, we should have a mirror sure house and wait even better than a mirror. We have a portal to our house. Oh
02:38My gosh. Hey, what's up dudes? And huh? They don't look like they're here
02:43What's the where they go?
02:45Hmm, maybe they went towards Lily's house
02:48Okay portal on the floor right over here and a portal all the way to Lily's house over there
02:54Oh my gosh, that one was very trippy. Holy smokes. Nice. All right, let's go check on the inside
03:00Are they in here? What? No, they're not in here
03:04Down down down down. We want to dude. They're right over there. Oh, no, we're gonna get caught
03:11Wait a minute. Did you girls hear something? I think the boys are downstairs. Let's go check
03:20Get out of here way. Oh
03:22Nice. Okay. That was a really close one and the girls are right over there. Okay, come on
03:28I'll put a portal here and then we want to be able to spy on them
03:32So I'll put one right over here and oh my gosh guys look at how perfect this is
03:37We can literally see them from the wall
03:41It's so trippy. Do you girls see anything suspicious?
03:45Nope, nothing. I wonder where they went. Oh, maybe we should check outside. Oh gosh boys are coming outside
03:52Oh, they're right there. I gotta break the portal. I gotta break the portal. Okay
03:56Come on, hide on back hide on back. Dude. What are they hiding that they don't want us to see?
04:02I don't know. This is very suspicious
04:04for real
04:05Okay, let me go check and okay, it looks like they're not looking anymore, okay girls
04:11Let's just board up the door and let's go upstairs girl. Great idea. Come on. Let's go say our secrets about the boys
04:18Oh, no, they're talking trash. They're talking trash. Dude. We have to see what they're saying. Now. This is unacceptable
04:25I know right and luckily I got an idea boot portal and then portal
04:31Hop on in boys. Oh
04:35Ultra hello. What's good, dude? Whoa, we made it inside
04:40Awesome sauce and the girl should be right underneath us
04:43So what we could do is shoot a portal like right? Oh, it doesn't work. That window is closed
04:49We need to find an open one and wait right over there. There's an open one boys
04:53I'm gonna go for a boom and awesome shots and then boys hop on it from right over here
05:01What's up, what's up, that was so trippy for realsies. Okay. We're now inside the girls's house. Oh, oh
05:09This is Lily's bedroom
05:13Right over there, but I can't hear them. They're too far away. Okay, but I have to go and hit a quick little
05:22Okay, and then right over here. We put a boop. Oh, oh
05:26my gosh
05:28Guys, we have full access to that right now. Oh, that is so cool for realsies
05:34Whoa, let me take a closer. Look. Hey Kevin be careful because you don't want anything to accidentally fall in homes
05:40I'm not a noob, you know, all right, if you say so
05:47Oh my gosh Kevin, oh my gosh girls did it just rain poop?
05:53Wow, it's in my inventory. Yeah me too. It must have came from the roost. Let's look up. I gotta break the portal
06:00I gotta break the oh, oh
06:02Views that was a close one Holmes are definitely gonna be on to us now girls. I think something's upstairs
06:10Let's build up. Yeah, let's go. Oh, no
06:14This is not good Kevin. Really dude. I could hold it in. What am I supposed to do, dude?
06:19There is a bathroom literally right over here. What do you mean? What are you supposed to do use the bathroom? Oh
06:25I gotta do it again. Oh
06:28Yeah, oh my god, just close it on him Roxy. That was gross dude. The girls are going upstairs
06:34We don't have a portal over there. Oh, you're right
06:38Okay, let's be very quiet and they already built but they left some opening for us
06:44So, let me throw one over there and then Roxy Kevin you better not troll. I'm not gonna troll a promise
06:49Okay, excuse me. Let's see it. Yo, dude, I could see myself. Wait, Roxy. I see you too. What's up, dude?
06:56Wait, you see me? Yeah. Yeah. Hi and I see the girls. It looks like they're talking about something
07:05I'm being very quiet. Okay, let's see what they're saying girls were in a major problem
07:10We need to find somewhere to get it girl
07:12But where could we get it? Oh, I know the 24-hour store on can't probably have something for us
07:19Yes, and we're gonna be way better than them. Come on. Let's go. What were they?
07:28My gosh, that was trippy. Okay, wait, we went upstairs. They went downstairs, but
07:34Guys, do you even realize what they just said? Wait, what did they say? They said they want to buy something
07:39No, don't be silly Roxy they want to get new boyfriends and so they're going to I'd get
07:45To buy a better boyfriend than us. Oh, no
07:49I'm the most handsome one in the group
07:52Okay, but um
07:54Roxy what do we do? Our girlfriends are gonna leave us homes
07:57We have to go to Ankit and war them to not sell them boys. That is a great idea
08:02Come on, let's go and we can get there before them if we use the portal guides
08:06I'm a shoe one right there and then one right over there boys up hop on in
08:14Hello, where am I? Oh my gosh that worked perfectly and the girls are right there. We gotta be quick
08:19Oh, I'm sorry gonna make inside before them, but we got a portal gun. Oh and then
08:25To the back. Hello. What's up? What's up? Yep, it worked
08:30Bro, what is with all the commotion in the back? Oh, oh no
08:34Hi on kids, what are you guys doing? Are you trying to rob me? No, we're not trying to rob you
08:40Okay, Kevin, you look very suspicious get down. I'm sorry. Sorry. We're not trying to rob you. Yeah, we're just put that down, bro
08:47We're not trying to rob you bro. If you try and steal from me, I will die for my product. Okay, okay
08:53We're here because the girls are gonna come here any second and they're gonna try and buy boyfriends off of you, bro
09:00Yes, finally I've been having so many in the back I need to get rid of them what no I'm kit
09:06You can't sell them boyfriends. What is in it for me? It's going to make me a lot of money
09:11What are you going to give me?
09:13Um, I know look at this on kit
09:15I could take my portal gun and shoot it straight into the mines where there's a bunch of emeralds and then boom you can go
09:22Directly into the emeralds. Wait a minute, bro. Does that actually work? Yes, dude. Check it out
09:28Wait, we go straight into the mine. So now you could just mind whatever you want. Oh, oh
09:34My goodness. Okay. I'll tell the girls no boyfriends for sale. All right, awesome
09:39Come on boys hop on in and we have to disappear
09:42So, oh gosh, they're right over there hide behind me hide behind me on kit. We're here because we want to buy some
09:51Okay, I'm in the back one second. Oh
09:54Nah, bruh
09:57That is such a surprise actually that's not a surprise at all that makes total sense, bro, what are we gonna do?
10:03I say we just walk into the store like we're normal and then we ask the girls and we confront them about buying new
10:09Boyfriends. Oh, that's a great idea. All right
10:13follow me to the back and
10:15All right, boys for the boy sleepover. Let's go and buy things from on kids. Uh, oh, what are you doing here?
10:22Oh my gosh girls. What are you doing here? I had no idea you guys would come here
10:28No, don't look at me or that. I'm just selling things be quiet on kit homes. Are you following us?
10:36Following you guys we weren't doing that. Yeah, we were we were just following them. Okay. Yeah Roxy
10:42Can you put Kevin over there, please? Yeah, I'm so sorry continue. Yeah, we were just here getting stuff for our sleepover
10:49Maybe we're gonna buy some girlfriends. Babes. What's you're gonna buy girlfriends. Um, yeah, I'm gonna buy girlfriends
10:55What are you guys here to buy admit? It's a
10:58Girls, here is the shortcut box. Just don't say anything and you can leave immediately. Oh my gosh on kit. You're the best
11:05Okay, you are a snitch. Hey girls. Come back here. See you later. Oh
11:10Oh my gosh, okay. What is wrong with you, bro? I'm heading off to the mine. See you later, dude
11:17No, hey get back over here. I'll break at the portal. Are you serious right now guys?
11:23We just got totally bamboozled the girls got away with their boyfriend and I could got away to the mines
11:28Oh, that's so annoying. And look the girls just made it back to their house. Ah, what are we supposed to do now?
11:36Well, I say we kill the boyfriends. We're gonna kill people. Yes, Roxy
11:42Don't act like you haven't done that before here. Take a sword. Take a sword
11:46We're gonna go in there and we're gonna kill the boys and then we're gonna crash a sleepover
11:50Then the girls are gonna love us again. What do you say?
11:54That's your work. Nothing bad should happen. Yes, sir portal gun. Boom, and then portal gun schlub. Boom. Let's go boys
12:03That John is mad trippy what's good and are you serious the girls put a door, but that's so silly
12:10They think we can't just hit one of these
12:12Oh, okay
12:14We're inside now guys. Listen up if you hear any boys laughing or anything like that
12:21Okay, I'm listening. No. All right. Let's see. I don't hear anything. Oh my gosh on kick goddess with the best stuff ever
12:29Guys, wait, it's too risky. I'm just gonna put a portal above them again
12:32We'll put it right here and then right over here. All right, everyone come over here so we can watch
12:37Girls look inside was a note. Oh my gosh girl. What does it say? It says meet us at this location
12:45Okay, let's go. Follow me guys. What's it? Wait, they're coming down
12:50Oh my gosh. Oh, that is so trippy. Come on. Go girls already. All right, let's go. Oh
12:56Please smokes. We almost got caught. Oh, sweet. Where are they going? I don't know. They said they're going to a location
13:01Location, uh, they're heading towards that way boys portal got away. Let's hit over here and then right over there
13:10Oh my gosh, oh
13:13Sorry, sorry
13:15Really guys. Okay, they're going more down that way. Okay, I'm gonna shoot another one at that tree right over there
13:22And then one right here boys. How about it?
13:25Yeah, hi, what's good, dude, okay
13:28Okay, not really
13:30Bro, I'll shoot you another one here. Let me send one there and then boop. How about in dude?
13:35I am pulling up boop. I gotta break it. Okay. Now, where are the girls going? Huh?
13:42They're going to Larry's lab. What the whoa, what are they going there for? Oh
13:47To make the boys, they're probably robots. Oh my gosh, you're so ugly, bro
13:54That is not true. No way, bro. I'm way too handsome for that. Follow me boys
13:58and whoa
14:01Okay, dude, I eat it myself way too far Kevin, are you good? Yeah, fine. I'm good. I'm good. Come on boys
14:07Follow me up over here and whoa
14:10What the what is going on?
14:13It looks like they're making a chamber for something what where's Larry? I don't know. I'm calling him up. I'm snitching
14:20Yo, Larry. Oh, what's going on guys? Yeah, the girls are in your laboratory right now and they're making a concoction
14:27I think they're making robots. So come immediately. Holy smokes. I'll be there right away. Thanks for the warning. No problem, Larry
14:33Boys, I snitched. Let's go. How far is he? Hello? Anybody over here guys? Look, it's Larry. Wait, I'm shooting him a portal
14:41Let's send it like that. Hi, Larry. What the Sigma? Where am I? Hi
14:47We're on top of your laboratory because look
14:50Inside what in the world are those girls doing? I don't know
14:54Look, they got candles and stuff and it looks like they're trying to spot him
14:58Boyfriends because we were at a sleepover and I don't think they like us anymore. Holy smokes not in my laboratory. There you go, Larry
15:04I'm gonna send a portal you go and confront them. Whoa, this portal is really cool. Yeah, whatever
15:10I brought it to show-and-tell hop on in dude. All right. Thank you for that. So we
15:15Okay, bye. Okay boys. He's down there. Hey girls
15:19You must immediately stop all action or else. Oh my gosh. It's Larry girls guns out. Let's kill him
15:26Wait, what's up? Holy smokes. Wait girls. We can talk about this
15:33Yeah, oh my gosh
15:38That means whatever secret they're hiding they really want to hide I agree boys we all got our swords, right?
15:45Yes, sir. I'll say we confront them cuz this is getting way too out of pocket. Hop on in homes crew. We oh gosh
15:52Ouch, I just went flying back. No, bro. Okay. Wait. Wait. Oh my
15:58How do I do this bro, please? Okay. Wait. Oh my y'all someone please. Oh
16:04Poof are you? Okay, Kevin? Oh, yeah, I'm straight. All right. Awesome
16:12Boys I say we use the element of surprise. I'm gonna put a portal right on the top over there then right over here boys
16:21Stop what you're doing. Oh my gosh
16:24Ignore Kevin dying. Babes. What are you doing? No, no, no. What are you girls doing?
16:29Oh, no girls grab some of the liquid and run. Huh? What do you mean grab some of the liquid?
16:33What are you guys doing?
16:35Hey, where's it going? You're back. Oh, what's good? The girls are escaping and they took some of the liquids
16:41We don't know what's in it. Oh, how are we gonna catch him?
16:43I don't know why they're running when they know we have this boop. Wait, I miss boop. Wait, but book why I'm missing all my shots
16:49Yo, okay, let's hop in
16:52Alright boys and up this way. Let's set another one. Boop. Okay, and hop on in
17:00All right one over there and then one over here way hi girls
17:05We're running full speed. Yeah, this is really embarrassing girls under pearl to my house. What? Hey, not gonna happen
17:11You guys have been caught red-handed any move. Hey, I'm threatening you
17:15No, hey, are you serious right now? Oh say what to Megan's? All right portal and portal, right?
17:25Now they're inside Megan's house boys. They're hiding something and I'm can are you serious another door? Oh my gosh
17:34How are we gonna get inside do the same way? We've been getting inside with a portal and portal right in front of us
17:40How are we gonna get inside do the same way we've been getting inside with a portal
17:46Hello. All right, we made it and the girls are right here. What are they doing? All right girls. It should be working
17:53Yeah, come on. Keep going. Oh my gosh. What is happening? Okay, boys. We're crashing this party
18:01Stop right there. What's a what girls? Let's get out of here. You can't get out cuz there's a wall
18:07Oh, no, no, no girls, where are they? Where's the boyfriends? I know you're hiding them. Um
18:14What are you talking about? You know your boyfriends crystal? Where's your new husband? Huh? Babes? What do you mean?
18:20You know what? I mean, why'd you leave the sleepover right after show-and-tell?
18:25Girls, you've been caught. Wait, what? I didn't think they actually had new boyfriends. Wait, really girls. Were we not good enough?
18:32No, babes, we were just making something cause your show-and-tell item was so cool and we got embarrassed. Wait, really?
18:38What were you guys making? We're making this awesome potion. Check it out. It gives you super high jump boost. Wait, what?
18:46Wait, splash on all of us. Whoa, I have particles. Let's try. Oh my gosh, dude. This is
18:56Hey, babes, oh my gosh, okay. Wait, this is pretty cool
19:01Yeah, that's what we've been working on. Whoa
19:05Awesome, and you girls know that we could have just been playing with my portal gun instead of you guys being shy. Wait, really?
19:12Yeah, and uh, I think we should use the portal gun to go to the mines because I think I'd get stuck there
19:17Oh my gosh, come on. Let's go. Let's go. Oh gosh