• el mes pasado
Today Omz Megan Roxy Lily Crystal and Kevin Play Minecraft BUT Omz MARRIED Lily!

#minecraft #minecraftmod #omz
00:00Crystal, this potion for Roxy is gonna be perfect!
00:04Babes, are you sure this is gonna work?
00:06Yes, it's gonna work.
00:07This potion will make anybody fall in love with Lily.
00:12And we're gonna use it on Roxy,
00:14so they can date and we can go on double dates together!
00:17Babes, yes, and we can show them that we're the better couple.
00:21No, Crystal! We're not gonna do that.
00:23We're just gonna have fun with our friends.
00:25And flex on them!
00:27No! Oh my gosh.
00:29But we have to add a bunch of things that Lily likes.
00:33So this potion will make the person fall in love with her.
00:36So first things first, Lily loves cats.
00:39So let's get this fat cat and throw that John in there.
00:43And what else does she like?
00:44Babes, she loves cakes. Let's throw some cakes in.
00:48Oh, yes. Great thinking, Crystal. Cakes and cats.
00:51And oh, I know she also loves the color pink.
00:55So let's grab some pink dye.
00:58We grab some pink wool, some pink concrete, and pink flowers.
01:03And throw a concoction of these.
01:06Boop! Throw some pink wool. Boop! Pink concrete. Boop!
01:09And pink flowers. Like that!
01:12Whoa! Awesome!
01:14Okay, now for the final things.
01:16We need to throw some candy because she really likes sweets.
01:19Okay, this should be the perfect Lily potion.
01:24Babes, are we sure this is gonna work?
01:26Yes, I'm sure.
01:27Now all we have to do is grab a bucket and then, boop, grab some of this.
01:32Then let's go to the potion making machines and let's grab a normal bottle.
01:37And if we put it inside like this, put this over here, it should start.
01:43Oh, it's working! It's working!
01:45Babes, we're actually gonna get a love potion.
01:48Yep, and now all we have to do is throw it on Roxy.
01:51So let me get a phone and let me call him up.
01:53Yo, Roxy!
01:54Huh? What's up, dude?
01:56Can you pull up to the lab with Lily in like two minutes, please?
01:59Me and Crystal are here waiting for you.
02:00Oh, okay. I'll be there right away.
02:03This is gonna be awesome, Crystal!
02:05All we have to do is grab the Lily potion, splash it on Roxy, then he's instantly gonna be in love.
02:10Babes, this is genius.
02:12I know, right? Let's see if it's done.
02:14And it worked! Oh my gosh!
02:17Babes, did it actually?
02:19Yep, we have a Lily love potion.
02:21So we just gotta throw it on Roxy and it's gonna work, baby!
02:25And oh! Roxy, Lily, what's going, y'all?
02:28Hey, what you guys been working on?
02:30Oh, nothing. Don't look at that giant cauldron.
02:32Oh, it's pink. I wanna see. I wanna see.
02:35No, no, no, no, Lily. No, no, no. Oh, no.
02:39Ignore all the stuff that you like in there.
02:41Hey, what's going on?
02:43Why is there cake, pink stuff, and a cat in there?
02:47Uh, no reason.
02:48Those are all the things that Lily likes.
02:50Uh, me and Crystal were just experimenting on random things.
02:55Yeah, nothing weird going on.
02:57Um, excuse you guys, what is going on in my laboratory?
03:01Oh, hey, Larry, wait, I gotta tell you a secret.
03:03Don't tell anybody, but we made a Lily love potion.
03:07We're gonna throw this on Roxy,
03:09and then Roxy's gonna fall in love with Lily,
03:10so we can finally go on double dates.
03:13Yeah, Larry, you have to keep a low key.
03:15Why? Don't worry. I would never do anything wrong with this potion.
03:19What? I didn't say...
03:21This is not my llama, llama, llama.
03:23Oh, my gosh.
03:24Babes, what just happened to you?
03:26Ew, get away from me.
03:28Oh, man.
03:29All right, I'll see you guys later.
03:30Oh, my gosh. Larry, you idiot. Come here.
03:35What just happened? I feel a lot different.
03:37Holmes, are you okay? I saw Larry splash that pink potion on you.
03:41Oh, yeah, I'm okay, Roxy. Nothing weird.
03:49Um, hi, what's up, Holmes?
03:51Oh, she said hi to me.
03:54Um, uh, hi, um, hey, uh, do you want to go out to watch a movie sometime?
04:00Oh, Roxy, you want to watch a movie with us?
04:03Uh, yeah, sure, but Holmes, why'd you ask Lily?
04:07You usually ask me for stuff like that.
04:09Oh, um, yeah, yeah, sure.
04:11Roxy, you can tag along, but come on, Lily, let's go to the movies.
04:15Hey, why are you grabbing her?
04:17I mean, um, yeah, let's go, Roxy, yeah, I grabbed you, too.
04:20Now, come on, let's go to the movies.
04:22Wait, Holmes, why are you so excited to watch the movies? Is something cool playing?
04:26Yeah, yeah, yeah, I don't really care what's playing, as long as I can do it with you.
04:30What is going on right now? Hey, why are you taking my girlfriend?
04:34Uh, what did you just say, Roxy?
04:38I said why, I mean, um, um, what are you doing with Lily?
04:42Ching! She is not your girlfriend. Back up or I'll kill you!
04:47Uh, what? Um, you're acting strange, Holmes. I'm gonna get Crystal. I don't like this one bit.
04:52Yeah, go get her and leave me and Lily alone.
04:56Uh, okay, you're being really weird right now.
04:59I said go! Get! Haktua!
05:01All right, I'm out of here. Hmm, he's being so weird right now.
05:05Now, Lily, now that we're alone, come on, let's go watch the movies.
05:09Um, okay.
05:11Yo, on kick, can we get two tickets for whatever's playing?
05:15Bro, um, what do you mean two tickets? Did you bring your booting, Crystal?
05:20No, I didn't bring Crystal, cause she's gross and ugly.
05:23I brought Lily, cause she's the opposite of gross and ugly.
05:27What the what? You're dating Lily now?
05:30Oh my gosh, Mr. Steal Your Girl, Holmesy.
05:33Um, yeah, duh, cause Lily's way more awesome, and I like cats, and I love pink,
05:39and me and Lily actually match our outfits.
05:41Crystal just has a random outfit on. It's pretty stupid, if you ask me.
05:44Oh my goodness! Holmes finally fighting back against the crazy fangirls.
05:48Here's two tickets. On the house.
05:50What? On the house? Honky giving us stuff for free?
05:54Whoa, that's never happened before.
05:56It must be because love is in the air, Lily.
05:58Um, what are you talking about?
06:02Oh, nothing. Come on, Lily, let's go to the movie theaters.
06:05We're gonna have so much fun!
06:07Megan, I'll take ten ice creams. I'm depressed.
06:10Girl, ten ice creams coming right up.
06:13What's the matter with you?
06:15My boyfriend, Holmes, I think he's in love with Lily.
06:19What the what are you talking about, girl? Holmes does not like Lily.
06:22Girl, I think it's true. I'm gonna go enjoy my ice cream alone. Bye.
06:27Ew, what? Lily, that is gross.
06:30Crystal! Crystal, are you in here? Hello?
06:34Oh my gosh, it's Roxy. I have to tell him nothing about the potion.
06:38Crystal, something weird is happening with Lily and Holmes. I think they're on a date right now.
06:43What? My babes is on a date with them? This can't be true.
06:47Yeah, it is true. He took Lily to the movies and hocked two on me and then made me run away.
06:54Are you serious? I can't tell Roxy what's happened.
06:58Huh? What happened? Crystal, you have to tell me so we can fix this. It's not right.
07:03It should be me and Lily, then me and Holmes, and then Megan and Kevin do their thing in the background.
07:08Uh, okay, fine. Holmes took a love potion and he was gonna use it on you and Lily, but he used it on himself by mistake.
07:16Are you serious right now? How are we supposed to repair him?
07:19We have to go to Larry's and make a new potion. Come on, let's go.
07:23That movie was awesome!
07:25Yeah, it was really cool. Um, can I go home now? I kind of miss Roxy.
07:29You are not allowed to leave. You're gonna be with me forever, Lily, whether you like it or not.
07:35Holmes, what is wrong with you? Why are you acting like this?
07:38I'm not acting like anything. I need a way for Lily to be with me forever.
07:43Uh, wait, it's the builder dude. Yo, um, can you build me and Lily, uh, like a wedding area?
07:51Huh? What do you mean a wedding area?
07:53I mean a wedding area. You know that tree next to all of our houses? Make that into a wedding area right now.
07:58That's gonna cost you some money, you know.
08:00How about instead of me killing you, you build it and I'll let you live.
08:05All right, my whole team's on it. We'll be there immediately. Just don't hurt us.
08:08Yeah, you better go.
08:11All right, man, I'm going. I'm going.
08:13Holmes, what is wrong with you? Why are you yelling at that guy?
08:16Lily, because I want to. And you know what? I'm locking you up.
08:20Wait, what do you mean you're locking me up?
08:23I mean I'm locking you up. You're coming to my house and I'm putting you where you could never escape until it's complete.
08:30What's complete?
08:31I'm not telling you, but the builder should be on it. Yo, Bob, are you starting my boy?
08:36Yes, we're starting immediately. Just don't hurt me or my family.
08:40All right, you better be quick or else I will hurt all of them.
08:43All right, man, chill.
08:44All right, Lily, you're gonna be right over here and I'm putting you down inside here.
08:49Huh? But why?
08:50Because I said so. Go, go.
08:53Holmes, you're scaring me.
08:55I'm not scaring you. I'm going to put you down here and I'm going to do a slash slash replace near one into some bedrock.
09:01Wait, why are you trapping me in bedrock?
09:03So you can't escape. Boom. Just like that. Now you're totally trapped in here.
09:09Hey, somebody help me. Hello.
09:12All right, Lily, stay put. I'm going to check up on Bob. Yo, Bob, how's it going right now?
09:17We're on it right now, dude. Look, we're building.
09:20Oh, very, very good, Bob. And is Bob number two helping?
09:23Yep, I'm helping as well. Don't worry. Just don't hurt me or my family.
09:26Yep. Make it really pretty. And you can decorate the tree and stuff. I want it to be awesome sauce.
09:31All right, we're on it. Don't worry, buddy. Just don't hurt me.
09:33Let's go. This is all for love because I love Lily.
09:37Lookie over here. It looks like I've got some mail. Let's see what's inside.
09:41Ooh, an invitation to Omes's wedding. Holy smokes. I never thought I'd see the day Omes and Crystal gets together.
09:49Hello, Larry. Larry, we have an emergency.
09:52Yeah, something's wrong with Omes.
09:55Congratulations, Crystal. I heard you're getting married. How's it going?
09:59Um, what? What do you mean I'm getting married? I am not getting married.
10:03Well, over here it says, Larry, you are invited to Omes and, wow, Lily's wedding.
10:10Lookie over here. We have a big plot twist.
10:13What? Omes is getting married to Lily?
10:16That is my babes, not Lily's babes.
10:19Welp, all right. Have a good day, guys. I'll see you later. Bye.
10:22Hey, no, no, no. Larry, get your butt over here. You're helping us.
10:27Um, what do you guys need help with?
10:29If you don't go in that lab and start making a potion to make Omes back to normal, we're going to kill you.
10:35All right, all right. Um, let's go back to the lab and I'll help you guys out. Just put that gun down.
10:41Yeah, you better, Larry.
10:43Crystal, I need you to explain what did Omes do in the cauldron?
10:47Well, he had it all of the things that Lily likes to make a Lily love potion.
10:52Wait, who are you guys going to use that on in the first place?
10:56We're going to use that on you, Roxy, but you want it to be complicated and not just tell Lily you love her.
11:02Um, what are you talking about? I don't love Lily.
11:05Oh, my gosh. He's still doing the little act. Embarrassing.
11:09Okay, we need things that Crystal loves to put in this potion to throw it on Omes.
11:14Crystal, what do you love?
11:15I love flowers. Let's throw some in there.
11:18And I love dogs because, you know, my babes is a dog.
11:21So let's grab some dogs in as well. And also some bones in like blue.
11:26Oh, good thinking. He's going to love that.
11:28And cyan.
11:30Oh, nice.
11:31Well, this should be a perfect Crystal love potion. Now let's grab a bucket and scoop it out.
11:36Yep. And put it inside of the brewing stand. Come on, guys. Let's do this.
11:40Whoa, we're like scientists.
11:42Yep. Now we just got to wait.
11:44Yo, Bob, hurry up. How much longer is this going to take?
11:48Sir, we just started building. What do you mean? It's been like 30 seconds.
11:52Let me see. I guess it's looking all right right now. We have fountains.
11:57Why is there just a pink one?
11:59Where is the blue fountain? It should be me and Lily falling in love, not just Lily.
12:05So what you're saying, Bob, is you want Roxy to come put a red fountain. Is that right?
12:09No, we were still building it. We didn't start it yet.
12:13Oh, so you're saying I should kill you.
12:16No, no, we're building right now. Trust me. We're starting immediately.
12:20That's what I thought.
12:22What is all the noises outside?
12:24Oh, look at what we have here. Bob, we have some great guests that can join us.
12:29Oh, that's really great, right?
12:31Yes, that's really great. Let me go invite them.
12:34Hello, Kevin and Megan. Welcome to my wedding.
12:37Oh, you finally got married to Crystal, huh? I was too late.
12:42Um, ew, never, ever, ever, ever, ever say something as gross and disgusting as the C word.
12:51Um, then who are you getting married to? Roxy?
12:54Ew, no, I'm getting married to Lily.
12:56What the what? No!
13:00Lily? I thought that was like your friend.
13:03Yeah, we started off as close friends and then she turned into my girlfriend.
13:07Um, well, does she want to get married?
13:10Yeah, she wants to get married. She's in my house right now getting ready.
13:14Oh, all right. Come on, Megan. Let's go say hi to her.
13:16Hey, wait, actually, um, no, no, no, don't look at her.
13:19Huh? Uh, we're gonna go check up on her.
13:22No, hey, no, no, no. You guys are not allowed in my house.
13:25Um, Lily, why is her name tag in the floor?
13:29Don't look. Hey, don't look.
13:31Help me! Help!
13:33Uh, this is awkward.
13:36What are you doing to her?
13:38Nothing. She's just on a relaxing vacation. Don't look.
13:43Oh my gosh, you kidnapped her? I want that to be me.
13:46Nope, not gonna happen, Megan.
13:48And as a matter of fact, I need someone to help me come up with an awesome outfit.
13:53So you two are on outfit duties. Come follow me to the bathroom.
13:57Holmes, I don't want to do it.
13:59Oh, really? You don't want to do it?
14:01Well, guess what, Kevin? You don't have an option.
14:04You shouldn't have came upstairs, buddy.
14:06Oh my gosh, what are you gonna do?
14:08I'm gonna kill all of you. I'm crazy in love with Lily, and I'm gonna get married to her.
14:12All right, Holmes, fine. We'll help you pick an outfit or whatever.
14:15Let's go. All right, let's go over here, and let's go into the wardrobe.
14:19I want Lily to be very, very, very impressed.
14:22So what do you guys think she would like?
14:24Well, she likes pink, right?
14:26Yeah, she does like pink, so maybe we could throw on some pink.
14:29Ooh, that's a fire backpack.
14:31And then maybe we could combine them with some pink blossoms.
14:36But you better throw in some blue so you can have a mix and match.
14:39Ooh, yeah. Megan, see, this is why you're here for your good ideas.
14:43Check out my cap. And then I can flip it.
14:46No, that's fire.
14:49Now let me look for a shirt as well. Let's see what we...
14:52Oh, I also... Oh, I can't have hair and a hat at the same time, but I do need a shirt.
14:56So let's see. We could put this on. Eh, no, not...
14:59Wait, actually, they have a blue version of it.
15:01Hold up, that's kind of fire.
15:04No, that's a dress. I need something that's spiffy.
15:07Something serious.
15:09How about a knight armor?
15:11Oh my gosh, that's kind of fire.
15:13Yeah, I'm feeling the knight armor a lot.
15:15So we'll wear that, and then I just need some fire shoes on my toes.
15:18Ooh, what about these?
15:21Nah, bruh.
15:24This is the perfect marriage outfit.
15:26Holy smokes, it's actually drip.
15:29And you guys have gifts for the wedding, right, Megan?
15:32Um, yeah, just put that sword away. I don't have gifts.
15:35Do you have gifts, Kevin?
15:38Yes, yes, yes!
15:40All right, well, you guys are invited to the wedding. It should be happening.
15:43Let's see how long. I need to go check up on the peoples over here.
15:46Help me!
15:48Oh, yo, Kevin, Megan, what are you guys afraid of?
15:51Um, we're not afraid. You're our good friend, Omza. Yeah.
15:55Um, what happened to you?
15:57Oh, now you want to talk back, Megan.
16:00Oh my gosh, I am so sorry.
16:03I think Lily needs help. Lily, what do you need help with?
16:05I want to go back to Roxy. I don't like this one bit.
16:10Bruh, I just realized.
16:12Wait, you realized that you're crazy?
16:14No, she needs help finding an outfit.
16:16So go inside there, and you guys are not allowed to leave until you help her find an outfit.
16:20What? No!
16:22Let me out of here.
16:24Go find her an outfit, and I'll let you out. Only if it's fire.
16:27Oh no. Wait, don't turn off the lights, please.
16:30Alright, I'm turning off the lights. Good luck, guys.
16:32Oh, my goodness gracious.
16:34Alright, I have my outfit looking swag.
16:37Now let's... Oh, my gosh.
16:39This is what...
16:47Nah, nah, nah, nah.
16:51Come here immediately!
16:53Um, yeah, what's going on man? Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, you think you're funny
16:59Explain this right here. Holy smokes out. That wasn't me and the colors must have got it mixed up. Oh, really?
17:06Hmm. We got the pink water the blue water and why is the red? Why is the red?
17:11Oh, I just thought it would look nice. I thought it was an artistic choice. Oh
17:15Oh, hey, let's see what you did. So if I go down the aisle and then I'm about to get married you have a
17:22Whoopee cushion. Nah, nah, nah, nah. Nah. Nah. Did Roxy pay you or something? Look, sir. No, no, no
17:27I it was just an honest joke. I just wanted to be funny
17:34Wait, please please
17:36Oh, no, he had more whoopee cushions Bob to Bob one has been replaced. I need you immediately
17:43Huh? What's going on? I need you to fix all the mistakes Bob one did um immediately. I'll do it right away
17:49Just don't hurt me like how you hurt him
17:51Yeah better come out good, but everything else is going perfect. Yeah
17:55It's now complete the crystal loves potion. All right, perfect. Now we just have to throw this on my babes
18:01He's gonna be in love with me and then we're gonna get married. Um crystal
18:05I have a feeling that someone throw a love potion on you. Actually that does make sense, but let's go and throw it on him
18:11Yes, sir. We got this. Let's crash a wedding. I won't let Ohms get away with this. I'm gonna trap him
18:17Let's put some ghost blocks over here and he's gonna fall it into the whoopee cushions and get embarrassed
18:24Hello, Bob number two. Where are you? Oh, I'm nowhere. Hey, what's going on?
18:31I just saw you made a ghost block trap. Oh, no. No, no, nothing's going on here. Um
18:40Are you serious right now? Oh, no, I didn't do that. Hold up
18:46Did you try and embarrass me on my wedding day I was gonna fall in this during the wedding. Um, no, I
18:52Didn't do that. Get over here. No, no, no, please. Please. I said get over here Bob number two
18:58You're coming with me. Wait, what are you doing? So you wanted to trap me in here?
19:03So how about we trap you in there? Um, okay. Well, what are you gonna do to me?
19:08This is for Bob number one. You really thought you could disrespect me, huh?
19:13Good bye Bob number two. Wait, no, no. No, this is not a humane. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah be quiet. You're out of here boy
19:21Let's go now my wedding's gonna be perfect I just got to replace these blocks and you I won't get embarrassed now
19:28Oh, you're here to crash the wedding. Um, the wedding didn't start yet. One second. Let me get everybody wait, babe
19:34Oh, I need to show you something. Hey crystal. I just said it didn't start
19:37Yeah, I didn't see if Lily put on a fire dress. Okay, that should be done
19:41Oh, we're finally finished. All right. Hey guys, then
19:45What are you wearing Kevin? Oh nothing. Just my wedding suit. Um
19:50You're wearing a dress. Oh, yeah, cuz I feel pretty what about it?
19:54Okay. Okay. Megan. I'm messing with the drip. Uh, y'all I'm a patty. How about we just get married? I know. Thanks and oh
20:02my gosh
20:04Lily you look so amazing. Okay time to get married
20:08You have to go Lily you have to go come on check it out
20:12I built all this just for you all by myself with my hands. Oh, oh my goodness. I'm so excited for this, bro
20:18I got front row seats. Uh, I'm kept. Thank you. You're like the only person I know that's actually supporting me, you know
20:24No problem homes. I love the chaos. Yep. Ohms. We made something for you
20:30Crystal throw it babes. You're coming back to normal. Oh
20:34Oh gosh, and I feel different but the potion it Roxy and Lily to crystal you look beautiful
20:41Yes, seriously, babes. You look beautiful. Yeah, I love your face. Um guys back up. I have a gun
20:52Leave me alone
20:53We will
20:54So a crystal come here. Come here. What are you guys doing? What happened to the wedding wedding?
21:00I want the wedding to be with crystal. No, I want the wedding to be with crystal. No, I want it
21:06I'll kill both of you. Oh, really? I'm the one with the sword. So I'll kill both of you for her
21:11Well, I have dinosaur teeth. Come here
21:15Leave me alone. Leave me alone. Oh my gosh. This is really bad. Throw up the rails
21:20Roxy back up off of me. You don't want smoke homes. I'll kill you in one bite. Oh, really?
21:26Trap trap, I'm a break a hole for you. What's up now?
21:30And I'm gonna get Lily inside there. Boom
21:34This is my perfect time to strike a Lily love potion. Oh, oh gosh, huh? Oh
21:41Lily you look awesome. Wait, you really think so? Yeah, I
21:46Like your outfit and stuff. Well, I like yours, too. Huh?
21:51What's going on homes I made them fall in love just like the first plan whoa, and where's crystal come here crystal
22:00Where is she? Yeah, babes. Wait, is it just you? Yeah, it's just me. You want to get married? Yes
22:05I want to get married. All right, come on. Let's go
