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00:15Thank you so much.
00:20Thank you so much. What a lovely welcome.
00:22And good evening to everyone, good evening at home.
00:24Welcome to The Jonathan Ross Show.
00:27We're back for a brand-new series
00:29and we have got a fabulous show lined up for you tonight.
00:32So let's have a look at who's in my green room.
00:34First up is a comedian turned actor
00:36turned nation's favourite ballroom dancer.
00:39It is, of course, Mr Chris McCausland.
00:48Alongside Chris is another champion of the cha-cha.
00:51She's also a dancing on ice judge,
00:53a presenter and, after her stint in the jungle,
00:55she's now a big fan of a cockroach smoothie.
00:58The fabulous Oti Mabuse!
01:02So great to see you again, Oti.
01:04Class, I'm very excited.
01:06We have an incredibly talented actor
01:08who's gone from mad men to good girls.
01:11It's the brilliant Christina Hendricks!
01:15Christina, thanks for joining us.
01:17And on the show tonight, an award-winning actor
01:20who's played everyone from Logan Roy to Hannibal Lecter.
01:23From Winston Churchill to Santa Claus.
01:25That gives you an idea of his range.
01:27It is the one and only Mr Brian Cox!
01:33And if there's no-one in us,
01:35we've got some great music for you tonight
01:37from a band with six top three albums,
01:39with their latest one going straight in at number one.
01:41It's Snow Patrol!
01:47So that's the show.
01:49Before I get my guests out, let me just say,
01:51yesterday, of course, was Valentine's Day.
01:56And if that's news to you, you might be in trouble.
01:59Any parent, of course, would tell you that there's nothing sweeter
02:02than getting a Valentine's Day card from a child.
02:04You know, sometimes your kids, they send their parents
02:06a Valentine's card, which is lovely,
02:08although they don't always nail the sentiment.
02:10Have a look at this one.
02:12It says, thank you, Mum, for making me food so I don't die.
02:18But you know the sentiment is there.
02:20And even when they get the white message,
02:22of course, sometimes spelling could be a bit of an issue.
02:24Look at this one. It says, I love my...
02:32I love my whore family.
02:35It's on a whiteboard, they could have wiped it out.
02:37But Valentine's Day can be tough, of course,
02:39because it's a time when you're meant to focus on your partner, OK?
02:42But those of us who have pets,
02:44they know that they often want to be a part of it as well.
02:46I've got two lovely dogs and they go everywhere with us
02:48and they sleep on the bed with us,
02:49so we couldn't have Valentine's Day without them, you know?
02:51And this next guy obviously went out of his way
02:53to create a lovely evening for his partner when they came home,
02:56and look what happened.
02:58Came home earlier to surprise my girl with a bubble bath
03:00for Valentine's Day.
03:09Shall we get on with the show?
03:11Let's get my first guest out.
03:13It's the fabulous Chris McCausland and Oti Mabuse!
03:30Chris, come on in.
03:32I'm glad to see you.
03:33All of us, come on in, come on in.
03:39Come and sit yourself down.
03:41Well, it is lovely to have you both on the show.
03:44You two have... I believe you've met before, haven't you?
03:47I was unfortunate enough to run into Oti's optimism
03:51just before I did Strictly at the NTA's National Television Awards,
03:55and I was terrified to do Strictly
03:57because I thought it was going to be a catastrophe.
03:59And she was just there. She'd had a few drinks.
04:01Yeah, I was very drunk, so...
04:03Oh, you'll be fine!
04:05Do you know when somebody keeps on, like, telling you
04:07that you'll be fine and you're like,
04:09you don't know the half of it?!
04:11What was the worst injury or pain you suffered
04:14during the course of Strictly?
04:16Diane tried to do this move with me that she'd seen on TikTok.
04:19She laid on the floor with her foot against my foot,
04:22and I had to stand up, I had to hold one of her...
04:25And pull her vertical body up straight.
04:28And it literally ripped me apart
04:30from my left arse cheek to my right shoulder.
04:33I felt meself undoing in the middle.
04:36And I went to see the... I went to see the physio.
04:39They literally gaffer taped me together.
04:42They get this medical tape,
04:44they taped my left arse cheek to my right shoulder,
04:47they reversed that the other way,
04:49they put one across the middle to hold the tape on,
04:51and they pushed me back out.
04:53Between you, you are champions, Strictly champions,
04:56because, of course, you've won the glitter ball.
04:58And, Oti, you won it twice, didn't you?
05:00Yes, I did. Can you say that a little bit louder?
05:03Which is amazing and fully deserved.
05:07And it's a big trophy, isn't it?
05:09No. It's a little tiny one.
05:12So they give you the big trophy on the screen, and they have it,
05:16and then once you've won and the credits come up,
05:19they go, thank you very much, and they give you the tiniest,
05:22tiniest, and they go, enjoy your day. Bye.
05:25I'm not going to lie, after four months of hard graft,
05:27it's a little bit disappointing.
05:29How confident were you going in there?
05:31Because you just said you won, but, I mean, seriously,
05:34was it something that you were fearing?
05:36Yeah, so, like, it wasn't something I could go back and look at.
05:39You know, you get asked to do any show,
05:41you can go back and listen to it and see what it's about, you know.
05:44There's no point just listening to dancing, is there?
05:46So I didn't know what I was getting into,
05:48I didn't know how good the good people were,
05:50I didn't know how bad the bad people were,
05:52that I just needed to be better,
05:53I had to not be the worst person that's ever done it.
05:55I didn't know what the lifts were, how fast they went,
05:57what the costumes were, it was the whole thing.
06:00I mean, like, if you're not very good at Strictly,
06:03you just kind of...
06:04For anybody else, you run the risk of just being a bit goofy,
06:07maybe doing a bit of dad dancing, you know,
06:09whereas I ran the risk of literally ending up in the audience.
06:15It could have been... On live TV, there's no good edit, is there?
06:19Did you feel, like, under more pressure?
06:21Because, obviously, to an extent, you being you,
06:23it's like you're representing a different sort of people,
06:25you're showing people that someone can do something
06:27who they wouldn't normally expect to see on that show.
06:29Yeah, well, I was representing blind people,
06:31so I'm not going to watch it.
06:38I don't care, do I?
06:44But, as we said, you know, you not only did brilliantly every week,
06:48but then you won, of course, and I'd like to remind people now,
06:51this is some shots of Chris in action and the moment when he won,
06:54and it's a really beautiful moment.
07:18Chris Anderson!
07:29Oh, dear.
07:30Such a lovely moment.
07:32It was emotional, Jonathan. It was emotional.
07:35We did this waltz, and she said I couldn't have done it more beautifully.
07:38She said, I nailed it, and as we got to the end,
07:40we were meant to link arms and just walk off the stage,
07:43and as we linked arms, she just crumpled, and then I crumpled,
07:47and the two of us were in bits, and...
07:49Oh, it was a lot, you know.
07:51It's so... I mean, it is a lovely thing.
07:53I wonder, do you miss dancing on the show, Oti,
07:55because it was such a big part of your life?
07:57It was a huge part of my life, and I'm always grateful to Strictly,
08:01because, you know, I wouldn't be sitting here without it,
08:04and we talk about it all the time.
08:06But now I enjoy it, as a fan, and I choreograph on the show.
08:09Yeah, so you work before the show starts, you help the dancers?
08:12Yeah, I help them, well, not help them, we create a number,
08:15and then they invite you to come back and to choreograph,
08:18but I still dance, I still actively dance, I'm going on tour,
08:21so dance will always be a part of my life,
08:23but now I'm watching Strictly with my baby girl and a glass of wine,
08:27and I'm like, whoo! Look at Chris go!
08:30You're watching at home with your family,
08:32and Chris, your family presumably were watching you from the studio
08:35most weeks, I think, weren't they?
08:37So, my wife and my daughter watched it at home, my daughter's 11,
08:41they have an age limit in the studio,
08:43and she was so nervous on that first episode that it wouldn't work,
08:46or that I'd, you know, make a fool of myself,
08:48or embarrass myself, or fall over or something,
08:50and when we did that first move where we danced off down the dance floor,
08:54she burst out crying and she missed the whole thing.
08:57She had to watch it back, and she was nervous every week,
09:00but like me, she got better at, you know,
09:03her expectations kind of rose a little bit,
09:05and she got a little bit better at it, to the point where by the end
09:08she was just throwing things at Craig on the telly.
09:12Oti, since you were last on the show,
09:14very lovely, beautiful, exciting news,
09:17you have had a baby. Yeah!
09:19You've got a little girl. Oti has a lovely little girl.
09:22Is she one now? She's one now.
09:25One with all the attitude that her mum gave her, and I didn't mean to.
09:29Yeah. Well, I was wondering, is she like you?
09:31Do you see yourself in her behaviour, in her kind of...?
09:34So much. She doesn't like to be told what to do.
09:37She tells us what to do.
09:39We haven't slept, really, in a year. I'm surprised that I'm here.
09:42Oh, did you get one of them? Oh, yeah.
09:44I got one, and she wakes up in the middle of the night
09:46and she just starts dancing, and I'm like,
09:48no, no, please sleep.
09:50We don't want to see your leg being pointed out at 2am.
09:53When my daughter was, honestly, the whole first year,
09:56it was like living in Guantanamo Bay.
09:59With more shit on the walls.
10:01They do that, don't they?
10:03They just wiggle when you're changing their nappies.
10:05Well, you try and do it with your eyes shut as well.
10:15Is she going to follow in your footsteps?
10:17You said she wants to show you that she's pointing her foot out.
10:19Does she want to dance? I know it's very early, but...
10:21Do you know, I think as a dancer,
10:23you don't really always want your child to do the same thing.
10:26I'll support whatever she does,
10:28but, I mean, I'm hoping she'll be, like, an astronaut,
10:32or, like, build lakes off the moon.
10:34You don't want to see her for a year?
10:37No, it's just... I don't want her to just move out.
10:39I want her to leave the planet.
10:43Because your family, it's an incredible family,
10:45because, obviously, we know Motsi, of course. Yeah.
10:47But your other sister, she's an engineer, is that right?
10:50Yes, she's a mechanical engineer, and she provides...
10:54She builds wind farms, which provide water for people in townships,
10:58and she designs those farms, so she provides water,
11:01which is an amazing thing.
11:02So I would love my daughter to do something
11:04that provides for communities and people to live better lives.
11:08Wow. What a family, though. Oh, thank you. What a family.
11:13OK, so, I mentioned Motsi, of course.
11:15Motsi is a judge on Strictly.
11:17You are now a judge, and you have been for one hour, on Dancing On Ice.
11:20I know, four years. Can you imagine?
11:22Really, four years now? They've kept me for four years!
11:25But Motsi is always very positive on Strictly, I've noticed.
11:28So am I!
11:30And, well, online people often say that you are a little harsh
11:34in your scoring when it comes to Dancing On Ice.
11:38Yes, I think I try to be positive, and then the red light goes on,
11:42and it just comes out of my mouth.
11:45But I'm trying, I'm trying to help, that's how I see it.
11:49I can't imagine you being mean.
11:51Yeah, I know, cos you've only seen me on Prosecco, so...
11:56On Prosecco! I try to help...
11:58I thought you were going to say, on Prosecco!
12:02Let's just ask you, who's going to win Dancing On Ice?
12:04It's going great, and this is who's left in it.
12:06We've got Michaela Strachan, who's doing great.
12:08She's brilliant, doing it for the ladies.
12:10Anton Ferdinand's still in it, of course.
12:12He's brilliant. Yeah, yeah. He's, like, bringing the strength...
12:15But being a footballer, he would have that athleticism already,
12:17wouldn't he? Yeah, so he's thinking he needs to bring out the performance.
12:20Then we've got Dan Edgar from TOWIE.
12:22Which everybody loves. Yeah.
12:24They love the face. What was that accent? I'm not quite...
12:27Everybody loves... OK.
12:29Young people do love the way Dan skates and looks.
12:32Yeah. It helps. It helps.
12:35Molly... I'm not sure what happened there.
12:37I just thought that was when the Prosecco kicked in.
12:40Chris thought another guest had joined us, and I've been in reverse.
12:44Everybody loves...
12:46We've got Molly Pierce from The Traitors.
12:48She's still in. Lovely, yes.
12:50Sam Aston from COI is there.
12:52And Charlie Brooks from EastEnders. Yeah.
12:54So, if you had to put money on it, who do you think is going to be...?
12:57I can't say. I can tell you maybe my final three.
12:59OK, tell me your final three.
13:01OK, I'll say Michaela, Dan, and the last one, I don't know.
13:04So I'm going to say Sam.
13:06Michaela, Dan and Sam will be your last three.
13:08And from those three, who will win?
13:10Then it's up to the audience who will watch the final of Dancing On Ice.
13:13I guess it is. See what I did there?
13:15Yeah. But they're all good. They're all great to watch.
13:17That's the thing. I think this is the highest standard of...
13:20..of a group that we've ever had on Dancing On Ice.
13:22Can you ice skate yourself? I can go from A to B.
13:25Yeah, but you can't do the moves. I can't do... No.
13:27What gives you the right to judge?
13:29Yeah, exactly.
13:31The fact that I'm born sickly cut dancing two years in a row.
13:34Chris, I'm sitting here thinking...
13:36I'm thinking the same thing, but I'm thinking,
13:38I'm not going to ask that.
13:40I mean, it's really funny.
13:42Nobody asked Craig what gives him the right to judge, you see?
13:45If you've missed it, you've got another few weeks of Dancing On Ice
13:48coming your way, so don't miss it,
13:50and we're building up towards the final now.
13:52Chris, would that be something... Could they tempt you?
13:54Now you've conquered the ballroom, could they tempt you onto the ice?
13:58Do you know what? I always...
14:00I said on Strictly that, like, you are capable of more
14:03than other people think and that you think,
14:06but I didn't really mean it.
14:09No, I mean, even I've got a line.
14:11Like, I would literally be in a double cast within half an hour.
14:15I do not ice skate.
14:17At Christmas, me daughter goes ice skating,
14:19and I stand at the side.
14:21My wife goes ice skating with me daughter,
14:23and I stand at the side, and I take photographs
14:26whenever I think they might be going past.
14:29And then when they come off,
14:31me wife has to delete all the photographs of other people's kids.
14:39As you know already, and you've seen this with Chris,
14:41he's a very, very funny man, and he's on tour at the moment.
14:44The tour Yonks is going on.
14:47Until May of next year.
14:49Oh, that's a new standard for May 26th.
14:52There's no dancing, obviously.
14:54Well, no, there's no Diane,
14:57and there is a drop right off the front of the stage.
15:00But if you're going to go, die at the Palladium.
15:03Well, yeah, I mean, we were considering the dancing,
15:05but we couldn't get the insurance.
15:08OK, so speaking of dancing, though,
15:10Oti is back on tour with a big new dance show.
15:14Viva Carnival.
15:16Starting in June of this year, is that right? Yes.
15:18OK, tell us about this.
15:20Is it about one specific carnival, or just carnival music generally?
15:23It's about most carnivals that are really special to me.
15:26So we'll be covering Brazil carnival,
15:28the Argentine one, the African carnival.
15:31We'll also be doing Glastonbury.
15:33And I think it stems from my desire to travel and see the world,
15:37and the fact that with carnivals
15:39you get people from different walks of life coming together
15:42and just enjoying dance and music.
15:44But, Chris, you know what?
15:46We could go and enjoy Oti's show together.
15:48Yeah. I would love that.
15:50You could give me the audio description there, Jonathan.
15:52Yeah, I would do.
15:53They're dancing.
15:55They're still dancing.
15:57I used to have a mate when we were in the pub,
15:59he used to commentate on the golf for me,
16:01and his commentary was just grass, grass, grass,
16:03sky, sky, sky, sky, grass, grass, grass.
16:09I'm hoping maybe at the end of the show
16:11would you show us a few carnival moves?
16:13I would love to.
16:14Chris, are you up to learning a few new dance moves?
16:17I mean, I'll have a go, yeah. Yeah.
16:19I'm a little bit out of form at the minute, you know,
16:21but I'll give it my best.
16:22I should imagine Oti's probably a bit out of form as well.
16:24I mean, no, I'm not.
16:26I'm fit.
16:28Have you seen my dress, Jonathan?
16:34So at the end of the show, stick around
16:36and we'll see some moves from Oti and maybe from Chris as well.
16:39Maybe we can get Brian Cox up on the Dutch floor.
16:41So don't go away,
16:42because up next we'll be joined by Christina Hendricks.
16:44See you after the break.
16:57Welcome back to the show.
16:58Let's get my next guest out.
17:00You will know her from the incredible series Mad Men,
17:03from the movie Drive, from Good Girls.
17:05She's also in Toy Story 4.
17:07It is the fabulous Christina Hendricks.
17:19Christina, hello again.
17:21The charts are going. Come and sit down.
17:23You can sit down here.
17:26If you sit near me, you've met Chris and Oti.
17:29Welcome to the show.
17:30I'm so excited you're here,
17:31because I am, like, the biggest fan of Mad Men.
17:33Do we have any Mad Men fans in this evening?
17:36What a show.
17:37What an incredible achievement in television that was.
17:39How many years did you film that for?
17:41It was a decade.
17:42A decade. Ten years of your life.
17:44Yeah. That's amazing.
17:45Very special decade.
17:46And I got the feeling, and please, I hope I might,
17:49that it was a pleasant experience, that you all got on.
17:52It was a dream. It was a dream.
17:54I mean, they're, like, our dysfunctional family,
17:57but we all, you know, keep in touch and we've got text chains
18:00and check in on holidays and things.
18:02And you're still in touch, of course.
18:04Did you take anything from the show with you, though?
18:06Are you the sort of person who either asks to be given
18:09or indeed just steals things from the set when they leave?
18:12If it wasn't glued down, I took it.
18:16No, I mean, the special thing about that show
18:18is a lot of the stuff is in the Smithsonian.
18:20Some of the costumes travel around
18:22to different exhibits still to this day.
18:25But I've got some ashtrays and I took a piece of art
18:28and a few things that were in Joan's apartment
18:30are now in my home and I look at them every day.
18:32It's special to me.
18:33I'm such a fan of the show.
18:34I have one of the lights that used to hang in the boardroom
18:37in my house.
18:38In what room?
18:39In the boardroom. In the boardroom.
18:41How did you get that?
18:43I know a guy who knows a guy.
18:45Yeah, apparently you know more guys than I do.
18:47Yeah, yeah.
18:48Chris, did you take stuff from shows you worked on?
18:50Did you take anything from Strictly?
18:52I did. I took me Strictly come dancing embroidered dressing gown
18:56and I haven't had the face to wear it at home yet
18:59in case somebody knocks at the door and I forget I've got it on.
19:04Oti, are you also a thief?
19:06Oh, yeah, I took everything.
19:08I took wigs, lashes, dresses, shoes.
19:12I love it.
19:13And on Dancing On Ice, which is nice,
19:15the costume department actually gifted me a jacket
19:17because they were like, you're stealing too much,
19:19we're going to gift you something.
19:21And it was bedazzled and it said Dancing On Ice on it.
19:23And there's a thing that I found out about that I thought was,
19:26which I never knew about you, that you have dual citizenship,
19:29that you have an English passport as well as an American one
19:31because your father was English.
19:33Yes, my father was born in Birmingham
19:35and my grandmother was English.
19:37So around 18 years old, I overheard someone saying,
19:40oh, I have dual nationality and I went, excuse me, hello,
19:43what did you just say?
19:44And I called the consulate and, you know, within a few months,
19:47all of a sudden I had dual nationality and it's been fabulous.
19:51So you were born in America then, your father had already gone to America?
19:54Yes. OK.
19:55And so you didn't have the joys of growing up in Birmingham,
19:57you grew up somewhere in...
19:58I've actually never been to Birmingham.
20:00You've never been to Birmingham? No, I've still never been.
20:02What are you doing after the show?
20:05I hear it's like Paris.
20:07No, you know what?
20:09I'd love to see your first interaction
20:11with the accent in Birmingham.
20:13Did your dad have a Birmingham accent?
20:15He didn't. He left very young.
20:17So it never even occurred to my family
20:19that I could have dual nationality.
20:21And I just sort of figured it out on my own.
20:23Are you tempted to go back there, though?
20:25Are you tempted to visit where your father...?
20:27Oh, of course, I would love to go.
20:29Yeah, any chance I would get.
20:31I hear there's a great shopping centre.
20:33There is! The Bull Ring is still there.
20:35Yeah, I have a friend who used to sing
20:37the Bull Ring shopping centre song to me.
20:39But you spent quite a lot of time up here, didn't you?
20:41When you were younger, I think you were modelling here.
20:43Yeah, I moved here after high school.
20:45I had some friends who had moved over and they said,
20:47why don't you come to London?
20:48And then I just fell in love and became such an Anglophile.
20:51OK, so you've been over in Ireland recently.
20:54Yes. Filming a big new show
20:56and I'm lucky enough to have seen it all in advance,
20:58so I can recommend it to you. It's great fun.
21:00It's really lovely. Very, very funny.
21:02Maybe you could tell us about it and you can give us away
21:04as much as you feel comfortable.
21:06Well, there is a bit of a supernatural...
21:09Sort of science-fiction-y...
21:14..lean to it, but it's really about this small town in Ireland
21:18and bringing a Hollywood production
21:20of sort of like a bad Game of Thrones.
21:22It's called I Am Celt.
21:24And we bring I Am Celt back to Ireland,
21:27which is where my character was raised but moved away
21:31at a very young age and sort of recreated herself.
21:34And you find out that maybe some mysterious thing happened to her
21:38in Ireland that sent her away years ago.
21:40And it's written by the brilliant Chris O'Dell.
21:43Did he direct some of them as well, I think?
21:45He directed some and he stars in, I think, half of them and wrote it.
21:48And, of course, he's hilarious and it's special and unique
21:51because he has a really bizarre sense of humour.
21:53Yeah, it's a really... You hear his voice in it.
21:56Yes, exactly.
21:57This starts on Sky on Thursday 27th February.
21:59It's called Small Town Big Story. Have a look at this.
22:03Will it be your first time in Ireland?
22:06Have you been living in America?
22:08And now you're back to tell the story of your people to the world?
22:18I'm sorry, is he being a cow?
22:21Who says I know the producer lady?
22:23She called a surgery looking for you.
22:28What a lovely life you've built.
22:32It's all a lie, of course.
22:34Were you friends with my dad?
22:37Kind of.
22:38Are you going to tell them all what happened, Shamey Proctor?
22:43You and me in the woods on the night of the millennium?
22:51There you go.
22:53Small Town Big Story.
22:55It's on Sky and Now from the 27th.
22:59And you can see from that, you can see we were sort of like
23:01dancing around it, but you can see there's a big beam of light,
23:03so there's a kind of a UFO element in it.
23:06And I'm wondering, are you someone who believes in that kind of thing?
23:11You know, I'm open to it,
23:13but I've never had my own experience until...
23:17..we went to Dublin to get ready to shoot this show
23:20and my now husband, my boyfriend at the time, was outside.
23:24We were waiting to have a mattress delivered to the house
23:27cos we were going to be there for several months,
23:29we needed a comfortable bed, and it was late at night
23:31cos we had just come into town and he was like,
23:33I'll go outside and wait for this delivery.
23:35And I'm sitting inside getting the bedroom moving furniture around
23:39and waiting and George comes in and he's white as a ghost
23:43and I went, what happened?
23:45He goes, you're never going to believe this, I just saw a UFO.
23:48And I know this man so well,
23:50I looked at his face and I'm like, he saw a UFO.
23:52Wow. And he took a picture.
23:54And you've shared the picture with us, OK?
23:56So, before I show you the picture,
23:58Chris, are you a believer in this kind of thing?
24:00It would be insane to think that there can't be aliens.
24:03Thank you. It's so big out there, innit?
24:05And it's like, there's got to be, hasn't there?
24:08Oti, what's your opinion?
24:10Jonathan, I'm African, we can't handle this.
24:12We can't deal with aliens and the witches.
24:16The last time we had a robot movie in South Africa,
24:19people thought it was real.
24:21My heart is shaking right now.
24:23I'm like, what? You saw what in the sky?
24:25Anyway, here's the picture. Chris, I'll explain it to you.
24:28So, it's just a kind of city of...
24:30It's just a little cityscape, a small town
24:32and we've circled up on the top right,
24:34there's a little bit of light in the sky.
24:36So, then we pinched in on the photography centres, OK?
24:38Cos genuinely, I'm really excited about this.
24:40When we pinched in, go in a bit closer if we can, OK?
24:43And then you think, hold it, what is that?
24:45Cos that is weird, innit?
24:47And it was the way that it moved as well.
24:49Chris, so now we're looking at, basically, a flying saucer.
24:53Is it the same place where she's making a film
24:55where there's a flying saucer prop? Yes.
24:59Can you imagine? No, I mean...
25:01Can you imagine?
25:03What's the chances of there being a flying saucer
25:05in a place where you're making a programme about a flying saucer?
25:07It looks like a light hamburger. It really does look like something.
25:10He said it moved from here to here with, like, no acceleration.
25:16Just there, there, and then just disappeared.
25:18And then they dropped the mattress off.
25:20Yeah, and then we got the mattress.
25:25So, you mentioned he was your boyfriend at the time you're married now.
25:28You got married in New Orleans, didn't you? Yeah.
25:30I need to ask you this as well,
25:32because is it true that you proposed to each other?
25:35We did.
25:36We had been talking about getting married,
25:39and we read an article that a lot of lesbians
25:42were proposing to one another,
25:45and it seemed like a really sweet and, like, fair...
25:50Taking the pressure off one person or the other,
25:52that it shouldn't be one person's job or the other,
25:54and it just seemed kind of like a nice...
25:56And I thought, well, I want to be able to do it too.
25:59And he said, well, let's do that, but I still want to go first.
26:01And so where did he propose and where did you...?
26:03How different were the proposals?
26:05Well, we were actually in London.
26:07We had come to town for Vivian Westwood's memorial.
26:11She was a friend of mine, and it was important for me to be here,
26:15so we'd flown over.
26:17The next day, we were just in our hotel with jet lag
26:19and kind of sitting there, and he said,
26:21I don't know how to do this.
26:23And I went, would you like to do it right now?
26:25And I somehow knew what he was talking about,
26:27and he was like, yeah, I would.
26:29And so he got down on his knee and proposed.
26:31And then about a week later, we were back in Los Angeles,
26:34and I didn't want it to go too long
26:36before I, you know...
26:38So I got him flowers, and it was Oscar weekend,
26:41so I got him a little statue that said Best Boyfriend Award,
26:46because I was like, this is your last year
26:48to actually fall into this category,
26:50and I want you to be able to win this category.
26:52So we had a little Oscar theme to it,
26:54and I got down on my knee and proposed to him.
26:56How lovely. It was sweet. That's lovely.
26:58I'm now, of course, going to ask you, Chris,
27:00if you have a similarly beautiful proposal story to share with us.
27:05I proposed in Hyde Park, actually, during a Pearl Jam concert.
27:12Everybody was there. Pearl Jam were playing.
27:15I thought, there's no way I can hire them for a party,
27:20..might as well make the party here while they're here already.
27:23Yeah. OK, Oti, would you mind sharing yours?
27:25How were you proposed to?
27:27Well, he wanted to go watch the movie Planet Of The Apes.
27:31Very romantic.
27:33And I was like, this is not it.
27:35And he was really nervous, and I was like, why is he nervous?
27:38Then he took me to Hard Rock Cafe,
27:40and they were playing, like, metal rock,
27:43and I was like, this is not my vibe.
27:45But it's better than monkeys. Yeah, yeah.
27:48And then we just went back to the hotel,
27:50and it was on his birthday, and so we celebrated his birthday,
27:53and he said, happy birthday, and then I was about to go to bed,
27:56and he's like, wait, wait, wait, wait, before the day ends,
27:59he kissed me, and then he gave me the ring.
28:01That's sweet. Minus the monkeys, it was very nice.
28:04Oti, so he did make you go and see Planet Of The Apes?
28:07Because I used to like it back in the day,
28:09like, when I was in South Africa,
28:11and then they made more and more, and I grew up,
28:13and I was living in Germany, and I was like, no, thank you.
28:16I love it, but no, thank you.
28:19OK, well, let's find out whether Brian Cox has a similar story,
28:22because we're going to be joined by him in just a moment,
28:24so don't go away.
28:25Mr Brian Cox will be joining us after the break.
28:40Welcome back to the show.
28:42Let's get my next guest out, a brilliant actor
28:45and the only man who can make swearing sound like pure poetry,
28:48Mr Brian Cox!
29:00How fabulous that is. Thank you.
29:06Brian, thank you for being here. My pleasure.
29:08It's lovely to see you again. It's lovely to see you, Jonathan.
29:11You're doing well, by the way. Oh, thank you, that's very kind of you.
29:14Particularly on the screen. Am I looking good on the screen?
29:16No, you look good on the screen. I don't know about you in life,
29:18but on the screen, you look really good.
29:20I bought a rowing machine.
29:22Your private life is your own affair.
29:24Well, no, because after Christmas, I'm trying to get rid of this,
29:26I bought a rowing machine. No, don't get rid of it.
29:28Celebrate it. Why? Pardon? But you're trim.
29:31I know, because I'm a zempic.
29:36No, true! Really, you're a zempic?
29:38I'm a diabetic. Oh.
29:40A zempic is for diabetics, it is not for fat people.
29:43Yeah. No, it's for...
29:45So, Brian, then why did you suggest I take it?
29:47Cos I am not a diabetic.
29:49Oh, I thought you were, Jonathan, I'm so sorry.
29:52OK, since last year on the show, Succession,
29:56when the last time you were on the show, Succession,
29:58the final season hadn't aired. Yeah.
30:00We hadn't seen the finish, we didn't know what happened,
30:02we didn't know that Logan Roy, who you played so brilliantly,
30:05was going to die in that series.
30:07Well, Jesus Christ.
30:09Oh, no, spoiler. Spoiler, if you haven't seen it.
30:12No, because...
30:14I can't... Wait, what?
30:16No, because I... Smackdown.
30:18I forgot, because I've seen it so many times,
30:20I watch that series every time.
30:22I mean, it's called Succession.
30:24What do you expect? Somebody has to die in order to succeed.
30:27But they were going to kill him off in the first season, weren't they?
30:30Oh, that was a rumour. OK.
30:32It was a rumour that was given to me by my manager, which was nonsense.
30:36But how did you keep that a secret?
30:38Because everyone was keen to know what was going on,
30:40and filming those scenes, it must have been really,
30:42I would have thought, hard for you.
30:44Well, the interesting thing is that there was the funeral
30:49and there was all these paparazzi outside the church,
30:53the amazing church where they did the funeral.
30:55And they said to me, they said...
30:57Well, actually, it was me, it was my suggestion.
30:59I said, you know, I should be at the funeral.
31:01And they said, why? It's your funeral.
31:03I said, because I know that people, the paparazzi,
31:05they're going to want to know whose funeral it is.
31:07And if I appear, they won't, you know, they'll say,
31:10oh, it's somebody else's funeral.
31:12So what happened was we were driving to the church
31:15and they came on the line and said, we don't need you, Brian.
31:18And I said, no, you do.
31:20And I went up and as soon as I walked out of the car,
31:22there were hundreds of paparazzi there taking photographs.
31:25So I managed to get away from the fact that we didn't know it was...
31:29Well, yeah, there were headlines in the papers.
31:31Look, there you go.
31:32Succession's Brian Cox, Jeremy Strong and Nicholas Bourne
31:34look sombre as they film funeral scenes in New York, but who has died?
31:37So if you hadn't been there, of course, that would have given the game away.
31:40Exactly, exactly.
31:41At the moment, it's nearly Oscars, of course, in LA.
31:43A ceremony we all watch all over the world and we enjoy watching.
31:46And two of your sons, your screen sons,
31:49Kieran Culkin and Jeremy Strong, who played your kids in Succession,
31:52they're both up against each other in the Oscars.
31:55OK, so this is the time to ask you, who's your favourite child?
32:00Well, the problem is I won't watch anything
32:03that's to do with Donald Trump.
32:06And Donald Trump is in The Apprentice,
32:08which is what Jeremy's in, playing, well, what's he called?
32:11I've forgotten the name. The lawyer guy.
32:13The lawyer guy, yeah, the nasty lawyer guy.
32:16And I have seen Kieran's film, and it's wonderful, and he's wonderful,
32:20and I'm sure Jeremy is wonderful, because they're both...
32:23So I can't really judge,
32:24because I will not watch anything that's to do with that man.
32:27Yeah, yeah.
32:28I'm talking about Trump, that man, yeah.
32:38And as an actor, do you like the Oscars?
32:40Do you like the idea of the Oscars?
32:42Because I've always wondered whether, from an actor's point of view,
32:45because I know, obviously, you're there,
32:47you're celebrating your fellow actors' work as well,
32:49but at the same time, you're kind of pitted against each other,
32:52whether you like it or not, and whether that feels uncomfortable.
32:55Does that ever come up?
32:56Hold it, shall we get... Let's give Oti a glass of water.
32:58I know, I'm so sorry, I'm like...
33:00Hold it. I've got a clean bottle down here that hasn't been opened yet.
33:03You have that.
33:04Sorry, guys.
33:05Remind me not to take you to see Planet of the Apes
33:07if you're going to cough.
33:09Which Planet of the X was it you talked about?
33:12Oh, God, were you in one of them?
33:14I was in the...
33:23Of course, you were the nasty guy. I was the nasty guy.
33:25You often play nasty guys.
33:27Occasionally, yes.
33:28Were you the villain Monkey?
33:31Oh, no, sorry.
33:32I was the guy who owned the...
33:35The monkey factory.
33:36Yeah, I owned the thing, the creature.
33:38Well, you were brilliant in it.
33:42Thank you so much.
33:43That's high praise indeed.
33:44Now you have to call her on her anniversary.
33:48OK, so, Brian, I hope you don't mind me saying this.
33:52You have been acting now, professionally, for 63 years.
33:5563 years.
33:5663 years.
33:59What an achievement.
34:02One of the finest actors whose work I've ever enjoyed seeing.
34:05But I'm curious, before you started acting, or during that period,
34:09did you ever have other jobs in the real world,
34:11like jobs that were not related to either acting or show business anyway?
34:14I did work in a gym.
34:17And I used to book people's bikini waxes.
34:22What kind of gym is this?
34:25It's a gym that does bikini waxes.
34:26Oh, God, I'm not familiar with that one.
34:28They do workouts, and then there were always these Swedish women
34:31who came and said,
34:32have you ever been to one of my parties?
34:34That's how they all started.
34:35Have you ever been to one of my parties?
34:37And I said, no, I don't think so, ma'am.
34:39I said, so, I would like a bikini wax,
34:41and I would do the thing and send them off.
34:44Oh, you would do the wax?
34:45No, I wouldn't do the wax.
34:47No, I'm not a professional.
34:48A professional waxer did the wax.
34:50You'd do it as an amateur, then?
34:51Yeah, I did it as a... No, I didn't do it at all.
34:53As a hobby?
34:56Jonathan, please don't draw me on this.
34:59I tried to avoid doing bikini waxes.
35:02I wish I'd never brought the fucking subject up.
35:04OK, so...
35:06I'm sorry, I got excited.
35:10What about you, Chris?
35:11You obviously haven't worked in that sort of line,
35:13but have you had...
35:14What other jobs have you had before the comedian lifestyle took hold?
35:18Oh, yeah, nobody's letting me loose on their nether regions.
35:22My degree's in software engineering,
35:24so, like, I trained to be a website designer,
35:27and, you know, obviously, my eyesight got worse and worse,
35:30and if I'm honest, the websites got uglier and uglier.
35:33And I was unemployed for ages, and I couldn't get a job,
35:36so I thought, I'll volunteer for a charity.
35:38And I ended up volunteering for a charity
35:40that helped blind people find work, and I couldn't find any work.
35:44So, I wasn't very good.
35:48Christina, what about you?
35:49We know you modelled a bit in the past,
35:51but between the modelling and the acting, did you have other jobs?
35:53Well, my first job, and it was sort of my main job during high school
35:56was I worked at a hair salon.
35:57I was a shampoo girl, and then I was a receptionist.
35:59And did you enjoy it? Were you good at it?
36:01I loved it. I loved it.
36:02I used to make playlists for the salon and sort of set the tone,
36:06and I was a little goth girl,
36:08and all the hair stylists were very sweet
36:10and sort of took me under their wing.
36:12You were the goth? I was the goth.
36:14Wow. So, it was a great place for me to get my hair coloured,
36:16all sorts of weird colours.
36:17We've got a picture of Christina in her goth days.
36:19Let's have a look. I think this is from that goth period.
36:21Oh, yeah. There it is.
36:23Gothing out there.
36:24Mild goth in this picture.
36:25But you were not someone, I would think,
36:27because you have a kind of, like,
36:28now you have a kind of Hollywood glamour about you,
36:30so when you see goths in the street, do you feel a kinship?
36:33I am still goth inside, you know. I can tell.
36:36You can tell, yeah.
36:38I thought there was something strange about you.
36:40I'll see goths walking down the street and I'm like,
36:43what's up? What's up?
36:44And I think that they're going to be like,
36:46oh, she must be goth, but instead they just look at me like,
36:48why is that old lady looking at me?
36:50And I'm like, I'm like you, man.
36:52I'm, like, at school, and they're like...
36:54Goth forever. Yeah, goth forever.
36:55I know you were dancing professionally since you were very young,
36:58so I don't know, did you have jobs outside of dancing
37:00or was it always a career?
37:01I did. I was a waitress at Wimpy. Remember those?
37:05They're still big in South Africa. They're huge.
37:08I mean, how old do I look?
37:10Well, Wimpy was 200 years ago.
37:12But no, Brian.
37:14Brian, there are still Wimpies. Really?
37:16There are still Wimpies. Really?
37:18I occasionally go out and have the bender brunch.
37:20I feel like I've still seen this. Really? Where?
37:22There's one in Swanage. Swanage?
37:24Yes, it's a bit of a journey, but it's worth it for a Wimpy.
37:28So, Brian, before we talk about your new play,
37:31which I'm genuinely, as you know, very excited about,
37:33I need to ask you, earlier on we were talking about proposals
37:36and how people propose to each other.
37:38You are a married man. I am.
37:40Could you tell us about the proposal that took place
37:42between you and your partner? Yes. Who did what?
37:44We were on the point of splitting up.
37:47Which is a very good basis for a proposal,
37:50because what do you do?
37:53And my wife, my then-girlfriend, she had been to India.
37:58So, anyway, we sat down and we were talking,
38:04and she's wonderful, my wife. She's a fantastic person.
38:07So we made a decision that we either split,
38:11and then I thought, well, the other alternative is to get married.
38:14And she thought about it for about 25 seconds,
38:17and she said, I think that's a good idea.
38:21That's the least romantic story I've heard in my entire life.
38:24Well, I think...
38:26Well, we've been married 26 years as a result, so it's not too bad.
38:29So that's a lovely ending to it.
38:33So, anyway, we flew to Las Vegas,
38:37and she wanted to be married by...
38:40Now, she's probably going to be angry with me.
38:42She's out here now, so she's probably going...
38:44But I think she wanted to be married by an Elvis impersonator.
38:47And I drew the line at an Elvis impersonator.
38:49I mean, were you not an Elvis fan?
38:51No, I loved Elvis.
38:53But I didn't want to see him there with a book going...
38:56But what if he'd have done it like...
39:00Have you got a whole lot of love?
39:02I couldn't bear that.
39:04If you take her, say, ah-ha-ha.
39:09So I got married in the Little White Chapel.
39:13Which was lovely, and it was a lady,
39:15and her mother played the piano.
39:17And she didn't know that I was...
39:20She heard that I was Scottish,
39:22but she didn't know I'd been in Braveheart.
39:24So she played Unknown,
39:26she played the theme from Braveheart as we walked down the aisle.
39:30Which was slightly embarrassing, I have to say.
39:33But then we got married, and that was lovely.
39:35And we've been together now 26 years.
39:37Well, congratulations. That is a lovely end...
39:41..to an Elvis-bashing story.
39:44And this is Nicole. Nicole, yes.
39:46She's there somewhere.
39:48And you can see Nicole, because Nicole's an actor as well.
39:50You're working together in this new play.
39:52Yes, he plays my wife, ironically, in this new play.
39:54It's called The Score, and it sounds absolutely intriguing.
39:58Please tell us about it.
40:00It's a play about Bach, Johann Sebastian Bach,
40:03and it starts with him and his wife discussing the fact
40:07he's going to be going to Potsdam,
40:10which is where the king, Frederick the Great, lived.
40:14So Bach goes to the court,
40:16and then this whole kind of rigmarole happens with Frederick the Great.
40:20Frederick the Great had a theme
40:22that he asked Bach to improvise a three-part fugue.
40:26And Bach kind of observes this, and he plays his theme,
40:30and through understanding the music of what Frederick has created,
40:36he realises there's something deep about Frederick's pain, you know,
40:41and that's what the play really is about.
40:43He was an extraordinary man, Bach, because it was just all about the work.
40:47It was nothing else but the work and the fact that he had 24 children.
40:51Yeah. So he was busy at night.
40:55OK, so I'm very much looking forward to this.
40:57It's going to be amazing. Is there a lot of music in it as well?
40:59It's mainly dialogue, I imagine, but do you hear a lot of Bach's music?
41:01There's quite a bit. I do a lot of playing on the old...
41:03Can you play? No.
41:05It's pretend. I know, but...
41:07You could have learned.
41:09Well, I've got to learn the lines, that's hard enough, never mind the playing.
41:12What's he playing? Oh, I do play, I do play.
41:14But I don't play properly, but I do finger.
41:16I know what to do.
41:21I'm sorry, I didn't mean that at all, that's embarrassing.
41:27Are we back to the proposal?
41:29You can take the man out of the Brazilian gym,
41:32but you can't take the Brazilian gym out of the man.
41:35It's been a pleasure seeing you again.
41:37Thank you so much for joining me. It's lovely seeing you, Jonathan.
41:39So let me just recap.
41:43You can see the fabulous Brian Cox on stage at the Theatre Royal
41:46in Haymarket starting Thursday 20th February.
41:48Christina's incredible new show starts on Sky and now on the 27th.
41:52We've got Oti's tour to look forward to in June.
41:54Chris is on tour.
41:56Howdy, where were you? Someone shouted him here, then.
41:58I've got another part to go. I thought we'd finished the show.
42:01I'm so sorry. I thought that was the end of the show.
42:03I got so caught up in it. I took you in there.
42:05I know, but I don't look in the autocue.
42:07OK, so we'll do that again.
42:10Oh, Snow Patrol.
42:11Yeah, I know, never mind, don't start doing that.
42:14Don't go anywhere, because Snow Patrol will be performing
42:17right here in the studio,
42:19and Oti has promised to teach us all some carnival moves.
42:22See you after the break.
42:34Welcome back to the show.
42:36I'm still here with all my fabulous guests
42:38and we've still got Snow Patrol to come as well.
42:40I want to ask you a question, Brian,
42:42because obviously you've worked with so many actors,
42:44so many of the greats.
42:45Laurence Olivier you worked with. Yeah. Sir Laurence Olivier.
42:49Considered by many to be the finest activist generation.
42:51Yeah. Would you share that? Did you share that?
42:53Oh, certainly. I mean, if you saw Olivier on stage,
42:55I mean, he was astonishing. He was absolutely astonishing.
42:58I never did, but every film he was in, I thought he was incredible.
43:02But the first time you were meant to meet him,
43:04he'd asked you to come to him and the meeting didn't happen,
43:06is that correct?
43:07Well, what happened was I was working at the Lyceum Theatre
43:10in Edinburgh and I had this appointment with him.
43:13I was supposed to fly down to London to see him.
43:16And I got Scott's stage doorman, Jimmy, he said,
43:20oh, Brian, we found this, we know it.
43:23It fell down the back of your cubbyhole.
43:25And I said, oh, OK.
43:27And it was a note from his people, Olivier's people,
43:30saying he couldn't see me, he wasn't going to see me
43:33because he had other things he had to do,
43:36so he'd cancelled the interview.
43:38So I thought, oh, Christ, because I was all packed.
43:41It was those days when you could get late-night flights from Edinburgh.
43:44It shows you how long ago it was.
43:46It was something like £1.50 to fly to London.
43:48It was amazing.
43:49And I thought, oh, I can't be bothered, I won't go,
43:51I won't go to London, I'll just forget it.
43:53So I went home and the following morning I got up
43:59and there was a paper, you know the Sunday Post?
44:02It's a Scottish paper. Yeah, I know.
44:04And there was a Sunday Post line there,
44:06and in those days they used to have a thing,
44:08I don't know if they do it any more, called Stop Press,
44:10which was a thing at the back in red that told you,
44:12and it just said in the back, it just said,
44:14Edinburgh flight from Townhouse crashes at Heathrow,
44:18killing everybody aboard.
44:21And that's the flight I would have been on.
44:23Oh, wow.
44:24So, in a way, he saved my life.
44:27So I was kind of, sort of bowled over by it.
44:30That was it.
44:31We've been talking quite a lot about dance on the show this evening,
44:34for obvious reasons.
44:35Oti. Hello, Jonathan.
44:36I'd love to see you dance.
44:37We'd love to see you do a bit of dancing.
44:39Wouldn't we love to see Oti do a bit of dancing?
44:44And bearing in mind we're about to see,
44:46the big live show will be carnival-themed.
44:49Do you want to show us a couple of carnival moves, maybe?
44:51I would love to. Can we all do it together?
44:53Well, I don't know who's up for it.
44:55Chris, have you still got the moves?
44:57I'll have a go.
44:59Brian, are you going to come up?
45:01We're going to watch him over here.
45:04We're going to watch.
45:05Chris, if you would like to show us a few moves.
45:07And let's give Chris a round of applause.
45:09Come on, Chris.
45:10We're not going to see him dance much longer.
45:12I'll have to go over as well.
45:14Oh, my goodness.
45:15OK, two times together.
45:17Oh, and Jonathan.
45:18What are we going to do?
45:19So you're going to step up with your right leg.
45:21What are we doing first? What's this called?
45:23This is called a bachugara.
45:24A bachugara.
45:25Bachugara, yeah.
45:27Bachugara, originally from Brazil, yeah?
45:29We're going to step back with the right leg.
45:32That's it, now bend your left.
45:34That's it, that's it.
45:35And then you're going to move your hip towards the left.
45:38So you're going to move it... Yes, Chris!
45:40Then you're going to step back again with the left.
45:43Then you're going to move your hips towards the right.
45:45Oh, this is complicated.
45:46And you're going to do it again.
45:47Right leg back, hips.
45:49Left leg back, hips.
45:51Are we anywhere near the stairs?
45:53No, no, we're nowhere near the stairs.
45:56Then we're going to start again.
45:57We're nowhere near the stairs.
46:01So, you've got to imagine yourself at a festival,
46:04big feathers, music going.
46:06Which way, was it right first or left first?
46:08Right first.
46:09Come on, Jonathan.
46:10Right, you ready?
46:11Just fast, we're going to go seven steps.
46:14This is music.
46:15Step, hip, step, hip, step, hip, step, hip, step, hip.
46:20Where are we going?
46:21Keep going, keep going.
46:22Do we keep on going that way?
46:25Faster, faster.
46:27Step, left foot.
46:28Step, hip, step, hip, step, hip.
46:36People are like, how the fudge did he win?
46:44I should have retired in December.
46:47Let's go and sit down.
46:48Let's hear it again for Chris and Oti.
46:55I could watch you all day.
46:57I could watch you all day.
46:59And you too.
47:00OK, well, that is about all we have time for this evening.
47:03So, I'm going to ask you to say thank you to all my guests
47:05for a splendid evening.
47:13And I hope that you can join me again next week
47:16when my guests will be Gordon Ramsay,
47:18we have Olympic gold medallist Keeley Hodgson,
47:20Danny Dye will be here, the fabulous Vanessa Williams,
47:23the brilliant star of Baby Girl, Harris Dickinson,
47:25will be joining me, and Joan Armatrading will be performing.
47:28Oh, wow.
47:29But now, from their upcoming extended edition
47:31of their number one album, The Forest Is The Path,
47:34this is But I'll Keep Trying, Snow Patrol.
47:58I guess he's probably just fallen in love
48:04Sing it
48:06It looked exactly like falling in love
48:12Then she said
48:14Stop getting so damn caught up about everything
48:19Cos this life is too long to live that way
48:23The only thing that matters is you and me today
48:28And I won't let you go
48:31Cos I know that you'd love me through everything
48:36But I don't know this love
48:39Cos it won't make no sense to me still
48:44And I won't let you go
48:48Till I understand
48:52That maybe I'll never know
48:55What it takes to be your man
49:00And I'll keep trying
49:03And I'll keep trying
49:14Oh, the song of you sings in me still
49:20Sing it
49:22I'm pretty certain that it always will
49:28But I won't let you go
49:31Cos I know that you'd love me through everything
49:36But I don't know this love
49:39Cos it won't make no sense to me still
49:44And I won't let you go
49:48Till I understand
49:52That maybe I'll never know
49:55What it takes to be your man
49:59But I'll keep trying
50:15And I won't let you go
50:18Cos I know that you'd love me through everything
50:23But I don't know this love
50:26Cos it won't make no sense to me still
50:31And I won't let you go
50:35Till I understand
50:39That maybe I'll never know
50:43What it takes to be your man
50:47But I'll keep trying
50:56And I won't let you go