• last month


00:00There was this gray hull, but then everything was like so white.
00:19We're making progress.
00:22It's not just waking up on a table, it's human interaction.
00:28This didn't feel human, this felt like a nightmare.
00:31I mean, why is she rattling off a bunch of fats?
00:36What are they doing to her?
00:38All I know is she's essential.
00:44She didn't even recognize me.
00:50The Gemma you know is still in there.
00:55When you get her out, it will be the two of you out here together.
01:15You know what that is?
01:17What do you mean?
01:20Well, it's one of the stages.
01:24You think about all the things you do,
01:31all the ways you change to get that person back.
01:38You drink less, you listen more.
01:47It's dumb, but you do it anyway.
01:50It's normal.
01:55But for me, it might actually happen.
02:05It was a sketch of a black hallway with a black elevator that only goes down.
02:14So there's a floor beneath us.
02:16That must be why they're keeping her.
02:18There were directions on the back.
02:20Well, let's see it.
02:23I left it there behind the poster.
02:27Why didn't you just take it?
02:28I just didn't, okay?
02:30I don't want to get in trouble right now.
02:31Okay, well, I don't give a shit about that, so I'll go get it.
02:34You said it's behind the poster.
02:35Have you actually been brave?
02:36Okay, yeah, fuck you.
02:37You don't know everything.
02:38Then tell us.
02:41It's okay.
02:45Okay, well, I still have a hall pass, so I can go to the break room now,
02:54and then we can start after lunch.
02:58Did everyone sever their balls in the elevator this morning?
03:00I'm starving.
03:19You okay?
03:45You okay?
04:15You okay?
05:07Have a seat.
05:15I had my performance review yesterday.
05:21How did it go?
05:30Many valid concerns were raised, which I look forward to addressing.
05:36I'm glad for you.
05:46I feel I should remind you,
05:49you cannot graduate from this fellowship until I have deemed you wintertide material.
05:59This will mean using your time well, focusing on your own duties,
06:04and eradicating from your essence childish folly.
06:12I understand, sir.
06:16I shall be busy for the rest of the day.
06:19I trust you can stew at the floor in my stead?
06:23Of course.
06:25You may sit at your regular desk.
06:33Mr. Milchick?
06:49He threatened you.
06:50As I was leaving in the elevator.
06:52They're trying to intimidate us, divide us.
06:55And also—
06:56It's so that we won't work together, because they know what will happen if we do.
06:59I'm gonna go get that map.
07:00Have you reshared vessels?
07:03What's that?
07:06Well, we...
07:12Had, uh, sex.
07:19You and...
07:23Like in a wellness session?
07:26No, not...
07:28Miss Casey, who's, uh...
07:31At the retreat.
07:35In your tent.
07:49You mean...
07:53I mean, obviously, you know, I thought it was you.
08:00You know, I'd been having those feelings since, like, before the OTC.
08:04And so when she...
08:06You know, I just... I had no idea.
08:12I'm... I'm sorry, Ellie.
08:13I... I...
08:14She tricked me.
08:15I mean, I, you know, wanted to, but she...
08:17She tricked both of us.
08:25It's probably another tactic.
08:30Something to drive a wedge between us, like...
08:33I'm gonna go for a walk.
08:38Ellie, I'm sorry.
08:39I thought it was you.
08:41But it wasn't me.
08:44I'm just going to walk around.
10:03First date.
10:04Let me guess.
10:07Thai food.
10:09Though you did take scuba lessons last year.
10:13Which sea?
10:14It... It was in a pool.
10:19It was a little expensive.
10:23You've had a lot of phases.
10:25Scuba diving.
10:28Wow, so my outie's really diverse.
10:31Garage beer making.
10:34Maybe I'm...
10:36Trying to find something I excel in.
10:38Up there.
10:40Maybe down here.
10:44I sometimes wonder if you're just not happy.
10:49Sure, it's not that.
10:51Because, like, you know, I mean...
10:56With you, I'm super happy.
10:59I just, like, want to hear about all my offspring and...
11:03Stare at your face.
11:08Sorry. That was weird.
11:11It was really sweet.
11:14I like it.
11:16I like this.
11:21I wish we could really be together.
11:25All the time.
11:28I mean, we are.
11:31Aren't we?
11:35You and him are.
11:38But I'm not.
11:54Is it okay if we try the hug again?
11:56I kind of like the hugging.
13:35Oh, hey. I was coming to find you.
13:59Look, I am so sorry.
14:02I can't even imagine what it must be like to...
14:04You thought it was me.
14:08Which means you wanted to.
14:10With me.
14:16What sucks is that she got to have that and I didn't.
14:22That she used me to track my friends.
14:25Used my body to get close to you.
14:28That she dresses me in the morning like I'm a baby.
14:31That she controls me and this company and all of us.
14:34It's disgusting.
14:49Hey, do you want me to, like, describe what happened?
14:55Like, I feel like you have every right...
14:57No, no, no. I don't want her memory.
15:04I want my own.
15:12Would you like that?
15:19Yeah, I'd like that.
15:26But how?
16:18Ta-da. A tent.
16:49I'm nervous.
16:52Me too.
16:55You too.
16:56It's okay.
17:18Oh, wait.
19:32You must eradicate from your essence childish folly.
19:42You must abandon childish things.
19:48You must grow up.
19:52You must grow up.
19:56You must grow up.
20:00You must grow up.
20:04You must grow up.
20:08You must grow up.
20:11Grow up.
20:14Grow up.
20:17Grow up.
20:57Is it different with me?
21:11Oh, no. You're bleeding.
21:16Oh, you are.
21:24You have two minutes left.
21:27Humidity on the severed floor is maintained at a consistent 45%.
21:33It must be something else.
21:36Did you punch him?
21:39I mean, not today.
21:41What were you doing when the nosebleed occurred?
21:45We were refining something.
21:50Do you have a deviated septum?
21:53No, I don't know what that is.
21:56Would you like me to put petroleum jelly in your nostrils?
21:59No, thanks.
22:01Any other symptoms?
22:03Any auras or hallucinations?
22:09I think it's stopped. I feel better.
22:13I'm going to take your blood pressure.
22:23I'm at Lumen.
22:36Fuck. I was just...
22:42Were you just at Lumen?
22:44What time is it?
22:46Are you at Lumen or in your basement with me?
22:48I don't know.
22:50Do you remember a hallway? A black hallway?
22:52I remember...
22:55I remember...
22:57I remember a desk.
23:01I remember a desk.
23:03I remember...
23:05I remember...
23:07I remember...
23:12That was another crossover memory.
23:15A recent one. That's good.
23:18You'll feel gaps in time until it all comes back together.
23:20Well, when the fuck is that going to happen?
23:25We need to enhance to speed up the process.
23:29Is that safe?
23:32There's a slight chance of hemorrhage.
23:35Okay, so me bleeding to death?
23:39Not necessarily.
23:43We'll flood the chip itself.
23:45Flood the chip?
23:47Through the hole in your head.
23:49Jesus Christ.
23:50That you've already got.
23:51Okay, you know what?
23:53Get the fuck off me.
23:55I am not doing this.
23:56We're close. It's happening.
23:57Get this shit off me.
23:58We need to push!
23:59Right now! Please!
24:00Get it off...
24:02I'm starving.
24:03That's also from reintegration.
24:05Okay, you know what?
24:07I'm going to go eat.
24:57Who the hell are you?
25:01It's a joke.
25:04Come on in.
25:07What the hell?
25:13Tending the ham.
25:15I hope you like a cumin glaze.
25:17Oh, yes, of course.
25:19Do you not?
25:20No, I do.
25:22Yes, Attila.
25:24Did you just ask about the glaze?
25:26I did.
25:27Well, don't.
25:28I've already put it on.
25:30I was going to say, we also have corn.
25:33Oh, yes.
25:35We could feed him a pile of loose corn.
25:41What your innie ever saw in this Willestein,
25:46beyond me,
25:49fields, I presume.
25:55Welcome back to our home.
25:58I'm sorry about the last time.
26:01I'm sure that felt quite invasive.
26:08What's mine's yours.
26:11And you've brought wine.
26:17Irving, no one's ever thrown blood on you,
26:21on your way into work.
26:23It wasn't blood.
26:24It was paint.
26:25Meant to evoke blood.
26:27What you said.
26:28The whole mine people are off the deep end, is my point.
26:32And Bert, how did you come to be at the company?
26:37Yes, I'm very curious.
26:39Well, as a matter of fact,
26:40I was guided to Lumen's door by Jesus.
26:48Jesus Christ?
26:51That's the one.
26:55You should just leave it at that.
26:57Wonder what the hell you meant.
26:59We'd been attending the Lutheran church for some years,
27:02and I should mention that I'd been what you might call a scoundrel
27:07in my younger days.
27:09To put it mildly.
27:11So one Sunday at breakfast, Fields asked me point blank,
27:15do I think I'm going to heaven?
27:18Yes, one asks at breakfast.
27:21I pretend to think about it, but I know the answer is no.
27:28I replied, what am I supposed to do up there for eternity all by myself?
27:33I see.
27:34So we hop on the train to church, and it so happens
27:38the sermon that day is about severance,
27:40which was still very new at the time.
27:43And the pastor says...
27:45As if he'd been listening to our conversation.
27:48He said, the church's stance is that innies are complete individuals.
27:58With souls.
28:01They can be judged separately from their outie.
28:08So an innie can go to heaven,
28:12whilst the outie burns.
28:17We're not zealots, I swear.
28:20We figured that if it were true,
28:24there'd be a way for part of Bert to go.
28:38He's looking for the exit.
28:40No, just...
28:43So the hope was for Bert's innie to go to heaven.
28:51Let's see.
29:22Let's see.
29:35Reg, it's the end of the month.
29:37Those salesmen are just dying to hit their numbers
29:39and get cars off the lot.
29:41They'll basically be giving me money.
29:46Okay, fine.
29:49Just test drive only.
29:51I won't commit to anything.
29:59You didn't tell me how to go.
30:00You went back to Lumen, right?
30:04Oh, um...
30:07That good?
30:11They cancelled it.
30:13I didn't see him.
30:16Happy plate.
30:17Happy plate.
30:18Happy plate, go play with your sister.
30:20Cancelled it, what happened?
30:22He didn't say.
30:24Guess he got too busy.
31:49I thought that was you.
31:51I'm Helena Egan, I work at Lumen.
31:53Yeah, no, I-I know who you are.
31:59Well, it's nice to officially meet you.
32:09Have you had enough to eat?
32:12Uh, quite possibly.
32:16Hope they're feeding you at work.
32:18May I?
32:28It's really great to run into you.
32:30I've heard nothing but good things about your work, by the way.
32:33I've heard nothing at all about my work, so...
32:36Severance humor.
32:38So clever.
32:39So easy.
32:43Look, I'm sorry for...
32:47the systemic error from the other night.
32:50The systemic error?
32:51You mean the-the overtime thing?
32:55Yes, the OTC.
33:00It never should have happened.
33:02And it-and it never will again.
33:04We take pride as a company to be better than that, and...
33:09we will be better.
33:11That's nice to hear. Thanks.
33:12Of course.
33:18So you know all about it, then?
33:21Yes, I know all about it.
33:25I'm like the head of the company, Mark.
33:32Dumb. Sorry.
33:33Yeah, you should be sorry.
33:35I'm kidding.
33:37You're clearly not dumb.
33:38I don't know.
33:39You-you're the one who invented a revolutionary medical procedure.
33:43Hey, no, that was-that was not me.
33:45That was my father.
33:49You should meet him sometime.
33:52Your father?
33:53Sure. Why not?
33:54You want to take me home to Dad already?
33:57Yeah, I think it's finally time.
33:59Okay. Sure, let's do it.
34:02He'd be the first.
34:04Oh, so no pressure.
34:06Yeah, none whatsoever.
34:13But seriously, I'd love to hear about your experiences sometime.
34:16Oh, okay. Yeah.
34:19About severance?
34:20I-I meant the overtime.
34:23Can-I meant the other night.
34:26I mean, I can't imagine how confusing that must have been.
34:30Traumatic, even.
34:33And I know you've already been through so much
34:36with losing your wife and all.
34:48Right, Gemma.
34:54It was a car accident, right?
34:57That's right.
35:01Yeah, such a shame.
35:04She was so young.
35:23Are you all right?
35:25I'm fine. I just got finished here.
35:28Okay, right.
35:33Well, it was nice to meet you, Helena.
35:36Yeah, you too, Mark.
35:52What is it?
35:59Good night.
36:01Good night.
36:24Come on.
36:54Come on.
37:17We used to call each other Hon.
37:19Then about ten years ago, that became...
37:24Do you know history?
37:26Yeah, he knows history.
37:30And it wasn't ten years ago, it was twenty.
37:36Yes, because I remember
37:38we were having drinks
37:40with your Lumon partner.
37:43Quite startled him.
37:46Didn't the first severed office open twelve years ago?
37:50Yes, it did.
37:53Maybe that's enough of that.
38:11You know, the corn is very special.
38:14Do you think you two ever made love at work?
38:17Feels, Jesus.
38:19Can we not just be pragmatic adults about this?
38:26There is a non-zero chance
38:28that the two of you had unprotected sex.
38:34And so I felt the right to ask.
38:39Are you done humiliating our guest?
38:44Sounds like I'm mad.
38:46But I'm not.
38:48Cards on the table.
38:50I've been talking to Pastor Gale about this.
38:54I believe that innies deserve to experience love.
39:01I mean it.
39:05And I hope it was beautiful.
39:31Sorry for being a dick.
39:33Let's do it.
42:35How long will it take?
42:37It'll be fast.
42:39Fast? How fast?
42:53I'm nervous.
42:56I'm nervous.
43:15What the fuck?
43:17Don't move like that.
43:19You have to keep your head still.
43:28Ignore it.
43:30Tell me.
43:36My car's in the driveway.
43:38She knows I'm here.
43:52Dude, I left you, like, five messages. Are you better?
43:54No, I'm still sick.
43:56Well, you can't not pick up when we're doing corporate espionage shit.
43:59The Floodlight thing was a bust, right?
44:01Because I have had an idea that is a little dumber.
44:03Okay, Devin.
44:04Do you remember the rich lady from Baby Camp,
44:06the one I, like, kind of had a crush on?
44:08I was thinking...
44:09Yeah, look, I'm already trying something else.
44:15Okay, what are you trying?
44:19don't worry about it.
44:21What the fuck does that mean?
44:22I'm doing it myself.
44:25Fuck that.
44:26Why are you trying to cut me out of this?
44:32I'm really not, Devin.
44:34You literally are.
44:35Okay, fine, I am.
44:36But I didn't ask for your help.
44:38Fuck you, officially.
44:40And what is that smell?
44:43What smell?
44:47What smell?
45:05Oh my God.
45:13Don't touch him!
45:14Who the fuck are you?
45:19It's okay.
45:20It's okay, buddy.
45:21It's okay.
45:22It's okay.
45:29Thank you for the spare hand.
45:32His fever is fine.
45:35He'll be embarrassed tomorrow.
45:37You know, he gets fuzzy.
45:39Like saying I worked at Lumen 20 years ago,
45:41which is, of course, before Severance even existed.
45:45Of course.
45:51This was...
45:56Yeah, so we should do it again sometime.
46:00You mean Fields or you mean me?
46:02Oh, I...
46:03No, I meant with Fields.
46:09you know, it's...
46:12either way.
46:24Good night, babe.
46:25Good night.
46:46It's getting late dawn
46:52When lights fill the tired eyes
46:57I'll soon be with you, my darling
47:02Give you my dull surprise
47:07I'll be with you soon, my darling
47:12Be with you when the stars start falling
47:20Can't you hear me calling
47:25I've been waiting so long
47:30To be where I'm going
47:34In the sunshine of your love
47:43Oh, come on, baby
47:47Do you hear me dreaming, my baby
47:51Hey, I'm waiting for you, baby
47:55I'm waiting, baby
47:58I'm waiting for you, baby
48:02I'm waiting in the sunshine
48:06Of your love