• last week


00:00Look at this crazy dog.
00:02She's just so wet.
00:04Like, all my friends show me a picture of them babies.
00:07And I'm like, look at my babies.
00:08Ha, ha, ha.
00:09All right, we're now going to watch
00:16some never-before-seen footage.
00:17Oh, my god.
00:19What the f***?
00:25Brandon told me, he doesn't want to have
00:27sex with you at all, like, at all.
00:30Tell me what Gino actually told you.
00:33Gino and I had a long talk in the coffee shop.
00:36And that is what was said.
00:38He wants to continue taking the blue pills.
00:40And he's making things hard for himself in relationship
00:44and with the pills.
00:50You keep me in a position where I do not
00:53feel secure with you.
00:54Well, I'm not secure with you.
00:56Yes, you told her you are going to take all your money.
00:58He says, oh, you have to be in a position lower than I.
01:02Sit, shut up, agree with everything
01:04what I say, who doesn't have her own opinion.
01:07Like, f*** all, you know?
01:09Just pretty.
01:13F*** easy, f*** somebody.
01:15F*** easy, man.
01:16I have my beliefs, and you have yours.
01:18You think you're like, you're f*** so special?
01:22He might have some kind of a Madonna horror complex
01:25going on where maybe Jasmine crossed over
01:29for being someone that he'd sleep with to someone
01:32that's a motherly figure.
01:33And now he can't be sexually aroused by her.
01:40I'm sorry that we just called.
01:42I just called you, and you were not prepared.
01:45No, you're fine.
01:45At least I have a shirt on this time, you know?
01:48I'm shocked.
01:50Dare I even say a little appalled.
01:52I am sure that it's not helpful to their relationship
01:55in saving this marriage.
01:57Take off your shirt.
01:58No, we have to go to a dinner with our hot girls.
02:02She's literally got a side guy.
02:03She's got a f***.
02:04She's got a hoe on the side.
02:07That's cheating.
02:14Are you comfortable?
02:16Julie, are you?
02:18No, one second.
02:22You're really showing us a lot.
02:24Now we're good.
02:26I'm going crazy.
02:28I don't know.
02:29I just don't feel like I really ever need hair and makeup.
02:33You don't like to get glam?
02:35Not really.
02:35Shower and finish, and then it's good to go.
02:41All right, guys.
02:41We are picking back up with some never-before-seen footage.
02:45This is Gino and Jasmine after the camping trip.
02:49Oh, of course.
02:49I believe that I feel like there is still like a wall between us.
02:54And literally, there was like a wall in our tent
02:59when we were sleeping.
03:01And I just want to clarify that.
03:03I was not trying to have sex with you.
03:06I just wanted affection.
03:08And that's why I'm so frustrated.
03:10I don't mind, like, kissing you.
03:12I don't mind hugging or kissing.
03:14This is affection.
03:15I don't mind kissing you.
03:17I don't mind hugging or kissing.
03:19This is affection.
03:20And I feel comfortable doing it.
03:23But when you start rubbing on me and touching me
03:26and stuff like that, that's a different,
03:29that's intimacy in my book.
03:32I mean, you know, I was definitely team Gino.
03:37But the more like I look into what actually is happening
03:42and seeing Jasmine's side of it, the more
03:45I'm actually, I'm understanding of Jasmine.
03:49She was calm and she was trying.
03:51And you know, she really was.
03:53And it was like you're not getting
03:55anything from your partner.
03:57And Gino was at fault. I felt like he was to blame there.
04:01And I can understand actually Jasmine's side of that.
04:05I mean, he had me feeling really sorry for him at times.
04:08And I'm just like, now I'm looking back
04:09and I'm like, I don't know.
04:11That's messed up.
04:12Like, he's being a little, you know, little head.
04:19What the, like poor Jasmine, you know.
04:21Yeah, I agree with you.
04:23I agree with you.
04:25You know, I love my feet massaged, my back, my neck.
04:31That is affection to me.
04:34So I cannot like rub your back without asking?
04:39Depends like how you're doing it, I guess.
04:42That's more of intimate, intimate for me.
04:46But this is very confusing.
04:47Knowing now what I know about Gino
04:50and his constant refusal for sex,
04:51I think maybe this is his like cover up
04:54for his erectile dysfunction, basically.
04:56His dysfunction for him?
04:58That's what I think because he's like,
05:00oh, I'm purposely choosing not to have sex with my wife.
05:04Well, Jasmine says that they had sex a total of like
05:06eight times their entire marriage.
05:10Or since they were together.
05:11So what is the logic to choose hot Latina girl
05:13if you cannot make love to her?
05:15I think Gino's being really stubborn.
05:16I don't know.
05:17She did it to me.
05:19It's kind of like, oh, Gino, like please.
05:22After hearing all this, like my next question is like,
05:26when are you going to then be ready to be intimate with me?
05:33Yeah, that's not an easy question.
05:35She's in a hard place.
05:38Somehow, someway, we have to like resolve
05:40our two core issues, which is fighting every day
05:44and you not listening to me.
05:48It felt like Gino always wanted to have
05:51a certain length of the rope.
05:54And if he didn't feel like he had that much,
05:56then he would change the scenario or the rules
05:59or the structure.
06:01And that's going to make it very hard for Jasmine
06:03to be able to uphold to those circumstances.
06:07It's as if he was guarding every part of himself,
06:10physically and emotionally.
06:12And I just saw so much fear towards being intimate
06:16and being raw and being seen.
06:18And it makes me wonder where that fear has come from,
06:22where it has developed, how long it's been there,
06:25or what is he hiding?
06:30Okay, Stacey, this is you and Florian
06:33back at the resort after camping.
06:35Okay, I'm ready.
06:38Let's do this.
06:43What did you and Natalie talk about?
06:44I saw you guys like walking off in the sunset
06:47looking like little lovebirds.
06:48Nah, stop talking.
06:50I mean, I know you're just trying to help everybody.
06:53It's who you are.
06:54You're willing to drop everything and anything
06:57to help people.
06:58It's good to help people in life.
07:00Yeah, it is. You feel good, you know?
07:02But I also want you to remember,
07:04you know why we're here.
07:05We're here for us.
07:06We're here to work on our relationship and our marriage.
07:10I think Florian's showing up in the best way that he can.
07:14I think his heart is in the right place
07:16and he wants to be helpful, right?
07:18I think it looks different for Florian
07:20to navigate friendships and family and to show up.
07:23And he can be vulnerable and communicate really well
07:27in those situations.
07:28But for some reason, there's a little disconnect
07:31or a block in his own romantic marriage relationship.
07:37There's work to be done there for him.
07:40I think you need to chill out a little bit.
07:50He just always says the same thing.
07:52Like, I'm just being nice.
07:53Like, that's who I am.
07:55And I know that's who you are.
07:56I am not saying,
07:58I'm not saying like it's a bad thing to help other people,
08:00but what I'm saying is, is you need to be there for me.
08:04You need to help me, you know,
08:07and work on our relationship.
08:09And put the same effort that you put into helping others
08:12into helping our marriage.
08:15Okay, Gino, this next clip is when you met Florian
08:17for a drink before dinner.
08:22Oh, that's you, look!
08:24Oh my God, it's me!
08:24I see you there and here!
08:27And same hat!
08:29It's your favorite hat.
08:31It is, you like it?
08:33Last night we were camping.
08:35Jasmine come and tell me like, I'm sorry, I apologize.
08:38Jasmine, tell to me, I promise you I'm going to change.
08:42Did I say that?
08:46Only things just need to be more intimidation,
08:51how you say it?
08:54Hot topic.
08:56We have to have multiple days in a row
09:00where we are not fighting
09:03and where she listens to me when I talk to her.
09:09Gino calls fights, even disagreements, you know?
09:13Even if he wants to have pizza and I'm telling him,
09:17okay, no, it's not pizza day, let's make hamburgers.
09:20You know, that to him is, oh, you're fighting,
09:23you're not listening to me.
09:25And no sex.
09:26It's like, we can not agree on everything.
09:30His expectations, no one is gonna be able
09:34to achieve those expectations.
09:37If I were a guy, I would fall for Jasmine.
09:39You're a hot woman.
09:41And I don't believe like, if you love a woman,
09:43how can you be so cruel and like,
09:46not wanting to touch your woman?
09:48Like, it's like really mean, I think.
09:52I agree.
09:54It's not a one day deal or two or three days.
09:56You need to sign a contract or a couple of weeks is too much.
10:01No, it's not, it's a, Jesus Christ, it's a short time.
10:04I feel like Gino, she's not like a stripper girl,
10:08like, oh, take her out, just like sex or something.
10:10Not just like that, you know?
10:12Like, it was something if I love,
10:14I need love to respect, talking, emotion, touching.
10:18I need those.
10:20Because I've done it with other past relationships,
10:24with ease.
10:24My ex-wife, I was with her for seven years.
10:26We didn't fight at all for seven years.
10:29I'm confused, why don't you know her?
10:35Florian, I like you even more now.
10:38I might start to love you.
10:41You never fight with her?
10:45I have not seen Gino's dynamic with his family,
10:48but I can imagine that he might have some kind
10:51of a Madonna whore complex going on,
10:54where he puts women in two categories.
10:56Either they're his mother or motherly figures,
11:01or they're all just whores and are meant for,
11:04you know, entertainment value, in some sense of the word.
11:07And so, maybe Jasmine, by complaining
11:11and having expectations, has crossed over
11:13for being someone that he'd sleep with
11:16in that entertainment category
11:18to someone that's a motherly figure,
11:20and now he can't touch her
11:21and he can't be sexually aroused by her.
11:25Easy to somebody, easy, man.
11:29You give me one.
11:30Yeah, I have my beliefs and you have yours.
11:32You think you're like, you're so special?
11:37I think you and me in the same boat.
11:39Because when your mind not clear,
11:42when you are in a not mood,
11:44why did you want to do this?
11:46It should be our good time,
11:47and that should be like,
11:49you have to do this because you have to do this.
11:53I'm glad someone understands me.
11:54Somebody, right?
11:56But where are the guys supporting me?
11:59Brandon explain me, it's like hungry for him.
12:01He have to eat, he will have to do this.
12:03Even bad mood, good mood,
12:05if he will be so angry,
12:07they will become, say,
12:07hey, Brandon, let's go to have a sex.
12:10He like, you know what?
12:12I'm gonna put my anger in right here.
12:15Let's go, and I come back and be angry again.
12:17Yeah, I want to have sex too.
12:18I'm a guy.
12:19This her?
12:20As long as she treated me good,
12:22it would be different.
12:26Do you want another drink?
12:26I can get us another drink.
12:27All right, thank you.
12:28Sounds good.
12:31His pants are falling down.
12:34Gino got that little strut.
12:36Yeah, with the hat.
12:39I can see why girls are into him,
12:41because he's got something.
12:43I'll show you the Gino swag.
12:44This is what he does.
12:45I'm getting to,
12:54Ooh, Gino, you're looking sexy.
12:57I never knew Gino was my type,
12:59but now I really, ooh, I get it.
13:01Let's go to the club.
13:04I just called you and you were not prepared.
13:07No, you're fine.
13:08At least I have a shirt on this time, you know?
13:12It's clearly something between them.
13:15She's like this sweet kitty who like.
13:18I've never seen her like that.
13:19And she literally looked like in love with this man.
13:27What is that?
13:29I was on Josh's social media.
13:32I just was curious,
13:33because if you want to know the real tea about someone,
13:35go on their tagged photos.
13:37That's what they really look like.
13:38Those are their real friends.
13:40I was like, I was just curious.
13:41And then it's in every picture, he does.
13:44You see?
13:46I don't know what that is.
13:48Let's dig big.
13:49But every single photo for like six years
13:51of this man's life is like this.
13:54It's maybe something meaning.
13:55I don't know, and I can't stop doing it now.
14:02All right, Jasmine,
14:03this is when you and Julie went over to Stacy's room
14:05before dinner to have a chat.
14:11I have to tell you something.
14:13Brandon told me, he asked Gina,
14:17say, what do you want from Jasmine?
14:20And he say he doesn't want to have sex with you,
14:24even if you have a good behavior.
14:27Oh my God.
14:29I'm so confused.
14:31He doesn't want to have a sex with you at all.
14:36Tell me what Gina actually told you.
14:38Yeah, that is what was said.
14:40Gina and I had a long talk in the coffee shop
14:43and I remember about getting shocked what he said.
14:47But like, I think in the long run,
14:49Jasmine deserved to know
14:52because I think Gina was setting the bar too high to start.
14:55He mentioned in the van that he wanted to see you
14:57go a month without a fight.
14:59That seemed extremely unrealistic.
15:01Unrealistic, and what he calls arguments
15:04is like even a small disagreements,
15:06even the tiniest disagreements.
15:08And that's not fair.
15:09You can never meet those expectations.
15:11So he set you up to fail.
15:13He wants to continue taking the blue pills and-
15:16He's making things hard for himself
15:19in relationship and with the pills.
15:23Everything's gotta be hard at this guy.
15:27After hearing this,
15:29I'm not willing to be in a sexless marriage anymore.
15:32I'm a hundred percent sure that this is what I want.
15:35And I found a person.
15:39He's a friend.
15:41Where's he live?
15:42Who is he?
15:43His name is Matt.
15:44How did we met?
15:45At the gym.
15:47Matt approached to me at the gym
15:50like in five different occasions.
15:53And the first first times he approached me,
15:58I was wearing headphones
16:00and I wouldn't even take them off.
16:03And the fifth time I was actually like,
16:08what this guy's trying to tell me, you know?
16:11And then I heard to his voice
16:14and he was actually not a jerk.
16:16He was so sweet, so different.
16:18It was like, okay.
16:20Like basically two weeks before coming
16:23to the couples retreat,
16:25I started exploring the idea of an open marriage.
16:29And just then it was when Matt came to my mind,
16:33like if Gina and I move more forward,
16:38with an open marriage,
16:40Matt would be the perfect candidate to be the third person.
16:43Can we call him?
16:45You're crazy.
16:46It's okay.
16:47Be here for you.
16:50I'm so nervous.
16:53Matt, how are you doing?
16:55I'm good.
16:56So listen, I'm calling you
16:57because I have made some confessions about our friendship
17:03and that you're the person that I have considered
17:06for a potential open marriage with Gina.
17:09It's not news to him that he is that guy for her.
17:13So they had that conversation before they came
17:14to the resort.
17:15That's cheating.
17:17I'm sorry to call you unexpected,
17:20but they are so curious to meet you.
17:23If I can't respond to people that I've never met
17:27about anything that has to do with sex
17:30without being called a cheater,
17:32then this woman who talks about him being her side guy,
17:37having sex with him, that is also cheating.
17:41And I would be a little more concerned
17:43if my person was doing that
17:45than if my person is responding to people
17:47they've never met.
17:48She literally got a side guy.
17:49She's got a, she's got a hoe on the side.
17:53I'm sorry that I just called you
17:55and you were not prepared.
17:57No, you're fine.
17:58At least I have a shirt on this time, you know.
18:00That's Matt.
18:02Show us those muscles.
18:04Take off your shirt.
18:07It's clear there's something between them
18:10because she looks so shy.
18:11She looks like a sweet kitty who like.
18:15I've never seen her like that.
18:16And she literally looked like in love with this man.
18:19It kind of looked like I was watching like cheating.
18:21Like it was weird.
18:22Like it seemed like that was her man.
18:24Yeah, exactly.
18:26That was her man.
18:26I'm like, oh, this is her man.
18:28Gino's not.
18:28And Gino's her husband.
18:29I felt like, honestly, I felt like watching it
18:32was really disrespectful to Gino
18:33because she was so giddy.
18:36And like, it just felt like.
18:38I don't really know what Matt would get
18:40out of this open marriage.
18:42And then he's like the side piece.
18:43Like, what does he gain from that?
18:45I guess if he wants to have sex with Jasmine that bad
18:47or maybe he also loves Jasmine.
18:49Maybe they're in love.
18:50I clearly see he doesn't want to have open marriage.
18:53Yeah, he seems to be awkward.
18:54He wants just completely finish that marriage
18:58and have new relationship.
19:00Oh, he's gonna flip you off.
19:01I'm not gonna.
19:03He's gonna be like, come on, Jasmine.
19:05Like your mouth is gonna be like, oh, Gino.
19:09Girl, girl time.
19:11Girl time, but what's happening?
19:12Oh, he's gonna give it to you good.
19:15I'm taken aback.
19:17I'm shocked.
19:19Dare I even say a little appalled.
19:21Here's the reason.
19:22Jasmine has been showing up
19:24and she's saying, I want to do the work.
19:26And she's really doing some good work
19:28of trying to communicate and express herself
19:31and even connect with Gino.
19:33But then we're finding out about Matt.
19:35While there's excitement and there's girl time
19:37and we're talking about Matt,
19:39this is more than just a friendship.
19:43And it's scary for Gino and Jasmine
19:44because we're getting into this kind of slippery,
19:48slow territory that we're not sure
19:51how it will affect their marriage.
19:54There's not space for the three of them moving forward.
19:59Look at this crazy dog.
20:00She's just so wet.
20:02What's in her mouth?
20:04Just a toy.
20:09Like all my friends show me a picture of them babies.
20:11And I'm like, look at my babies.
20:15All right, we're now gonna watch the dinner
20:17where Darcy arrives
20:18and it includes some never before seen footage.
20:21Oh no.
20:24Look at this.
20:26Look at this.
20:27Look at this handsome man over here.
20:29Josh always wearing sunglasses at night.
20:31Hey Josh.
20:33We're gonna join you guys.
20:34Oh, okay.
20:35I happen to have sunglasses.
20:37Are these Josh's?
20:39They look like Josh's.
20:41We have a lovely pair.
20:43Oh, are those Louis Vuitton?
20:44Josh's sunglasses.
20:45I would love for you to do your best Josh impression.
20:48We're going to have the conversation.
20:50I'm going to be Gino.
20:51You're gonna be me?
20:55And you're going to be Josh.
20:58I feel like she's not hearing me out
21:02when I try to talk to her.
21:04And I would like to bring her to my house
21:07but it's just so crazy and it's unexpected
21:09and I just don't know what she's going to do next.
21:11That's a spot on Josh impression.
21:13I feel like it.
21:16One of the models, the girls from my agency,
21:18she needs me to go and bring her home right now
21:22because she doesn't have a car and it's nothing.
21:28No, you're coming with me.
21:30Hey man, everything's cool.
21:35What's up brother?
21:36How you doing?
21:39Babe, listen.
21:44Just come to my room.
21:46Just come to my room.
21:48It's good.
21:49It's all good.
21:50Nothing happened.
21:51You didn't see anything.
21:53It's fine.
21:54There is nobody else.
21:55I didn't see anyone.
21:56It's all good.
21:59So I saw what happened over at the campsite.
22:02How are you guys doing now?
22:07I think we've been just kind of taking our space right now
22:10a little bit since we got back.
22:12Sometime in Egypt, you know?
22:14He just play games with me
22:15and he keeps me unsure and unclear.
22:17And you keep me in a position
22:20where I do not feel secure with you.
22:22Well, I'm not secure with you.
22:24What do you mean?
22:25I'm not secure with you.
22:26I'm not secure with you too.
22:27Guys, guys, guys.
22:28What are we doing here?
22:29We're trying to be secure.
22:31But you lied to everyone.
22:32I mean, I didn't say any lies.
22:33You're just shaming.
22:36It was a terrible moment.
22:37We arrived separately to dinner
22:39because we were already in a bad place
22:41from the camping trip, you know?
22:45When she tried to apologize
22:46and then she kneed me in the balls.
22:47She looked at me and she spit at the ground
22:49and flipped me off.
22:50And so I'm really just not in the mood,
22:54but I'm going to the dinner.
22:56And so we get there and it's just like,
23:01I feel like it's just continuing.
23:02She's calling me names.
23:05She is whipping me with her hair
23:08intentionally numerous times.
23:11And I do remember that was the moment
23:13that I thought, what was I doing there?
23:19I felt like I just kept getting chopped down
23:21every single day and not moving forward.
23:23This is insane.
23:24Natalie, Natalie, Natalie.
23:26You told her I would take all your money.
23:29Imagine how I feel.
23:34Do you want to be a clown in a group
23:36and everybody laugh at you?
23:37Do you really like this position?
23:39I don't.
23:40He says, oh, you have to be in the position
23:43lower than I, sit, shut up,
23:45agree with everything what I say
23:47and just be an idiot who doesn't have her own opinion.
23:50Like a doll, you know?
23:52Just pretty.
23:53What I say, no, I'm a human.
23:55I'm an individual.
23:56I'm strong.
23:57I'm a strong woman.
23:58I'm going to fight for myself.
24:01Stacey, everything is okay?
24:04What happened?
24:05Actually guys, guess what?
24:08Darcy's here.
24:11Get out of here.
24:12I'm going to meet my twin.
24:13It's such a weird dynamic
24:14you have to experience for yourself.
24:16Even with siblings, there are boundaries.
24:19And that is like-
24:20For me, for me, I lost already like two sisters
24:25and like, he passed away basically.
24:27Oh, I'm sorry to hear that.
24:29I didn't know that.
24:29You know, my boy, then like, for me,
24:31like, it's like, I don't know.
24:32It's very hard to like, to separate that.
24:39I see a lot of danger zones
24:41with where Stacey was bringing up some of these issues.
24:45She had real fears that were very valid,
24:48but it's hard because Florian was also,
24:53and will forever be in pain
24:56because of the loss of his sisters.
24:58And he can't cut family out.
25:00And he's just looking at us black and white.
25:02Stacey has very real reasons to want boundaries here.
25:05And Florian is going to need to honor those boundaries
25:08if they're going to have trust in their relationship.
25:12But like, it's hard for me to deny those.
25:15Like, I can't like, take a side.
25:18You know, for me-
25:19You take my side.
25:20My side.
25:22I'm your wife.
25:23I unleashed myself.
25:24I unleashed like, you know,
25:27what I had been holding in for so long.
25:31And I just let it out.
25:33I wasn't going to hold back.
25:36He's your wife.
25:37What the **** is wrong with you, Stacey?
25:39Because I'm tired of it.
25:42Put yourself in Stacey's shoes.
25:44I think Stacey is a little jealous of that.
25:48That you're having so much fun with Darcy and going out
25:50and you guys are vibing so good.
25:53No, but I have fun with Stacey,
25:54but Stacey sometimes want to go home.
25:56Go home, you know?
25:58I tell her like, if you need something, just call me.
26:01You need something?
26:02I'm right here.
26:03Honestly, I agree with Stacey.
26:06And I think that she should be your priority over Darcy.
26:12Stacey, she is your wife.
26:13What the ****?
26:14**** that.
26:17Stacey's my priority.
26:18Like, as soon as Stacey call, I answer the phone.
26:21Second of all, I need what you need,
26:23everything you need, just to call me.
26:25Like, I'm right here.
26:26Like, I can put priority to Darcy.
26:28Like, I can leave Darcy alone.
26:30I can go help my wife, right up my **** way.
26:33Stacey's my priority.
26:33I do everything what Stacey say, basically.
26:37Hey, guys.
26:44I feel like the Avengers just arrived.
26:47Like, she's gonna kick the table.
26:50It's just gonna fly off.
26:51The only other woman superhero who can fight her.
26:59Darcy, she look freaking like a Hollywood movie star.
27:03Music, perfect.
27:05Angle, perfect.
27:06Clothes, perfect.
27:09Knowing that Darcy was coming to the retreat,
27:12I was getting apprehensive because I'm like,
27:13I don't want this to turn into like, the Darcy show.
27:17Because for so many years,
27:18everything has always been like, Darcy, Darcy, Darcy.
27:20And it's like, Darcy and I sometimes
27:23bring out the worst in each other.
27:24No, we love each other and we're sisters.
27:26We definitely have our chipper tats.
27:28And I know her being here,
27:30it felt like it was gonna be a side
27:31that no one has ever seen in us, both.
27:42All right, guys.
27:42Are you ready for another game?
27:44Oh, we're ready for another game.
27:45Let's go.
27:46What is this?
27:48We are gonna play the game, Would You Rather?
27:51In this fishbowl, there are last resort scenarios.
27:56You're gonna read them.
27:57It's gonna give you two options.
27:58You're gonna have to choose which option you prefer.
28:03Oh gosh.
28:03Simple enough.
28:04Got it.
28:05Got it.
28:06We got it.
28:07Got it.
28:08You wanna start us off already?
28:12Would you rather have Jasmine shave your armpits
28:16or have Brandon give you a lap dance?
28:21Oh, um, I like Jasmine.
28:24I think it'd be fun for her to shave my armpits.
28:26Why not?
28:27I can't, no lap dance for me.
28:29At first, it was an obvious choice
28:31that we should get our armpits shaved by Jasmine.
28:34But then I thought how entertaining it would be
28:37to have Brandon dancing for me.
28:39And we could piss Julia off, too.
28:43I'm good on that.
28:45Would you rather carry a rock from the hike all week?
28:49Oh, wow.
28:50Or give your partner a piggyback ride for a mile?
28:55How big's the rock?
28:57Okay, let's say it's a Julia-sized rock for my partner.
28:58Oh, geez.
29:00I'm gonna carry my partner for a mile.
29:02Yeah, yeah.
29:03I think I could do that.
29:04I would pay you a ride, you know?
29:06You know, I do it at home sometimes.
29:08I'll carry the rock for a week.
29:11But I'm not gonna be piggy.
29:14No piggy for me.
29:15Would you carry Florian for a mile?
29:19Yeah, I think I could.
29:21He's pretty light.
29:22Yeah, he's pretty skinny.
29:23Skinny and light, yeah.
29:24I think.
29:25For Stacey, it's very easy,
29:26because Florian is like a feather.
29:30He's so tiny.
29:33Would you rather cuddle a donkey
29:35or spend an hour on cold plunge?
29:37Spend an hour on cold plunge.
29:39I wanna cuddle a donkey.
29:40I wanna cuddle a donkey, too.
29:42Yeah, what if the donkey bite us,
29:44and then we get rabies?
29:47I feel like I might like to cuddle a donkey.
29:49I like to cuddle.
29:51I'm gonna have to say I'm gonna cuddle with Ari.
29:55I'm just kidding.
29:58I'm messing with you.
29:59I say, because I call Ari Eeyore,
30:02you know, because she's always like,
30:04well, nobody loves me.
30:06Nobody cares.
30:08So I'm gonna give the donkey a cuddle and cheer it up.
30:12Of course, cuddle a donkey.
30:13Cuddle a donkey.
30:16Donkey are cute.
30:18I mean, them should say,
30:19you're gonna prefer to cuddle Natalie or donkey.
30:22That's it.
30:23Would you?
30:24That's an easy choice.
30:26Cuddle a donkey or Natalie?
30:28I will cuddle Natalie.
30:31She's hot.
30:33A donkey, hot, too.
30:37Would you rather be blindfolded or gag?
30:42You know, like this.
30:45No, no, no, no, no.
30:49Would you rather blindfold Florian or gag him?
30:53I think I'd rather gag him.
30:56Oh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh.
30:59So he can stop doing that
31:01and tell me to shut the f*** up.
31:03Buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh.
31:07Okay, so we're gonna continue with the dinner scene
31:09and it includes some never before seen footage.
31:12Oh my God.
31:14Oh, look, Darcey's coming.
31:16How are you?
31:17How are you?
31:20I'm stressed.
31:22Just watching.
31:23For them?
31:25After what Stacey told us,
31:27I think Darcey should come with gloves for fight.
31:32That's how I imagine she should come
31:34because Stacey like,
31:35she will be calm and everything will be broke.
31:39That's how it is.
31:42That's the end of the result.
31:44That's the end of the result.
31:45Run, save yourself.
31:48I will behold her, you know?
31:51Nice to meet you.
31:53Nice to meet you.
31:53Nice to meet you, beautiful.
31:56So pretty.
31:57I can absolutely see why Stacey feels threatened by Darcey
32:02because when Darcey arrived,
32:04I forgot about Stacey and I was so into Darcey.
32:08And then I was like,
32:09Jasmine, please,
32:10this is exactly what Stacey's talking about, you know?
32:13To be honest, I wouldn't feel bad for Stacey at that moment
32:16because all my thoughts was about Darcey.
32:21She has a sense of fashion.
32:23She's stylish.
32:24She has a lot of nice qualities.
32:27I would like to have myself.
32:28So I'm a team Darcey.
32:31I like Darcey.
32:33It's hard.
32:34She like, you know, like trap you.
32:37She's like a spider and you're in her web
32:39and you're like, ah!
32:41Oh, oh, that's right.
32:42That's right.
32:43Get it, get it, get it, get it.
32:45Come on.
32:46You guys have an interesting dynamic.
32:47How you doing?
32:48Yeah, well, we're here to work on our issues, so.
32:50Tell me about it.
32:51What's up, Flo?
32:52My brother.
32:54You're looking happy.
32:56Yeah, the besties are back.
32:57Darcey and Florian.
32:59That's kind of frustrating, isn't it?
33:00Yeah, look at their life.
33:01Being besties with my sister.
33:03Oh, so you get it.
33:05You good?
33:08I saw the second that Darcey walked up,
33:10it was like, you got tense.
33:13And I mean, I think she's overstepping boundaries,
33:16but I had a situation once that
33:18me and Vinny got into a fight.
33:20I was really upset because I didn't know where he went.
33:22And I was freaking out and I called my sister
33:25and she said, yeah, I talked to him.
33:27And I said, oh, well, you knew that I was upset.
33:28Why didn't you call me?
33:30And she said, well, our conversation's private.
33:33And she was like, you know, I really can't talk about this.
33:36And so it really hurt me.
33:38So I identify with that feeling.
33:40Don't step it down.
33:40It's valid what you're feeling, you know?
33:43You're right.
33:44Aw, thank you, Florian.
33:47My bestie.
33:49Oh, wow.
33:51Definitely see that Florian
33:56was having a soft side with Darcey,
34:00which he usually doesn't have with Stacy
34:02or with other females in general,
34:04because he had been a bitch to me the whole time.
34:08But then with Darcey, he was like a teddy bear,
34:11so soft-spoken and, you know,
34:13and that was like a different side of Florian
34:16that I never seen with Stacy, which is kind of weird.
34:21I feel like he's like stuck in the middle
34:23and he doesn't know who to choose, but I'm your wife.
34:25So, come on, come on.
34:28We have a special bond, we just-
34:29Look at this, like this is my sister.
34:31Yes, understand that.
34:32Already I lose two sisters.
34:34You want to leave your brother alone?
34:36No, I'm not gonna leave you alone, Florian, don't worry.
34:38I'll protect you.
34:40I'm not loving this.
34:41Yeah, I know.
34:42Like, how do you think I feel?
34:43This happens all the time.
34:44You need protection.
34:45Why are you tapping his leg like that?
34:46Tap, tap, tap, tap, tap.
34:48Please, come on now.
34:50I mean, personally, I did think it was kind of wild
34:53that how Florian was acting with Darcey.
34:55I mean, you know, don't leave me here.
34:58And she's like, I'll never leave you.
34:59And like, touching legs, like that's weird.
35:02Like, even if Rob did that to just like any woman,
35:05I'd be like, hello?
35:06Like, am I third wheeling?
35:10But he told me something here
35:14that I was very shocked, Darcey.
35:17Okay, okay.
35:19Am I supposed to guess or something?
35:20You know what, I just, I'm gonna go home.
35:22I'm gonna home.
35:24She's jealous, she's hurt.
35:26You can't start something and then not finish it.
35:28You know what, I just want to go home.
35:32Florian, let me go, let me go.
35:35Darcey could not have come at a better time.
35:38The reality is Stacey and Florian
35:40have so much on their plate
35:42and so many issues and topics
35:44that they're processing through.
35:45But it's clear, this is a part of it.
35:48Family, connection, jealousy,
35:50this needs to be put out there.
35:52Let's just throw it all out on the table
35:56and then we can work on things.
35:57But let's be clear, there's more work that needs to be done.
36:00This is just the beginning for all of them.
36:05Okay, I want to talk about-
36:07Can I have a really quick bite of the bagel?
36:08Oh, yeah, go ahead.
36:09Oh, yeah.
36:10I haven't even forgotten what yours looks like.
36:13I was like, she's holding it hostage.
36:15They just got through you showing you
36:16and you just put it in this bagel?
36:17Yeah, I'm like, I know it's there.
36:20I'm getting there towards you.
36:21You know, I'm like, I have it.
36:23Do you want to smell it?
36:24Yum, yum, yum, yum.
36:25Yeah, I'm so hungry.
36:26I'm gonna eat me some.
36:35Okay, Florian, this is when you and Darcy
36:37went to find Stacey in your hotel room
36:39after she left the dinner.
36:43Should we knock?
36:45No, no, I have the door.
36:48You guys do whatever you want.
36:51You can call Florian all you want, hang out with him.
36:54He's my brother-in-law.
36:55He's your husband.
36:56Actually, you guys have a better connection
36:58than I have with Florian.
37:00So, well, take him.
37:01No, thank you, Stacey.
37:03I'm married, honey.
37:06Is that true?
37:07You have a better connection?
37:10You want to tell her what you told me?
37:15You told me one night, like,
37:17Stacey, you're treating her good.
37:19You should be more single.
37:20You remember that?
37:23I remember saying that.
37:24You said that.
37:25You remember saying to Florian,
37:27you're better off single.
37:28First of all,
37:30I don't think it was wise for Florian to share that
37:34because it's hurtful to his wife.
37:38I think that couples have a responsibility
37:40to protect their partner.
37:42And if Florian brought that out,
37:45then he should have followed it up with,
37:48I'm going to distance myself from Darcy.
37:51But he didn't.
37:52He just brought out the snake.
37:56And then he said, here's the snake, basically.
37:58I mean, what is Stacey,
37:59what was Stacey supposed to do with that?
38:01It's like,
38:02I would have taken that the same way
38:04that Stacey did to say,
38:07oh, do you want my man?
38:09Or the other way that she could have taken it was,
38:13do you think that Florian is holding me back?
38:15Why do you call him at three o'clock in the morning?
38:17Like, so, Florian.
38:20You want to my man or something?
38:21Are you crazy?
38:23Sorry, sorry, Darce.
38:26I've never, ever in a million years
38:28would even have that thing
38:30or that thought that you're saying right now.
38:31That's disgusting.
38:32Did I mean to say what I said about her,
38:35like them wanting to each other?
38:37No, I don't believe that.
38:38I don't think there's any sexual chemistry between them.
38:41I think it was more loose slip,
38:45kind of slip, kind of comment.
38:48And I take that back.
38:49If anything out of the whole night, I take that back.
38:52And I will apologize for that.
38:53But I feel like everything else was kind of valid.
38:57Have you and Darcey ever fought over a man or a boy before?
39:01Do you guys have the same taste?
39:04Has Darcey ever stolen a boyfriend of yours?
39:06It's so crazy because Darcey and I
39:08actually have different tastes and men.
39:13Well, I mean, Eastern European's kind of the same,
39:16but other than that, like,
39:19and, you know, the young hot guys with muscles and stuff.
39:22Yeah, we like that kind of guy, but,
39:27no, we've never stole each other's boyfriends.
39:29And we've never, you know, switched or anything.
39:33We never do like a switcheroonie or anything like that.
39:35That's weird.
39:36Yeah, no, no, no, no, no.
39:38I've never ever in a million years
39:40would even have that thing
39:42or that thought that you're saying right now.
39:44That's disgusting.
39:45Married to you, he's my brother-in-law.
39:48I'm allowed to have a relationship.
39:49This is like feel more big and fight than normal.
39:52Basically, like, I don't like therapy.
39:54I never did therapy in my life, you know.
39:56For therapy, I can call my sister, my family, you know,
39:59my dad, my mom for therapy.
40:00I don't need, like, to call somebody
40:02to pay random stranger people.
40:05Anyway, this time, basically, like, I think
40:08me and Darcey Stacy, like, need therapy
40:11to, like, to shut down this kind of things.
40:14Yeah, I agree.
40:16You don't want me to be happy.
40:17Maybe you don't look happy.
40:18Neither do I.
40:19I am happy when you're not around.
40:22Then I'm out.
40:25Deal with it.
40:27Mark those words.
40:30Deal with it.
40:34Both of you, like, shut the f**k up.
40:39I'm gonna bed.
40:41Watching back that moment,
40:45it just brought up so much emotion and feelings that
40:51I felt like
40:54there was no way out.
40:55There was no way turning back.
41:00And I didn't know where we would go from there.
41:06Next time on The Daily Show,
41:09next time on Between the Sheets.
41:12I'm scared because
41:14It's okay.
41:14They're not the same as my family.
41:16They're a nightmare, and I don't wanna deal with that.
41:20I'm about to cry.
41:21Some men deal with things differently.
41:24Oh, I don't know what's happening.
41:26I don't know what happened here.
41:30That was a big reason why I wanted to come here,
41:32because I wanted him to be held accountable
41:35for the things that he's done that are not okay.
41:38So if I'm hearing this right,
41:39she just came here to, like, be like,
41:41you're a mother f**ker.
41:42I just want everybody else to know that.
41:44Yes, that is exactly what she just said.
41:47She only came here to basically villainize him.
41:50I am a person who practices ethical non-monogamy.
41:54I am married.
41:56Gino is a very analytical person.
41:59From giving him, like, a strong evidence
42:02that it had worked for Reba, our sex therapist, you know,
42:07I felt at that moment so freaking hopeful.
42:09He is gonna feel comforted about it,
42:12and he's gonna be more open to explore it.
42:15He was speak to Julia, like,
42:17I'm afraid that if I get into serious relationship
42:20with her and get married,
42:22she will take my business and my money.
42:23I didn't say anything like that.
42:25That's nothing like I said.
42:26Talk about being in the frying pan.
42:28We were in the heat of it.
42:30And if I'm honestly speaking,
42:31it felt like they were never going to align.