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Marcus Jordan's combativeness with authorities apparently continued well after he was arrested on Tuesday morning ... cause a new police report, obtained by TMZ Sports, states he belligerently demanded officers play Mariah Carey tunes while he was locked up.


00:00We have some new details about Michael Jordan's son getting arrested his DUI arrest in Florida by can I just say early?
00:07craziest body cam video we've seen in the long time body cam going through this stop remember if you
00:14Forgotten he was driving away from police evaded one department and then a few minutes later ended up
00:20Stuck on railroad tracks after he was driving on the tracks on driving his Lambo on those tracks
00:26Yes, and so could not get out of there police came and and by the way a train was coming and a train was coming
00:34You know what your Clementine thing was actually I told you that worked out. I know I told you that
00:40So first of all, we just got the new details. We have have to do with what happened after
00:45the whole
00:47You know, they gave him field sobriety tests and bail and he failed
00:52What happened in the car on the way to the police department is I guess kind of hilarious
00:57but first want you to see in case you hadn't seen this yet what happened when the police walked up to the car and
01:04He's still behind the wheel trying to get this thing off the tracks. It is
01:09Wow off the rails
01:18We thought we were making a right and
01:21Turned on to the train tracks in here
01:25I'm trying but yeah, we're not getting back in the car right now
01:30I'm Michael Jordan's son. I'm not doing anything wrong. I'm just trying to get home. I'm just saying if there's six of us
01:39And we throw this thing in reverse. I've already got concerns for your level of impairment. Anyways, okay, so that's why
01:45Because I guess my alcohol coming from you and your own train tracks. I appreciate your concern. Yeah, I don't want but I am NOT
01:59Why are you concerned because you're inebriated and you're on the train and you're
02:05I mean do I is not funny and that's not what we're laughing about. We're just laughing about his interaction
02:10I'm raising I know so they got he got a DUI
02:14He went failed three field sobriety tests and he was charged with cocaine possession
02:19I don't know any name any name dropped which is not a crime. It just looks real bad
02:24I don't know whether or not he actually had any cocaine that night
02:29But what we learned about his ride to the police station
02:32Kind of makes me think maybe he did but here's why so he's in the car and in the body cam
02:39You can actually see and hear what the officer had on the radio at one point. He actually had I the tiger on
02:47Marcus apparently wasn't down for any survivor
02:50Because according to the police report, this is what he told the officer
02:55Can't you play some holiday music or some blank play some Mariah Carey up in this bitch?
03:04Think it's like it sounds like something you would write in a movie script if you were had a character
03:12Cocaine and got arrested
03:14This is this the worst part about this is actually he he didn't necessarily say this inside of the car, right?
03:20So inside the car, he's singing along to eye of the tiger and all that stuff and he asked him to turn it up
03:24He gets back into the station and they're they're checking him for his blood levels or his breath levels
03:29They want to take a breathalyzer for him
03:31He refuses and they say as they wait to watch him and wait to kind of minister this test
03:35That's when he starts requesting them, right?
03:37Oh my god, in addition to driving home and asking can you turn this up?
03:41He is now inside of the station and again asking officers. Can't you just play some Mariah Carey?
03:45Oh my god, they said he was terrible in this there
03:48Let me read you more of what they said. He was loud profane belligerent sarcastic patronizing fidgeting constantly
03:55He was he was apparently just a massive jerk after being even taken in from all this Wow
04:01What is his dad? I was watching and you can see this again all on the website in team z.com. I
04:09Was watching the field sobriety tests and sometimes you watch those you go like, oh, come on
04:13No, no one can do that even sober and I stood up and I tried to do one of them and I was like, oh
04:17Wait, I actually can't you can't do that. Yeah, I can totally do it. That's why they don't
04:22It's not a trick test. I mean you can't actually do it if you're sober. Um, I gotta tell you
04:28This feels like a Will Smith moment not to slap but keep my name out of your mouth is what his what dad might
04:35Oh, yeah, don't bring that up
