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New police video, obtained by TMZ Sports, shows Marcus Jordan name-dropped his famous father to cops in an apparent effort to get out of trouble before his arrest on Tuesday morning.


00:00Word to the wise, if you are a nepo kid,
00:05don't drive drunk with a very, very loud blue Lambo,
00:14because you're gonna get caught.
00:15All those things will tend to add up to you
00:17getting caught by the police,
00:19and that is exactly what police say Marcus Jordan,
00:22Michael Jordan's son, did in Florida overnight,
00:27that he was in his very bright blue Lambo SUV
00:34when police tried to pull him over,
00:35and he decided he either didn't see the police there,
00:40I guess is the nicest thing you could say,
00:42or saw them.
00:43Police see it a little differently.
00:44The police say he was trying to evade them.
00:46And there was a chase that started.
00:50How this all ended though, was with that blue SUV,
00:54which you see speeding away from the police right there.
00:57Well, he actually got away from them
00:58because the police stopped.
01:01We think it's because they were going
01:03to enter a new jurisdiction.
01:04So the police just stopped.
01:06So he could have gotten away, but.
01:08Right, he ended up on some railroad tracks.
01:12This is like the Clementine.
01:14Nobody gets the Clementine reference,
01:16but yes, he ended up on the railroad tracks,
01:19damsel in distress, and could not get off.
01:24And that's when the police caught up to him.
01:26Yeah, guys, according to police documents,
01:28there was actually signs that he was trying to,
01:30I guess, run by these railroad tracks, but got stuck.
01:33They said there was like rocks in the area.
01:35The gravel that's usually around.
01:37The gravel, they noticed bumper damage
01:39on his front and rear bumper.
01:41That was, by the way, can I just stop you for a second?
01:43That doesn't make sense to me.
01:44Because at the actual road crossing, there wouldn't be.
01:47Oh, he didn't go in the actual road?
01:50That's what it sounds like.
01:50He must not have, because everybody crosses
01:52where the road crossing is.
01:53And there usually isn't gravel there.
01:54The gravel is.
01:55So you're right.
01:56So he was trying, oh, he was.
01:58Oh, wait a second.
02:00And I don't know this.
02:01I'm just theorizing that he tried to go down the tracks
02:05to get away.
02:06Yes, that's what I thought this morning.
02:06Thinking that the cops would be coming down the road.
02:07That's what I thought this morning.
02:09And he tried to go down the tracks.
02:10And he tried to go down the tracks.
02:11Oh, this isn't gonna work.
02:11And he got stuck.
02:12Tried to turn off and get stuck.
02:14That's exactly what I thought this morning.
02:15Go on, Edward.
02:16That's what it appears to be.
02:17So anyways, cops obviously stop him and question him
02:20and ask, why are you on these train tracks?
02:21And according to the police documents,
02:23they state that Marcus said he took a wrong turn
02:25and just needed help to get off.
02:27Well, while he was giving his answer,
02:29cops say he was emanating a strong odor of alcohol.
02:32They obviously take him out of the ride.
02:34They conduct some field sobriety tests.
02:35There was three exactly.
02:36And they said that he failed all of them.
02:39Now, what happened after the failure of these sobriety tests
02:43is why he's in super trouble.
02:44They say they searched his pocket
02:46and found a white, powdery substance in a bag
02:48that they claim tested positive for cocaine.
02:51Then, to make matters worse for Marcus,
02:53according to the documents, they say he became combative,
02:56didn't want to cooperate within any of their searches
02:59or anything like that.
03:00They said they actually had to move his legs apart
03:02to search the rest of his pants.
03:03They said when they were trying to put him
03:04in the police squad vehicle, he wouldn't go in.
03:07He was actually sticking his leg out
03:08so they couldn't close the door.
03:09So it was just a big, messy scene.
03:12He was ultimately brought to the jail
03:14and arrested on three charges, DUI crash with property damage,
03:18possession of cocaine,
03:19and resisting an officer without violence.
03:21So, Michael Jordan.
03:23What? Oh, the phone call to Michael.
03:26By the way, he got out of jail this morning, walked out.
03:30Of course, there were reporters waiting for him.
03:34Marcus had nothing to say, probably wisely.
03:37I don't know. That's the blue Lambo.
03:39That's a different one. It's a different one.
03:41There are two blue Lambos?
03:43It's a different color blue.
03:44We're under the understanding he was picked up
03:46in a different Lamborghini SUV
03:47and then went to the tow truck to get his old SUV that he...
03:50They had matching blue Lambos.
03:52No, they're not matching.
03:53That was the same color.
03:54No, no. One is like...
03:55Oh, you're right. It's darker.
03:56One's the electric blue and another is sort of a powder blue.
03:59Who gets two of the same ones?
04:01The powder blue, by the way, Michael Jordan.
04:03Anyone get it? Ed, you know.
04:05North Carolina, he's Tar Heel.
04:06North Carolina, Tar Heel blue.
04:07Oh, I would have guessed that.
04:10And by the way, he was wearing Air Jordans when he walked out,
04:12but, I mean, he owns a...
04:15One, they're his dad's, and two, he owns a...
04:17So, Michael Jordan gets a phone call.
04:21That's going to be rough, right?
04:23Oh, maybe he doesn't.
04:25Maybe you avoid making that phone call.
04:26What is their relationship?
04:28I mean, they're not estranged at all.
04:31I mean, I don't know how often they see each other, but...
04:33We see them out pretty often.
04:35I don't think there's any sort of issues with that.
04:37No, there's no risk between them,
04:38or at least there hadn't been.
04:41Yeah, so he is in some trouble here.
04:43Yeah. He is in some trouble.
04:45I mean, look, the one lucky thing you can say for him
04:48is he did not hit anybody else, didn't hit any pedestrians,
04:52nobody was harmed other than his vehicle.
04:56I'm telling you, the lawyer is going to have trouble
04:59with the cocaine possession, trouble with the DUI,
05:04but the crash on the railroad track,
05:07I think he's got a shot at.
05:09No, I do. I do.
05:11Hey, my name is Andrew Washington,
05:13and I'm from Long Island, New York.
05:15So, one of these things about these celebrities
05:17and their children that just baffles me,
05:18you have the whole world in your hands.
05:21How do you go out and get arrested for a DUI,
05:25end up on the train tracks on a Lamborghini,
05:29and worse, you have cocaine in your possession?
05:31It's like you have everything gifted to you,
05:34and listening to this story, three DUI tests?
05:38Like, how many tests do you have to fail?
05:39Well, no, they do that a lot.
05:40Here's the answer to your question,
05:42because if you're drinking, you have impaired judgment,
05:48and that's true of anybody,
05:49regardless of how much money you have.
05:51You drink, your judgment goes out the window.
05:53I want to tell a quick story, and then we got to move on.
05:55Okay. I don't know if you remember this,
05:57but way back in the day, by the way,
05:59I love Lindsay Lohan, and she's doing fantastic now,
06:03but back when she wasn't, like 12, 13 years ago,
06:07she got stopped.
06:09She was actually rolling down Pacific Coast Highway
06:12and got stopped right in the parking lot
06:15of Santa Monica Police, and they searched her,
06:19and they found white powder,
06:22and the cops believed it was cocaine,
06:25but she never got charged with it
06:27because the officer who got it looked at it and thought,
06:32oh, well, that must just be a crushed-up breath mint
06:35and threw it in the trash,
06:36and then it got contaminated, so they could never use it.
06:39So that's my story. We're going to move on.
06:40I don't know. That's not going to help Marcus Jordan at all,
06:42but yeah.
