• 2 months ago
00:00We've got about a minute left.
00:01Let's close it out for people unfamiliar
00:03with this sports betting operator out of the UK,
00:05BetChris, B-E-T-C-R-I-S.
00:08Very popular a long time ago.
00:10Haven't even heard their name in a long time,
00:12but now resurfacing here in the States.
00:14Tell us more.
00:16Yeah, BetChris is a brand that existed
00:18in the U.S. sports betting landscape
00:19before states were allowed to legalize sports betting.
00:22This was predating the days
00:24of the unlawful Gaming Enforcement Act,
00:27which forced all these kind of operators to get out.
00:29But now they're returning to the U.S. this time
00:31with a legal license.
00:32So they'll be in Arizona.
00:34I believe they went live this week
00:36with hopes to expand to other states in the future.
00:38But a brand you used to know coming back to the U.S.
00:41Previously was an offshore brand, now is legal.
00:44We'll see what kind of strategy they can execute here
00:46when you have, you know, at this stage in the game
00:48in legal betting with all the other big players at hand.
00:51So welcome back, but it's gonna be a tough road ahead.
