• 2 months ago
00:00So, let's close it out with the possibility of Alabama getting going with some sports betting here.
00:06And, you know, I know that there's going to be a lot of opposition on this one, as there has been for years, Pat.
00:11I guess the workaround here is they're trying to move, it looks like, through the Senate as opposed to the House.
00:17I'm not saying that this is circumventing anything. It's just maybe a different way of proposition to get this done.
00:22Alabama is such an interesting state, and it's one that I've actually come to kind of enjoy watching because it is so interesting.
00:30Over the past couple of years, it is one of five states without a state lottery. So, you start there.
00:36And that's one of the things that they focus on, is any of the gambling bills really starts there by creating an Alabama lottery.
00:44From there, it's kind of expanding. They figure, basically, let's go ahead and go big and have casinos and online sports betting and all the like by including that in the lottery bill.
00:58Now, a couple years ago, there was a Senate bill that did all of that. It passed the Senate. It went to the House and didn't pass.
01:07So, the next time around, the Senate goes, okay, we're going to give it to the House.
01:10The House pretty much bases what they put together in a package and sent it to the Senate.
01:17The Senate said no, and in a conference committee, they stripped most of the casino language. They stripped online sports betting.
01:24The House still passed it. The Senate didn't pass it.
01:27And so, that's where we're at this year. We've got a House minority leader saying, okay, you know, we've come really close. We've done this a couple of times.
01:34It seems like we agree to wanting to do this sort of stuff.
01:39So, you know what? We did it last year. You guys can go ahead and try to do it again.
01:44At the same time, you've got a Senate leader saying, you know, we're going to continue to approach this conservative, more conservative than the House.
01:52So, you know, it kind of seems like a stalemate.
01:54I wouldn't be surprised at some point if they just come to an agreement, go ahead and pass a lottery,
02:00and then from there, in the future sessions, kind of expand it from there, including online sports betting,
02:06especially if you see Georgia and Mississippi go online, then you're going to see some more pressure in Alabama, I would think.
02:13So, yeah, I mean, Craig, there's a lot of legislation coming on board.
02:18As I've mentioned, we're going to be talking about a lot of these in the coming weeks.
02:23I mean, we've got more online casino coming. We've got Minnesota heating up.
02:26We've got, and can't forget, Missouri is going to be launching here in a couple of months.
02:31That should have an update for you soon.
02:35Yeah, a lot of stuff happening, Craig.
