• 2 months ago
00:00But basically, the observation that I feel like I maybe others have made about many of our sports
00:05in this day and age is that you've almost distilled these things down to their two main
00:10utility values. One is, can I bet on it? And two is, can you make this into a can you increase
00:17the entertainment value of this product, right? So you know, micing up guys creating series like
00:22drive to survive and full swing on Netflix, just how can you how can you turn this into a reality
00:27show? Or how can I gamble on this? And I think that that is a lot of leagues have done that. Well,
00:33I think there's that in golf is going to continue to grow. There should be a lot of in game sort of,
00:40you know, betting options of is this guy going to hit the green and you know, which crop things like
00:44that where you really can if you want to have a lot of friends every week, you know, that really
00:48kind of get heavy into that. So I think that utility is there and that will keep it afloat.
00:53Like there will always be that level of interest in the pro game, you know, because you're going
00:57to have people who are interested in those outcomes. How can they gamify? How can they
01:00gain advantages? The entertainment side of it? I think it's an interesting one because
01:06we saw it. We heard JT's letter to his fellow tour members. We've seen a lot of discussion about it.
01:12And I think this kind of goes hand in hand with what we heard. Dottie Pepper say this week,
01:17just on pace of play is to briefly quote what she said on the broadcast. I think we're starting to
01:21need a new word to talk about this pace of play issue and its respect for your fellow competitors
01:26for the fans for broadcast for all of it. It's just got to get better because I think that there
01:30is a real it's two weeks in a row. Now, we've talked about this for going back several years,
01:35but two weeks in a row where the pace of plays been really bad, especially on a Sunday. And I
01:40wonder as you reference their live and we talked a while back when live came around about the XFL
01:47effect of looking at a league that's trying to do some new innovative things. Obviously,
01:52you're not going to take all of that, but you're going to borrow the best parts of it and try to
01:56apply it. And I wonder if we're paying more attention to the pace of play issue right now
02:02on tour because we're watching the separate product, the TGL that has this 42nd shot clock
02:09that theoretically is what you're supposed to be doing on the PGA tour as well. And we're seeing
02:14the difference in time, you know, before a shot is played from, you know, when it's actually
02:19enforced versus when it's roughly not really enforced and saying, wait a second, PGA tour
02:25can be played a lot, a lot faster. So I don't know if that's just anecdotal what I'm seeing in my
02:29mind. And it strays a little bit away from what you're talking about with PGA tour fantasy. I
02:32think that's a very salient point. I think it's just a thought, right? But it's, it's you're,
02:37you're, you're, you're, you're only down on something. You're drilling down on something
02:40I think is important of like, how can we clean up this thing across the board? I think it's
02:44looking at what the kind of key pieces of interest are for, for the two main types of consumers.
02:49They're really just to add to this PGA tour fantasy golf, you know, just like how the NFL
02:56leaned into it, the PGA tour is half in half out when it comes to gambling. And when it comes to
03:02fantasy in the NFL, when you think back, you know, those commercials, like I believe it was,
03:08is it Antonio Gates or somebody that it would like jump through the window. Do you remember
03:13those like NFL fantasy commercials? Yeah. Yeah. Like one of the kickers kicked and knocked
03:19something off. I know anybody that's listening right now could probably name all of the players,
03:23but those were some of my favorite commercials, but what the NFL did said, you know what,
03:29let's get these guys, let's do these shoots. Let's, let's picture now, like the golfers,
03:34you know, picture JT picture, Scotty Sheffler, Zander Shoffway doing commercials that you see,
03:39it's like, Hey, pick me. Why not pick me? And I just think that you have to find a way
03:45to get people caring about every single round of what these guys shoot, because right now,
03:50everybody just complains about everything. And to your point to the, to the all the slow play stuff.
03:56Yes. But just remember, we'll get, we're going to be in twosomes once we get to daylight savings
04:01time. Yes. They got to play faster. There's things that they can do, but it's always slow
04:08with threesomes. It's just it doesn't matter how you scan it. Yes, they, they can and should play
04:14faster, but I know there's the term, not a whole lot you can do, but they probably can do a little
04:22bit, but you just have to remember threesomes takes a long time.
