00:00The next kind of thing I want to talk about it kind of has to do with with the stuff with kids
00:05It's it's really about the state of the game called when we talk about
00:09What professional golf, you know used to look like for us, which was the you know, the main show in town
00:14There wasn't YouTube golf. There wasn't TGL. There wasn't live golf
00:17It was a simpler time everybody
00:19You know had appointment TV with their dads their granddads on Sundays to go watch golf on the couch
00:25And it was routine for a lot of people and now we've kind of gotten into golf being very popular as a sport
00:34Celebrities care about it. Everybody wants into all these celebrity pro-ams. That's seems to be popular
00:39You get the birth of YouTube golf. That's kind of taking over
00:43TGL live like I mentioned and then of course the grass league, which I want to talk to you a little bit about
00:48I mean when you when we when I mentioned all of that like for you
00:52What stands out about just where the game is with all the the moving parts and you know kind of where the tour fits in?
01:00Yeah, it's just wild to think I mean growing up. I mean, I'm 39 years old now
01:04And I mean I got into the game when I was 12
01:07Tiger won the Masters right before I turned 13 and just thinking like here's the PGA Tour
01:14There so you can see in the screen. There's the PGA Tour and I mean way down here is everything else, right?
01:19I mean, this is the goal like my dream wasn't to be on the European tour, even though I know I'm American
01:24But my dream wasn't to be on the Corn Ferry tour or anything else
01:27Like the PGA Tour was it and everyone knew that and that's why it was such a big deal when you got there
01:32And then all of a sudden, you know, they're not the only show in town
01:36Live comes around throws ridiculous amounts of money at guys and into the purses
01:43Listen it's it's been great financially for professional golfers hasn't been good for the professional game
01:49In my opinion, no
01:50It's it's it's divided the game. It's fractured the game
01:54And I think it's probably pushed a lot of the just average viewer away
01:59Like yeah, all they talk about is money
02:01There's all this this tension arguing like I don't care about this
02:05Like I just want to watch the best players in the world play
02:07so if you're not a diehard like you and I are or a lot of my friends like
02:11You don't you're like, okay, that's cool. These guys can go play golf. I don't really care
02:15And that's unfortunate because I want to see these guys
02:18I want to see golf grow more than ever and it is like more people are playing golf more than ever
02:24It's just they're not watching it
02:25I think they're just really sick of all everything that's going on with the division and golf's not big enough
02:31This isn't the NFL the NBA or Major League Baseball
02:34Like golf just doesn't have enough people
02:37Tuning in to have half the audience watching one tour and half the audience watching another tour. That's right
02:43I mean, that's just honest and like I love the PGA tour
02:46I had the opportunity to go to live when it first started to broadcast and I didn't go and
02:52I get hated on all the time that I'm a shill and all this and everything for the PGA tour and no one has ever
02:57Once told me what to say
02:59Like my opinions are my own
03:00Whether it's on CBS subpar gravy in the sleaze and I've taken plenty of shots at the PGA tour for how they've handled things
03:06On the shows I'm a part of but I'll be honest like I do watch live because I'm a golf junkie
03:12Now I want to watch those guys play. Do I enjoy watching the product? Absolutely not
03:16Like I think it's not that great of a product. It could be better, but I just want all this to go away
03:22I I and I don't think I think with the announcement that happened today
03:27With live sign with Fox. I mean, I think that just looks like all this hope of them coming together
03:32I'm just like oh, well, it's a multi-year deal. What are we gonna do now?