• 2 days ago
00:00Someone's getting a delivery.
00:06Guess we don't need to tip.
00:11Come on, let's bring it inside.
00:17Goggles. Why not put them on?
00:23If only there was something for your nose.
00:27Well, it's not going to open itself.
00:31At least the goggles did something.
00:36A heart? Is it Valentine's Day already?
00:40Though our new spunky friends just scream Halloween.
00:49But you know what this means. It's time for a check-up.
00:55Looks like Pinky's in a delicate condition.
01:01Someone's got a bun in the oven.
01:05Or should we say bunnies?
01:10Either way, it's time to take a closer look inside.
01:21Happy Birthday! To you! And you, too!
01:26Something tells me this one takes after his father.
01:31Now that's one big happy family.
01:37What's wrong, Oren? Well, you sure got to the point.
01:43These prickers seem pretty stuck in there.
01:51This looks like a good place to hide.
01:55Looks like a job for our special extractor.
02:02But we should do something for those holes.
02:06This stuff is as soothing as green tea.
02:12You also seem to be missing something.
02:16But it's nothing a needle and thread can't fix.
02:21Of course, you'll need something to cover it up.
02:25It could work, but we'll have to shrink them down to size.
02:32SpongeBob's not the only one with a bikini bottom.
02:41Hey, don't use the doctor for target practice.
02:47Well, looks like Skye got the bullseye.
02:51That's gotta hurt. We should really numb him up first.
02:56But now it's time we really get to work.
03:03Don't worry now, you won't feel a thing.
03:08Let's get rid of that eye. I mean, he's got a spare.
03:14Band-Aids cover all wounds, literally.
03:20Now all we need is a perfect match.
03:26Eh, that's close enough.
03:32Looks like we sprung for the two-for-one caskets.
03:36Who's in here anyway?
03:39Gray! Wenda!
03:42Don't worry, we'll get you a second opinion.
03:47All you two really need is some breathing room.
03:56But first, we need to keep things secured.
04:03Now it's time we cut the cord.
04:09Something tells me this stuff should go inside.
04:16Now give him a tight squeeze and seal him up.
04:20We didn't forget you, Wenda. Let's party!
04:28Ooh, someone's got their eye on you.
04:35But let's make like a magnet and repel.
04:39Looks like Venaria could use some special medicine.
04:50And I think a little stalk reduction surgery is in order.
04:59But why waste perfectly good eyeballs?
05:05Should be time for a quick brainwash.
05:10Probably should ditch those bugs while we're at it.
05:13Besides, some flowers in your hair are more your style.
05:23Is it me, or is Clucker's head flatter than usual?
05:28Aha! I think we found your problem.
05:35You've got a few bugs on the brain.
05:39And I think there's someone else in here.
05:45What are you, renting out the place?
05:54Let's try a walnut. Just think of all the protein!
05:58Either way, your symbol's the perfect cover.
06:02Even doctors need a lunch break.
06:05Though, they really should organize this fridge.
06:15Then again, he might just be collecting supplies.
06:22What you need is high-quality food.
06:26And I think we found your problem.
06:31Hot glue and a cucumber wrap.
06:37Hey, save some of that lettuce for a waxes.
06:42Besides, it's fashionable and functional.
06:46Don't forget, we need to check on Ratty.
06:52It's like putting cold meat on a black eye, but in reverse.
07:02Hey, Brud, up for a bite?
07:05Oh, not like that!
07:07This is awful, he lost his bucket.
07:11But some handy padding will fill up that eye.
07:19Time to drop some stitches.
07:24And a new eye.
07:26But we can't forget the most important part.
07:32You're never fully dressed without a bucket.
07:37Look, it's our sprunky friends.
07:41Hey, an eye!
07:43I wouldn't touch that if I were you.
07:49What did I tell you?
07:51This is just awful!
07:53I mean, I like slime, but not like this.
07:56Hold on, Mr. Black has something up his throat.
08:01Our sprunky friends are back, just in horror mode.
08:09But maybe we should keep an eye on them.
08:15Let's see if we can find them again.
08:21Oh, Gray doesn't look too happy.
08:23Don't worry, Mr. Sun is here to help.
08:29But first, we gotta help him.
08:32After all, Mr. Sun likes to help things shine.
08:38Now let's get you something to eat.
08:41Mmm, try some fish.
08:44It's brain food.
08:45Just don't swallow the bones.
08:48You too.
08:51Ah, Gray's back to his old ashen face.
08:55Unfortunately, what goes in, must come out.
09:01Yeah, make sure you wash those hands.
09:05But first, we should probably clean up.
09:08I mean, we can't just sit here and do nothing.
09:11Come on, let's find your spot.
09:14You'd think they'd be color-coded.
09:17Hey, there's something in your hair.
09:20A bug!
09:22Let's put it with the rest of them.
09:25Ooh, Veneria, you don't look so good.
09:32I've heard of bugs, but I've never seen one.
09:36Oh, I see.
09:38I've heard of bug eyes, but not like this.
09:48Some cucumber slices should perk things up.
09:53While you rest, let's clean up your hair.
09:56I'd say you could use a haircut.
09:59But I'm not sure all that stuff is hair.
10:03Let's wash it.
10:04Soon, it'll be its nice green color again.
10:12In fact, you'll be back to your whole verdant self.
10:17Speaking of green, Mr. Tree is here too.
10:21Of course, he's brought a rainbow's worth of flowers.
10:29Let them bloom, and you've got some new accessories.
10:33Ooh, let's grab her mini-me.
10:40Something must have happened at band practice.
10:46Ooh, slime! Probably best to drop this mic.
10:52Hold on, I think there's someone in here.
10:56Whoever it is, they've got big eyes.
10:59We should probably clean them up.
11:04Let them have a relaxing soak.
11:07And we can clear all this slime.
11:14I think we should match silver with silver.
11:20Hmm, now things are starting to look familiar.
11:24Ah, crap.
11:25Starting to look familiar.
11:27Ah, crafting is busy work.
11:30Wait, don't drink that!
11:33Return those eyes, and that hat too.
11:39It's Clucker, and he's got a surprise for you.
11:50Ew, how did you hurt your face?
11:53Cause it sure is killing me!
11:58Next, this should relieve some bloating.
12:05You swallowed a spider to catch the fly?
12:09You know, you don't eat the napkin.
12:12Besides, we can use it to wash up.
12:17Wow, someone's pretty and pinky.
12:22And the mini-me's are here to help.
12:29What's under here? A kitty?
12:34Look, another eye!
12:37And a bow.
12:39I think it's time to make some faces.
12:43Let's just hope it stays that way.
12:46Wow, those scissors sure are sharp.
12:50Just what we need for our next game.
12:56Hey, it's our old pal Bubba Bubba Fat.
13:03Sadness too?
13:05Hmm, noticing a pattern here?
13:08Eh, let's see who's behind curtain number three.
13:11It's a little hard to make out.
13:14Hold on, I think it's Sky!
13:17Or it used to be.
13:21Don't worry, we'll fix you right up.
13:26Want something to bite down on?
13:31Eh, now let's add some aloe vera.
13:35You'd be surprised what this is.
13:37We're almost done patching you up.
13:42Now you can rest those eyes.
13:49Hey, do you smell something?
13:54Ooh, someone's in need of a good tongue-scraping.
14:01Hey, what's this?
14:03Someone's in need of a good tongue-scraping.
14:08You know, it helps to chew your food.
14:13It also helps to stick to food.
14:18How do you even taste anything?
14:26This is gonna take some advanced scraping.
14:33Of course, brushing's important too.
14:36Rock that smile, Simon.
14:42Hey, who's screaming?
14:44It's Tunner, I think.
14:50There's a hit-the-nail-by-the-head joke in here somewhere.
14:56Now we should probably clean you up.
14:58Jeepers creepers, you could use some new peepers.
15:07The scarecrow's not the only one who needs a brain.
15:11Forget the wizard, the mini-me's are here to help.
15:19Seems simple enough, just gotta match the colors.
15:29Okay, we're almost done. Just a few more matches.
15:37Hold on, I don't think that's quite right.
15:40Yeah, orange and gold are easy to mix up.
15:46Don't worry, Garnold, we'll find your match.
15:51We did it! And we've got a new brain.
15:58Bandage him up. Good thing he wears a hat.
16:06Good thing ol' Woxiex has got a hospital gown.
16:12He looks like he could use a doctor.
16:16At least let's make him a new mouth.
16:22Next, let's clear up those dry eyes.
16:26Talk about a full-body makeover.
16:31Let's see if we can find some donors.
16:36That's it? We're gonna need some more.
16:43Let's speed things up.
16:46Everyone's being so generous.
16:50Still, it's starting to become a puzzle, literally.
16:56Well, we just gotta take things slow.
17:02And look for corner pieces. Gotta love corner pieces.
17:10Aw, now someone's back to their old limey self.
17:18Guess Oren needs our help next.
17:26Now, you might feel a slight pinch.
17:29But don't worry, next comes nap time.
17:33How about we check her brain waves?
17:39Ooh, that doesn't look good.
17:42We should take a closer look inside.
17:47It's not easy getting others to open up.
17:50Let's get rid of all this excess gunk.
17:56She's getting a full rework.
18:01Now let's just patch her up.
18:04Next, it's time to collect some vital organs.
18:08Video games really prepared us for med school.
18:15Quick, while everything's still fresh.
18:19Now just put everything in its place.
18:24Almost done, just need to close her up.
18:29Ooh, she's sounding better already.
18:35Okay, wake up, Sleeping Beauty.
18:37It's time to join your friends.
18:40Time for a sprunky friend slumber party?
18:46Wait, there's no sleeping at a slumber party.
18:51Which means it's time to have some fun.
19:00Come on, let's wake the whole house up.
19:04Well, I did say the whole house.
19:08Okay, let's see what the damage is.
19:13Uh-oh, I knew we should have hired a night guy.
19:19Careful, the mirror never lies.
19:22Or does it?
19:24I don't think so.
19:26It's just a mirror.
19:28Careful, the mirror never lies.
19:31Or does it?
19:37We did get it from that haunted fun house.
19:43Well, you'll always be our breakout star.
19:47Don't worry, our sprunky friends can help.
19:52Just need to whip up Skye's special recipe.
19:58Ah, glitter.
20:00Our favorite secret ingredient.
20:02Now mix it up.
20:04And spread on those zits.
20:09Let it sit, this stuff really needs to stick.
20:14Now all that gunk should peel right off.
20:18Still, we're just getting started.
20:21Now mix this stuff into your hair.
20:25Cover every last inch.
20:30Let it set and blow dry.
20:34Wow, green really is your color.
20:39Be good to your hair and it will be good to you.
20:46Don't worry, your locks just want to have some fun.
20:49So hook it up with, and two, a cool toy.
20:55Now twist it up into a braid.
21:00Don't want to break up the set?
21:02Earrings, they're not just for ears.
21:07Next up, grab a candle.
21:10Really should blow it out.
21:12Soften it up with a quick dip.
21:15It's your new hair decoration.
21:17Pair it with flowers.
21:23Ooh, someone's excited.
21:25Careful where you jump.
21:28Oh, that is just disgusting.
21:32Such a waste of good chocolate spread.
21:39Now you're all set.
21:41Here's your chocolate spread.
21:47After all, we can put it to better use.
21:50Take a brush and add to some clear wrap.
21:57Draw out the face of your dreams.
21:59Try it on.
22:04Come on now, really get in there.
22:08Thank you, Simon.
22:10Now blend it in.
22:14Ah, nothing beats the natural look.
22:20Who's messing with the lights?
22:24Hey look, there's even more tiny footprints.
22:28That better not be our chocolate spread.
22:32No, it's Jevin's special paints.
22:35Grab a fork.
22:39Now you can give your eyes a cool pattern.
22:44And Simon's got some fake lashes for you.
22:48What a pretty shade of green, like your hair.
22:52Say it with your eyes, or lips.
22:58So try some of this special lipstick.
23:02You roll it on just like mascara.
23:06Of course, we want to keep the green theme.
23:12Simon, what are you up to now?
23:15Run, run as fast as you can, Simon.
23:19Careful, I don't think that box was empty.
23:27But it's okay, Simon's close.
23:30And Pinky's got an idea.
23:32Collect these little balls in a plate.
23:38Now cover them up with different paints.
23:43Let them plump up into little balls.
23:46Now they'll do what balls do best, bounce.
23:54Got any old skirts?
23:56Well, it won't be plain for long.
24:01Uh-oh, that stain on your top is another story.
24:05Still, nothing an outfit change can't fix.
24:09Wait, do all your clothes have paint stains?
24:12Well, maybe it's time we cut things out.
24:18A heart? She wanted a snowman.
24:24But Pinky knows what to do.
24:26Add a little tie.
24:31And then a little dye.
24:34While we're at it, draw up a face.
24:39Untie it and see your new design.
24:45Ah, that's better.
24:47But there's still that hole.
24:49Simon's got you covered, always sharing ideas.
24:53Simon's got you covered, always sharing his heart.
24:58Some pins will help keep it in place.
25:06Need a tissue?
25:08Oh, Pinky's gonna need a shower.
25:11And you need to clean that hand.
25:15Here's an idea.
25:17Take a pop tube and chop it up.
25:23Now, they're the perfect fake nails.
25:26Each finger can have its own color.
25:33The Sprunky gang's got a new member.
25:38You're their brand new Venaria.
25:43Always knew this girl was all heart.
25:47Guess if you can't beat them, join them.
25:51Cool, you've got a Sprunky meal.
25:56But first, why not try some of this special sauce?
26:06Let's start with a little drizzle.
26:10Ooh, I think things are about to get spicy.
26:15Hmm, this pop has lost its fizz.
26:20Maybe that's because it's blocks.
26:25And look who's here, our Sprunky friends.
26:30Of course, there's some assembly required.
26:36But this meal doesn't look too happy.
26:39Well, at least you still get a toy.
26:44It's a game book, and we gotta save Pinky.
26:49Guess we're not the only ones with Sprunky on the menu.
26:53But it looks like the customer's full.
26:56Well, his loss is our gain, especially with this vacuum.
27:01Uh-oh, I think we cleaned the plate too soon.
27:07But now it's time to shake things up.
27:12Ooh, it looks like a lollipop.
27:16And it's the best thing ever.
27:20Let's give it a try.
27:24Ooh, that's a good one.
27:28And it's the best flavor, all of them.
27:37Look, there's even a prize inside, a key.
27:43It looks like it's gonna be a great day.
27:47Of course, things can always change.
27:50Ooh, Mr. Sun, guess someone has their eye on you.
27:57And it looks like he wants to return the favor.
28:03But I think we should get things under control.
28:09Wonder Woman would be so proud.
28:15The same goes for this one.
28:20Besides, Mr. Sun just needs his medicine.
28:26Hmm, but you could still use some color.
28:31And what's better than a golden glow? Glitter!
28:38Okay, a makeover like that deserves a key.
28:43Careful, it's terrible to waste good waste.
28:48But this looks like a job for rubber gloves.
28:55Hey, there's a familiar face in there.
28:58Well, half of one.
29:01In fact, a whole bunch of our friends are here.
29:05And it looks like we gotta help them find their better half.
29:09Just be careful crossing those wires.
29:14You know, I think a marker will work just as well.
29:20It should be easy, just match by color.
29:25And here's the key.
29:28It should be easy, just match by color.
29:33Of course, we can still have some fun.
29:36After all, all the best roller coasters have loop-de-loops.
29:46Okay, we've collected all the faces.
29:51Now just add water for a quick soak.
29:58This key will take us over the rainbow.
30:04Looks like we're gardening. Hope you've got a green thumb.
30:10But don't worry, it's okay if you don't.
30:16Something tells me a little green's coming our way anyway.
30:20Just add some water and give things time to grow.
30:25Didn't I tell you? But someone can use a haircut.
30:31A gardener knows the importance of pruning.
30:37Looking good, Veneria. But you could use a little color.
30:44In fact, you could use a little green.
30:50In fact, let's get something to really help perk you up.
31:02Wait, hold on a sec. What is this stuff?
31:09Nuclear waste? It's supposed to be fertilizer.
31:13Don't worry, I'm sure we can fix things.
31:16I'm sure we can find some sort of antidote.
31:20Here, this stuff might work.
31:24What you need is a quick spritz.
31:29You'll be good as new. Besides, green really is your color.
31:37Especially when it comes in key form.
31:44Now it's time for a little screen time.
31:47But first, we're gonna need an adapter.
31:52Ratty's got just what we need, I hope.
31:56One of these spikes has to be just the thing.
32:06Things are always in the last place you look.
32:09Time to get plugged in.
32:14Oh, hello computer.
32:17You have one chance? To do what?
32:20Save Spronky? Find a key?
32:25At least we get a token to help.
32:30Hope you've got some cat scratch fever.
32:35Okay, it's nice we're finding familiar faces.
32:38But remember, we need to find that key.
32:42We've found it.
32:48And we're out of here.
32:52Ooh, it's lunchtime. How about some greens?
32:58Oh, delicious broccoli.
33:00Healthy and looks like trees.
33:03But I guess they're hard to keep down.
33:06We hear you. Everyone needs variety.
33:10So how about we go fishing?
33:14Ah, who needs worms? Slime's even stickier.
33:22Still, I'm almost tempted to throw some things over there.
33:28Oh, I see.
33:30Still, I'm almost tempted to throw some things back.
33:37Either way, all we need's a good recipe.
33:43They just need some time in our oven.
33:49Sushi? That must be some oven.
33:53Especially since sushi's served cold. And raw.
34:01Either way, he likes it. And here's your tip.
34:08Next up, we gotta make our own maze.
34:12But first, we need to find some supplies.
34:18Lots of emphasis on the find part.
34:23Ooh, red paint. That's a good start.
34:27Looks like we need two more things.
34:31A plug.
34:35We're almost done. One more thing.
34:41Aha! A blank sheet of paper.
34:44Their powers combined make a printer.
34:51But the mixing fun isn't over yet.
34:55Throw things in and get something new.
34:59Like this cute toy ambulance.
35:06But it still needs something to drive on.
35:10Okay then, one road coming up.
35:16Place it where the ambulance can reach it.
35:20We're gonna need more turns.
35:23Of course, a maze needs dead ends.
35:28We reached our patient. But we still need something.
35:37Like scissors for all this twine.
35:45Look, Oaxus has got our next key.
35:49Our sprunky friends look a little washed out.
35:53Don't worry, our emotion friends can help.
35:58They always make the world a colorful place.
36:03Now, who could use a little disgust green?
36:08Here's looking at you, Oaxus.
36:11Next up is Joy's bright sunny yellow.
36:17I think this will suit you, Simon.
36:26Feeling blue? Sadness has got you covered.
36:33You just know Simon's got you covered.
36:37You just know cyan is Skye's color.
36:44Flip them over to see how they look.
36:47Looking good. And so does this key.
36:51Ooh, clear. I think we found them all.
36:56Don't worry, Pinky. We'll get you out of there.
36:59Aw, it was all worth it just to see that smile again.
