• 2 months ago
Oh no, the Squid Game has returned! πŸ˜±πŸ¦‘πŸ’Έ With billions on the line, only one can take the crown! πŸ† In our thrilling new paper Game Book, paper players take on intense challenges inspired by your favorite series! 🎲πŸ”₯ Who will claim the ultimate prize? πŸ€‘πŸŽ‰ Watch now to uncover the winner!

00:00 The game begins!
00:29 Inside the guard
01:28 Green Light, Red Light
02:43 Dalgona
04:04 choose a stair
05:23 Maze
06:48 Guess the number
07:42 A fragile bridge

#squidgame2 #paper #gamebook #cardboard


00:00Seems like everyone's got squid game on the brain these days
00:09And it looks like young he's ready for our first game
00:15Anyone else here feeling flatter than usual piggy bank, let's grab that dough. Oh
00:25Looks like we got to play games first
00:30First off, let's help the guard clean up
00:35You know that last one might be tricky
00:40But where'd they end up guess the guards gotta eat
00:46Careful don't want to upset that stomach
00:53This is a dirty job, but at least the pays good
01:02Still we should probably get those players out
01:09Especially before they get digested I
01:14Mean they can only hold their breath so long
01:23Yes, it's better to give than to receive at least for this pig
01:30Looks like young he's ready for round two
01:36She might not have eyes in the back of her head, but those two red ones are more than enough
01:45She's already found her next target
01:51Okay, single file groups of two people
01:55Uh-oh young he doesn't look too good. Why don't we see what makes her tick? I
02:05Wonder if her eyes are giving her trouble
02:09Whoo a broken wire and we're out of duct tape guess chewing gums the next best thing
02:20Hook everything back up
02:24Let's see if it works
02:28Make sure her head screwed on tight looks like the games are about to restart
02:34But we're already the winners here
02:43Okay next up a shape game
02:47We need some assistance
02:50Let's see you get a square
02:54And you get a circle
03:01Player number three gets a triangle seems fitting
03:07So by process of elimination you get
03:11From sprung how on earth did she get in here?
03:17Well, I'm sure we can get her out
03:19Pinky is out
03:24Coloring rules stay within the lines
03:29Now pinky is out and about
03:35But now it's time everyone presents their shapes
03:42Everything seems good so far
03:45Now the square or is it a rhombus?
03:50Uh-oh looks like it's got a tear
03:53Well, you win some you lose some
03:56And we always win
04:01Next up it looks like everybody needs to choose some stairs
04:06Of course you can never know just where a path could take you
04:14It looks like you picked the green door and behind door number one
04:21You lose
04:26Time to get ready for round two
04:28You lose
04:32Time to get ready for round two
04:36Well follow that yellow brick road
04:44Today sure is a busy one for young he
04:48Another loser. Well, maybe third time's the charm
04:53At least the stairs match that's a good sign
04:58Uh-oh, I might have spoken too soon
05:03What you're waiting for ditch that bomb want a bite
05:10Always knew he'd blow up our piggy bank is eating well tonight
05:23Next up is a balloon game. Ooh, I think they're filled with slime
05:31Let's take a look inside
05:37There's something in there it looks like a little marble, let's check the others
05:47Come on we gotta dig deep look a blue marble
05:52Let's check the others
05:56How much you want to bet there's a green one in here
06:04Okay, we've got our marbles all in a row
06:08So now it's time for a little game try to help the marble reach the finish line
06:16And you should probably miss those holes
06:18Well guess it's on to round two
06:27Another hole in one. Maybe you should stick to golf. Well, maybe the third time's the charm
06:39Aha you made it show her what she won
06:45Let's hope that piggy still got room
06:49Okay, everybody get on those blocks
06:54Does the number match the marbles this guy's safe
07:00This guy's another story
07:05Ah, that's not good
07:07Is he about to be lunch spin to find out?
07:11We got a three
07:12He's okay
07:14for now
07:19That means you get two steps back, but he's not out of the woods yet
07:25Now that's five steps for young he
07:33Well, either way at least we get a prize
07:39Careful it looks like pinky's about to pop our next game's taking us over the rainbow
07:48Choose a ball pop and well, hope you don't fall
07:55So, yeah, everybody watch your step
08:00Well so far this bridge seems safe
08:06Still we don't want things too easy
08:12But how do we get them to the other side
08:15Well, I guess we can always switch bridges
08:23Okay, we got to make a final choice
08:28Yay, we found the final step
08:35Everybody's safe. Well everybody who's left that is
08:39But where's our prize?
08:41This time it comes with a show
08:51Uh-oh, I think we broke the pig
08:56Sometimes you just gotta love the exchange rate
09:00Look, it's our sprunky friends. Hey and I I wouldn't touch that if I were you
09:07What did I tell you oh, this is just awful, I mean I like slime but not like this
09:16Hold on. Mr. Black has something up his throat
09:22Our spunky friends are back just in horror mode
09:29But uh, maybe we should keep an eye on them
09:32Let's see if we can find them again
09:38Oh gray doesn't look too happy
09:43Don't worry. Mr. Sun is here to help
09:49But first we gotta help him
09:51After all, Mr. Sun likes to help
09:55So we need to find a way to help him
09:57Now let's get you something to eat. Try some fish. It's brain food
10:06Just don't swallow the bones
10:09you too
10:12Ah gray's back to his old ashen face
10:16Unfortunately, what goes in goes out
10:20So we need to find a way to help him
10:22Back to his old ashen face. Unfortunately, what goes in must come out
10:32Yeah, make sure you wash those hands
10:36But first we should probably clean things up
10:42Come on, let's find your spot. You'd think they'd be color-coded
10:48Hey, there's something in your hair a bug
10:52Let's put it with the rest of them
10:55Oh venaria, you don't look so good
11:03I've heard of bug eyes, but not like this
11:12Some cucumber slices should perk things up
11:17While you rest let's clean up your hair
11:20I'd say you could use a haircut, but i'm not sure all that stuff is hair
11:27Let's wash it soon. It'll be its nice green color again
11:36In fact, you'll be back to your whole verdant self
11:41Speaking of green, mr. Tree is here too. Of course. He's brought a rainbow's worth of flowers
11:49Let's see what we've got
11:59Let them bloom and you've got some new accessories
12:05Oh, let's grab her mini-me
12:11Something must have happened at band practice
12:13It's probably best to drop this mic
12:18Hold on I think there's someone in here
12:21Whoever it is. They've got big eyes
12:26We should probably clean them up
12:31Let them have a relaxing soak and we can clear all this slime
12:40I think we should match silver with silver
12:47Now things are starting to look familiar
12:50Ah crafting is busy work. Wait, don't drink that
12:56Return those eyes and that hat too
13:02It's clucker and he's got a surprise for you
13:12Ooh, how did you hurt your face because it sure is killing me
13:21Next this should relieve some bloating
13:28You swallowed a spider to catch the fly
13:31You know, you don't eat the napkin besides we can use it to wash up
13:39Wow someone's pretty and pinky
13:45And the mini-me's are here to help
13:52What's under here a kitty
13:57Look another eye and a bow
14:01I think it's time to make some faces. Let's just hope it stays that way
14:13Wow those scissors sure are sharp just what we need for our next game
14:23Hey, it's our old pal bubba bubba fant
14:26Let's see who's behind curtain number three
14:30It's a little hard to make out. Hold on. I think it's sky or it used to be
14:38Don't worry, we'll fix you right up
14:43Want something to bite down on
14:48I think it's time to make a face
14:51Let's just hope it stays that way
14:56And now let's add some aloe vera
15:00You'd be surprised what this stuff can do
15:05We're almost done patching you up
15:10Now you can rest those eyes
15:18Hey, do you smell something?
15:20Do you smell something
15:25Someone's in need of a good tongue scraping
15:30You know, it helps to chew your food
15:35It also helps to stick to food
15:41How do you even taste anything
15:48This is gonna take some advanced scraping
15:56Of course brushing is important too rock that smile simon
16:05Hey who's screaming it's tunner I think
16:13There's a hit the nail by the head joke in here somewhere
16:19Now we should probably clean you up
16:24Jeepers creepers, you could use some new peepers
16:32The scarecrow is not the only one who needs a brain
16:36Forget the wizard the mini me's are here to help
16:44Seems simple enough just gotta match the colors
16:54Okay, we're almost done just a few more matches
17:01Hold on I don't think that's quite right. Yeah, orange and gold are easy to mix up
17:08Don't worry garneled we'll find your match
17:13We did it and we've got a new brain
17:18Bandage him up good thing. He wears a hat
17:26Good thing. Oh waxy x has got a hospital gown
17:32He looks like he could use a doctor
17:35He looks like he could use a doctor
17:39At least let's make him a new mouth
17:45Next let's clear up those dry eyes
17:50Talk about a full body makeover
17:55Let's see if we can find some donors
17:59That's it we're gonna need some more
18:07Let's speed things up. Oh everyone's being so generous
18:14Still it's starting to become a puzzle literally
18:20Well, we just got to take things slow
18:25And look for corner pieces gotta love corner pieces
18:34Now someone's back to their old limey self
18:41Guess oran needs our help next
18:50Now you might feel a slight pinch, but don't worry next comes nap time
18:56How about we check her brain waves
19:02Oh, that doesn't look good we should take a closer look inside
19:09It's not easy getting others to open up
19:15Let's get rid of all this excess gunk
19:21She's getting a full rework
19:26Now let's just patch her up
19:28Next it's time to collect some vital organs
19:32Video games really prepared us for med school
19:40Quick while everything's still fresh
19:45Now just put everything in its place
19:50Almost done. Just need to close her up
19:56Oh, she's sounding better already
20:01Okay, wake up sleeping beauty it's time to join your friends
20:10Come on minions, it's banana time. Oh talk about a banana split
20:17Margo eat it. Agnes. Who put you in here? Oh, how are we gonna get you out of there?
20:25We're gonna need some keys and then some
20:30Time to play some games first up it's brew
20:36How are you liking those spicy noodles
20:39The funny thing is those are the mild ones
20:42Maybe we should check your tongue
20:47You won't miss those taste buds
20:52Or this pepper or fire or hot sauce mustard he is truly a wild man
21:02You're feeling better now, let's get you back in the game
21:06Mustard he is truly a wild man
21:11You're feeling better so how about a tip
21:15Wow, is that a special minion cup
21:21Huh, I don't think that's ice cream
21:27Wait, it's tiny gru just like the one we need hold on it is the gru
21:38Uh-oh, that bridge doesn't look too safe at least try it one at a time. Oh, no
21:44This is awful. What are we gonna do?
21:49I know time for some morning stretches
21:55Come on this guy seems pretty sturdy
21:58Ha ha
22:01Of course we always could have just moved them anyway, it's time to visit the mines
22:10Time to go up the tunnel
22:15Yeah, always keep your head up high be careful all sorts of things are buried around here
22:28Oh, maybe we can put you back together
22:37Here a banana's the best medicine
22:42Besides you're better the way you are. In fact, you're just what we need
22:51Ah, it's gru jr's first flight. Okay, who turned the baby into a cockroach?
22:59First find some way to bring him down
23:07Nothing beats the direct approach
23:11Let's wash those bugs out of your brain
23:15A brainwash if you will never mind
23:20First we gotta dig a little deeper after all bugs sure like to tunnel
23:30Now let's keep them somewhere safe
23:35And you just can't beat a little soap and water
23:43Take a towel and dry it off not too much brains are meant to be wet I think
23:53Oh our baby boy's feeling a lot better
23:59And now you can join the others
24:04Looks like the fish are fighting fighting back
24:10We gotta save him
24:13Oh, no a jellyfish be careful about those stingers they sting
24:22It looks like it's time for a little bubble power no, no, no, no, is it me or does he look like the thing
24:31More importantly he's just as tough
24:38Either way, he's just what we're looking for
24:44Ooh a minion ball pit, but those things are dirty
24:50You could use a run in our washing machine
24:54A rocket let's throw it in too
24:59Okay, it's time to go for a spin
25:06Uh-oh, it's that red sock all over again
25:10Well, our rocket's gotta blast off and away we go
25:14We go
25:16Careful make a u-turn around saturn
25:21You should make a pit stop here
25:26This place was practically made for you
25:33Hold on there's something beneath the surface
25:40Just what our flag needs and look another rocket
25:50But don't worry you're all the rocket we need seriously
26:01Next up someone's getting a present
26:06Open it up. Okay, who ordered bugs?
26:10You know something tells me maxime is behind this
26:17Uh-oh, it looks like this bug's heading for your eye
26:21Don't worry. I'm sure we can get him out
26:28Now you might feel a slight pinch
26:33Oh, no, looks like mr. Roach invited some friends over
26:43Now some eye drops should clear things up
26:48Let's throw in a little eye enhancement
26:53A laser should take care of all these pests
26:58I think we just found the one thing tougher than roaches
27:07Besides that eye is a good look for you
27:13Oh next up it's a balloon game, I guess that means it's popping time
27:26Keep popping until we see what's underneath. It's another minion. Let's make sure he's okay
27:38He's looking a little flat
27:43Time for an x-ray
27:48Okay so far everything looks fine
27:51No, no, you've got a banana stuck in your ribs
27:55Here take a nap so we can get to work
28:04Next time remember to chew your banana
28:10It's not that hard they're really soft
28:16Next have you heard of muscle relaxers?
28:21Well, this stuff kind of does the opposite
28:33Oh, they grow up so fast don't they okay big guy it's time to greet the day
28:42Let's show the others your new look
28:46With your powers combined we've got a key
28:52Quick grab it. Oh, no maxime. He's back
28:59Well looks like we've got another bug to swat keep going you almost had him bullseye
29:08Now that's a lot of slime
29:11Well, we've got our key let's save the girls
29:21You're free it looks like there's smiles all around
29:28Time to celebrate anyone up for banana splits
