• 2 months ago
Nate | Barstool Rundown
00:00He didn't Epstein this girl, which means two things now, I guess
00:06All right, it's the rundown january 9th
00:102025 I got that correct on the first try
00:14Thirst trap thursday with the three sexiest faces
00:18We could find at barstool here to bring you all your rundown love and that is presented to you by draft kings
00:24There's only a few weeks left of football
00:26But we are in the thick of the best time on the football calendar with the playoffs happening now in college and soon to be
00:32in the pros
00:34It is glorious starting tonight thursday january 9th
00:38We have football thursday friday saturday sunday and monday. We have day games. We have night games
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01:14That's promo code rundown only at draft kings sportsbook and we have ourselves an alum of one of the teams playing tonight
01:21Mr. Notre dame there the fighting irish. Mr. Large large. Is that a class ring you're wearing? Are you wearing?
01:26Are you oh, I don't know. Did I bring out the you know, they I so that's how great of a
01:32Weekend this is for draft kings and for football fans
01:34They have me doing one of the uh gambling cave things because chief is the biggest notre dame fan in the office bar
01:41None, um writes the blog every year and all that kind of stuff. Uh, frank is a huge notre dame fan frank the tank
01:47He's uh coming out also and then they just wanted somebody. Um older to try and put a tent on this fucking circus
01:54So they pulled me out of mothballs
01:56So i'm going to be here tonight and it's going to be the three of us
01:59With a couple of people who are also notre dame fans
02:01And on the other side of the table or the other side of the gambling cave will be I believe ron
02:06Uh max the big guy max, uh who has a broken foot
02:09So maybe that keeps him on in his seat for a little bit. I don't feel like in my balls person
02:13um gentleman named connor a talented young gentleman and um
02:17jeff d low
02:18Who's oh, that's right. We got a lot of pen staters here
02:21Yeah, including that motherfucker joey langone that we know and fucking joey
02:24Yeah, yeah, and I don't like the irish tonight as much like I think everyone's so high on freeman and stuff like that
02:29It's got everybody a little bit skewed. I'm hoping it's not a long night for me, you know
02:33You guys know i'm a very emotional. You're gonna be yeah, you're gonna be here in the we are
02:37They're gonna be hitting that in your face all night. Yeah, that's tough. Oh, yeah. Oh, no
02:42Did I throw that out there?
02:44We're gonna be demonetized a minute into this rundown. I apologize
02:47Um, so yeah, so look forward to him in the chicago office. It's absolutely I just took a dump in the
02:52Will compton room or whatever nice giant fern in there. I mean, we just want doors on the stalls in new york
02:58They got ferns going on and stuff. It's a it's an impressive sight out here
03:03Large have you ever done a stream with frank the tank where you're rooting for the same teams?
03:07And he has a meltdown along the way. Has that ever happened?
03:10I've never done a stream with frank. I've never i've never done or we were gonna
03:14Do the daytona 500 one year and he's like, oh i'll sit in for that
03:18And uh, it got rained out so we weren't able to do it. They they finished the race on monday
03:23So I and he wouldn't have been that
03:25Invested. No, you know, of course not. I don't know how invested he is in notre dame football
03:29But if this was like a dolphin game or a met game something i've told you about some of the horror stories i've had
03:35driving to and from uh
03:37Rough and rowdy where he's listening to it even just on his phone and he gets into it not a horror story
03:42But you know, he's he's it's a horror story. It is. It's kind of
03:46Somebody trying to drive and just listen to some, uh, you know 80s country
03:49It's it's tough when frank's going nuts on some guy that fucked up a double play
03:53Well, we reverted frank the tank to frank fleming or you know us a mix of us the mets good better play in the
04:00In the 2024 season at jenks, obviously
04:03I think the weight coming down has turned him into a little happier person kind of like you here as you've shed some lbs along
04:08The way i'm interested to see
04:10When you know things get a little tough for the irish if if it's frank to take in the cave in the cave with you
04:15Or frank fleming, so make sure to check that out tonight and uh, you know, here's our friends trappings by the way, uh,
04:21Chicago office. Oh is epic on tap. Oh
04:27Yeah, I think you know they are on camera more so it's really important for them to
04:31Put in their best you get you get hair plugs as you walk in the office now
04:35They brought the guys from turkey. So i'm going in in about a half hour. They got the oz on tap
04:40It's just everything that you want. I think dante had just gotten involved with the new restaurant
04:44He mailed in what looks like a wonderful lunch today, but i'm doing uh, I believe i'm doing rico benny's
04:50Uh for lunch with uh a friend of ours, uh eddie
04:54And so we're going to do rickovice with him and john gruden. How great of a fucking table
04:59I i'm invested in that way to rub it in. Yeah. Yeah. Can I can I say something before you start the topics? Uh,
05:06so, uh eddie
05:08Who's one of our I think collectively our favorite people in this place, right? I mean robbie you love eddie, obviously
05:14Um, i love eddie. Yeah, I know how you feel about him clam and I love the guy too
05:18Hey lodge, what are you doing tonight? I said, oh, I don't actually have any plans
05:22I'm gonna do a little food content. I had hit a beef place and then I hit this place twin anchors for some ribs
05:27He's like, oh after that's done. You want to go play bocce?
05:29It's up at a uh, you know, um community center about a half hour out of town
05:34I was like, yeah, he's me and my boy and then we need two others
05:37So I got za and then you it's me za eddie and one of eddie's oldest friends
05:42We went to this old school in elmwood park. I believe it's called
05:46Um community center all and when I say old italian guys
05:51I know what I am. I know i'm 53
05:53These guys were all older than me. It was so refreshing one of the old italian
05:57I can't take it this broad keeps bending over for the polino
06:01Meanwhile, she's like 65 years old. We're drinking red wine out of plastic cups
06:05It was at some point and he's like i'm sorry if this wasn't you know, like fancy
06:10I was like eddie. This is this is perfect. This is that was your dream
06:13Yeah, the best I saw the pictures and I honestly got fomo. Yeah
06:17You know what? I I think that if you and I see a picture of somebody at a super bowl
06:24Robbie you're like, oh, I hope they had fun
06:26You know what? I mean?
06:26But if I saw somebody else having this experience with eddie, I would I would get a little jealous
06:31Yeah a little bit and by the way za for people who don't know is very small. He's diminutive in stature. He's a dwarf
06:38He's perfectly built for bocce because they don't have bocce it's indoors
06:42So you can't you can't go to the air volo, which i'm used to with crust oyster shell
06:46It's all rolling. So za is very like kind of in there and he's very good. It was it was just
06:51Positivity all the way around, uh with uh, eddie's bocce thing
06:54So when you come out here to do that, I highly recommend it. We played for a couple hours and never broke a sweat
07:00It's a perfect fucking sport. Yeah
07:02So for people out there who want to do that
07:04Was there any like trepidation or like anyone upset like using za for bocce feels like using a job in goldeneye?
07:11It's like there's obviously
07:15The uh, you got a nerf him, yeah
07:19He had an off night he'll tell you he'll be the first one to tell you he had an off night
07:23I played very well. I'm not bragging. I'm just good at sport and but everybody there was like retired firemen
07:29It seemed to be like a bunch of like retired firemen and stuff like that
07:32So just the dichotomy of old italian firemen from chicago, you know playing against, you know, this guy from zimbabwe
07:39It's when he showed up to my son's
07:42Confirmation party at mcmurphy's pub in ridgewood
07:45Everybody that was bloated and white like me, you know what I mean?
07:48We're all mccarthy's we big fucking waterheads and in comes a guy who's wearing a full dashiki
07:53You know a little fucking guy and he he does it
07:57He doesn't get enough credit because he does it effortlessly and everybody loves him right away
08:02No matter how racist you are or sizist. You are everyone loves that everyone
08:06Did we just get canceled again? Everyone loves that, you know, he would have done well in penn state. Uh
08:12Yeah, go ahead all right moving along to another place where I wish I was right now
08:18Our boy gucci main purchased his wife. Keisha kior. I don't know if this was the keisha or if that is her
08:25It's a it's a different young lady out there a private island for her birthday
08:30so, uh
08:31Now that we're on the panel with two married men and one soon-to-be married men
08:34Man, um, you know, we could all kind of just exchange some more stories large
08:38What's the nicest thing you ever bought any I told you I did it for mother's day this year
08:42Did I did I tell you what I did? We did this on the rundown. Yeah, yeah two I I can't and I mean i've spent
08:48Literally now i've been i've been married 25 years 26 years this year
08:51So i'm not flexing but i've spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on this woman, right?
08:55Because it's been a quarter of a century that we've been together
08:58And the best thing I did was I think seven dollars worth of super glue and a fucking shadow box frame for two or three bucks
09:04Um, do you know gucci main?
09:06Spiders on one of his songs. Do you remember he is he kicks off a gucci main album, which is insane
09:12And they have spider talking to who is it? We had mark martin on the show
09:16You can kind of hear me in it because it's me and spider interviewing a guy named mark martin who's a retired driver older gentleman
09:23and mark martin, even though he was you know, an
09:26NASCAR driver like as you know as you would think one of these bocce players basically
09:31Yes, and he used to listen to gucci main beforehand on whatever platform you had to
09:38You know was was dat piff that shouts it out on the gucci main track. It's so funny
09:44Literally it's spider's voice kicking off this fucking hard rap album
09:48Like it sounds like something that a football team could come out of the tunnel too
09:53And it's spider's voice that kicks it off. So that is you didn't get a single fucking
09:58Copy of the album. We didn't get a t-shirt a fucking gucci main. Uh
10:04No residuals. No nothing. So you get the pride you're on a gucci main song for life. Fuck you
10:10I just went to go see seven the movie, uh, you know, brad pitt and stuff. Oh, yeah the re-release sword in the imax
10:16I'm sure everybody who was an extra in seven got a little residual check from that. That's the way this fucking business works
10:22Fuck gucci main
10:23Fuck this island. It's a bullshit island. You don't want to be doing that. I don't want to do that
10:32So spiders on uh spiders on one of the albums with mark martin
10:34So it's kind of cool that we have that little bit of a yeah, it's very cool. Yeah
10:39Large loves it. Yeah, it's recred. Yeah. Yeah, it's recred large. Would you accept?
10:43Uh 48 hours on the private island when it's I don't even know is is it up and running like is there?
10:49I don't know that amenities like it's a nice gift on paper. It's a nice gift for the headline
10:55It sounds like a lot of fucking work getting everything to the island
10:59I don't it's also like you buy your wife fiance girlfriend an island
11:04Is that you telling her like I want you to go on that island and leave me alone
11:08I think that this is one of those weird things. That's very nice on paper and not practical whatsoever
11:15And then this is my other question and this this is my age
11:17Luckily, i'm not the oldest man on the rundown which doesn't happen often when i'm on but thank thankfully for uh,
11:22Half hundred large over there
11:24I didn't realize gucci main had private island money and granted there's different kind of private islands here
11:29This is like, you know all inclusive resort private island
11:33But what is gucci main like is a lot of his private island money off the books?
11:36Would you say is that kind of what gucci main does? I don't know
11:39I honestly don't know. I I don't know main well enough to speak on. Mr. Main, but uh,
11:44Gucci's got it like that
11:46We okay
11:46We'd know more about it if he would carve off a little bit to me in spite of being on his fucking record
11:50I saw the island. It's not impressive. It's not it looks more
11:54So there's a walking bridge from the mainland and when I say there's a walking bridge walking bridge, maybe like 20 feet
12:00so over like a small type in it looks like uh, like one of those man-made islands where there's uh,
12:05a hut on it and then a couple of like it looks like just stations where you can like the one the uh,
12:11The one the new york financier had what was his name? No. So yeah, jeff. Um,
12:17Yeah, nothing like that
12:20So like he so there's no you can fly into whatever place it's right off the coast of
12:26Literally right off the coast of and i'm not saying I could hit a three iron to the iron. I'm to the island
12:31I'm saying I could I could hit a ping-pong ball to it
12:34So, uh, so let's pump the brakes on the fucking island talk. He didn't epstein this girl, which means two things now, I guess
12:41um, but uh
12:42Congratulations to to gucci or mr. Main. Thank you. Nonetheless. Yeah
12:47I mean, this is just one of those things she can share with her friends on instagram. Gucci bought me a private island
12:52They're not gonna probably nitpick too much gonna make them jealous and that's kind of what sometimes girls have as their currency amongst their friends
12:59About the other person, you know is getting so congrats to them both. I don't hold on a sec clem
13:04What's the best gift you've ever given your wife?
13:06Uh, you put me on the spot. I'm gonna ask you about your fiancee. Robbie after this. I got two. Uh
13:13Her daughter and her son. Oh
13:17Delivering that fucking high-powered sperm that creates beautiful kids. Is that what you're saying?
13:23Correctamundo your best gift to your wife was two well-timed loads. Robbie. What about you?
13:30I can't beat that but uh, I don't know what it would be. We've been together four years
13:35We've been on many vacations together. I would say it's got to be one of the vacations
13:40It's got to be you know, we just did london and scotland and italy. It's probably that one
13:45And you did ridgewood, new jersey
13:47True. Yeah
13:49Ridgewood this weekend large crashed my cousin's wedding hysterical. My family loved it
13:54You should have seen the look on my mom's face when she turns around large was just standing at my cousin's wedding. It was
14:01Down the block from basically down the block from where he lives
14:04So it was you know, not too uncommon for the mayor of ridgewood to stop by but yeah
14:07That that really made us laugh. We got a nice family picture together
14:10Yeah, it was wonderful. And by the way, if any ever leaves me i'm going right after miss foxy
14:15You fucking kidding me I told I told my mom he said that she cracked up she thought that was great
14:20Yeah, she's stunning woman. Absolutely stunning woman. Yeah, but I appreciate them not throwing me out by the way
14:25That was very nice of the bride and groom if you could they thought it was great. They loved it. Yeah
14:29Mrs. Fox fox isn't a maiden name or a married name. That is a stage name. That woman is a fox
14:36The people at punk punk know robbie's mom has got it going on the whole
14:41I had major fomo at that as well when I just see two of my guys at a wedding
14:46And I texted clem the picture. He was the first person to get the picture. It was oh, yeah
14:50I was like, hey, check this out. Yeah. Yeah
14:53The only thing missing is i'm sure there was a lot of jersey accents where i'm sure last night
14:56You got a lot of great chicago accents chicago firemen like the accent the smoke just you know, really seals it in I feel
15:02Oh, it's it's the great like and at one point you start
15:07You know, I want to talk like them either way, but at some point it turns into avatar where they start to understand
15:14The what is the navi or whatever? And so they just all of a sudden the language turns
15:18I wish they would do this with shogun. I'm reading way too much
15:21The shogun is a lot of reading and it's a great show visually. So you're reading it
15:26No, no, you're fucking watching the show. It's all subtitles. I wish one of them would learn fucking english. Yeah
15:32Um, you know
15:34But after a while they're like, you know, if if your ball's away, you know, they do this to you, you know
15:40From the other side there's like hand signals
15:42You know by the end of the day i'm like hey
15:44You know, they're all out of trying to get the whole fucking thing done. I gotta like, you know, chicago agrees with me
15:50and be honest
15:51Does eddie's accent come out even more when he's around the chicago guy?
15:54Because I notice portnoy when he's around like whit that's when you hear like boston dave come out
15:58I'm like, where the fuck is this guy from? Yeah. Oh he goes right into like he's in the untouchables
16:04He gets deep in the fucking weeds, I love it. Oh, I love it, too. I love it, too
16:08Uh, another move I love is a local sports reporter got caught looking at rihanna's lingerie correction during a live hit
16:15Um, they kind of go to him. He's kind of like the little backroom there
16:18you just see on his computer just a big picture of rihanna's like instagram and just
16:23All rihanna there with a little bit of red lingerie, you know, maybe a little valentine's day gift coming along for your wife
16:30Large is the creepy old guy in the pod. Uh, what's your take on this one right here?
16:33I think it's I think it's refreshing that we hear about this from jerry thorton
16:37Yes, we're not hearing about this from news outlets who are saying this guy was immediately fired for doing something pretty I mean
16:43Listen, if somebody gets my
16:46Laptop at an inopportune moment for me
16:49There could be a colonoscopy on it right like there's we don't I I
16:53I mean, I look at a lot of stuff that shows innards. So the fact that this guy was just doing um, uh,
16:58Lingerie was was a you know, a very very forgivable crime and i'm glad we're at a you know
17:04That point in life where this guy is not good
17:07This is the type of story where if the guy was to get fired he'd be hired by barstool the next day
17:12They would stand up for his ability to watch rihanna in this guy got screwed though
17:17Did he get screwed because if if you look very carefully at his computer screen, uh, I had an eagle eye on it
17:23Sure, there's a lot of circles at the top of the screen above the actual post of the lingerie
17:28What are those circles? Those are instagram stories. This guy had instagram pulled up on his desktop
17:35It must have refreshed when he wasn't looking at it the top posts just so happen
17:40If you follow rihanna, you're gonna be getting these posts
17:42Maybe you follow bad girl riri for the music and all of a sudden fenty savage is all up in your face on national television
17:49This guy got fucked. It wasn't his fault. Yeah, I need some time. It's like listening to shogun who the fuck is
17:55Yeah, but would you?
17:58Like I think there's something to it now that we're all three of us are about to be married men
18:03Like every now and again if i'm scrolling instagram, my instagram, uh feed is relatively benign
18:09Well, you know, but if I go to search for something, you know when you go hit the fucking magnifying glass page
18:16Holy shit, my explorer page is like show, you know, my instagram page shows me what I want
18:21I would imagine your explore page is nasty. I that's why I can't go to saudi for a fight
18:26I'm afraid they're gonna check my explore page and cut my fucking hands off
18:29You know, we talked about this recently and all the guys were sharing their explore pages
18:33and it was what you would expect the guys at barstools explore pages to look like I pulled mine up and it was like
18:3990 pictures of wolverine
18:42Man like yeah, it was almost the moment where you want to be the man about it and it was like wolverine and lego sets
18:48And I was like, uh, well, yeah, that's that's me. That's you listen to my mom's basement
18:53Yeah, I got a lot of french bulldogs and recipes but in between that
18:57It's straight up when the girl pretends to drop her her camera and for a split second
19:02She gets you know what I mean? So you gotta pause it
19:05I don't know. It's a fucking yeah, so I have a lot of respect for this guy
19:11Did hear that
19:12Year for you page could tell if you're more of an upper guy or a lower guy just based on I
19:18The algorithm is amazing to me. I would love to know more about it
19:20We'll take that offline because I don't know where this could go with large
19:23He's already got us and did hot water a couple times just talking college football. I apologize
19:28Uh speaking of hot water, look at that
19:30We're moving along crocodiles in indonesia have allegedly learned to pretend
19:34To be drowning humans in order to lure people into the water so they can eat them
19:38So I happen to see this one come up on my instagram this little video and then john rich blogged it
19:43and honestly
19:44I don't even know like when the video's from and I feel like this is just one of those recycle clips that they just put
19:49Back onto the internet. But did you see this? It kind of does look like the croc is
19:54Drowning it also feels like a whole bunch of bullshit
19:56Get some engagement on elon's twitter and you get your paycheck at the end of the month and you just you know
20:02Snicker snookered a bunch of people out of out of their you know view. That's my take on it
20:08Like jimmy superfly. I don't know I saw
20:11He killed someone um, I saw the clip it does look like drowning people
20:16It also comes off like the plot of like a scooby-doo cartoon or something
20:21Like oh, we're down in the haunted swamp and these crocodiles have evolved in there
20:26And then in the end it's like you take the frig and mask off the crocodiles in there. I don't know everything about it
20:32Seems just a little bit like we're taking
20:34one too many liberties with like the crocs have
20:37You know, they know what drowning humans look like so humans could jump. I think it's just like I don't know
20:43The crocs are doing shit that kind of appears like this
20:46Maybe it's just me as a human. I don't want to believe that those tiny croc brains are evolving
20:51Because they're fast some of those croc videos you see nowadays
20:54It's like holy fuck if I were in south carolina florida something like that and a croc were coming up on me
20:59I don't know if I could outrun it
21:02Are they that fast because my kids were on a path the other day in florida and they saw the croc signs and they?
21:07Hightailed it back to the hotel. I'm like what a bunch of little pussies just go out there have some fun
21:12And outside stay off your eye pants for a little bit
21:14They probably would have been gator meat if I had just let them I think some of them are fucking
21:18They go like that and they're fucking
21:20you know
21:21Yeah, it's like um
21:24I don't know if they're but it's like when you watch walking dead. I was like I can get away from zombies
21:28Because they're all slow then you watch 28 days later and you're like i'm fucked, you know world war z
21:33I don't know. Maybe the animals are coming around robbie. Maybe we should start to believe some of this
21:37That you know, they're figuring out a way maybe planet of the apes
21:42I don't know. I love those movies
21:43So do I and the fact that they're rising up?
21:46Maybe we should be taken over by crocodiles before we're taken over by ai either way this fucks the the lifeguard, uh industry
21:53because lifeguards be like
21:55Fuck that, you know what I mean?
21:56Especially for anyone who has you know, like I don't know
21:59Just I wouldn't jump in like now lifeguard industry has just been turned on its head if this is true
22:04This might get us canceled in indonesia. I'm gonna say the lifeguard industry is not thriving in indonesia
22:09I would venture to say there's not one lifeguard working in indonesia
22:12Except for maybe some you think you could get one of those red sweatshirts that has like a lifeguard thing. It says like indonesia
22:22There's you would have came up with a real beach I would have fucking kissed you on the mouth by the way
22:26No, I can't. Yeah
22:29I also come to the point where I realize the internet is just becoming not like more so social media things like this
22:36Especially as you give people rewards for just engagement. Let alone if it's real fake, whatever. It's just becoming like the
22:44national inquirer the sun or whatever like that's just how you're gonna have to do stuff now to
22:48To get clicks or to get people to talk about it
22:51You just have a land of shit and it's gonna go viral for one reason or another let alone anything good, right?
22:56People lose their minds about this guy the reporter who had the uh,
23:00clothespin on his jacket
23:02Dating you or whatever. So it's like there's just craziness people are just gonna spat off about anything. So
23:08Last but not least so this one was interesting here
23:11Uh today the national day of mourning for jimmy carter, I believe president carter. So at his funeral this morning, uh,
23:18Large is an old man. You can appreciate this. I went to the post office
23:22Post office, which is definitely an old man move very much locked out and i'm like, oh man
23:26Now the post office has weird days weird times. They're making their cuts or whatever
23:30I'm thinking I just got a post office that is closed a lot go to my second post office always open locked again
23:36There is the sign national day of mourning no mail today
23:40No post office today. However kids had school today, which is kind of crazy to me
23:44So and we had work and we had work just dave is dave porto anti-american. Is that going to become like the uh,
23:51Carter at the very least anti-carter at the very least yes anti-peanut maybe a whole bunch of stuff. Anyway, we have some
23:59Honestly some pretty great content coming out of this stuff
24:02I I don't want to say like the funeral but you have uh trump and obama kind of talking obama kind of chuckling
24:08You never know what's going on with trump and uh, ex-president. They're talking then you had george
24:13W. Bush just give a good old belly tap on obama
24:16It was just great to see obviously a serious subject with president carter's passing
24:20But it's kind of just nice seeing guys being dudes when it comes to presidents presidents being dudes
24:23It's a beautiful thing to see large. You've lived through how many presidencies now like
24:28Who's your favorite president first and foremost the the presidents that i've met probably buchanan
24:34Who met carter I met carter. Yeah, I met carter and uh clinton. I met a couple of presidents. I was lucky enough. So a thing
24:43Uh, it's been almost 10 minutes. So I have to mention I used to work on wall street
24:46The markets close when a president dies also
24:49So, I don't know who it was that passed away ford and everyone like rushed the phones to make um their tea times
24:55Because they knew that they were getting a day off everybody who was on the floor because markets closed
24:59so, um, yeah, I mean like
25:02W was always good for that like when he came out after 9 11 and threw that bb
25:06Like there were certain things that he couldn't do. Well, we're talking about jimmy carter, you know, pretty nice guy terrible president. Um, you know
25:12Arguably one about w but he's always if anyone's going to give somebody like, uh, hey
25:16See where the horse bit me and give you a dick tap or something like that
25:19I think w's on the top of that list maybe clinton too, but he doesn't you know have it like that's a perfect
25:26Belly tap move what happens if he belly taps donald trump
25:29I don't think that ends well. Oh trump doesn't like it. I don't does not trump does it you can't belly tap trump now
25:35No, yeah
25:35That's like there was a moment in wwe where this guy titus o'neill like grabbed vince's arm
25:41Just to like mess with him a little bit and vince immediately like suspended him
25:45He was like, oh really like you don't grab me like it's one of those things where it's like
25:49You don't do that w is funny. Now. We're obviously growing up
25:54Very very polarizing figure now. It feels like he's everybody's like loving uncle. Everybody loves w
26:02Seeing obama laugh as hard as he was laughing at trump, whatever trump was saying to him
26:06it's kind of crazy when you look back at the whole like
26:09He makes fun of him at the dinner and then trump runs for president. Now. We're here. We're in this position
26:14whatever but
26:15It was funny
26:17It was one of those like kind of like clem said it's kind of a guys being dudes like whatever he said to him
26:21I want to know because it was making barry laugh hard and yeah, they look like a couple of bros today
26:26It looked like looked like a good time for the boys
26:29Where is slick willy so clearly had to be there
26:31Was he just up paying his respects when that was because like like you said him and w definitely share a little bit of dna there
26:37But I don't know bill also has a little bit. I think he's also think hillary's beating him down over the years, right?
26:43I think he's a little tired of it where I feel like laura. Maybe not so much
26:46She lets wbw, you know, he says that too. I got w gotta be w right, honey. Yeah
26:52And like we see with trump, he always has the wrestling of the handshakes, right? So a belly tap
26:57I don't think that's a guy who wants to have his belly tapped rubbed or anything along that way
27:01So I hate the belly tap
27:04I hate the belly. Yeah, yeah
27:06Like, you know how to feel about the belly tap. It really depends on who it comes from
27:10Well, do you hate it when you were a large man like me?
27:14Or now that you're like now that you're a skinny guy. It does a little medium. I've been calling you medium
27:19Yes, we were calling you medium. Yeah, so for people I went from morbidly obese to obese
27:24I still can't fit under an umbrella, but you're looking like yeah, I just don't like being I don't but i'm a big hugger
27:30I love a hug every now and again big tap on the back guy
27:33You've seen me, you know bang man, but it's just that that belly tap thing. I've never kind of been into it's
27:40No, maybe it's from the right person. I could I could be okay with the belly tap. Really?
27:46I don't want to say I I don't like the belly tap, but I could be okay with it
27:49You know, I could tolerate it. You could imagine belly tapping you though, bob
27:52You're not a belly tap kind of guy doesn't seem like it right?
27:55No large you're an like a little ass tap. You wouldn't mind an ass tap
27:59No, don't mind a little bit of man. Uh, yeah a little bit of grab ass at all
28:03Who's a belly tap guy? Who's who's a belly tap guy in barstool?
28:07Who's that guy that comes over and gives you like a little hit on belly? Hey, what's up, buddy?
28:10Give you a little hit on the belly captain cons
28:14Definitely the number one belly tap guy in barstool and maybe he just came he just came to mind and I you know
28:20What I wouldn't mind that if captain cons walked past me. He's like, what's up rob and gave me a little belly tap
28:24I'd be okay with it. I'd be fine with it. By the way, the uh, the conversation is over
28:29Like I was trying to think of somebody else
28:31That's him, right? It's just cons. Yeah, you know
28:34Yeah, but imagine like he kind of like came to the office yesterday people's or at least pretended to be happy to see me
28:39But you know if I walked over he has it and like mega making money gave me a belly tap. I'd be like bitch
28:45You know, like I don't I don't know
28:47Mincy comes over gives me I didn't wake up mincy today, by the way, it's fun. It was
28:52went to any uh, any
28:55Any beat buttons any controversies unloaded? Did he spoil any?
28:59No, we get so we we yeah, so tune into uh, you know
29:02You can get it on the tape delay or whatever. Uh, wake up mincy if you want to know who wins this survivor thing
29:07Yeah, whatever the fuck it is. Um, so I give it away on who wins and
29:12Whatever. Yeah, fuck those guys
29:14Let's uh pivot to the after show right now surviving barstool it's kind of the the buzz
29:19On the internet streets, I guess you could say it's been that way after basically every episode
29:23We had an early week because we have notre dame playing tonight
29:26So basically this week was pink wedding and then pink wedding fallout
29:31I'll tell you I wasn't ready for that bob
29:33I was not ready for what unfolded on monday and tuesday and then even last night
29:37he kind of just had the fall from it all and uh,
29:40You know big cats got his all his stuff going on and everyone's asking
29:44Tj live and infamously hates quitters and they're saying he's a quitter
29:47It's just craziness man
29:48I don't want any part of it and I am very happy to have never
29:51How happy are you that you were out of the show before anyone really could even get mad about anything?
29:55That feels so good
29:57So I was gonna say I have a few thoughts on survivor one of which being
30:02The jury house where everyone that's eliminated is watching is giving me so much FOMO. I'm like, oh my god
30:08I wish I held on at least to be in the jury house. It looks like so much fun watching it with everybody
30:14But I don't think I wish I held on long enough to make it to the pink wedding
30:18Because that seemed like the most stressful environment possible
30:21I was getting secondhand secondhand anxiety watching it and I was also thinking like
30:25Why the hell did everyone say I was the favorite for this game because I was nice
30:30As if that would lead you through the game like a cakewalk to the finals. I had no strategy going in
30:36I wasn't thinking you got to put together
30:38You know at the end if you make it to the end
30:41You got to say I did this this and this to make it I was so out of my realm
30:45That watching this i'm like, I don't know what the hell was going on
30:48I also didn't realize what a toll voting me out early took on big cat. Obviously like
30:54We're cool. Just if he didn't know like we're I got nothing against him
30:58Obviously voting me out was a big stressor, but I didn't realize it made him want to leave no
31:05Big cats banned from the basement for life
31:07And I said I will not go on part of my take for at least one full year unless he has nicely
31:11So yeah, the wounds are there bob. Don't you say the wounds are not it's crazy
31:15It's crazy stuff going on
31:16But tell you what, it's a hell of a show
31:18My mom is still watching my mom texted me last night. I'm catching up on watching the pink wedding like everyone is in on this
31:25We talked about barry's uh rob's mom a lot on this show
31:29a lot of
31:32Yeah, uh big cat asked me to do the yak yes, I said fucking yak this team robbie
31:37Yes, exactly
31:39Thank you
31:40Everyone who comes over to me by the way on top of talking about this, uh the show I haven't watched yet
31:45I'm gonna binge it after it's all done. They're talking about how the production levels this season
31:50Are through the roof how this is better than a lot of stuff amazing scripted on tv
31:54So, I mean, I don't know if they're unsung heroes or not
31:56But the people who are putting this together editing shooting and all that stuff
32:00Yes, shout out the editors. Some of them have been posting their timelines of the actual show's edit
32:07Oh, it's insane. It's the audio files the cuts. I can't imagine
32:12You know even starting to tackle one of the yes these edits so that's a good shout out
32:17The editors have been crushing it
32:18I don't edit at all
32:19but I just know of those timelines and like what have like a
32:23Very vague idea of what they entail and I want to throw up when I see how much stuff
32:27And you see it's like a1 a2 a3
32:29It's just all these different mics cameras and they have to get it all together tell a story
32:33And again, bob, you're kind of an og like me here
32:36Obviously, we're not to the level of you know
32:37The guys who started this all but to see what barstool has become where we have people who are actually smart and know what they're
32:43Doing in that side of things. It's banana land to quote a great man himself. So
32:49Next week is the is that the last it's the last three next week, right?
32:53Tuesday the last three next week and the hammer will fall
32:58He's got so many of these in his office, it's crazy he's got every size
33:03What did oh my god, I didn't really see I thought we showed you just had one this whole time
33:07It all depends on the size of his position. You know what I mean?
33:11Million shares half a million. Everyone forgets large was an early. Um early member of davy day trader. I taught dave how to trade
33:19If he taught him everything he knows told him everything he knows
33:22I mean you can fit it in a thimble because I don't know anything either but he was uh at the very very basis when he
33:27started um
33:28Whatever we're doing stock central
33:30He was like, you know like buys on the left sells on the right type thing
33:33It was it was it was an awesome time for me and then he's built it into this empire, which i'm very happy for him
33:39Yeah, that was the start of the pandemic and the whole world fell apart, but it was great time for lar
33:42It was good. Yeah, it worked out well for me
33:45That's when you learn what I said when you would start here I said
33:49I said I don't like being on the boss's radar. You go clem my whole life
33:52I've always been wanted to be on the boss's radar
33:54It's very important to move up in this world
33:56And then after your experience with dave after he lost a couple trades that you co-signed you said I now know what you're talking about
34:03Not your typical boss. I didn't co-sign him
34:05I think he just thought it was bad luck to talk to me after he took a position
34:11like you don't say like he's like i'm a and you know, because
34:14And then he was so happy. I I mean remember it was like it was yesterday because dave obviously has been an investor
34:20Forever with like, you know funds and whatnot, but doing actual trading trading versus investing
34:26Um versus a gambler who when he loses a bet you have nothing to show for it, right?
34:31You just it's it goes away and if you win you have a lot to show for it
34:35But when you lose on a trade you still have the underlying security or whatever you bought in your account
34:40So you still have some hope and that turned him on so much like I could see dave really getting in
34:47I mean he does it as a you know a hobby and stuff like that now
34:49but I could see him really getting into the day trading thing at some point once this all goes away because
34:55He's got huge balls and fucking diamond hands and you know, it doesn't end once his bet doesn't work
35:01It can always kind of come back. You can trade around it. So
35:04It was an interesting time. I don't know. I don't know where it goes. Maybe I get back into it with him
35:09Can we pitch that right now in the rundown let's pitch it i'm sure he watches every rundown he watches every piece of content
35:15I'm sure he'll see that in green light and hey his performance on surviving barstool is something
35:20Um rico giving over that immunity icon
35:23Idol is one of the wildest things i've ever seen but I saw rico's face during it and I knew exactly
35:29I mean, they said it was rico from reek from game of thrones all that kind of stuff
35:33But just seeing dave taking his victory laps. That's the old dave right there. Robbie
35:37You remember that guy go prez go. Yeah, just firing up his people
35:41He has all his enemies at the company coming at him and then he just has his fans and it's just
35:45It's a vintage portnoy performance going on so I can't wait for next week for the I guess it's the last three episodes
35:51Is that right?
35:52We have three more Wednesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday next week
35:55So check it out surviving barstool and hey, maybe we'll be here on the uh rundown getting ready for the seer
36:01Season finale of surviving barstool. So we'll see you guys next week
