Welcome back to another episode of Tech Connect brought to you by Vision Forward Association! We are so excited to be back in studio bringing you the latest and greatest in Assistive Technology!
Massive tech companies have been racing to develop their very own style of Smart Glasses using modern lightweight materials and built-in AI powered assistance. And some believe that such an invention would be as impactful as a sequel to the smartphone!
Today we are taking a look at the Meta Glasses, made in collaboration with Ray-Ban.
Are you searching for some wearable assistive technology that you can actually wear? These sleek glasses sport an ultra-wide 12 megapixel camera and come equipped with Meta AI which not only provides handsfree voice control but also recognizes objects, text, people and then answers any follow-up questions you might pose to it.
Join Cory and Luke as we demonstrate the Meta Glasses and walk through a few use cases which might be particularly useful for those who are blind or have low vision.
0:00 Start
0:54 Introducing Meta Glasses and Smart Case
2:35 Necessary Steps to get Started! Download and Pairing.
3:55 Demo of dictating text messages, calling and hanging up!
6:35 Using 3rd party apps like WhatsApp to send handsfree images!
9:42 Look and Read, Using Artificial Intelligence for Follow-Up Questions
14:39 Currency Identification, not their strongest feature...
16:46 Wrap-Up Review and Comparison with other AI wearable tech
21:25 Contact Info, Upcoming Live shows and Events!
This is not the end of the story, because Meta has big plans for their smart glasses! Eventually they hope to add other useful features such as: magnification, contrast enhancement, and color correction, thus enhancing the user's ability to navigate through their surroundings. So be sure to subscribe because we will be returning to these nifty glasses once those updates release!
If you have any additional questions about the Meta Smart Glasses, or its AI, please add those down in the comment section and we will endeavor to help!
Join us next time on Tech Connect, and be sure to leave your thoughts down in the comments below and ask plenty of questions!
Vision Forward's Tech Connect continues to bring you the information you need to make the most out of your devices. Our experts know there are many factors to consider, so if you have any follow up questions please post them in the comments and we will help you find the assistive tech that's best for you.
Join us, find the schedule by visiting out website:
Contact Vision Forward Association:
Call us: (414-615-0103)
Email us: [email protected]
Visit us online: https://www.vision-forward.org
Online Store: https://www.vision-forward.org/store
Want more Tech Connect in your life? Try us Live! Be sure to join us for the upcoming YouTube Live! show on June 20th at 11am CST.
Looking for the full playlist?
Massive tech companies have been racing to develop their very own style of Smart Glasses using modern lightweight materials and built-in AI powered assistance. And some believe that such an invention would be as impactful as a sequel to the smartphone!
Today we are taking a look at the Meta Glasses, made in collaboration with Ray-Ban.
Are you searching for some wearable assistive technology that you can actually wear? These sleek glasses sport an ultra-wide 12 megapixel camera and come equipped with Meta AI which not only provides handsfree voice control but also recognizes objects, text, people and then answers any follow-up questions you might pose to it.
Join Cory and Luke as we demonstrate the Meta Glasses and walk through a few use cases which might be particularly useful for those who are blind or have low vision.
0:00 Start
0:54 Introducing Meta Glasses and Smart Case
2:35 Necessary Steps to get Started! Download and Pairing.
3:55 Demo of dictating text messages, calling and hanging up!
6:35 Using 3rd party apps like WhatsApp to send handsfree images!
9:42 Look and Read, Using Artificial Intelligence for Follow-Up Questions
14:39 Currency Identification, not their strongest feature...
16:46 Wrap-Up Review and Comparison with other AI wearable tech
21:25 Contact Info, Upcoming Live shows and Events!
This is not the end of the story, because Meta has big plans for their smart glasses! Eventually they hope to add other useful features such as: magnification, contrast enhancement, and color correction, thus enhancing the user's ability to navigate through their surroundings. So be sure to subscribe because we will be returning to these nifty glasses once those updates release!
If you have any additional questions about the Meta Smart Glasses, or its AI, please add those down in the comment section and we will endeavor to help!
Join us next time on Tech Connect, and be sure to leave your thoughts down in the comments below and ask plenty of questions!
Vision Forward's Tech Connect continues to bring you the information you need to make the most out of your devices. Our experts know there are many factors to consider, so if you have any follow up questions please post them in the comments and we will help you find the assistive tech that's best for you.
Join us, find the schedule by visiting out website:
Contact Vision Forward Association:
Call us: (414-615-0103)
Email us: [email protected]
Visit us online: https://www.vision-forward.org
Online Store: https://www.vision-forward.org/store
Want more Tech Connect in your life? Try us Live! Be sure to join us for the upcoming YouTube Live! show on June 20th at 11am CST.
Looking for the full playlist?
00:00Corey what are you doing just stood in the middle of the corridor here you do
00:03realize we need to do a video on the metaglasses right yes but I've got
00:06better glasses check out these margarita glasses yeah those look stupid why are
00:12you wearing those because they have a little special feature that you don't
00:15know about I can whisk us away to margaritaville
00:19Corey you absolutely can't that's yes I can check this out hey margarita
00:22glasses take us to margaritaville Corey that's not gonna work
00:27what it's Jimmy Buffett I told you it was look at we're parrot heads and we're
00:33in paradise indeed we are Corey margaritas in hand I know could you ask
00:38for anything better no can we just not do the rest of the video I just stay
00:43here sounds good to me all right Jimmy keep on playing
00:48hello and welcome back to another tech connect we have just been to the
00:58paradise that is a Jimmy Buffett concert enjoying some margaritas Corey how many
01:02did you drink I lost count okay well that's probably quite a few
01:06them not only did the margaritas glasses take us to margaritaville but actually
01:11it took us back in time because sadly Jimmy Buffett is no longer with us he's
01:15always in our hearts he is he's always you know what anything is possible with
01:19the margarita glass indeed it is but yes we've been eating raw coffee so we're
01:24nice and sober now and we are ready to bring you the subject of today's video
01:28that would be the meta glasses Corey you decided to do the meta glasses because
01:33you're a fan yeah I've I think there's some interesting things with the meta
01:37glasses that we are gonna cover today all right but before we dive into what
01:40they can do let's just take a look at this case why are we looking at a case
01:43you may ask well although it looks deceivingly like a regular glasses case
01:47this is in fact a smart case I just named it I don't know if that's what
01:51they call it the better smart case on the bottom we actually have a USB C
01:56charging port so we can plug in the case and that will charge the glasses and on
02:00the back of the case and this is probably quite hard to see there is a
02:02small button that we can press and that will then put us into pairing mode so we
02:06can pair the glasses with our phone it's a really clever case because it looks
02:09just like a regular glasses case but it's got some tech in it very nice now
02:13when you're ready to use the glasses just pull them out the case and then
02:16give them to your beautiful assistant who will then go ahead and put them on
02:19and show us how somebody else is here I was talking about you oh I know you're
02:24not normally described like that but maybe once I put these on it changes
02:28everything huh if you think Corey is a beautiful put it in the chat look how
02:31beautiful I am all right let's dive into it when you first get the meta glasses
02:37you want to do the setup process this does work on both iOS and Android you're
02:42gonna download the meta view app and that process is completely accessible
02:47going through a pair you're basically pairing it to your phone and then they
02:51just act almost like as this traditional Bluetooth speakers would just there on
02:57your face yeah I often put my blue to speak on my face exactly the best place
03:01to put it also in the app there is a tab where you can go and set up some
03:07integrations one of them is integrating it with your phone that gives you
03:12the ability to send and receive texts and also make and receive phone calls
03:17which Luke we are actually gonna show right now well you got your diggity you
03:22got your trusty phone with you I it's not that trusty actually yes I have it
03:26with me okay good I am going to send you a text right now I have given the meta
03:31glasses and the meta view app access to my contacts I'll be honest I'm not a big
03:36fan of that but in order to do any of the calling or texting you do need to
03:42give it access to your kind I wondered why Mark Zuckerberg that started
03:46calling me did he really what was that does he want to hang out with you yeah
03:49he just said hey do you want to hang out in the metaverse I was like absolutely
03:52not all right here we go let's try it out
03:56hey meta send a text to Luke Scriven okay what's the message hey karma I
04:06wonder if this is gonna work you're sitting next to me so I'll probably know
04:10in a moment message to Luke Scriven says hey I wonder if this is gonna work
04:15you're sitting next to me so I'll probably know in a moment ready to send
04:19yes sending message so you heard me give the hey meta command and that is in
04:27order for it to start listening and once I did that the first time then all of
04:33the repeat questions after that I didn't have to give that trigger phrase because
04:38it was already listening and it sounded like someone got a text next to me yeah
04:43sorry to interrupt the video but I just got a text message I need to respond to
04:46it oh perfect okay let me just let me try very unprofessional sorry Cory comma
04:53this did not work period there we go all right
05:00saying sorry Cory this did not work now what happens is the I've set it up so
05:06that the glasses automatically read texts as they come in that is a setting
05:11that you can choose to do or not to do you can decide if you want it
05:15automatically read to you but you may also hear voiceover talking because I'm
05:20Bluetooth connected to my phone all of voiceovers coming across as well so not
05:25only was the metaglass is reading it in their voice which you could probably
05:29turn off if you decided to because if you're a voiceover user then any text
05:34that come in voiceover is gonna read it as well too so there's a little bit of a
05:38double speak there but but nothing you know nothing too difficult that you
05:42can't handle now call me since that didn't work maybe you should call me and
05:45tell me what okay gotcha sounds good hey Meta call Luke Scriven mobile to cancel
05:54say stop no sure I like the way it calls me Scriven Scriven mm-hmm all right so
05:59it should be ringing momentarily no let me go hello where are you hey Meta hang
06:13up so there you go sending text and using it for phone calls completely
06:19hands-free and obviously all of the sounds both the text and that phone call
06:25was coming through the frames themselves so if you had your phone in
06:29your pocket it would be pretty convenient absolutely incredible so we
06:35showed you how you could send traditional text messages and make phone
06:39calls using the metaglasses but I also talked about earlier in the video that
06:43you can do third-party integrations through the meta view app and one of
06:48those is the whatsapp app I'm not a huge whatsapp fan I've not actually used it
06:56but I'm told that it's really good especially if you're communicating with
07:01people outside of the outside of your country right that's one big one I
07:05wouldn't know anything about that and I would say privacy but if I'm not
07:10mistaken meta also owns whatsapp now and so I'm not sure about that but so we're
07:15gonna show how you can use whatsapp primarily to send images now you can
07:19send traditional messages through whatsapp and it's very similar as when
07:24you say traditional messages are we talking like text smoke messages yes
07:27smoke signals messages no just your traditional text messages additional
07:32traditional the way that you do it is very similar to sending a text message
07:38the only difference here is we would say send to Luke through whatsapp or on
07:44whatsapp and then it will know that you want to use whatsapp and go ahead and
07:48send it but one of the other cool things we can do is send an image so for
07:52example if I happen to be somewhere like at a great pyramid and I was trying to
07:57figure out where I was I could easily hands-free take a take a picture and
08:03send it directly to somebody nice call back call me thank you for the moment
08:07though because you don't have a good pyramid I don't like you to take a
08:10picture of the most beautiful thing in the room and send it to me okay so I
08:14I'm going to cover the glasses all right so I'm going to turn to my right
08:19or the cameras left mm-hmm hey Metta take a picture all right so it went
08:25ahead and quick took a picture now we're gonna go ahead and send that picture to
08:29Luke through whatsapp and he's gonna tell us what's in front of me hey Metta
08:34send my last picture to Luke Scriven on whatsapp on whatsapp send last photo to
08:42Luke Scriven yes sending photo so now that is going to go be sent to Luke
08:50through whatsapp and there it just comes in yes and so you should now have a
08:55picture see what do you see ah yes yes I can add this to my collection of self
09:02portrait photos I keep on my phone you're gonna make that the background of
09:05your phone your lock screen indeed yeah I'm gonna print it out I'll hang on the
09:09wall so it can be nice if you have a number of whatsapp connections and you
09:15may be potentially want to identify something or get a little bit more
09:19information you can send that via whatsapp now hold on till the end of the
09:24video because during our wrap-up we're going to be talking about a startup that
09:29is going to be utilizing the Metta glasses and whatsapp potentially to help
09:33with identification using images so hold on to the wrap-up and we'll get there
09:40Cory I hear that Mark Zuckerberg reached out to Arthur Indigo and requested his
09:47services in the use of the Metta glasses true or false another good callback yes
09:53good old Arthur Indigo has been a busy beaver I know he gets busier by the day
09:58he does very much so I see why what are his initials Cory his initials well he
10:04actually spells his name differently okay his initials are actually AE he
10:09spells Indigo with an E no Arthur Indigo is AI oh you mean Apple intelligence I'd
10:16tell you to look back at our last tech connect live yeah sadly the big boys
10:22took us down but yes artificial intelligence is included in the Metta
10:27glasses Metta AI what a big surprise and so we can do we can do a number of
10:34different things we can do the traditional what's in front of me kind
10:38of stuff it's not going to give you nearly as much description as you would
10:42get through be my AI and I would say call me we do have videos on envision
10:47glasses and be made my AI do we have one on the seeing I don't think so no not
10:52technically so I think you know I'm not really gonna demo you know what's in
10:57front of me because it's it's kind of just a generic you're in an office space
11:01but we do have two pieces of paper here that we can do kind of a look and read
11:07and then we'll see if we can use AI to potentially ask some follow-up questions
11:13so first we're gonna take a look I've got two here now I'm actually not even
11:16sure which is which anymore so we're gonna hold it up in front of us look at
11:20it and then we're gonna use our trigger phrase and say look and read hey Metta
11:25look and read
11:31this appears to be a menu from Jimmy John's showcasing various sandwiches and
11:36wraps there you go hey Metta are there any turkey subs on this menu yes the
11:45Jimmy John's menu includes several turkey subs such as the country club
11:49beach club bootlegger club and club Lulu now it didn't say the turkey time which
11:55is interesting but we'll ask about that hey Metta what's on the turkey Tom sub
12:01the turkey Tom sub on the Jimmy John's menu comes with sliced turkey breast
12:05tomato lettuce and mayonnaise on whole wheat bread there we go so very similar
12:12it's kind of what we got with be my AI so it's going to it's looking at the
12:15menu telling us kind of what it was and then we're at we able to ask some
12:19follow-up questions I will say that probably the benefit to this as with the
12:22envision glasses is it is hands-free yeah I agree a hundred percent although
12:26you're a hundred percent right except they do think be my AI does do a better
12:31job of kind of explaining what's there and allowing you to ask follow-up
12:36questions so we'll probably chat about it in the wrap-up section but I would
12:40like a quick interjection here I would say the envision AI I believe is $2,500
12:45that is very true Metta glasses are $349 I believe and that's yeah so the price
12:51difference you're absolutely right but I would love to see be my eyes or be my AI
12:56get integrated into the Metta glasses too so I'm wondering if that might be
13:00something down the line yeah so I've got another piece of paper here the last one
13:04was a menu now let's find out what this one is hey Metta look and read
13:12this is an event flyer for a meeting at vision forward in Milwaukee Wisconsin
13:17hey Metta what's the date of this event
13:22The event is on Saturday June 1st. It will take place from 10 to 1130 a.m. at Vision Forward in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
13:32Registration is required and can be done by contacting Erika Weissen. The deadline to RSVP is May 25th.
13:38We're a bit late on that one we are just a little bit late so it said June 1st
13:42I'll tell you I was at the event it was a very good event but we were able to I
13:48could have let it continue reading right you know I interrupted it right away with
13:52a question but I was able to get the date what I did find interesting too is
13:57rather than just giving you the date it seemed to then want to give you some
14:01more information that maybe it felt relevant around the date like okay
14:05here's the time registration is required this is the person here's the deadline I
14:11wonder if that in do you think that that was AI going hey you probably also need
14:16this information around the date rather than just giving you the date I I don't
14:20know enough about AI to give you a clear answer one way or the other okay yeah
14:24maybe we should ask AI no but either way it was nice to be able to say kind of
14:30look and read find out what was in front of me I could have had it read a little
14:34bit more but again we kind of interrupted it and asked those follow-up questions
14:38I did give you a bank note earlier because I owed you $75 yeah I gave you
14:43one note let's ask let's ask the artificial intelligence what denomination
14:51yeah so we'll talk about this because there is a little bit of a caveat with
14:54this but let's try hey meta what's in front of me so it says I'm holding a
15:06$20 bill yeah now this is what I find interesting yeah let's flip this old
15:11bill okay and I just know well let's flip it and then we'll talk oh hey meta
15:15what's in front of me this time it said a $5 bill now what I have found with
15:25experience is that if your bill is upside down it is going to almost every
15:31single time tell you the wrong amount 20 to 50 but as soon as you flip it the
15:37right way then it does so what I would recommend if you do want to use meta for
15:41your money identification is don't trust it well I what I would recommend so
15:51funny enough it somehow must have heard us talking because it just said it is
15:56important to make sure that the bill is the right side of this is the AI future
16:00like yeah it was like hey dummies so unlike other money identification where
16:06it doesn't matter which way it is I'm thinking like seeing AI does a great job
16:10not mattering meta does want you to make sure it's the right thing hey meta stop
16:14it wants to make sure that you have the bill in the right orientation so what I
16:20would recommend is take two pictures of each side how convenient and if it
16:25whatever side is consistently the right answer well actually if they both say
16:31two two and then five five maybe we try a different app yes hey Siri stop no not
16:39Siri it listens to everything go away I think it's time to end this video I
16:45think you're right I like them good I mentioned that I wanted you to stay till
16:55the end of the wrap-up because I had a little piece of information so hopefully
16:59you've stuck around so that you can learn more about how another company a
17:05startup is using meta AI but I almost didn't stick around but then I was I had
17:09to find out what you're gonna tell us so before we jump into it though I do want
17:14to talk let what are your thoughts of the glasses I I like them I'll be just
17:20a rhetorical question I like I mean here's the thing I don't think they work
17:34as well as some of the other AI stuff that we've looked at yeah sure but the
17:39closest competitor in terms of some of the things that they do and they don't
17:42do all of the stuff that the envision does but that is in terms of some of the
17:46AI stuff they're close it can closest competitor from things that we've looked
17:50at sure and they're like a significantly cheaper and they look cool yeah I mean
17:55they're mainstream right yeah you're paying for a mainstream glasses so that
17:59349 price tag at this at the time of recording compared to envision I do
18:04think they are more comfortable they're more stylish kind of stylish standard
18:08glasses so I mean obviously that I think some of the reasons you're probably not
18:14getting as great of results is because it's not been tailored you know
18:18strictly for somebody's mind originally impaired yeah but I do think with all of
18:21the tech that's built into them including you know camera all that stuff
18:25there's some real opportunity for companies to utilize them I could see
18:29IRA using them be my eyes using them I like them from another standpoint we
18:35didn't talk about it or demo it but you can also connect your Apple music Amazon
18:40music or Spotify and use them as a way just by your voice to play music I don't
18:46like bone conduction headphones they've never been I've never been a fan
18:49they're not comfortable they sound horrible but these are a really cool
18:53alternative because when I'm out and about I still have my ears free but I
18:59still get the sound coming from the glasses themselves rather than up
19:03against my ear how's the sound quality go they're actually pretty decent I mean
19:07they're not super loud so if it's loud outside you're gonna struggle yeah the
19:11other thing you got to remember too is you're not really gonna be like on a bus
19:14or somewhere listening to them because there's tons of bleed you know the sound
19:18is obviously everyone else is gonna be able to do that these days so they just
19:22play music from their phones without that's that's oh I just got a message
19:26coming through you're right but do people just don't well you know it's
19:32funny you're right when I've been on the bus people are playing video games like
19:36I think they're a great alternative to bone conduction they have better sound
19:41quality so I'm excited about that and I would like to be clear that Envision
19:44does a lot more than these two in terms of in terms of things for people with
19:49vision loss but just looking at the prices you know if you want in the AI
19:52stuff I think this is a great and cost-effective solution yeah one startup
19:57company this is what I was telling everybody just to hang around for there
20:00is a startup currently in the blind and low vision space called a giga and
20:05they're currently exploring how they're going to utilize these metaglasses to
20:11help individuals who are blind or visually impaired is it through whatsapp
20:15doing sending images or streaming video for maybe visual assistance they're
20:23they're currently kind of exploring what their options are going to be and really
20:27want to find out from the blind community how they you know really find
20:31their niche and find out what is the best way to do it so they are asking
20:35individuals to connect with a giga they'll work directly with you and
20:41potentially do some beta testing and get your kind of a focus group you can head
20:45to a giga dot AI slash sign dash up and a giga is spelled A-G-A-I-A no no no no
20:57a giga is spelled yeah A-G-I-G-A oh yeah why did I throw another A in there? I have no idea.
21:04again that is A-G-I-G-A yes there you go dot AI slash sign dash up send go over
21:14sign up you'll get connected with them and you can help shape potentially a new
21:21product and maybe even a new startup in the blind community very exciting now
21:27Corey talking of assistive technology yes we have a live show we do now the
21:33latest live show was nothing one of the best things we've ever done and it's
21:37lost in the history no no no no no no when we're filming this video there has
21:42been another one show yeah I'm gonna probably get taken down too well that
21:46definitely won't even go up because that one was filmed on July 5th when we're not here
21:49I was just gonna say actually I don't know our last one yeah was the one that got
21:53taken down but anywho anyway we do have a live show it's every other Thursday so
21:59if you are watching this video when it releases the live show was not today no
22:04it was a week from today when you are watching July 18th will be our next one
22:08well done I'm impressed 14 plus 4 good okay and call me what is that video
22:15about well it's going to be about something that has never been discussed
22:21before in the history of assistive technology and you're really just gonna
22:27have to you do realize that we you do realize that we do actually know what
22:32this episode is gonna be about right oh yeah yeah it's all gonna be all about
22:36wordle oh yeah so if you want to learn how to use wordle on a computer or
22:43smartphone call me it's fully accessible and we're gonna learn all about how to
22:47alright I got a quick wordle for you right now oh five letters go okay wait
22:52okay is it is it are there's three letters in the entire word well it's a
23:04five-letter word though over there some of them are used more than one yeah is
23:06it a giga boom first try that's whenever I do wordle I always get on the first
23:12try okay well we're gonna find out in a while check out our strategy yeah cool
23:16so yes tune in for that it should be the week after this video releases then yes
23:21it will be okay perfect so do tune in and check that out 11 a.m. Central you
23:25can watch Cory and I live on our YouTube channel just go to youtube.com forward
23:29slash in focus technology and for those learning fans out that is not correct
23:34as is the same way I got the last URL wrong he got it wrong this time head
23:39over to youtube.com slash vision forward tech connect isn't that what sir nope
23:43you said our old address it's been gone for years okay good not only do we have
23:48a live show but we also have a podcast of that live show so if you want audio
23:53only go to your podcast app of choice do a search for vision for tech connect
23:57you'll find us we post it right after our live show so you can get an audio
24:01only and then we also have a learning management system if you want more
24:07assistive technology if you want more Luke and Cory if you want free a CVR EP
24:13credits then vision forwards tech connect LMS is the place for you head
24:18over to tech connect dot vision dash forward org and everything you want will
24:24be there waiting for you that's your fingertips at your fingertips
24:28Chloe it's time to go drink some more margaritas yes let's get me Buffett take
24:32us away