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On today's Tech Connect, our Assistive Technology Experts are discussing OCR. Specifically, several free apps which use modern AI to help you read any handwriting you might come across.
While its true that the world around us has been electrified, and that we live ever more of our lives online, we have yet to reach the proposed: "paperless future."

Writing remains relevant, and it is important to be able to read what someone has taken the time to write out by hand. Cory and Luke have a few tips and tricks to maximize your ability to succeed when attempting optical character recognition. Today we are focusing on: Envision AI, SeeingAI, and BeMyAI. We will walk through each app, demonstrating its abilities and comparing the results.

Cory and Luke are here to assess a handful of the top OCR apps to determine which provides the most useful service. If you have any additional questions about OCR, please add those down in the comment section and we will endeavor to help.

0:00 Start
1:38 Introduction
2:25 Envision AI, Worthless!
5:25 Seeing AI, Great!
9:18 Be My AI, Best!
13:52 Summary Review
15:17 Contact Info

Join us next time on Tech Connect, and be sure to leave your thoughts down in the comments below and ask plenty of questions!

Vision Forward's Tech Connect continues to bring you the information you need to make the most out of your devices. Our experts know there are many factors to consider, so if you have any follow up questions please post them in the comments and we will help you find the assistive tech that's best for you.

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Contact Vision Forward Association:
Call us: (414-615-0103)
Email us: [email protected]
Visit us online: https://www.vision-forward.org
Online Store: https://www.vision-forward.org/store

Want more Tech Connect in your life? Try us Live! Be sure to join us for the upcoming YouTube Live! show on February 29th at 11am CST.

Looking for the full playlist? https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLdZ61dAGaL_k3I-_LcTPozan9upCqY8Yc

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