Canberrans are being urged to learn the road rules around mobile phones and driving before fines from automated detection start being issued next month. 56,000 people have been caught using their phones while driving since the technology was introduced last year.
00:00 It seems drivers on Canberra's roads need to keep their hands to themselves.
00:07 Every day, 225 people are being caught using their phone while driving.
00:12 It's really disappointing to see so many people choosing to use their phone while they're driving.
00:16 Two seconds away from the road doubles your risk of a crash.
00:20 Canberra has two static and three transportable phone detection cameras.
00:24 The static camera on Highmarsh Drive in Symington has caught 20,000 people since being installed in June 2023,
00:32 while the static camera on Gungahlin Drive has snapped over 6,000 people since November.
00:37 Parks Way in Acton is where the portable cameras detected the most offenders.
00:42 12,000 warning notices have been issued since November last year, but Transport Canberra says numbers are still tracking up.
00:49 We hope that once the fines start being issued next month, that will provide an additional deterrent for people.
00:55 From February, those fines will be hefty.
00:58 $514 and three demerit points if you use your phone for a call, $632 and four points for using social media.
01:07 An education campaign is planned, and drivers are being encouraged to learn the full extent of the rules.
01:13 What I'm not 100% sure is what I can do, given I've got a hands-free.
01:18 I'm not sure how it works with CarPlay and touching the screen on the car.
01:22 You're not allowed to touch or do anything with your phone, including the music.
01:27 Bluetooth, Apple CarPlay and Android Auto are legal ways to stay connected.
01:32 Voice assistants like Siri are off limits.
01:35 With any new technology being introduced in the vehicle, and then laws to counter that,
01:41 you are going to have challenges in communicating those changes.
01:45 Our advice is just don't use your phone at all.
01:47 A simple message on your phone.