NR | 5min | Animation, Comedy, Family, Short, TV Series |1968
It's the grand ol' 4th of July! An opportune time for Harem Scarem to once again threaten King Kooky at his castle, where the big Kookitanian Independence Day picnic and fireworks show usually happens, to make Harem king so he can cause mischief. Can Winky Dink and Woofer stop him again? Of course, with your help, anyway!
Directors: Al Kouzel, Eli Bauer
Writers: I. Klein, Howard Beckerman
Stars: Lionel Wilson
It's the grand ol' 4th of July! An opportune time for Harem Scarem to once again threaten King Kooky at his castle, where the big Kookitanian Independence Day picnic and fireworks show usually happens, to make Harem king so he can cause mischief. Can Winky Dink and Woofer stop him again? Of course, with your help, anyway!
Directors: Al Kouzel, Eli Bauer
Writers: I. Klein, Howard Beckerman
Stars: Lionel Wilson
Short filmTranscript
00:00Hi, kids. Put your Winky Dink magic screen in front of your TV screen and rub it hard with your magic cloth to make it hold fast.
00:09And then be ready to help us with your magic crayons in another exciting adventure of...
00:14Winky Dink and You!
00:17Winky Dink and You!
00:24Winky Dink and You!
00:26Winky Dink and Me!
00:28Always have a lot of fun together!
00:31Winky Dink and You!
00:33Winky Dink and Me!
00:35We are pals in fair or stormy weather!
00:43Aren't you going to school today, Winky Dink?
00:45Of course not, Woofer. It's Independence Day.
00:48Oh, so it is, so it is. But then we better get over to King Kooky's castle for the royal picnic and fireworks display.
00:56Great idea. Let's go.
00:58And so, my loyal subjects, it does my heart good to welcome you to this royal picnic.
01:06Good old King Kooky. He just loves giving speeches.
01:11And furthermore, I have decided to rename today's holiday.
01:16It shall no longer be called Independence Day, but rather Dependence Day.
01:23That doesn't sound very good, Woofer. I wonder what's going on.
01:27Ahem. Yes.
01:29In the future...
01:31In the future...
01:32You shall all be completely dependent on me.
01:36You shall all be completely dependent on me.
01:40And I shall take over all your land and money and do with them as I see fit.
01:48How dare you boo me? I'm your king.
01:54Now look what you've done. Tear him, scare him.
01:57Oh dear. I must go inside and calm down.
02:01I wanted to get the people so mad at King Kooky they'd make him abdicate.
02:06And then I could become king.
02:08But I've got a better idea. I'll just set this cannon to blow up all the picnic lunches.
02:15That'll really get the people mad.
02:19Look at that, Winky Dink.
02:21Tear him, scare him, shot off the royal cannon right at the picnic lunches.
02:25Boys and girls, there's not a moment to lose.
02:28Get out your magic crayon quickly and draw the front of the cannon.
02:32It should look like the letter O.
02:35Got it? Good.
02:40Hold on to your magic crayons, kids. There's more to do.
02:43Get set, Woofer.
02:44Now, gang, draw a handle from the O to Woofer's hand.
02:49Make it good and strong.
02:51Hold it real tight, Woofer.
02:56It worked.
02:58Okay, kids, now erase your drawing with your magic cloth.
03:01Get it all off. That's the way.
03:05Drat, that nosy Winky Dink has foiled me again.
03:09It's all your fault, Harem Scarem.
03:11You said my people would love me for making them more dependent.
03:14But now they're mad at me.
03:16But, Your Majesty, that's their way of showing affection.
03:21Just wait till I swipe all the fireworks and ruin their celebration.
03:27Won't they be angry then?
03:29So that's it.
03:31Harem Scarem is behind all this.
03:33Oh, you've got to help us again, kids.
03:35And fast.
03:37Take your magic crayon and draw some round wheels underneath this board.
03:42Just like the wheels on your roller skates.
03:45Make them nice and round.
03:46We have to stop Harem Scarem from stealing all the fireworks.
03:50Got it all in?
03:51Oh, thanks, kids.
03:55Who left that skateboard there?
04:01Quick, kids.
04:03Erase your drawing with your magic cloth.
04:05Rub it all off.
04:06Oh, that's it.
04:13What do you know, Winky Dink?
04:15The fireworks display has started early.
04:18And we know why, don't we, boys and girls?
04:21And in conclusion, let me assure you, my loyal subjects,
04:26that there shall never be a change in our glorious celebration of Independence Day.
04:33Hurrah! Long live King Kooky!
04:37Independence Day, booey.
04:40Be sure to watch for our next exciting Winky Dink adventure, boys and girls.
04:45So long.