• 5 years ago
NR | 5min | Animation, Comedy, Family, Short, TV Series (1968 )

Harem Scarem's at it again, this time attempting to ruin an orchestral performance. Winky Dink, Woofer and you can help turn Scarem onto the joys of music with your magic crayons.

Directors: Al Kouzel, Eli Bauer

Writers: I. Klein, Howard Beckerman

Stars: Lionel Wilson
00:00Hi, kids. Put your Winky Dink magic screen in front of your TV screen and rub it hard with your magic cloth to make it hold fast.
00:10And then be ready to help us with your magic crayons in another exciting adventure of...
00:15Winky Dink and You!
00:18Winky Dink and You!
00:25Winky Dink and You! Winky Dink and Me! Always have a lot of fun together!
00:32Winky Dink and You! Winky Dink and Me! We are pals in fair or stormy weather!
00:39Isn't this exciting, Woofer? We're going to play in the orchestra for the first performance of the new opera season.
00:50It sure is elevating, Winky Dink.
00:53Siamo pronti, signore. Who dares to sleep when I, Maestro Minestrone, am ready to begin?
01:03Oh, no one's sleeping, Maestro. It's that big chandelier swaying back and forth. It looks like it's getting ready to fall.
01:10Who is meddling with the chandelier?
01:12We've almost cut through the chain of the chandelier, Hocus, my pet. And when it falls, goodbye opera house.
01:21Gosh, boss, you're in a destructive mood today. What do you got against music?
01:26When I was a little tyke, my school teacher told me I had no ear for music.
01:31And I so wanted to play the drum, the flute, the tuba, anything, but she wouldn't let me.
01:39So I hate music, and worst of all, people who enjoy listening to it.
01:45This'll teach them.
01:47So that's it. Harem scarum is sawing through the chain.
01:51Oh, quick, boys and girls, get out your magic crayon and help us save the opera house.
01:57Whenever harem scarum cuts through a link, you fill it back in with your crayon.
02:04Now, gang, draw in that open link so the big chandelier won't fall. Got it?
02:11Drat, I thought I had that link sawed through. Let me try the next one.
02:20Fill that one in too, gang, while Woofer and I have time to run upstairs.
02:25Hey, what's going on here?
02:27Our friends in the audience kept you from cutting through the chain of the chandelier, you mean villain.
02:31And now we're here to stop you ourselves.
02:34Ah, you no-good do-gooders can't stop me.
02:37I'll break open all the sandbags backstage and turn this opera house into a big playpen.
02:45I'll fix this chain, winky dink.
02:47You must follow that paliacho and keep him from ruining the opera house.
02:52Okay, boys and girls, take your magic cloth and wipe off your drawing.
02:56Clean off your magic screen fast.
02:58We've got to stop harem scarum from doing any more mischief.
03:01He just hates music, that's all.
03:03Oh, you're right, Woofer, but that gives me an idea.
03:06If we can show him how much fun music can be, maybe he'll stop his mischief.
03:11You can help us, boys and girls.
03:13Take your magic crayon and draw that drum on your magic screen.
03:18Draw a nice, strong line all around it.
03:21Got it? Good.
03:27Now with your magic crayon, draw in that trumpet.
03:31Trace it carefully, boys and girls,
03:33and maybe we can help to reform harem scarum from his evil ways.
03:39All set? Thanks.
03:41Now just watch.
03:43Huh? Where'd that drum come from?
03:45And this beautiful trumpet.
03:47Huh. As long as nobody's watching who could laugh at me,
03:51I might just try a little music.
03:54Duh-duh-duh! Duh-duh-duh!
04:01Say, this is great fun.
04:04Duh-duh-duh! Duh-duh-duh!
04:07That sounds awfully out of tune, boys.
04:09Eh, you just have no ear for music.
04:12Duh-duh-duh! Duh-duh-duh!
04:17Ah-ha! Now that harem scarum is having so much fun playing music,
04:21fun playing music, he won't have any more time to make trouble, so you can erase your
04:25drawing from your magic screen, gang. Rub it hard with your magic cloth and get it all
04:30off. Well, that puts an end to the Phantom of the Opera, right, Woofer? I don't know,
04:37Winky Dink. If Harem Scarem keeps playing out a tune like that, I'm liable to get to
04:41hate music myself. Okay, gang, be sure to be with us on our next Winky Dink adventure.
04:48So long.
