• 6 hours ago
You've been asking for a follow-up on the Blood Pressure guy as well as other people featured in Real Things I've Seen, so here you go!

Who do you want to see next?

Jellyfish guy: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/majrC-OkPzY
Blood Pressure guy: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/wTJr2_tC5j0
Peanut Butter: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/QXcHKKk47n8

Visit www.FireDeptcoffee.com for gear!
00:00Just when you thought we were done, we're back with another Where They Now, and today we're going to talk about why peeing on the people around you doesn't make you a better friend.
00:09I smell so bad.
00:11For as long as I can remember, people have turned to spraying their friends and strangers with golden shower fluid when they get stung by a jellyfish, and I really need you guys to know something.
00:22It doesn't work.
00:23And the truth shall set you free!
00:28The reason kidney tears have been raining down upon the victims of jellyfish stings is because the acidic nature of urine should theoretically neutralize jellyfish venom and help reduce the pain.
00:41But it doesn't.
00:41The only thing that's getting neutralized is the happy memories of sand and waves to the person that just had a run in with the prehistoric venomous snot rocket and is immediately being replaced by nightmares of the hot asparagus soaked regret that they were just deluged in.
00:57No! God!
00:58But if this ever happens to you, have no fear.
01:00Simply soak the area in salt water or tap water between 107 and 113 degrees, which should help reduce the pain, plus save you a lifetime on therapy bills and awkward conversations about the time you went wee-wee on Meemaw.
01:15See? I got it all under control.
01:16What is that?
01:18High blood pressure can present in many different ways, like blurred vision, headaches, or like this guy who will look like me after spending three minutes in the sun without SPF 5,000.
01:29Good news is he was fine.
01:31And to say he was lucky would be a gross understatement.
01:35You see, after suddenly stopping the medications that he had been on for the last 30 years, his body compensated wonderfully by shooting his blood pressure through the stratosphere and almost taking his ability to ever eat solid food again with it.
01:49I want my baby back, baby back, baby back, baby back, baby back.
01:53Look, I get it.
01:54Nobody likes taking prescribed pharmaceuticals every day.
01:57I mean, maybe some of them.
01:59But when a pill might be stopping your brain from blowing a blood gasket inside of your very sealed, very sensitive brain cage, it might be important to continue consuming it so you can continue using all of your limbs.
02:13I know, but BB and J's are so good.
02:16This was nowhere near the first or last time I would encounter somebody who filled their belly with Benadryl prior to consuming something they were highly allergic to in hopes that their body wouldn't catapult their consciousness into the next lifetime.
02:31Again, I get it.
02:33If somebody took the ability for me to be able to house an entire peanut butter, marshmallow and bacon sandwich away from me, I'd be upset.
02:40But I sure as crap wouldn't risk the possibility of not being able to see the next Fast and Furious installment on it.
02:47You don't turn your back on family.
02:49Severe allergic reactions happen after your body releases abnormally excessive amounts of chemicals like histamines into your body after you've eaten or got stung by something.
03:00And the body's reaction to this can be super unpredictable, from a little tummy pain to laying on the ground looking up at the sky as your airway closes faster than you can say,
03:09That escalated quickly.
03:10And that's why rolling the antihistamine dice ain't worth it, because no amount of all-you-can-eat shrimp is worth drooling all over yourself in the middle of a red lobster as you catch an EpiPen to the thigh and question all of your life choices.
03:25Try to catch me howlin' at the-
