• 2 days ago
अहमदाबाद शहर के जमालपुर क्षेत्र स्थित निर्माणाधीन ऑफिस के निकट एक दीवार गिरने से चार मजदूर दब गए। इन सभी को मनपा संचालित सरदार वल्लभभाई पटेल (एसवीपी) अस्पताल में भर्ती करवाया गया है। बताया गया है कि जमालपुर के कांग्रेस विधायक इमरान खेड़ावाला की निर्माणाधीन ऑफिस के निकट की दीवार गिरने से यह हादसा हुआ है।


00:00Namaskar, I am Imran Kedawala from MLA Jamaat.
00:04Today, while I was on my way to Vidhan Sabha, I got a call from my office.
00:11They told me that work is going on in my office.
00:14There is a wall next to the office.
00:17I am standing on the wall where I used to work as a sentry.
00:21As soon as I got the news, I went to Vidhan Sabha.
00:26I went to see the people who used to work in the hospital.
00:32There were 5-7 people who used to work there.
00:38They used to have small bruises on their hands, legs and heads.
00:44I have not been able to identify any serious injuries.
00:49I told the doctor that no one should stay in the hospital for more than a year.
00:56The workers should be given temporary leave.
01:02They should be allowed to work as long as the law is in effect.
01:08So that the workers can continue to work.
01:12As far as I know, all the doctors are stable.
01:18They have been given a full salary.
01:21I am very saddened by this incident.
01:29I am very sorry for the people who have been affected.
01:35I pray to God that the people who have been affected should be punished soon.
