Hundreds of thousands of homes and businesses remain without power following ex-Tropical Cyclone Alfred. Crews have been working through the night to restore services, but the challenging conditions are slowing progress. Energex area manager Chris Graham says the recovery effort is gruelling.
00:00We've got crews that are having to carry ladders and gear like cross arms and wire and cable
00:07into damaged areas, they're having to climb poles in weather that's raining sideways.
00:13It's hard, heavy work and we have all our crews doing that.
00:17We've got trapped elevator work platforms, we've got excavators, we've got all that gear
00:23to get in and we're just continuing to support our field staff to get in and do that work.
00:29And let's shout out to the community as well, thanks to the community for their support.
00:33Give us a wave, the crews out in the field, don't go up and distract them, but we appreciate
00:38that support and we appreciate your patience while we're working through this work.
00:42We're working through getting everyone back on as soon as possible.
00:45If anyone is interested in their particular restoration time, they're the best off jumping
00:50on our Outage Finder website, so as we have estimated restoration times that are getting
00:55updated, that's the place to go.
00:57You will see your street, you can put your street into that detail.
01:00I think we had about four million hits on that site yesterday alone, so jump on there
01:05and that'll show that restoration time for your area because each area's got different
01:08restoration times because they've all got different challenges.