• 9 hours ago
Fortnite Hotfix Cars Chapter 6 Season 2 gameplay with Typical Gamer!

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00:00So Fortnite had a problem, there's too many cars on the map and when fights started,
00:03people would just drive away. Well today, they changed that for the better. They also made some
00:07other really awesome changes like new additions to the black market and changes to some of the
00:11most overpowered weapons. Make sure to watch the whole video because I'm also going to go
00:14into what the next update will be including two awesome collabs. Let's jump into it.
00:19All right, well to start this off, we're going to go ahead and land at the black market. There's
00:24three of them on the map. I'm going to land at this one over here. As you can see, there's guards
00:28here which weren't there at the start of the season, interestingly enough. If we head down
00:31here, we can see Keisha Cross and of course, you could buy like an AR which I will do, a shotgun.
00:36I mean, it's actually great for starter loot. There's heals. I'm going to buy big pots,
00:41easy. And then we have a brand new addition which some of you all probably wouldn't expect. But if
00:46you go ahead and turn around over here, you will see that we could buy shockwaves at the black
00:51market. I don't know why the description is Toodle Pip. I don't know what that means. If anyone knows,
00:56let me know in the comments. But as you can see, it's only 50 gold. So do we only get one shockwave?
01:01We had two shockwaves for 50 gold. That seems like an insane deal. I'm going to go ahead and
01:06buy these here. So that means you can max out. I'm going to go beyond maxing out. I'm going to
01:10get two piles. So 12 total shockwaves for the price of 300 gold, which is wild. Going to buy
01:16one big pot here and that's pretty much going to take care of all my gold reserves. So let's go
01:21ahead and rift. And let's land towards seaport because that's where the boss is. So I actually
01:27think it's a great addition and it's fantastic to see them modifying the black market, even outside
01:33of major updates. So they can modify it to the needs of Fortnite, which is really, really great.
01:37Look at this guy over here. What is he doing? Oh my gosh, I just hit him with a trick shot.
01:44Just bounced off the top of that. Seems like somebody's over here, maybe.
01:52It was over here. I absolutely crushed. I'm going to use a shockwave because why not? I got so many
01:56of them. I'm going to land on that wire. Oh no. Give me that crown. Pop this big and get these
02:00minis. Absolutely fantastic. Now I think shockwaves are great for a bunch of reasons. Obviously,
02:04they're probably the best mobility item ever in Fortnite. They're just so good. But this right
02:10here is the reason why they added the shockwaves. If you need to get away from the kneecap or the
02:14baseball bat, all you got to do is shockwave away. It's pretty easy. It launches them away,
02:18gives you distance. It's a great counter. So definitely go ahead and get yourself some
02:22shockwaves if you're having some trouble fighting people who are using baseball bats, which spoiler,
02:27everybody's having trouble fighting people with baseball bats because they are hard to counter.
02:30They really are. They throw this on there and I'm going to throw this on there too.
02:33Take out this guard. Thank you. Grab my shockwaves back. Take down these guards. Come on.
02:40I love that you can switch the view like that on the AUG. It's really great for close quarters
02:44fights like this. Let's pick axes real quick. Come on, get these stages going. See, I don't
02:48have to aim down sight with this. So that's actually really cool. Easy. The boss should
02:54spawn here in a second. I want to take them out before I get into the rest of the updates.
02:59I think he spawns usually on this stage. Oh, there it is. He's like emoting. I'm going to jump to the
03:04second floor. It's a lot harder for him to hit me there. And he's probably going to howl. Nah,
03:07he's not even going to howl. Okay. Give me that medallion. And honestly, give me the pistol.
03:12My loadout's insane now. Let's crack open this last bit of the vault and we are in. Let's get
03:19these dill bits. And let me tell you, these dill bits are going to be a lot more important in the
03:23next update coming this Tuesday. I also need gold. Remember, you can hit these, get gold.
03:29You can break these, get gold. It's just very important to get gold, especially with so many
03:33more things getting added to the black market soon. I mean, look at this. I've made over a
03:37thousand gold. It sounds like there's somebody here still. Oh, see you later. Is that going to
03:41fully them? 10 damage. 10 damage seems like a little bit of a scam there. I feel like if that
03:47was me, I would have taken, I don't know, maybe like 500 damage. Give me that. I forgot a rare
03:52chest. Let me get that real quick. Oh my gosh. Gold mammoth. It'd be nice if I didn't have the
03:57mythic, which was absolutely busted. All right, I'm going to go ahead and grab the super car.
04:00We're going to go to this fight. I want to talk about the next item here in the update. To do
04:04that, I need to find one thing, which I should be able to find really, really soon. Get that guy
04:10out. Let's do this. 94, 94. Bingo, bingo. Somebody else here? Oh, there was.
04:28Where are you going, buddy? Oh no. Stuck in this little corner. Okay, give me my car. I got to get
04:36moving. I want to make it over to the next black market. Now, one thing that's very, very interesting
04:40is something to do with the Baron's Double Down Pistol and with mammoth pistols in general. As
04:45you can tell, obviously they are very, very powerful. I mean, I've done multiple videos
04:50where I just use the Baron's Double Down Pistol. I don't need to use anything else. I don't even
04:54need a shotgun because it is so strong. So the way they've kind of nerfed it is they've actually
04:59reduced the amount of heavy ammo that spawns. So that's right. You see how I have 50 in this?
05:04I don't know if it actually works very well because I still have a lot of ammo. Me, I've
05:08eliminated a lot of people. So that's their way of trying to nerf it. Is it going to work? Probably
05:12not. I'm down here. I just want to check around. Let me talk to Joss real quick. Looking around,
05:16let's buy one of these Enhanced Collateral Damage ARs. Hey, you can see the shop is available for
05:20purchase over here. Ooh, I can also analyze minerals. There you go. What I wanted was not
05:26over here though. Let's take this car and dip. We can talk about cars though. There's something
05:30important with cars. Fortnite has a pretty major problem with cars since, well, pretty much every
05:36game I play, there's a million cars everywhere. Look, I mean, there's two there. There's two over
05:40there. What are you doing here, bud? Ow. There's cars everywhere. Now, clearly Fortnite has
05:46recognized their problem because they did something about it in this update. Wait,
05:48was there a guy shooting me over there? I think there was. I'm going. What is he hitting me with?
05:54Shockwave him. It's literally a banana. And he has the item I was talking about. Oh my gosh,
06:05the sticky grenade launcher. Now, you see, I have four shots in it. This thing is broken,
06:09by the way. Absolutely broken. And then I have 12 reserve ammo. Well, in this update,
06:14Fortnite actually changed it so that the max rocket ammo you can hold is six. But they changed
06:20it back like not too long after. And they said this, we've reverted the ammo cap back to 12 again
06:25while we work to make sure this change doesn't affect other experiences like OG and Creator
06:30Islands. So their intent is for you to only have six reserve, which means that you can't really
06:34spam this that much. Like you could shoot a full thing and then another full thing and then half.
06:40So not that much in comparison to what it is right now, which is 12 reserve. So they're trying to
06:44nerf the explosive weapons, which honestly I think is a really great thing. And they should 110%
06:50do that. Explosives pretty much always have been overpowered in Fortnite. And this sticky grenade
06:55launcher is nuts. I'm serious. It is absolutely berserk. It's insane. It's crazy. And in the
07:01right hands, especially in build mode, you just shoot at somebody's box, time it right, and you
07:04can shoot them through their walls. It's nuts. Well, let's talk about the cars before we get
07:09into the future update that's coming out very, very soon. There's some exciting things in there.
07:14So like I was mentioning, cars are everywhere. You find them just all the time. Look, I got one,
07:18I'm driving. There's one over here. There's one across the road over there. Sometimes one can
07:23spawn over here. There's millions of them. So whenever you get into a fight, people will just
07:27run away. I don't know if that's the experience you guys have, but for me, very much so. People
07:32just run away all the time in fights and it's mega annoying. And then the cars have a ton of health
07:37too. So the fights last a long time because I have to chase them. It takes a long time and yeah,
07:43not as fun. Everyone's getting bodied here. What is this? Look at that. I skipped out on a guy back
07:48here. I want to go find him. So what did Fortnite do? Did they reduce the car health? No, it doesn't
07:52look like it. This car still had 800 health total, which is normal. I believe it actually
07:57gets scaled to the mode you're playing. So in squads, the cars have more health, interestingly
08:02enough. I don't know if you knew that. That's a fun fact. I mean, same thing with bosses. Bosses
08:07have more health in squads versus solo. But yeah, the way Fortnite is trying to combat this is,
08:13drum roll please, they're reducing the amount of cars that you could find on the island,
08:18both supercars and SUVs. So the way Fortnite worded it is that cars spawn slightly less
08:24frequently, which if we look at the numbers, there's actually a little bit of a different
08:28story here. I don't know if I would call it slightly less frequently. I would say that
08:31it's like decently less frequently. So for SUVs, the max spawn rate on the entire map was 36. That
08:37means across the map when you start a game, there can only be 36 max SUVs. And now that number has
08:42been reduced to 25. That's a huge drop. Huge, huge drop. Let me just fight this guy real quick.
08:4981. Oh my. That's going to be a hard second shot to hit, honestly. Did he land on that island?
08:58I honestly don't know where he went. He landed on that island. Time for me to check.
09:02All right, we're moving. So yeah, the odds of you finding an SUV have dropped pretty significantly.
09:07And what are the odds of you finding sports cars, which I think are probably more annoying than
09:11SUVs to chase around? So there was a max spawn rate of 41 whiplashes that could be on the island,
09:17which is crazy to think about. That has been reduced from 41 to 30. Now, of course, when I
09:23say 41 and 30, that doesn't mean that there's always that many of them on the map. It just
09:28means there was a chance of that many spawning. So that chance has been reduced from 41 whiplashes
09:33max to now 30 whiplashes max. So it's a big change. Honestly, it's a huge change, but it's
09:38for the better, honestly. Okay, there's a guy behind me there.
09:46Ow, dude. That really hurted. I have to splash it up. Grab this sticky grenade launcher.
09:54Hit him with a combo of the sentry. And there's somebody else here. I got to watch out. Lost my
09:58cover. Hello. Goodbye. Let me splashes you up. I'll take that. I'll take that. We're good to go.
10:08Oh boy. Can we just calm down? We're getting pretty emotional.
10:16Emotionally getting back to the lobby. Oh, you had a mythic sniper. Oh, and a gold pump. Yoink.
10:21Where's this other guy shooting at? Who are you? You're a guard. The heck are you doing?
10:26Where are you even from? Oh, you're from the van, I think. All right, let's move it along here.
10:30Oh, there's more shockwaves. Let's get it. Let's go. Topping our whip. Now that's all the updates
10:36that Fortnite did recently. Oh, that guy is trying to... No. No baseball bat. Stop. There's so many
10:44baseball bat babies in the game right now. They only use the baseball bat and then refuse to use
10:48their weapons. I get it. That's why Fortnite put it in the game so that it could decrease the skill
10:53gap that exists. I've seen it too much this season and last season with the sword. It's crazy. Top
10:58five situation, by the way. Now, for this new update that's dropping on March 11th, we got two
11:02collabs apparently. Hello, Thor. Goodbye, Thor. The first collab is going to be Invincible Wave 2
11:09plus Mark's blue suit. So if you're an Invincible fan, rejoice because we're going to get some more
11:13characters. And then the second collab, which isn't 100% confirmed, well, it's 100% confirmed
11:18it's happening this season, but we don't know if it's going to happen this update, is going to be
11:22Mortal Kombat Scorpion with his hook mythic. You know, the guy that goes,
11:26get over here. Yeah, he's coming to Fortnite, which you know, Scorpion and Sub-Zero have some
11:32history there. So that's going to be really cool. Honestly, I'm excited to have the hook mythic.
11:37Can I hit him with it? Yes, I can. Because I'm that guy. All right. So we should get Scorpion's
11:46hook mythic or whatever rarity it's going to be. Additionally, we will be getting the new pump and
11:50dump item and a mythic version of it. So if you don't know what the pump and dump is, it's a
11:55shotgun SMG combo. It's the same weapon, but you switch from shotgun to SMG in the same thing,
12:00which is pretty crazy. I'm grabbing this baseball bat. All right. Batter's up. This guy's trying to
12:07damn it, pistol me. Oh, he's trying to try and explode me.
12:13This is why they reduced the ammo of it. It's so annoying to fight against. So the pump and dump
12:18looks awesome. I'm excited to try it out. I can't hit this guy. Apparently we're also getting the
12:24new rocket drill and outlaw shotgun. So the rocket drill is going to be like the rocket ram, just
12:28we don't know how it is, but it is going to be different. One on two. Yeah. Stay in your box,
12:35buddy. Yeah. Don't mess with me. All right. Don't mess with me. I'm taking your car. I don't know
12:46if this is his car, but I'm taking it. And the outlaw shotgun apparently is going to be like a
12:50really close range shotgun that does a ton of damage. Could it potentially dethrone the sentinel
12:54pump shotgun? I don't know, but there's a chance. So I'm excited to check it out. And then speaking
12:59of the black market, we should see some more new stuff because new exotics are going to be sold in
13:04the black market. Now from current leaks, it looks like it could be all of these or one of these,
13:09or I don't know how they're going to introduce them, but we have the jump rocket launcher,
13:13tracker reaper sniper, stink hunting rifle, slap juice cannon and triple shot collateral AR.
13:19Oh, that hurt it. Hope the storm eats you up, buddy.
13:25I hurt. Oh, absolutely destroyed. Let me know what you guys think of the new update and the
13:37update coming out soon and GG.