Today Tyler and Snowi play WHO CHEWED ME?! 🤔🍴 Can we SURVIVAL ALL LEVELS and MAKE IT OUT ALIVE?! This NEW ROBLOX GAME has SO MANY FUNNY MOMENTS! 👉Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE & leave a like 👍 if you enjoyed!
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#funnymoments #cartoon #roblox
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#funnymoments #cartoon #roblox
00:00Welcome to the session!
00:02The doors are locked!
00:04The lights are failing!
00:06And when darkness falls,
00:08the flesh thief comes out!
00:10Oh no, Silly, what's the flesh thief?
00:12Their goal is simple.
00:14To steal your flesh piece by piece.
00:16Oh no!
00:18I have given you three lives.
00:20Lose them all,
00:22and you are eliminated.
00:24I don't want to get eliminated!
00:26I don't want to get eliminated!
00:28I don't want to get eliminated!
00:30When the lights turn on,
00:32you'll have one chance
00:34to guess who the flesh thief is.
00:36Choose wisely.
00:38Wrong accusations
00:40will cost you a life.
00:42And we only have three!
00:44Whatever you do,
00:46don't let the time run out.
00:48Good luck, you will need it!
00:50Whoa, Silly, the lights already went out!
00:52Oh my gosh, there's so many people here!
00:54This is intense!
00:56Let's see, guys.
00:58Am I going to be the flesh thief?
01:00Or am I going to be the flesh thief?
01:02Oh no, oh no.
01:04Okay, I'm not the flesh thief.
01:06Me too, Tyler.
01:08Wait, how can I know that I can trust you?
01:10I have no idea, Silly.
01:12Oh my gosh, they're stealing the bacon's flesh!
01:14They must have been in the mood for bacon!
01:16Yeah, Silly, since we all woke up right now,
01:18it's breakfast time.
01:20Look, the bacon is going to accuse someone of stealing.
01:22Wait, why is it going to us?
01:24Who's it going to accuse?
01:26It's scary when he slows down next to you.
01:28Oh my gosh, guys, who is he going to guess?
01:30If he guesses wrong, he loses a life.
01:32And we only have three lives.
01:34Oh, look what happened.
01:36Oh, that guy was the thief!
01:38He couldn't guess in time.
01:40I'm not the thief again. What about you, Tyler?
01:42No, Silly, I'm not the thief either.
01:44Hopefully they don't steal my flesh!
01:46It says that 20 rounds from now,
01:48it's going to be bomb mode.
01:50I wonder what that is.
01:52Snowy, why do I feel someone-
01:54I feel someone eating my body parts!
01:56Help! Help! They're eating my arms and legs!
01:58No, Tyler, no!
02:00Owie! I said owie, Snowy.
02:02Owie in the chat.
02:04Who was it? Who was it?
02:06Quick, Tyler, you only have 20 seconds to guess.
02:08Um, I don't-
02:10I don't know. I don't know who it was.
02:12I feel like it's not going to be someone who was talking.
02:14I'm guessing it was
02:16this person. They've been awfully quiet.
02:18No! I was wrong!
02:20Aw, man!
02:22Wait, so you lost a heart?
02:24Yeah, Snowy, I lost a heart and my body parts.
02:26You can't lose anymore, Tyler.
02:28We have to stay through this together.
02:30Guys, hit the like button right now
02:32if you haven't already to make me the flesh thief
02:34and then I can trick Snowy.
02:36Okay, I'm not the thief, which means that
02:38I can get eaten.
02:40Oh my gosh, it worked! Thanks for hitting the like button, guys.
02:42Yeah, Snowy, I'm not the flesh thief either.
02:44Hopefully someone doesn't go after you again.
02:46I know, right?
02:48I'm definitely going to try to get my health down.
02:50Guys, I'm the flesh thief and Snowy
02:52doesn't even know it. Okay, watch.
02:54I'm going to steal Snowy's body parts.
02:56It tastes so good. Give me that leg.
02:58Give me that leg. Give me that arm.
03:00No, somebody chose to eat me.
03:02Uh-oh, I have to guess
03:04who it is. I know it's not Tyler.
03:06Maybe it's one of these people talking.
03:08I'm going to go with Cookie.
03:10It was definitely you.
03:12Wait, no, I was wrong! It was you, Tyler!
03:14It was me!
03:16I ate your body parts,
03:20That is so mean.
03:22They tasted pretty good.
03:24I was really hungry.
03:26Okay, let's see. I want to be the thief, Tyler.
03:28Oh my gosh, Snowy. Okay, I'm not the thief.
03:30I'm not the thief. What about you?
03:32I'm not the thief either. Wait, do you feel
03:34someone nibbling on your fingers?
03:36No, no, they're going for me. I'm saying I don't taste good.
03:38No, they're eating my body!
03:40No, Tyler!
03:42Who was it?
03:44Who was it? Hold on.
03:46Who in the chat said that they know us?
03:48I saw someone say that they know us.
03:50Someone said they're coming for you.
03:52I don't know, Snowy. I'm just going to guess.
03:54I'm guessing this person
03:56because they haven't been taken.
03:58Yo, I got it right! I got it right, Snowy!
04:00What? That's awesome, Tyler!
04:02You would have lost a life if you got it wrong.
04:04Oh! How did I get
04:06that right?
04:08You have 200 IQ.
04:10Oh my gosh, Tyler. The next person who got eaten
04:12is right next to you.
04:14Oh my gosh, Snowy. Look, I say
04:162,000 IQ in the chat.
04:182,000 IQ.
04:20Okay, let's see if this guy can guess right.
04:22They probably think I used hacks
04:24to see who it was, Snowy, because you can actually
04:26paint a win on here and reveal who it was.
04:28Oh, look! They thought it was me! Oh, no!
04:30It was Cookie. He's a Cookie monster.
04:32Look, guys. I'm saying I wonder
04:34if Cookie tastes like cookies.
04:36I'm going to find out right now. Where are they?
04:38Where are you, Cookie? It's time for you to get eaten.
04:40I'm eating cookies. I'm eating some cookies
04:42for breakfast. Wait, you're the thief?
04:44Uh, no, Snowy. I'm definitely not
04:46the thief. No. Yes, I was the thief.
04:48Oh my gosh, Tyler.
04:50He's going to guess you. He's coming right towards us.
04:52Oh, no. Maybe I shouldn't have said
04:54Cookie tastes like cookies in the chat.
04:56Yes! They got it wrong. It was me.
04:58I can't believe they got it wrong.
05:00You basically outed yourself in the chat.
05:02I know, right? And they didn't even get me.
05:04This is crazy. Oh my gosh,
05:06Snowy. It says game mode bombs.
05:08What does that mean?
05:10I have no idea. It's time to be bomb
05:12mode. Look, everyone's standing up.
05:14What's going on? Tyler, someone's holding a
05:16bomb. I think they're trying to pass it off.
05:18Oh, it's like hot potato with a bomb.
05:20Run, Snowy. Run.
05:22They're right there, Tyler. This is so scary.
05:24Everybody get away. Everybody get
05:26away from the person with the bomb.
05:28We have 70 seconds left and whoever
05:30it lands on is going to explode.
05:32Oh my gosh. Yo, the bomb is looking
05:34great. Snowy, I think they're going for you. Run.
05:36I'm running as fast as I can, Tyler.
05:38I'm jumping on all of the beds.
05:40Yeah, Snowy. Just keep jumping across the beds
05:42because they're super bouncy. Oh my gosh.
05:44Oh my gosh. The bomb is smoking and burning
05:46like crazy. I can barely even see anything.
05:48Guys, 20 seconds left.
05:50Look, Snowy. They're just holding the... Oh,
05:52someone took the bomb. Someone took the bomb.
05:5416 seconds, Tyler. I'm so
05:56scared right now. Me too.
05:58Me too. Oh, wait.
06:00They almost got me, Snowy. 5, 4,
06:023, 2, 1.
06:04And... Oh,
06:06it exploded. Yes,
06:08it wasn't us, Tyler. Guys, whoever
06:10holds the bomb when it explodes loses
06:12all three of their lives and gets
06:14eliminated. That was super scary.
06:16Okay, who's going to be the thief
06:18next after that one? Oh my gosh,
06:20me. I'm the thief, Tyler. Oh my gosh, thanks
06:22for telling me, Snowy. Wait, I shouldn't
06:24have told you. Okay, who am I going to
06:26choose? I can't choose Tyler because he
06:28knows I'm the thief. Should I choose someone
06:30random or I'll choose Cookie because
06:32I'm in the mood for some cookies. Oh my
06:34gosh, that is the worst name you could
06:36possibly have in here because everyone is going to want to
06:38eat cookies. It was the chocolate
06:40chip cookie. Wait, chocolate
06:42chip? Sugar cookies taste way better,
06:44Snowy. I don't think so, Tyler.
06:46Guys, vote in the comments down below. Are you
06:48team chocolate chip cookie like me
06:50or team sugar cookie like me?
06:52You'll see by the comments, Snowy.
06:54Everybody likes sugar cookies better than
06:56chocolate chip. Yes, he guessed wrong.
06:58I'm still in this. Guys, I'm going to
07:00be the next thief so I could
07:02be the next thief and then I'm going to try to get
07:04Snowy. Yes, I'm the thief and
07:06I'm going to get Snowy. I'm going to eat her leg
07:08and her arms. I'm not the thief
07:10this time. Are you the thief this time, Tyler?
07:12No, I'm definitely not the thief
07:14this time. Guys, look at this. Snowy is
07:16sleeping right now and it is time
07:18for me to eat her flesh.
07:20Hopefully we don't get
07:22eaten, Tyler. Oh my gosh, I feel
07:24someone breathing on me.
07:26You, my child,
07:28are my next snack.
07:30Give me that leg.
07:32Give me that other leg.
07:34No, someone ate me.
07:36Who would do that?
07:38Look, Snowy, that person over there said I'm picking
07:40Snowy. No way, did they? Who said that?
07:42Who said that? Oh, I'm going to go for you.
07:44Thanks for telling me.
07:46I was wrong, Tyler.
07:48Oh my gosh, it was me, Snowy.
07:50You are something
07:52else, Tyler. I'm going to have to get you
07:54back. Now you only have
07:56one life left, Snowy, but I have two
07:58and you're never going to get me back.
08:00I'm going to wait until you have one life
08:02and then I'm going to take it. Look, Snowy,
08:04the thief is eating this person's body parts.
08:06I'm saying it was me to confuse
08:08them. Oh, Tyler, they might actually
08:10choose you. They guessed wrong.
08:12Oh, the guy next to me was
08:14the thief. There's way less
08:16of us now, Tyler. Yeah, Snowy,
08:18everyone's trying to confuse each other and get inside
08:20their heads. Okay, let's see. Oh my gosh,
08:22I'm the thief, but I'm not going to tell Tyler.
08:24It's time to get some revenge.
08:26Okay, Snowy, I'm not the thief.
08:28What about you? No way. I could
08:30go for the cookie again, but no,
08:32I'm going for Tyler.
08:34I'm taking those body parts.
08:36Wait, wait. Oh, what's happening?
08:38I feel someone chewing on my body parts. They're
08:40eating my body parts. No! Oh my gosh,
08:42someone chose you, Tyler.
08:44What? This is like Murder Mystery 2
08:46meets Collect the Body meets
08:48Breaking Point. Who would choose you again?
08:50That's messed up.
08:52Yeah, why do I feel like it was you,
08:54Snowy? No, I would never
08:56do that, Tyler. I don't
08:58know. Maybe
09:00it was this person that has three lives.
09:02Let's see, guys. No, I guess
09:04they're wrong. What? It was you, Snowy.
09:06I told you I'd get you back.
09:08Aw, man. Now we both
09:10only have one life left, Snowy. I have
09:12an idea. Let's have a truce and
09:14not go for each other. We have to survive.
09:16Good idea, Tyler. Let's form an
09:18alliance. I won't get you
09:20if you won't get me. Deal,
09:22Snowy. Look, Tyler, someone else is
09:24eating the cookie, too. Oh my
09:26gosh, they're always eating the cookie.
09:28Let's see who they guess. I'm saying
09:30mmm, cookies, acting like it was me.
09:32Wait, what? They got eliminated.
09:34Oof, another cookie
09:36down. Oh my gosh.
09:38R.I.P. the cookie.
09:40R.I.P. cookies, guys. Put it
09:42in the comments. Okay, Snowy, am I
09:44gonna be the- Oh my gosh, I'm the thief. I'm the thief,
09:46Snowy, for real this time. Okay, okay,
09:48okay, choose someone that's close to being
09:50out. Yeah, okay, I'm gonna choose this car
09:52guy. Get out of here. Let's see,
09:54guys. I'm gonna eat his body parts
09:56and- Oh my gosh. Look, he's like
09:58bro. He has one
10:00life left, so he guesses wrong. He's gonna be
10:02eliminated. Okay, who is he gonna guess?
10:04If he guesses you, then you'll be eliminated.
10:06Oh no, oh no.
10:08Why is he looking right at us, Snowy?
10:10Ooh, he guessed wrong.
10:12Yes, another person out.
10:14We're so close to winning, Tyler.
10:16Oh my gosh. Why do I feel like they're gonna want
10:18revenge on us, Snowy? Oh yeah, that's
10:20for sure. Oh gosh. Oh
10:22gosh, I'm scared. I'm scared. Hey, Snowy,
10:24should we buy refill our hearts, or is that
10:26too pay to win? Let's buy one more life. I'm
10:28buying one life right now. I cannot
10:30leave. Oh no, oh no. I didn't buy
10:32my one heart in time. No, Snowy,
10:34you're gonna get eliminated. What are you doing?
10:36No, Tyler, no.
10:38You need to refill your life.
10:40Okay, I just have to choose who did
10:42it right. Okay, I'm just gonna go
10:44with this person.
10:48Oh! It's okay
10:50because I'm reviving, and I'm gonna get
10:52vengeance. Okay, guys, I'm
10:54the thief again, and I am gonna steal Snowy's
10:56flesh! Oh, wait, what?
10:58Someone's eating me. No!
11:00Wait, what, Tyler? Oh no, I forgot
11:02to mute my mic. Um, I was just
11:04kidding, Snowy. It wasn't me. Okay.
11:06Uh, should I believe that,
11:08guys? I'm gonna go with no.
11:10It was definitely you, Tyler.
11:12Look, this guy's saying, Tyler,
11:14pick him! The guy right behind me.
11:16What? You
11:18have not made friends here, Tyler.
11:20Oh, it's bomb mode time!
11:22Oh my gosh, this is gonna
11:24be crazy! And there's way
11:26less people, so I don't know how this is gonna
11:28play out. I'm not ready for this! Jump
11:30on the bench, Tyler! Ooh, I got
11:32the bomb, I got the bomb! I'm gonna
11:34go after someone with it. Ooh, I'm gonna give it
11:36to this bacon! It's yours now!
11:38Yeah! Remember, Snowy, whoever
11:40the bomb lands on is an immediate
11:42elimination. Hey, Snowy, I have
11:44something for you. Can you hold this real quick? Oh!
11:46Yeah! No, no,
11:48no, Tyler, no! There, I
11:50gave it to that person that was just standing there.
11:52Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, the bomb
11:54explodes in 30 seconds! Wait, stop,
11:56stop! No, they gave it to me! Okay, okay, I need to
11:58pass it off really fast. Come here, come
12:00here! Aw, yeah! This
12:02game is the bomb!
12:04I'm having a pretty good time right now, Snowy.
12:06I'm just sitting here dancing, and no one's even
12:08going for me. Oh no, they gave it to me!
12:10Oh no, Tyler, you need to give it to someone else!
12:12I gave it to
12:14a bacon, I gave it to a bacon. Oh no, he gave it back to
12:16me, and I got the speed boost! I got
12:18the speed boost! I'm gonna give it to this guy, I'm gonna give it to this
12:20guy. Yo, no, no! Snowy, it's gonna
12:22explode in five seconds!
12:24Three, two, one,
12:26no! R.I.P.
12:30No, Tyler!
12:32That was so
12:34sad! Snowy, you gotta
12:36win it for both of us now!
12:38Okay, I'm the thief, who should I
12:40choose? Choose someone that only has
12:42one heart left so you can get them out. Okay,
12:44okay, I'm choosing this one, this is
12:46bye, Tyler! Yeah, get him, Snowy,
12:48get him!
12:50Soon he'll be joining you on the
12:52other side! Okay, hopefully
12:54they don't know it was me! This
12:56person is saying sorry it was her!
12:58Stop! Oh my gosh, they're all saying
13:00Snowy! That person's like, y'all
13:02are targeting me! It's true, cause he has
13:04less lives! No, he
13:06guessed right! I lost a life!
13:08Uh-oh, thief is stealing
13:10and they chose me! What the heck!
13:12They're trying to get you out, Snowy!
13:14Who did it? Who's the thief?
13:16I feel like it's the girl next to me, I don't
13:18trust her! I'm gonna choose her!
13:20I'm gonna choo- wait, she said sorry it was me!
13:22I don't know, Tyler! What do you think?
13:24I don't know, Snowy, maybe it's the person
13:26that only has one life left over here?
13:28I'm gonna choose this girl that's next to
13:30me, because she's been messing with me the whole
13:32time! No! It was someone
13:34I didn't even suspect!
13:36I only have one more life left!
13:38They're definitely gonna be targeting you, Snowy!
13:40I know, Tyler! I'm
13:42scared! Please don't eat me!
13:44No, they chose me!
13:46Now they're targeting me!
13:48Okay, who is it gonna be?
13:50I have to guess right or
13:52else I'm out, Tyler, and we lose the game!
13:54I'm gonna choose the girl again!
13:56I think it was her! I really think
13:58so! Yes!
14:00Yes, I'm stealing this!
14:02Nice, Snowy! Oh my gosh!
14:04Bomb mode!
14:06Everybody run! They're gonna go for
14:08you, Snowy! Get out of there! No, I
14:10got it! I'm going for this person next
14:12to me! Run, run, run!
14:14But I got you the bomb! I'm gonna try and
14:16stay as far on the other side as
14:18possible! That's my game strategy
14:20here! Oh no, why are they so fast?
14:22Uh-oh, they're right there! They're gonna
14:24come after me! No! I can't
14:26have this! No, I got the bomb!
14:28I only have 30 seconds left! Yes, they
14:30passed it on! Nice job, Snowy!
14:32That was a close one, but
14:34who knows? I could still end up with the bomb,
14:36Tyler! Oh my gosh, 12 seconds left
14:38and the person with the bomb's right there!
14:40It's so hard to see! Get away
14:42from everybody, Snowy! Get away from everybody!
14:44It's hard to see! I can't see!
14:463, 2, 1!
14:48Yes! I survived
14:50another round! Oh, that
14:52was crazy! That
14:54was so intense!
14:56R.I.P. that guy!
14:58Okay, there's only 3 of us
15:00and I do not trust the person next
15:02to me! I'm the thief, Tyler! I'm
15:04the thief! Who should I choose?
15:06Go for the person next to you, Snowy! Go for the person
15:08next to you! I think she's gonna guess me,
15:10though! Alright, go for the person with 3 hearts
15:12then! The guy with 2 hearts! I went for the person
15:14next to me! Let's see what happens!
15:16Since they know that we're friends,
15:18I'm gonna say pick Snowy and they'll think
15:20I'm lying to trick them! It's reverse
15:22psychology! Really, Tyler?
15:24I was trying to use
15:26reverse psychology! I am
15:28so mad at you, Tyler!
15:30No! I'm sorry, Snowy! It was
15:32all my fault! I guess psychology
15:34is not my best subject! Well,
15:36guys, we're gonna be eating people's
15:38body parts and hunting for the killer
15:40all night long!
15:42While we're doing that, you should click on one of those videos
15:44that's on your screen right now!
15:46And subscribe if you haven't already!
15:48Bye! See ya!