Cloak X Elden Ring ►►
Working at The Boba Teashop sure does give me the creeps! Between the cats going MEOW and running out of SALT, I might just go crazy in this episode of 3 Scary Games! I hate this. I hate this description. I hate this bit that I've set up for myself. I've been putting the names of the games in the description for keywords but why? Why does it have to be this horrible? Why do I have to keep making horrifyingly cringe descriptions every episode? How has no one caught on to this? Also check out the Cloak X Elden Ring collab available now.
The Boba Teashop ►
Edited By ►
MORE Scary Games ►
Working at The Boba Teashop sure does give me the creeps! Between the cats going MEOW and running out of SALT, I might just go crazy in this episode of 3 Scary Games! I hate this. I hate this description. I hate this bit that I've set up for myself. I've been putting the names of the games in the description for keywords but why? Why does it have to be this horrible? Why do I have to keep making horrifyingly cringe descriptions every episode? How has no one caught on to this? Also check out the Cloak X Elden Ring collab available now.
The Boba Teashop ►
Edited By ►
MORE Scary Games ►
00:30Welcome to the Boba tea shop.
00:53This game looked terrifying, I'm gonna show you something, hold on, that.
01:00I don't like that. So anyway,
01:03I decided to play it. Now, I know this is gonna be divisive. I actually don't really like Boba.
01:09I know that's strange, but it's a texture thing. I'm sure there's different types of Boba, but I don't like rocks.
01:14I know they're not rocks. I know they're soft, but I don't like rocks in my drink.
01:19I don't like unexpected random blobs
01:23floating up through my giant straw. The straw is too big. The beads are weird. I don't really like tea.
01:29This is it. The moment where all those long corporate days finally pay off in the form of Boba and dreams.
01:35But even with all this excitement, my nerves are on edge. I put everything into this place. I can't let it fail.
01:42So the stakes are high. I need to make money. This place needs to work.
01:47I could have gotten some better lighting. I could have also opened during the day.
01:52Okay, I got a weird flashback to Deus Ex, like the original way back when, whatever.
02:01Ha ha!
02:03Go to your counter and close the counter door. Yep.
02:08I'm ready.
02:09This is gonna be awesome. Hi! Welcome!
02:15It's a very strange way that it's animated. I like it, but it's unsettling.
02:18It's about time a Boba tea shop opened around here. I'll have a Boba milk tea.
02:23You got it!
02:24Ingredients, empty cup, milk tea, Boba, straw, and cover.
02:30Okay. Milk tea.
02:32Where's the Boba?
02:59So I should just leave it in the cup station for then.
03:03There you go. Thank you. Thank you!
03:07One, two, three, five?
03:10I can't do math. Eight.
03:11Eight dollars for a Boba.
03:16I got some...
03:17I got something right there.
03:19I got something right there.
03:20I mean, hard be it for me to criticize a man who's working hard.
03:26What's all the fuss about these drinks?
03:29What's all the fuss about these drinks?
03:30Let's see.
03:31It's milk tea with tapioca.
03:32Also known as Boba.
03:34Alright, then.
03:35I'll take one Boba milk tea for my son and one milk tea no Boba for myself.
03:39Not sure I trust those chewy things.
03:43I get you, man.
03:44Something weird about them, right?
03:47Something just not right.
03:52That's one for the son.
03:55And then one no Boba.
04:00No Boba!
04:02Bad Boba.
04:08Blam, and I'm gonna turn down the sensitivity because it's always too high.
04:11And dong.
04:12There you go, buddy.
04:13Ah, this better be good.
04:18Thank you for that.
04:19How much was that?
04:26Would you like some Boba?
04:28A Boba tea shop!
04:29Big sis, can I get two Boba milk teas, please?
04:34Why do you need two?
04:46I guess I could've gotten that one.
04:50You asked for two, right?
04:51Yeah, Boba milk teas.
04:53There you go, kid.
04:54Do you have money?
04:55Big sis, you should add strawberry Boba to the menu.
04:58It will be the best seller for sure.
05:03Expanding the menu could be a good idea.
05:05I'll do some research after closing.
05:07Hell yeah.
05:09I'm making so much money.
05:17You've got the swagger of a confident man.
05:21Oh wow, I wasn't expecting to see such a beautiful lady behind the counter.
05:29Can I have one Boba milk tea with extra Boba?
05:32Oh yeah.
05:33You're gonna get all the Boba.
05:36That's what flattery gets you.
05:45Extra Boba.
05:48Gee, thanks.
05:49Gee, you're welcome.
05:51Also, you look really cool.
05:52Can I have your number?
05:57Oh well.
05:58Can't blame a guy for trying.
05:59I suppose not.
06:01Doesn't matter how confident you are.
06:03That's all for today.
06:04I should clean the shop and prep for tomorrow.
06:06I should.
06:09Who vomited on the floor?
06:16Oh my god.
06:21What is it?
06:23I'm so sorry.
06:24I didn't mean to scare you.
06:25Oh, don't worry.
06:27You did.
06:29I saw you were about to close and I had to rush in.
06:31I'm sure.
06:32It's fine.
06:33It's fine.
06:34Alright, come on.
06:35This is all about customer service here.
06:39Don't worry.
06:41Hop on over and I'll get you taken care of.
06:45So you...
06:47You like goth or something?
06:48I'll take, uh, two Boba milk teas.
06:51You got it.
06:52Two Boba milk teas coming right up.
06:54Don't you worry.
06:56Don't do anything while my back is turned.
06:58You wouldn't do anything, would you?
07:00You would never.
07:02You never would, would you?
07:05Ooh, money.
07:06Put your money down.
07:07I'll take that.
07:08Thanks for the money.
07:13Oh well.
07:22Okay, anyway.
07:24There you go.
07:25Thank you so much.
07:26I really appreciate it.
07:27I really appreciate your business.
07:30Now, don't do that again.
07:39Keep the chairs.
07:50I'm the only staff.
07:52I guess this is the employee area.
07:54For me.
07:55Being defined if I ever have employees.
07:58What is this?
07:59Late night mop?
08:00That's exactly late night mop.
08:02Late night mop.
08:07Exit the shop.
08:08I gotta put away my stuff.
08:13Can't have that.
08:14Just lying around.
08:15Should I take my money or no?
08:26I'm happy.
08:27That was great.
08:35You kidding me?
08:36Are you...
08:39Yashin' me?
08:40Are you Yashin' me?
08:41Right now?
08:42I guess it is a demo.
08:44Oh well.
08:45I like it.
08:46Hey, everyone.
08:47Wishlist this so that it can actually be made.
08:51I was enjoying myself, but oh well.
08:53Moving on.
08:57Wait, have I played Meow?
08:58Why is this familiar?
08:59I don't think I've played this before, but this is a horror game about taking care of your cat.
09:03Which is a horrible experience that nobody should endure.
09:06Just kidding.
09:07I like cats.
09:08And I've had cats in the past.
09:10Hi, kitty.
09:13I've never played this before.
09:14Oh my goodness.
09:17Oh my goodness.
09:19Oh my goodness.
09:21Oh my goodness.
09:25Where's your food?
09:26Where's your food?
09:27Sorry, my eyeballs are all kinds of staticky right now.
09:30But hey.
09:31You want some food?
09:32You want some food?
09:33There you go.
09:38Oh, you're adorable.
09:39Go to sleep.
09:40Well, I guess that was all the rest and relaxation I need.
09:44I just need to check.
09:45Did I lock the doors?
09:48There's a mystery door over there.
09:49Probably a bathroom, but who knows.
09:52I'm asleep now.
10:00Hi, kitty.
10:01Hi, kitty.
10:04Hi, kitty.
10:07Oh my goodness.
10:08You are so cute.
10:10Go to the shop to buy cat food.
10:11Okay, I'm sorry, kitty.
10:12We're out of cat food.
10:13I gotta go to the shop, okay?
10:14Don't you worry.
10:15Don't you worry.
10:16Don't you worry.
10:17Don't you worry.
10:18Don't you worry.
10:21Look at his little feet walking all stupid.
10:24All right.
10:25Gotta go to the shop, apparently.
10:26Oh, y'all got any cat food?
10:29Hello, sir?
10:33All right.
10:34Cat food, cat food, cat food.
10:36Maybe I should buy more than one.
10:41I mean, shouldn't I buy more than one?
10:43That's all I need.
10:46I bought the food. Thank you feed the cat now. I will
10:54No, I know did I put how did I put it in the shelf? I know kitty
10:58I don't know how that happened. But there you go kitty. Oh
11:01You good kitty good kitty
11:04good kitty
11:07Good kitty
11:09Sweet dreams
11:15Music why
11:20Kitty kitty kitty
11:46You know
11:56You know
11:58Thumbs up for me. I'm all I'm okay with that. I feel like I feel like a million bucks
12:04That's what I feel like. That's what I feel like right now. Great game
12:08incredible stuff moving on
13:44Welcome to salt
13:46Which I'm guessing that's what those bags say, so we're all learning something additional information Wow
13:55Horror engine
13:57Whatever that is must be some kind of like pre-built or thing my Bob
14:02Maybe I'll use one of those to try to make a game myself someday
14:09Another working day has come to an end
14:12It sure has finally I'm almost home
14:17Your thoughts appear press tab for viewing
14:25What do you think brain well, I think you should get to the apartment Thank You brain
14:31Appreciate it. You know, you're just talking to yourself. Ah, no, it's better if I visualize this as some kind of
14:38Alternate entity that exists between the neurons. You're an idiot. I guess I'm just gonna walk
14:44I don't know which way but this way is slightly more illuminated. So I'm guessing this way
14:54Yeah, I know I know get to my apartment I'm aware I don't need to console my brain that often Unreal Engine 5, huh?
15:02It's good. It's good. It's good
15:14Yes, I'm guessing I'm trying to get some kind of visual clues here there's a pile of garbage that's a nice visual clue
15:22There's also lines going this way. So maybe
15:26Down this path seems as good as any
15:30Up there. Is that it? Is that my apartment?
15:34Brain, is that my apartment? Shouldn't you know? I don't know anything. Oh, don't you that's because I know everything you're
15:42Lixian blow this brain up for getting uppity. No, wait
15:50You're too hyper realistic for this world and your ears are stupid but your face adorable
15:58Adorable. Okay. Goodbye
16:18I'm sorry
16:21The hell kind of passcode did I just bought a table daddy
16:26Complex hand signal
16:30Well, this seems vaguely familiar I think there was a game in this type of stairwell
16:37Missing person flyer judging by the date the person went missing recently. Well, I hate to tell you that's not recent to now anyway
16:44Not as recent if that's 1971
16:50Hell is that
16:55You don't scare me neighbor hey buddy, okay
17:04Brain what do you think of this? Oh, you've been exploded. I expected to come around you'd be perfectly normal and goodness gracious. Was I right?
17:14Are you doing buddy? Hey pal, don't worry about anything
17:18Listen, you're gonna get that head fixed. You're gonna get the money to get a widening surgery
17:23No one thinks you have a shriveled non girthy head. Come on. Come on
17:29I've some confidence
17:31You're gonna be alright
17:34He's dark. No, it's demony
17:38That's mine
17:39Glad I found mine
17:43Close that up
17:48Homes we okay. Finally, I'm home
17:52I'm terribly hungry. I
17:57Hope there's something edible in the fridge. I don't know why you wouldn't know that well get actually no
18:01I've spent hours standing in my own pantry
18:04Just standing there hoping that whatever food I actually want would throw itself at me and it never does
18:14Yeah, oh there is one food in here
18:19Great lasagna
18:22Excellent and one beer and anime boobs
18:30Everything a man needs
18:33That was too quick for lasagna, let me tell you lasagna that shit takes a long time to cook
18:41I don't know what the thermal capacity of lasagna is, but it's high
18:44Thank You anime boobs. Now. I need to take a shower after that meal hoof. Oh, I also have a
18:53that and a can of
18:55That whatever that is and one beer
18:58All right, shower shower meal my showers
19:04Bye who is this?
19:11Check the front door. All right. Thank you
19:17Hi. Oh
19:19How you doing, buddy?
19:25I'm your neighbor upstairs. Well, you were downstairs. So that's weird. Could you lend me some salt?
19:31I'm cooking something right now and as luck would have it. I'm out of salt
19:36Yeah, I'll bring it right now just gonna leave my door open
19:41Just gonna go get the salt of which I have much
19:46Don't you worry about it's not the door. Don't you worry about a thing?
19:52the salt salt
19:55All right, fine
19:58Hey, I don't have any salt in here. Hey, buddy. Don't have any salt in there. You just hold on hold right on
20:04Don't worry. It's probably in here. No, it's not
20:08salt you say
20:10well, I keep my salt in the
20:13Cupboards, I keep my salt in this fridge. I keep I keep my salt close
20:20Always close salt. I
20:24Have it I have it. Hey, buddy, buddy
20:32I've got a terrible feeling about this. Hey pal
20:37Where is he? He must have gone upstairs. He said he was the apartment upstairs. He must have gone up there boy. It's dark
20:45Okay, well
20:54Better take a shower then
20:56Nothing bad's gonna happen to me now. I'll leave it open just in case he needs to stop on by
21:05Neighbor you're not in there. Are you I
21:11Should have left the bathroom door open, too
21:16Nobody kill me
21:20Now that's the left to take the trash out and I can go to bed sure hope when I open this door nothing is there
21:27Who closed my front door
21:33La la la la la la la la la la
21:39La la la la
21:41La la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la
22:11Also, if you sing like that, nothing can kill you, you become literally invulnerable, and
22:27legally I did not say you become invulnerable, I said invulnerable, which is a word I made
22:32up, that protects me, I'll just slap it in there, good enough, return home, thank you
22:44brain what would I do without you?
22:57Everything's going great I hate this, la la la la la, la la la la la, la la la la la,
23:19is this mine, no, one more, la la la la la, oh good, yes, home sweet home, I'm sure I
23:27will, I'll leave it open, finally I can go to bed, do I have a bed, I don't even have
23:34a bed, is this my bed, good enough, leave all the doors open, hmm, ya ya ya ya ya, I'm
23:56awake, okay, that was weird, that was a lot of sounds to open my eyes, who is it, neighbor
24:14again with his salt, hey, buddy, buddy, that's strange, neighbor, some traces, I know this
24:31from my hunting days, hmm, and they lead to the fifth floor, well, my neighbor projectile
24:41himself or this is blood, well, if he's weakened I can probably kill him, you're not weakened
24:49in here are you, I don't think he's weakened at all, hmm, oh, hmm, yes, yes, yes, good,
25:07yes, this is good, great, neighbor, neighbor, oh, yeah, hmm, oh, yeah, of course, neighbor,
25:19neighbor, neighbor, neighbor, neighbor, neighbor, not enough games where you play the murderer,
25:29bag, key, key, got the key, probably fine, neighbor, neighbor, oh, fuck, oh my God, he's
25:57a fucking killer, he wanted to salt the garbage, he called the cops in fast, I'm sure I'll get out,
26:10let me just consult my brain, return to your apartment, call the police, good idea,
26:14no time to close the door, where did I see a phone, ah, police, fuck, let me dial, fuck,
26:33fuck, fuck, all right, I need to calm down, I need to call 112, no, that's not the right number,
26:49oh, oh, boy, oh, man, I don't want to, I don't want to, I can't move, press tab, oh, no, leave,
27:04what do you mean, leave, brain, come on, get out of me boobs, please, help me, all right,
27:41this has been three scary games, hope you enjoyed it, I did, been a while since we did one of these,
27:46hope to do more, very soon, I'm sure Lixian has something scary for you, or he's just gonna blow
27:52up your brains, don't think too hard about it, don't think too hard at all, the more you use
27:56your brain, the faster it's gonna explode, oh, you're looking a little explodey right there,
27:59well, you better not,